Case Study 4
Case Study 4
Case Study 4
System Input
Patient’s personal information (at or before appointment time) Capstone Case: New
Century Wellness Group Tegan Hatch o Includes Name, address, phone number,
employment, insurance
Patient History includes current medications, medical history, lab results, etc.
System Output
Information for Billing/Insurance Claims o this would include the patients name, address,
and insurance information as well as coded procedures for visits or labs.
Procedure to Codes o makes sure that each procedure is assigned the appropriate billing
Medication Cross Checking o Double checks to make sure that medications prescribed by a
doctor do not conflict with other medications. Would produce a pop-up that shows the
doctor the conflict and allows for over-ride if the doctor still feels it’s the best option
The system must provide information quickly and cleanly Control Examples
The system must require a log-in to protect patient confidentiality. This also allows for
tracking who makes what changes Questionnaire
(a) easy
(b) Very easy
(c) difficult
(d) Very difficult
5. What is level of difficulty when you provide our clinic with your insurance information ?
(a) Easy
(b) Very easy
(c) Difficult
(d) Very difficult