Paediatric Tuberculosis: Best Practice

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Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pmj.79.931.272 on 1 May 2003. Downloaded from on October 7, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Paediatric tuberculosis
W Hoskyns

Postgrad Med J 2003;79:272–278

Children are important in the epidemiology of NATURAL HISTORY AND EPIDEMIOLOGY

tuberculosis as a marker of recent disease transmission Analysis of childhood tuberculosis is important
for epidemiological purposes. The normal natural
and a reservoir for the future. Once infected they have a history of an infectious disease from contact to
higher risk of progressing to tuberculous disease. Chest infection to disease is often arrested in tuberculo-
radiography and tuberculin testing with or without tissue sis so there are numerous infected individuals
who contain the bacteria and are asymptomatic.
for culture are still the standard tools for confirming the This containment may fail resulting in disease
diagnosis once this is considered. Well researched often many years after the primary infection. The
treatment protocols are available but multidrug resistant distinction between disease resulting from a
primary infection and reactivation of dormant
tuberculosis and coexistent HIV are a challenge. tuberculosis is difficult so a patient presenting
Ensuring compliance with treatment is a major concern. with disease may have been infected at any time
Controversy still surrounds the place of BCG. Advances in their lives. Tuberculosis in the young therefore
gives an indication of the extent of recent spread
in the molecular genetics of tuberculosis hold out the in the population.
possibility of better vaccines. The approximate time scale for development of
.......................................................................... the various manifestations of tuberculosis is
given in table 1. Children have a higher risk of
progressing from infection to disease than adults

aediatric tuberculosis should be primarily (fig 1) and also have a higher risk of developing
concerned with prevention. By and large in disseminated disease (miliary and meningeal).4
developed countries this is the case and the The reason for this relates to the qualitative and
incidence of tuberculous disease in children (that
is, under 16 years of age) is small.1 A child with quantitative immaturity of the immune system.5
tuberculous disease is an opportunity to analyse Reduced chemotaxis, activation, and antigen
the failings of the preventive system. The presentation by macrophages and reduced spe-
strategies for preventing disease are (in decreas- cificity of T-cell maturation and specific response
ing order of importance): have been documented in young infants—all fac-
(1) Identification and treatment of infectious tors which would predispose to spread of tubercu-
cases. losis within the body. This increase in risk is the
(2) Contact tracing and treatment of non- rationale for treatment of latent infection (or
infectious disease and latent infection. chemoprophylaxis) in children but not in adults.
(3) Vaccination with BCG. In general, post-primary disease with lung
cavities is the infectious form of the disease and is
The natural history of untreated tuberculosis has seen in adults and occasionally teenagers. Tuber-
been well described in the pre-treatment era in culosis in children is usually primary and
the medical literature,2 3 and it is a feature of our paucibacilliary. Transmission of tuberculosis even
literary past such that anyone who coughs in a to close contacts is therefore unlikely. However
period drama can be confidently diagnosed as the recommendation for hospitalised children is
having terminal tuberculosis. to keep them isolated, and particularly to keep
their visitors isolated from other patients as an
undiagnosed relative may be the source case and
an infection risk.6

Table 1 Timetable for development of The main problem with the diagnosis of tubercu-
tuberculosis losis is thinking of it in the first place. This is not
Time from too difficult if there is a history of contact and the
....................... Form of tuberculosis infection to onset patient is from a high risk area or ethnic group. In
Immune conversion 4–8 weeks the absence of these factors the diagnosis is often
Correspondence to:
Dr Wren Hoskyns, Leicester Primary complex 1–3 months delayed. In one case report, of three patients pre-
General Hospital, Local lung complications 3–9 months senting with disseminated tuberculosis, two were
Gwendolen Road, Leicester Pleural effusion (usually teenagers) 3–12 months in white children where the source case (a mother
LE5 4PW, UK; Miliary/meningeal 3 months onwards
Bone 10–36 months
and an aunt) had had undiagnosed respiratory
debra.delbridge@ Skin 5 years onwards symptoms for months before the diagnosis was
Renal 10 years onwards
Submitted 16 August 2002 Secondary breakdown 5 years onwards
Accepted .................................................
25 November 2002 Abbreviations: DOT, directly observed therapy; TU,
....................... tuberculin unit
Paediatric tuberculosis 273

most presentations (but near the bottom of the list). The com-
mon presentations in symptomatic children are:

Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pmj.79.931.272 on 1 May 2003. Downloaded from on October 7, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
• Cough and respiratory symptoms.
• Weight loss and anorexia.
• Fever.
Lymph node enlargement in children is rarely caused by
tuberculosis in UK residents but is worth consideration in
immigrants from high prevalence countries.
All the above symptoms are common in paediatric practice,
but in tuberculosis they are usually gradual in onset over more
than three weeks, unremitting in nature, and increasing in
severity. A history of tuberculosis contact or a relative with a
chronic productive cough is helpful but not always forthcom-
Figure 1 The graph shows otherwise normal tuberculin reactors ing.
who were followed up to assess their subsequent risk of developing Once the suspicion is raised, the mainstay of diagnosis
tuberculosis (data redrawn from a study in Puerto Rico14). remains chest radiography and tuberculin test (see below).
Sputum for culture is rarely positive but is an important con-
sideration to predict infectivity, drug resistance, and for epide-
miological purposes. Direct testing of sputum using polymer-
ase chain reaction techniques has been disappointing8 but
once an organism has been isolated using conventional
culture (2–3 weeks liquid culture or 4–6 weeks solid medium)
it is possible to type the strain and to identify very quickly
known antibiotic resistance genes.9 For most clinical situa-
tions this is still too long to influence initial management
unless the sputum smear is positive.
Clinical practice varies in how aggressively to chase a posi-
tive culture. The factors to bear in mind are:
(1) Culture rates of only 50% even in optimum conditions.10
(2) Better recovery from multiple gastric aspirates compared
with bronchoscopy.10
(3) The likelihood of obtaining a positive sample from a
presumed source case.
Figure 2 Miliary tuberculosis: the lung fields are studded with (4) The clinical condition of the patient.
small opacities of uniform size. (5) The risk of the organism being a non-tuberculous
mycobacterium or resistant.
made in the child.7 In 2001 there was the biggest school out- (6) The need to identify a possible outbreak.
break of tuberculosis recorded in the UK at Crown Hills School In general, the increasing prevalence of drug resistance over
in Leicester. The source case was a white child of 13 who had the last few years and the ability to type strains to plot infec-
had symptoms for almost a year diagnosed as asthma tious pathways has put more emphasis on collecting samples.
(personal observation). Obviously if the presentation is extrapulmonary, biopsy tis-
Tuberculosis may present in almost any organ with such a sue may be obtained and cultured. However most laboratories
variety of symptoms that it is in the differential diagnosis of are selective in putting up tuberculosis cultures so it is not
unusual to be referred a child with a granulomatous lymph
node biopsy and no sample sent for culture.

A number of features may suggest tuberculosis but none is
diagnostic with the exception of miliary tuberculosis (fig 2).
Typical post-primary cavitating tuberculosis is unusual in
children but is occasionally seen in teenagers (fig 3). The most
typical feature is hilar (fig 4) or paratracheal (fig 5) lymphad-
enopathy. This may occur with collapse/consolidation (fig 6),
with localised hyperinflation from partial bronchial obstruc-
tion (fig 7) or, particularly in infants, with bronchopneumonia
(fig 8). In addition, adolescents seem to be particularly prone
to pleural tuberculosis (fig 9). In some cases the interpretation
of the plain chest radiograph may be difficult and a computed
tomogram with contrast may be helpful in deciding whether
enlarged nodes are in fact present and may be demonstrable
even if the chest radiograph is normal.11 The differential diag-
nosis of hilar/paratracheal enlargement in a child is mainly
between other infective causes (for example, mycoplasma)
Figure 3 Post-primary tuberculosis: the right upper lobe is very and neoplastic change (T-cell lymphoma, neuroblastoma),
abnormal with areas of collapse/consolidation and multiple sarcoidosis being extremely rare in childhood. In most cases
radiolucent cavities. This 15 year old patient was smear positive. there is little confusion because of the clinical context but
274 Hoskyns

Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pmj.79.931.272 on 1 May 2003. Downloaded from on October 7, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Figure 4 Hilar tuberculosis: there is a prominent node in the left
hilum of the lung. Figure 6 Collapse/consolidation: there is a large right hilar mass
with collapse consolidation of the lateral segment of the right middle
lobe. There is also a small right pleural effusion.

Figure 7 Partial bronchial obstruction: there is a large right hilar

and superior mediastinal mass with shadowing in the right upper
Figure 5 Paratracheal tuberculosis: there is a right paratracheal zone. The trachea and main bronchi are distorted and there is
swelling the normal distance between the trachea and the right lung hyperinflation of the right lower zone.
being about 1 cm.

occasionally further investigations or a trial of anti-

tuberculosis treatment are necessary.

The tuberculin test is not ideal and like most clinical tests has
to be interpreted in context.
The test measures the skin reaction to intradermal purified
protein derivative. The usual methods of administration in
this country are the Heaf and the Mantoux tests with a grade
2 Heaf equivalent to 5 mm induration from a 5 tuberculin unit
(TU) Mantoux.12 The nomenclature for Mantoux tests is
somewhat confusing. The terms 1 in 1000 and 1 in 10 000 (for
100 and 10 TU/ml respectively) are best avoided. The standard
test is 0.1 ml of 100 TU/ml (that is, 10 TU) but in situations
where a strong reaction is likely 1 TU is given. In the USA 5 TU
is the standard strength. The cut off for a positive test is also
variable and US guidance gives 5, 10, or 15 mm as the critical
size depending on the degree of risk.13 When measuring at
48–72 hours it is the diameter of induration that is recorded
Figure 8 Tuberculosis bronchopneumonia: there is widespread
not the extent of any erythema. This is done by palpation (and blotchy airspace shadowing; the child is intubated.
if necessary marking the edge with a ballpoint pen) and
measuring in two planes at right angles. The larger the Man-
toux result the more likely the patient is to already have or go strengths of tuberculin and cut off points advocated. This is
on to develop tuberculous disease.14 At smaller levels of particularly the case where non-tuberculous mycobacterial
reaction, distinguishing tuberculosis infection from “normal” infection (including BCG vaccination) is common. Although
is difficult so it is not surprising that there is a variation in there is a suggestion that small reactions on Mantoux testing
Paediatric tuberculosis 275

for pulmonary tuberculous disease19 and probably for localised

extrapulmonary disease, assuming good compliance, but all

Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pmj.79.931.272 on 1 May 2003. Downloaded from on October 7, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
patients on antituberculosis treatment should be under a cli-
nician with experience in tuberculosis care.20 Three drug
treatment H6R6Z2 (numbers indicate length of treatment in
months) or H6R6E2 is standard if the risk of drug resistance is
low but four or more drugs are indicated with an individual-
ised regimen if it is high.21 Treatment of multiple drug resist-
ant tuberculosis is beyond the scope of this article but the
principles are the same; treatment with an adequate number
of drugs to which the organism is sensitive, ensuring compli-
ance with treatment, monitoring for complications, and
prevention of cross infection.
There are a variety of regimens for treatment of latent
infections (otherwise described as chemoprophylaxis). In the
UK treatment is recommended for asymptomatic children
under the age of 16 with a positive tuberculin test.21 In the US
the age cut off is 35 years.22 Nine months of isoniazid
Figure 9 Pleural tuberculosis: there is a large left pleural effusion
with some mediastinal shift.
treatment is effective23 but there is a search for shorter
regimens to improve compliance. Six months of isoniazid has
a higher relapse rate and two months of pyrazinamide/
rifampicin is effective but there have been reports of liver
Table 2 Interpretation of tuberculin tests
toxicity.24 In the UK rifampicin and isoniazid for three months
False positive False negative is recommended. Although there are no randomised trials of
Faulty technique: administration/reading Faulty technique:
efficacy it seems to be safe,25 and there is extensive experience
administration/reading of both drugs. Pyridoxine to counteract the peripheral
Previously treated tuberculosis Overwhelming tuberculosis neuropathy of isoniazid is not necessary unless the child is
Other mycobacterial infection Infants malnourished, preterm, or a breastfed infant. Given the
BCG Very recently acquired
infection (<8 weeks)
prolonged nature of the treatment and the importance of
Immunosuppression: HIV, compliance the fewer medications prescribed the better.
steroids/cytotoxic agents, Adverse reactions to medication (liver failure being the
leukaemia/lymphoma most significant) are rare in children. Mild rises in transami-
nases are not uncommon but significant liver toxicity is more
measles/chickenpox, live likely in those who are malnourished or severely unwell at
vaccines diagnosis. The other group of children at risk are those on
concurrent medication, most commonly anticonvulsants.
Cases reported in the adult literature that have developed liver
failure have usually had unrecognised symptoms for some
time,26 and if diagnosed early the features improve on stopping
may be protective,15 it is best to regard a Mantoux test as an medication. My personal practice is not to check liver function
indicator of risk of disease rather than evidence of immunity. routinely before or during treatment unless the patient is in a
My own practice is to use 10 TU as standard, but to use 1 TU high risk group. However patients and parents should be
with a 5 mm cut off after BCG (which in the local population warned of potential side effects and given contact telephone
I deal with includes most patients). This has been shown to numbers to the tuberculosis service in case they are
give a reasonable differentiation in tuberculous disease16 and concerned. Perhaps surprisingly this support is rarely abused.
an acceptably low rate of false negative responses 17 Introduction of drugs one at a time at low dose and increasing
A list of causes of false positive and false negative Mantoux with close monitoring may be necessary if the risk of liver
responses is given in table 2. Because of the difficulties of toxicity is high.
interpreting tuberculin tests there is considerable interest in
finding a more specific test of tuberculous infection. Tests COMBINED TUBERCULOSIS/HIV INFECTION
using lymphocytes from peripheral blood have given encour- Tuberculosis and HIV are synergistic, replication of each being
aging results.18 The lymphocytes are exposed to tuberculous enhanced by the other. Co-infection is a huge problem in
antigen and, in infected individuals, competent T-cells produce much of the developing world particularly sub-Saharan
interferon-γ which can be measured. The test can distinguish Africa. In the UK the overlap is small, mainly seen in drug
tuberculosis from BCG and may revert to negative after abusers and immigrants from high prevalence areas. The lat-
adequate treatment. However, because of the complexity and ter provide most cases in the paediatric age group. The
expense of this and similar tests they are unlikely to replace management of these cases is highly specialised and well cov-
the tuberculin skin test completely. ered elsewhere.27
The key points are:
(1) As with tuberculosis in HIV negative patients, most of the
The list of drugs with activity against tuberculosis includes
data on treatment are in adults but the results are generally
isoniazid (H), rifampicin (R), ethambutol (E), and pyrazina-
applicable to children.
mide (Z) as first line drugs and ciprofloxicin, clarithromycin,
cycloserine, para-amino salicylate (PAS), prothionamide, (2) The differential diagnosis of tuberculosis with HIV is much
streptomycin (or amikacin) as second line. Notes on first line wider, encompassing opportunistic infections including non-
drugs are given in table 3. tuberculous mycobacteria.
There have been numerous treatment studies but relatively (3) Drug interactions between rifampicin and both protease
few in children. However, much of the work in adults is prob- inhibitors and non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors
ably applicable to children with appropriate dosing changes are inevitable and alternative tuberculosis therapy may be
and precautions. A six month course of treatment is sufficient necessary if these drugs are to be used.
276 Hoskyns

Table 3 Antituberculosis drugs

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Drug (mg/kg/day) Side effects

Isoniazid 5–10 Resistance not uncommon, hepatitis, peripheral neuropathy in risk groups
Rifampicin 10–20 Microsomal enzyme induction leading to drug interactions, colours urine,
hepatitis, flu-like syndrome (vomiting, fever, myalgia), skin rash
Pyrazinamide 20–35 Hepatitis, uricaemia, arthralgia
Ethambutol 15–25 Retrobulbar neuritis. Contraindicated in children <5 years who cannot
report eye symptoms

The trick of ensuring compliance is to make the family and

child believe that taking the medication is the easiest option.
For most parents understanding the nature of the treatment,
and an awareness of the monitoring is enough. However, for
some families their chaotic lifestyle or hostility to authority
make directly observed therapy (DOT) essential. There are
validated regimens for three times weekly treatment that can
be supervised by a combination of school, district, tuberculo-
sis, and paediatric community nursing services.28 The local
practice is only to initiate treatment with DOT if there are
obvious concerns or a past history of defaulting and to convert
to DOT if poor compliance is discovered at a later stage. This is
partly pragmatic as DOT is very labour intensive.

There has been ongoing debate about the effectiveness of BCG
vaccination for a number of years. Effectiveness in different
studies varies between zero and 80%.29 Partly because of this,
BCG policies in different countries vary between no immuni-
sation (US), high risk immunisation at birth with universal
immunisation at 13 (UK), universal neonatal immunisation
Figure 10 Comparison of urine from two patients, one taking and (Indian subcontinent and much of Africa), and multiple
one not taking rifampicin. immunisation (much of Eastern Europe).
BCG seems more effective in trials in temperate rather than
(4) Standard length tuberculosis treatment is usually ad- tropical areas. A theory to explain the variability of BCG has
equate. been proposed based on the immunity generated by naturally
occurring soil mycobacteria, more prevalent in the tropics,
(5) Paradoxical deterioration on treatment is not uncommon which may be enough to nullify any additional effect of
as the immune response recovers. BCG.30
Proponents of BCG will point to the fact that it is extremely
safe31 and that it has a definite effect in reducing disseminated
Most people given a one week course of antibiotics will fail to (and life threatening) forms of tuberculosis32 even if results
complete it. Ensuring reasonable compliance with a 3–6 overall are inconclusive. Opponents counter that the benefit of
month course of treatment is a major challenge especially BCG is marginal and it increases reactions on tuberculin
when the patient is asymptomatic for much of that time. There testing33 making identification of infected individuals more
are a number of ways of assessing compliance with treatment difficult. Universal neonatal BCG is also potentially dangerous
including a history from the child. Children of 5 years and over for those rare newborn infants with severe combined
can respond to questions like “do you take your medicine immunodeficiency or other congenital T-cell abnormalities.
every day” and “what colour are the medicines you take”. Immunisation at 12–13 years in the UK is a continuation of
Younger children can often indicate answers to more directive the protocol from the national BCG trials of 50 years ago and
questions. The answers can be correlated with the parents’ is not logical given the increased susceptibility of young chil-
responses to assess consistency. On the whole, children under dren. If BCG is to be given, it makes sense to give it soon after
10 try to answer directly and truthfully whereas teenagers are birth and protect the group who are at greatest risk of
more likely to assess the implications of the question before disseminated disease. The length of time BCG protects for is
framing a response. not known. In the Medical Research Council study there was
Checking urine at every clinic visit for the red colouration of diminution of the effectiveness of BCG from 80% to 59% after
rifampicin is standard practice (fig 10). However the colour 10–15 years,29 but in the longer term there are no good data.
disappears after a few hours, which may be a problem with Alternatives to BCG have been sought, so far without effect,
afternoon clinics. In addition if too much attention is focused but the sequencing of the genome of tuberculosis raises the
on the urine result, non-compliant patients may take their possibility of DNA and subunit vaccines.34 The difficulties of
medication only on clinic days. devising and testing antigens or bacteria that will provide
Home visits, announced or unannounced, by the tuberculo- immunity against a facultative intracellular organism with the
sis nurses are valuable in assessing the home situation and ability to remain dormant for years are not to be underesti-
making a judgment about the likelihood of defaulting from mated.
treatment. Good communication between the hospital team,
general practitioner, and tuberculosis nurses is essential. It is CONCLUSION
also possible to do tablet counts and check prescription Tuberculosis is much less common in the UK than in past
records. generations and rates in children are low. However there is no
Paediatric tuberculosis 277

Further reading • Immunodepression

• Immunosuppression

Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pmj.79.931.272 on 1 May 2003. Downloaded from on October 7, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
• Rose AMC, Watson JM, Graham C, et al. Tuberculosis at Q4. You see a child in clinic with a positive Mantoux test and
the end of the 20th century in England and Wales: results an abnormal chest radiograph. What factors would make you
of a national survey in 1998. Thorax 2001;56:173–9.
admit the child to attempt a bacteriological diagnosis rather
• Kampmann B Young D. Childhood tuberculosis: advances
in immunopathogenesis, treatment and prevention. Curr than starting treatment there and then?
Opin Inf Dis 1998;11:331–5. • Lack of a known source case
• Lalvani A, Pathan AA, McShane H, et al. Rapid detection of
• Parenchymal lung disease or cavitation
Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection by enumeration of
antigen-specific T cells. Am J Respir Crit Care Med • Recent immigrant from high risk area for drug resistance
2001;163:824–8. • Known HIV positive
• Joint Tuberculosis Committee of the British Thoracic Society.
Chemotherapy and management of tuberculosis in the • Part of a cluster of tuberculosis cases
United Kingdom: recommendations 1998. Thorax Q5. What methods can be used for assessing compliance with
1998;53:536–48. treatment?
• Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Targeted
tuberculin testing and treatment of latent tuberculosis infec- • History from child and carer
tion. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2000;49(RR6):1–55. • Urine colouration
• Pill/prescription counts
• Home visits

This is the US government division of tuberculosis elimination 1 Rose AMC, Watson JM, Graham C, et al. Tuberculosis at the end of the
which has a variety of guidelines and updates. Also the 20th century in England and Wales: results of a national survey in 1998.
Thorax 2001;56:173–9.
related which gives access to 2 Miller FJW. Tuberculosis in children. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone,
the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 1982: chapter 1.
• 3 Myers JA, Bearman JE, Dixon HG. The natural history of tuberculosis in
World Health Organisation website about tuberculosis. the human body. V. Prognosis among tuberculin-reactor children from
birth to 5 years of age. Am Rev Respir Dis 1963;87:354–69.
4 Beaven PW. An analysis of tuberculosis infection from birth to old age:
its relationship to clinical tuberculosis and deaths from tuberculosis.
room for complacency as there are threats in the form of high Diseases of the Chest 1950;17:280–92.
5 Smith S, Jacobs RF, Wilson CB. Immunobiology of childhood
rates in much of the developing world with high rates of HIV tuberculosis: a window on the ontogeny of cellular immunity. J Pediatr
co-infection. Drug resistance, mainly as a result of inadequate 1997;131:16–26.
treatment, is also on the increase. In addition, the diagnosis of 6 George RH, Gully PR, Gill ON, et al. An outbreak of tuberculosis in a
clinical tuberculosis is more difficult if the incidence is low. children’s hospital. J Hosp Infect 1986;8:129–42.
7 Walia R, Hoskyns W. Tuberculous meningitis in children: problem to be
The HIV epidemic has led to a vast body of research into the addressed effectively with thorough contact tracing. Eur J Pediatr
human immune response to disease, which has the potential 2000;159:535–8.
to create new avenues for prevention and treatment of tuber- 8 Smith KC, Starke JR, Eisenach K, et al. Detection of Mycobacterium
tuberculosis in clinical specimens from children using a polymerase chain
culosis. Sequencing the tuberculosis genome may ultimately reaction. Pediatrics 1996;97:155–60.
lead to a better understanding of how and why the organism 9 Drobniewski FA, Pozniak AL. Molecular diagnosis, detection of drug
causes disease and raises the possibility of developing a more resistance and epidemiology of tuberculosis. Br J Hosp Med
efficacious vaccine than BCG. The control of tuberculosis still 10 Abadco DL, Steiner P. Gastric lavage is better than bronchoalveolar
relies on a high index of suspicion to make the diagnosis and lavage for isolation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in childhood
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REVISION QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 12 British Tuberculosis Association. A single tuberculin test for
Q1. In what ways does the spectrum of paediatric tuberculous epidemiological use: comparison of four tests. Tubercule
disease differ from that of adults? 13 American Thoracic Society. Diagnostic standards and classification of
• Higher risk of disseminated disease tuberculosis. Am Rev Respir Dis 1990;142:725–35.
14 Comstock GW, Livesay VT, Woolpert SF. The prognosis of a positive
• Higher risk of pleural effusion in teenagers tuberculin reaction in childhood and adolescence. Am J Epidemiol
• Lower risk of cavitatory (infectious) disease 15 Fine PEM, Sterne JAC, Ponnighaus JM, et al. Delayed-type
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priate for a child but not for an adult? 16 Karalliedde S, Katugaha LP, Uragoda CG. Tuberculin response of Sri
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is higher 18 Lalvani A, Pathan AA, McShane H, et al. Rapid detection of
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tion) practice 2000. Thorax 2000;55:887–901.
21 Joint Tuberculosis Committee of the British Thoracic Society.
• Faulty reading (wrong time, use of erythema not indura- Chemotherapy and management of tuberculosis in the United Kingdom:
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22 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.Targeted tuberculin 29 Medical Research Council. Tuberculosis Vaccines Clinical Trials
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23 Comstock GW. How much isoniazid is needed for prevention of TB 1972;46:371–85.
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IMAGES IN MEDICINE....................................................................................
Iatrogenic harlequin syndrome

horacoscopic sympathectomy is a safe, effective, minimally invasive treatment for primary

A 29 year old man with severe facial hyperhidrosis underwent an uncomplicated right thora-
coscopic sympathectomy. Before operating on his left side, a starch-iodine preparation was
applied to his face in order to demarcate residual sudomotor function. The preparation becomes
blue on exposure to moisture, thereby representing residual sweat gland activity.
Figure 1 demonstrates that sympathetic innervation to the face is strictly unilateral, and
nerve fibres do not appear to cross the midline. This is essentially an iatrogenic variation of the
harlequin syndrome,2 which usually results from interruption of post-ganglionic sympathetic
fibres secondary to malignant invasion.
His facial hyperhidrosis was completely treated once the contralateral sympathectomy was

M C Swan, M Nicolaou, T R F Paes

Hillingdon Vascular Unit, Hillingdon Hospital, Pield Heath Road, Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 3NN,UK;

1 Lin TS, Fang HY. Transthoracic endoscopic sympathectomy in the treatment of palmar
hyperhidrosis—with emphasis on perioperative management (1,360 case analyses). Surg Neurol
2 Montigiani A, Cencetti S, Bandinelli G, et al. The “harlequin sign”. Case description and review of
the literature. Ann Ital Med Int 1998;13:173–5.

Figure 1 Starch-iodine preparation

applied to patient’s face (published with
patient’s permission).

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