History Of: Ferroelectrics
History Of: Ferroelectrics
History Of: Ferroelectrics
History of Ferroelectrics
Table I. ImportantEvents in Ferroelectricity
1920-1930 RochelleSaltperiod:discovery of ferroelectricity
1930-1940 KDP age: Thermodynamic and atomistic models of
1940-1950 Early barium titanate era: High-K capacitors developed
1950-1960 Period of proliferation: Many new ferroelectrics
1960-1970 Age of high science: Soft modes and order parameters
1970-1980 Age of diversification: Ferroics, electrooptics,
1980-1990 Age of integration: Packages, composites, and integrated
199CL2000 Age of miniaturizaion: Size effects, manipulatedmodes
and diDoles
sole object for study. It seems perhaps reasonable to term this the early
Rochelle Salt period. In 1935 the agonies of working with this unstable
complex crystal were partially relieved by the discovery of ferroelectrici-
ty in thepotassiumdihydrogenphosphatefamily.These were easier,
more symmetric crystals to work with, but with ferroelectricity confined
to temperatures below -150°C. We have termed the decade from 1930 to
1940 the intermediate KDP period.
After 1940, in thepostperovskiteera, it appearsthatthedevelop-
ments fall rather neatly into four decade-long periods. The barium titan-
ate period, 1940 to 1950, occurred when the major experimental features
of this fascinating crystal were first studied, and the capacitor and trans-
ducer applications for ceramic BaTi03 were firmly established. The years
1950 to 1960 were a period of rapid proliferation in the number of known
ferroelectrics. Over this period, the number of known ferroelectrics grew
from Rochelle Salt, KDP, and three or four ferroelectric perovskites in
1950 to twenty-five firmly established familiesof ferroelectrics, more than
twentydefiniteperovskitecompounds,andinnumerable solid solutions
in the early 1960s.
Perhaps the most significant theoretical development in ferroelectric-
ity occurred in 1960 with the formulation of theelegantsoft-modede-
scription of the ferroelectric transition made almost simultaneously and
independently by CochranandAnderson.Thisdynamicalphenomen-
ological description provided the vital link whereby the static pbenome-
nologies of Mueller and Devonshire could be interconnected with tracta-
ble atomisticdescriptionsthroughtheelementaryexcitations of the
crystal lattice.
Over the 1960 to 1970 period the full weight of the information from
inelasticneutron,Raman,Brillouin,and Rayleigh scattering,together
with NMR, NQR, and EPR wherever appropriate,was brought to bear in
verifyingandextendingthesoft-modedescription. Truly anera of
“high”scientificendeavorduring which ferroelectrics evolved in the
solid state physics community from crystallographers’ toys to the pivotal
prototypes for the description of displacive solid-solid phase transitions.
Subsequentproblemsassociated with centralpeaks in the Raman
and neutron scattering data and the escalating interestin critical phenom-
ena and scaling indices, tempts one flippantly to term the era of the 70s
that of “hardening of the modes.” This would, however, be a gross in-
justice to what continues to be a primary tool for studying phase transi-
tions. Rather, we believe that the decade of the 70s may turn out to be a
key period of diversification in which the thinking whichevolvedwith
considerable refinement for simple proper ferroelectrics was applied to
other mimetically twinned ferroic crystals, and the concept of dynamical
modeinstabilities, which have proved so fruitful in understanding the
onset of the static displacementsystems in ferroelectricdomainstruc-
tures, wereapplied toan ever-widening spectrum of solid statephase
During the ageof diversification, a number of interesting practical de-
velopments took place as well. Investigations of doped BaTi03 led to the
discovery of a remarkable change in resistance at the Curie point. PTCR
thermistors are now used widely as self-regulating heating devices.
At present we are in the midstof the age of integration, in which
many electroceramic components are being incorporated into thick-film
circuits, thin-film circuits, or multilayer packages. Capacitors, transduc-
ers, and electrooptic switches made from ferroelectric ceramics and crys-
tals are among these circuit elements. Looking ahead, it seems obvious
that further miniaturization will take place. Many of the techniques devel-
oped for semiconductor crystals will be applied to ferroelectrics.
Clearly, in a short paper of this type it is not at all possible to do jus-
tice to the many scientists and engineers who contributedto the develop-
ment of ferroelectrics. Only major highlights can be touched on and, in
drawing out these highlights, personal bias is hard to avoid. However,
for the basic science, the published record is generally available and the
credit already properly apportioned.
The second goal in this presentation is to predict the future of ferro-
electric ceramics, and to unravel an evolving technology of this type; an
even more difficult task. But, as Lincoln once said, “The world will little
note nor long remember what we said here.”
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