Employees Satisfaction
Employees Satisfaction
Employees Satisfaction
Dramatic advances of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), changing mix and
personal values of the workforce, emergence of the knowledge economy and increasing global
competition have created enormous challenges on organizations. To cope with the challenges
efficiently, human resource has been considered as one of the most important factors in today’s hyper-
competitive market place. In the context of a developing economy like Bangladesh, where the need for
formation of capital is pressing, where developments in the field of industrial and bank management
are dynamic, and where financial crises accompanying pangs of economic growth are frequent, the
challenges posed by HRM are great importance; and, as a sequel, exploring the possibilities of the
application of HRM becomes a very relevant field of enquiry and research. Beerdwell et. al. (1984)
defined HRM as a strategic approach to the management of human resources that involves all
management decisions and actions that affect the relationship between the organization and
employees. Beardwell et al., (2004) regard HRM as the philosophy, policies, procedures, and practices
related to the management of people within an organization. Senyucel’s (2009) sees HRM as a
combination of people-centered management practices that recognizes employees as assets and geared
to creating and maintaining skilful and committed workforce for achieving organizational goals. HRM
is a distinctive approach to employment management which seeks to achieve competitive advantage
through the strategic development of a highly committed and capable workforce using an integrated
array of cultural, structural and personnel techniques (Storey, 2001). Human resource measurement is
about valuing the contribution people make to the success of an organization, and the term ‘human
capital’ describes the contribution made by human skills and knowledge to the production of goods
and services (Becker, 1993). From these definitions, it is clear that efficient HRM practices are
inevitable factor in determining the growth and prospects of any organization. Human resource is the
most precious asset and delicate factor of production. In this global competitive world, it is necessary
to retain skilled workers in the organization by efficient HRM practices. Every organization operates
its activities with the support of human resource which includes top level managers, executives,
supervisors and other employees. The overall performance of any organization depends upon the
extent to which human resource is effectively utilized. Highlighting the importance of people in
organization, Khera (1999) opined that today when most business houses are obsessed with Total
Quality Management (TQM) in order to stay ahead of competition, very few organizations realize that
their most precious assets are their employees. Due to lack of efficient HRM practices reduces
employee’s satisfaction towards their organization and ultimately that affects their commitment to the
Human resource management (HRM) is considered a critical organizational resource that
helps an organization sustain its effectiveness. It is one important area that influences a number of
employees' attitudes and behavior such as intent to leave, levels of job satisfaction, and organizational
commitment (Lee & Heard, 2000). Pfeffer (1998) suggested that soft or high commitment human
resource management practices are those that generate trust in employees and these practices include
giving employees empowerment and involvement in decision making; extensive communication about
functioning and performance of the employees service; designing training for skills and personal
development of employees; selective hiring; team-working where idea are pooled and creative
solutions are encouraged; rewards system that commensurate with effort; reduction of status between
the management and staff and all workers are valued regardless of their role. According to Macky &
Boxall (2007), the scientific literature assumes a causal link flowing from HRM practices to
organizational performance via the responses of employees. Organizations that do not pay equitably
compared to others may lose their employee’s because of the non-competitive compensation package
(Adams, 1965). According to Lawler (2005), society has entered a new era in the relationship between
organizations and their employees. In this new era, people are the primary source for a company’s
competitive advantage and organizational prosperity and survival depends on how employees are
treated. The ‘human’ aspect of HRM is concerned with the relationship between employer and
employee and it associated with the human relations movement and the concept of high commitment
work practices developed by (Walton, 1985).
The best Human Resource practices areas are recruitment and selection, socialization, job
design, training, communication/participation, career development, performance management,
employee reward and job security (Huselid, 1995). It is plausible that when employees judge the
organization to be fair and supportive in their treatment particularly with regards to the availability and
frequency of promotional opportunities, adequacy of pay and good supervision, positive feelings of
well being will be created, which is likely to stimulate that to reciprocate by increasing their loyalty to
the organization and reducing turnover (Nasurdin et. al., 2001). The motivation and opportunity
focused bundles of Human Resource practices positively related to affective commitment and
negatively related to turnover (Gardner et. al., 2007). Wayne et. al. (1997) suggested that HRM
practices that signaled the organization's intentions to invest in employees (such as developmental
On the basis of the various factors affecting on HRM practices, the following hypotheses are
developed for the study:-
H1: Employees’ are satisfied on “Recruitment and selection systems”.
H2: Employees’ are satisfied on “Compensation package”.
H3: Employees’ are satisfied on “Job security”.
H4: Employees’ are satisfied on “Career growth”.
H5: Employees’ are satisfied on “Training and development”.
H6: Employees’ are satisfied on “Management style”.
H7: Employees’ are satisfied on “Job design and responsibilities”.
H8: Employees’ are satisfied on “Reward and motivation”.
H9: Employees’ are satisfied on “Working environment”.
Human Resource Management (HRM) Practices and Employees’ Satisfaction towards Private 55
Banking Sector in Bangladesh
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