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This technology is only under developmental phase,
although many implants have already been made on the human brain
for experimental purposes. Let’s take a look at this developing
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Fig-1: A picture of Jose Delgado controlling a bull with the “stimoceiver”
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trot docilely away. He has [also] been able to “play” monkeys and cats like
“little electronic toys” that yawn, hide, fight, play, mate and go to sleep on
command. The individual is defenseless against direct manipulation of the
brain [Delgado, Physical Control].
Neural Networks:
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are especially effective at recognizing patterns, classifying data, and
processing noisy signals. They possess a distributed associative memory
which gives it the ability to learn and generalize, i.e., adapt with experience.
The study of artificial neural networks has also added to the data
required to create brain chips. They crudely mimic the fundamental properties
of the brain. Researchers are working in both the biological and engineering
fields to further decipher the key mechanisms of how man learns and reacts to
everyday experiences.
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In Munich, the Max Planck team is taking a revolutionary
approach: interfacing the nerves and silicon directly. "I think we are the only
group doing this," Fromherz said.
Fig-2: The Max Planck Institute grew this 'snail' neuron atop an Infineon
Technologies CMOS device that measures the neuron's electrical activity,
linking chips and living cells.
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Brain “Pacemakers”:
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Fig-3: Computer chip model of neural function for implanted brain protheses
Retinomorphic Chips:
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discovering that the brain's underlying structure is much simpler than the
behaviors, insights, and feelings it incites. That is because our brains, unlike
desktop computers, constantly change their own connections to revamp the
way they process information. "We now have microscopes that can see
individual connections between neurons. They show that the brain can retract
connections and make new ones in minutes. The brain deals with complexity
by wiring itself up on the fly, based on the activity going on around it,"
Boahen says. That helps explain how three pounds of neurons, drawing hardly
any more power than a night-light, can perform all the operations associated
with human thought.
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Fig-4: This artificial eye contains working electronic versions of the
four types of ganglion cells in the retina. The cumbersome array of
electronics and optics surrounds an artificial retina, which is just
one-tenth of an inch wide.
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Fig-5: Glass cone implants
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Scientists say they have developed a technology that enables a
monkey to move a cursor on a computer screen simply by thinking about it.…
Using high-tech brain scans, the researchers determined that small clump of
cells…were active in the formation of the desire to carry out specific body
movements. Armed with this knowledge, [researchers at the California
Institute of Technology in Pasadena] implanted sensitive electrodes in the
posterior parietal cortex of a rhesus monkey trained to play a simple video
game.… A computer program, hooked up to the implanted electrodes,…then
moved a cursor on the computer screen in accordance with the monkey’s
desires — left or right, up or down, wherever “the electrical (brain) patterns
tells us the monkey is planning to reach,” according to [researcher Daniella]
Meeker. [Dr. William Heetderks, director of the neural prosthesis program at
the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke,] believes that the
path to long-lasting implants in people would involve the recording of data
from many electrodes. “To get a rich signal that allows you to move a limb in
three-dimensional space or move a cursor around on a screen will require the
ability to record from at least 30 neurons,” he said.
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1) It will increase the dynamic range of senses, enabling, for
example, seeing IR, UV, and chemical spectra;
2) It will enhance memory;
3) It will enable "cyberthink" — invisible communication with
others when making decisions, and
4) It will enable consistent and constant access to information
where and when it is needed.
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hearing will detect softer and higher and lower pitched sounds, enhanced
smell will intensify our ability to discern scents, and an amplified sense of
touch will enable discernment of environmental stimuli like changes in
barometric pressure. These capacities would change the "normal" for humans,
and would be of exceptional application in situations of danger, especially in
battle. As the numbers of enhanced humans increase, today's normal range
might be seen as subnormal, leading to the medicalization of another area of
life. Thus, substantial questions revolve around whether there should be any
limits placed upon modifications of essential aspects of the human species.
Although defining human nature is notoriously difficult, man's rational powers
have traditionally been viewed as his claim to superiority and the center of
personal identity. Changing human thoughts and feeling might render the
continued existence of the person problematical. If one accepts, as most
cognitive scientists do, "the materialist assertion that mind is an emergent
phenomenon from complex matter, cybernetics may one day provide the same
requisite level of complexity as a brain." On the other hand, not all
philosophers espouse the materialist contention and use of these technologies
certainly will impact discussions about the nature of personal identity, and the
traditional mind-body problem. Modifying the brain and its powers could
change our psychic states, altering both the self-concept of the user, and our
understanding of what it means to be human. The boundary between me "the
physical self" and me "the perceptory/intellectual self" could change as the
ability to perceive and interact expands far beyond what can be done with
video conferencing. The boundaries of the real and virtual worlds may blur,
and a consciousness wired to the collective and to the accumulated knowledge
of mankind would surely impact the individual's sense of self. Whether this
would lead to bestowing greater weight to collective responsibilities and
whether this would be beneficial are unknown.
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Changes in human nature would become more pervasive if the
altered consciousness were that of children. In an intensely competitive
society, knowledge is often power. Parents are driven to provide the very best
for their children. Will they be able to secure implants for their children, and if
so, how will that change the already unequal lottery of life? Standards for
entrance into schools, gifted programs and spelling bees – all would be
affected. The inequalities produced might create a demand for universal
coverage of these devices in health care plans, further increasing costs to
society. However, in a culture such as ours, with different levels of care
available on the basis of ability to pay, it is plausible to suppose that implanted
brain chips will be available only to those who can afford a substantial
investment, and that this will further widen the gap between the haves and the
have-not. A major anxiety should be the social impact of implementing a
technology that widens the divisions not only between individuals, and
genders, but also, between rich and poor nations. As enhancements become
more widespread, enhancement becomes the norm, and there is increasing
social pressure to avail oneself of the "benefit." Thus, even those who initially
shrink from the surgery may find it becomes a necessity, and the consent part
of "informed consent” would become subject to manipulation.
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The most frightening implication of this technology is the grave
possibility that it would facilitate totalitarian control of humans. In a prescient
projection of experimental protocols, George Annas writes of the "project to
implant removable monitoring devices at the base of the brain of neonates in
three major teaching hospitals....The devices would not only permit us to
locate all the implantees at any time, but could be programmed in the future to
monitor the sound around them and to play subliminal messages directly to
their brains." Using such technology governments could control and monitor
citizens. In a free society this possibility may seem remote, although it is not
implausible to project usage for children as an early step. Moreover, in the
military environment the advantages of augmenting capacities to create
soldiers with faster reflexes, or greater accuracy, would exert strong pressures
for requiring enhancement. When implanted computing and communication
devices with interfaces to weapons, information, and communication systems
become possible, the military of the democratic societies might require usage
to maintain a competitive advantage. Mandated implants for criminals are a
foreseeable possibility even in democratic societies. Policy decisions will arise
about this usage, and also about permitting usage, if and when it becomes
possible, to affect specific behaviors. A paramount worry involves who will
control the technology and what will be programmed; this issue overlaps with
uneasiness about privacy issues, and the need for control and security of
communication links. Not all the countries of the world prioritize autonomy,
and the potential for sinister invasions of liberty and privacy are alarming.
Nobody seems to intuitively have a problem with implantable devices for the
blind, deaf, and impaired. However, biochips may become a (literal) invasion
of privacy.
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The Applied Digital Solutions "Guardian Angel" chip is
implanted in thousands of household pets. Recently, however, a surgeon
affiliated with the company implanted a chip in his arm and his hip to
demonstrate how people with pacemakers could be scanned from up to 4 feet
Chips for pets haven't raised any hackles. But the idea of
injecting chips in humans disturbs anyone concerned about the shreds of
privacy we still hold. Implantable chips are the penultimate identifier, next to
DNA, which is what makes them scary. The technology isn't there yet, but it
will be. Future proposals to use chips to track prisoners, implantable devices
in the military to enhance the abilities of soldiers, and cyber implants allowing
information workers to communicate with machines will make current
concerns about digital privacy and medical information seem trifling. The
potential for totalitarian mind control may be far fetched, but future biobrain
implants could be like today's digital cable--all those channels, but nothing on.
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prospect of implantable brain chips are hard ones, because the possibilities for
both good and evil are so great. The issues are too significant to leave to
happenstance, computer scientists, or the commercial market. It is vital that
world societies assess this technology and reach some conclusions about what
course they wish to take.
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A researcher at Johns Hopkins University is using a collection
of VLSI chips to confirm new insights into how the neocortex of the human
brain unites information from the senses to create a coherent picture of the
world. Andreas Andreou of the university's Department of Computer Science
and Electrical Engineering has wired the chips together with optoelectronic
connections to build an image-processing module modeled on Boston
University neural theorist Stephen Grossberg's latest insights into brain
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that is driven in part by the environment. Also, in a stroke patient, whose cells
are dying, we need to get surviving neurons to choose to interface with a
silicon chip. We also need to make the neural interface stable, so that walking
around or nodding doesn’t disrupt the connection.
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concerned about the intelligent machine life we are creating, but because we're
human, and it's embedded in our nature to explore, tinker, and create.
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Brain “Pacemakers”
Retinomorphic Chips
At Emory University – The Mental Mouse
The Lab-rat and The Monkey
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chips, the disadvantages and drawbacks of using these prosthetic devices, and
the challenges being faced, which need to be dealt with.
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