Breath by Harold W Percival PDF
Breath by Harold W Percival PDF
Breath by Harold W Percival PDF
of all speech is in Breath. Whence comes the Breath and whither it goes may be learned by following the advice
of the Delphic Oracle: “Man Know Thyself.” THE ZODIAC.
Through man, who is the copy of all this, many kinds of breath are
playing. What is commonly called the physical breath is no breath at all, it
is the act of breathing. The movement of breathing is caused by the
psychic breath which is common to man and animals alike, this breath
holds the life in form. Breath is not nitrogen and oxygen, but these
elements with others are used by the psychic breath to support the body
with certain food. This breath plays many parts and serves many
purposes. When it enters the body at birth it makes the connection
between the life in that body and the ocean of life in which the earth and
the body of man are moving. Once the connection is established this
breath relates the life current without and within the body to the principle
of form, which moulds the fiery current of life into the design and form of
the body. Acting on stomach and liver this breath stimulates in them the
appetites, the passions, and desires. As the wind plays over the strings of
an aeolian harp, so the psychic breath plays over the net-work of nerves in
the body, agitates the mind and leads it in the direction of vagrant
thoughts,thoughts not one’s ownor the dwelling on and carrying out of
the desires suggested by the body.
But the true breath of man is the mind breath and is of a different
nature. It is the instrument through which the incarnating mind works
with the body. This is the breath which affects the thoughts, that is, the
thoughts produced by the mind. This mind breath is the body or the
nascent principle of the mind itself, which the eternal soul of man uses as
its vehicle to make connection with the physical body at birth. When this
breath has entered the body at birth, it establishes the relationship
between the physical body and the ego or “I am” principle. Through it the
ego enters the world, lives in the world, leaves the world, and passes from
incarnation to incarnation. The ego operates and works with the body
through this breath. The constant action and reaction between body and
mind is carried on by this breath. The mind breath underlies the psychic
There is also a spiritual breath, which should control the mind and
psychic breath. The spiritual breath is the creative principle through
which the will becomes operative, controls the mind, and conforms the life
of man to divine ends. This breath is guided by the will in its progress
through the body where it awakens the dead centers, purifies the organs
which were made impure by a sensual life, stimulates the ideals, and calls
into actuality the latent divine possibilities of man.
Underlying all these breaths and supporting them is the Great Breath.
With a rushing vortex-like motion the breath, which is the mind breath,
enters into and surrounds the body at birth with the first gasp. This
entrance of the breath is the beginning of the building up of the
individuality through that earthly human form. There is one center of the
breath within the body and another center outside of the body.
Throughout life there is a tidal ebb and flow between these two centers. At
the time of each physical inbreathing there is a corresponding
outbreathing of the mind breath. Physical, moral, and spiritual health,
depends on the harmonious movement of the breath between these
centers. Should one wish to breathe by any other than the involuntary
movement, care must be taken that the kind and process of breathing
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