El Sawy 2016
El Sawy 2016
El Sawy 2016
Up-to-date tools for risk assessment before allogeneic
hematopoietic cell transplantation
M Elsawy1,2 and ML Sorror1,3
Cure of malignant and non-malignant hematological diseases is potentially possible after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell
transplantation (HCT). Accurate evaluation of the risk–benefit ratio for an individual patient could improve the decision-making
process about transplant, which ultimately would increase the likelihood of success. Several transplant-related models were
designed in an effort to optimize decision-making about suitable candidates for allogeneic HCT. In 1998, The European Society for
Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) developed a five-component pretransplantation risk scoring system for patients with
CML. The EBMT score was later tested in patients with various hematological disorders, and it was shown to stratify risks of mortality
after allogeneic HCT. More recent research efforts focused on models that assess health status before HCT. A HCT-specific
comorbidity index was designed to assign weights to 17 relevant comorbidities that were shown to independently predict non-
relapse mortality. Performance status scales and comprehensive geriatric assessment tools might uncover additional overall health
limitations that affect long-term survival among older recipients of allogeneic HCT. Other models include the pretransplantation
assessment of mortality score that summarizes the impacts of eight different pretransplantation patient- and disease-specific
variables into a 50-point model that predicts survival. The disease-risk index captures the impact of primary diagnoses and disease
status on relapse and survival following allogeneic HCT. The values and limitations of each model are discussed herein. We also
provide insight on how to use these models in the clinic to decide about offering allogeneic HCT with the most suitable
conditioning regimen intensity.
INTRODUCTION and (3) future directions to improve our abilities to predict HCT
Allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) is a potentially outcomes.
curative treatment for various malignant and non-malignant
hematological disorders. The rate of utilization of this treatment
modality is unremitting. However, this comes at a price. Allogeneic PATIENT-SPECIFIC RISK-ASSESSMENT MODELS
HCT could lead to significant transplant-related mortality. As a HCT-CI
result, decision-making about referral to allogeneic HCT is a Development. To enhance our ability to evaluate comorbidities
challenging task, both for physicians and patients. Therefore, before allogeneic HCT, an HCT-CI was developed by modifying
there is a great need for robust tools to help physicians identify another non-transplant index, the Charlson comorbidity index
which patients should be treated with high-dose conditioning (CCI),5 in three different ways.1 First, laboratory data, pulmonary
regimens, which are best suited for reduced-intensity conditioning function tests, ejection fraction, and values of bilirubin and hepatic
(RIC) regimens, and which patients should not be offered transaminases were introduced into the definitions of pulmonary,
allogeneic HCT. cardiac and hepatic comorbidities, respectively. Second, all
Currently, there is a number of risk-assessment models that are comorbidities encountered in the studied population of HCT
used by clinicians and investigators. Some of these models use recipients were included in a risk-assessment analysis. New
variables of patients’ health status, for example, the HCT-specific weights were then generated for the impacts of comorbidities
comorbidity index (HCT-CI),1 some focus on cancer-related on non-relapse mortality (NRM).
variables, for example, the disease-risk index (DRI),2 whereas The study included 1055 patients with different hematologic
others incorporate a number of patient- and disease-specific risk diseases who were given allogeneic HCT after nonmyeloablative
variables into combined models, for example, the European (n = 294) or high-dose (n = 761) conditioning regimens. Patients
Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT)3 and were randomly divided into a training (n = 708) and a validation
pretransplantation assessment of mortality (PAM)4 risk scores. set (n = 347). Integer weights of comorbidities were calculated
Here we discuss (1) the stages of development and validation of based on adjusted hazard ratios (HRs) from Cox proportional
the currently available models with emphasis on their relative hazard models of NRM. The new HCT-CI included 17 comorbidities
strengths and potential limitations; (2) the use of these models in acquiring scores from 1 to 3 (Table 1). In the validation set,
an integrated approach to guide decisions about allogeneic HCT; the HCT-CI scores captured more patients with comorbidities
Transplantation Biology Program, Clinical Research Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA, USA; 2Department of Medical Oncology, National Cancer Institute,
Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt and 3Division of Medical Oncology, Department of Medicine, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA, USA. Correspondence:
Dr ML Sorror, Transplantation Biology Program, Clinical Research Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, 1100 Fairview Avenue North, Seattle, WA 98109-1024, USA.
E-mail: msorror@fhcrc.org
Received 23 July 2015; revised 13 March 2016; accepted 11 April 2016
Risk assessment models prior allogeneic HCT
M Elsawy and ML Sorror
Table 1. Definitions of comorbidities included in the HCT-CI and the augmented HCT-CI and their corresponding scores
Arrhythmia Any type of arrhythmia that has necessitated the delivery of a specific anti-arrhythmia treatment at any 1
time point in the patient’s past medical history.
Cardiac Coronary artery disease,a congestive heart failure, myocardial infarction or EF ⩽ 50%. 1
Inflammatory bowel disease Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis requiring treatment at any time point in patient’s past medical history 1
Diabetes Requiring treatment with insulin or oral hypoglycemic agents continuously for 4 weeks before the start of 1
Cerebrovascular disease Transient ischemic attack or cerebrovascular accident. 1
Psychiatric disturbance Any disorder requiring continuous treatments for 4 weeks before the start of conditioning. 1
Hepatic, mild Chronic hepatitis, bilirubin4ULN to 1.5 × ULN or AST/ALT4ULN to 2.5 × ULN; at least two values of each 1
within 2 or 4 weeks before the start of conditioning.
Obesity Patients with a BMI 435 kg/m2 for patients 418 years or a BMI for age of ⩾ 95th percentile for patients of 1
⩽ 18 years of age.
Infection Requiring antimicrobial treatment starting from before conditioning and continued beyond day 0. 1
Rheumatologic Requiring specific treatment at any time point in the patient’s past medical history. 2
Peptic ulcer On the basis of prior endoscopic or radiologic diagnosis. 2
Moderate/severe renal Serum creatinine 42 mg/dL (at least two values within 2 or 4 weeks before the start of conditioning), on 2
dialysis or prior renal transplantation.
Moderate pulmonary Corrected DLco (via Dinakara equation) and/or FEV1 of 66-80% or dyspnea on slight activity. 2
Prior malignancy Treated at any time point in the patient’s past history, excluding non-melanoma skin cancer. 3
Heart valve disease Of at least moderate severity, prosthetic valve or symptomatic mitral valve prolapse as detected by 3
Severe pulmonary Corrected DLco (via Dinakara equation) and/or FEV1 ⩽ 65% or dyspnea at rest or requiring oxygen. 3
Moderate/severe hepatic Liver cirrhosis, bilirubin41.5 × ULN or AST/ALT42.5 × ULN; at least two values of each within 2 or 4 weeks 3
before the start of conditioning.
compared with the CCI. HCT-CI scores of 1–2 and ⩾ 3 were found The index could potentially be used to guide selection of
in 34% and 28% of patients, whereas only 10% and 3% of patients conditioning regimens. For example, HCT-CI scores of 43
had CCI scores of 1 and ⩾ 2, respectively. HCT-CI scores of 0, were used as a stratification criterion to randomize patients
1–2 and ⩾ 3 predicted NRM incidences of 14%, 21% and 41%, with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) or AML between
respectively, and survival rates of 71%, 60% and 34%, respectively receiving high-dose versus RIC regimens before allogeneic HCT
(Figure 1). The HCT-CI scores showed higher discriminative power (NCT00322101).
than the CCI scores both for NRM (c-statistic estimate of 0.692 The HCT-CI was also used in retrospective studies to guide
versus 0.546, P o 0.001) and survival (c-statistic estimate of 0.661 decision-making before allogeneic HCT for a given hematologic
versus 0.561, P o 0.001), respectively. malignancy as detailed in Table 3.
In addition, the HCT-CI score could predict risks of development
Validation. The HCT-CI score has been extensively validated in of certain post-transplant complications. A recent analysis of
several retrospective and prospective multi-center studies. Some data from 2985 allogeneic HCT recipients form five different US
of these studies were performed in large data sets with various institutions demonstrated a strong association between higher
hematological disorders,6–8 whereas others were performed in HCT-CI scores and development of grades III and IV acute GvHD
single disease series.9–11 Overall, 25 studies could prove the
(Table 4), and subsequent mortality following diagnosis of grade II
validity of HCT-CI score as an independent predictor of outcomes.
(HR = 1.24; P o 0.0001) or grades III and IV acute GvHD (HR = 1.19;
Results of these studies are summarized in Table 2.6–30 All of these
studies used NRM and overall survival (OS) as the outcomes of Po 0.0001).39 In another study of 1775 adult survivors 3–18 years
interest to validate the index. In addition, five studies utilized after allogeneic HCT, higher pretransplant HCT-CI scores were
concordance probability estimates, such as c-statistic index, to associated with impaired physical health, increased depression,
measure the discriminative power of the HCT-CI.7,8,11,20,29 On the increased distress and diminished social support among
other hand, only eight studies found the HCT-CI not to provide long-term survivors.40 Thus, the HCT-CI can be used to guide
prognostic information due to several reasons that are discussed intervention studies aimed at improving the quality of life among
under the section ‘Limitations’.31–38 long-term survivors.
The index can best be used in combination with other variables
Advantages. The HCT-CI summarizes the impact of relevant covering other patient- and disease-specific risks (Table 5):
comorbidities on HCT outcomes into an unified model. The index
contains objective laboratory data to define certain comorbidities, ● A composite HCT-CI score and Karnofsky performance status14
allowing for more accurate measurement of comorbidities burden ● A combined comorbidity/relapse model41
compared with non-transplant-specific indices. ● A composite HCT-CI score and EBMT risk score42
80 80 CCI 0
Percent NRM
Percent NRM
60 60 CCI ≥2
40 40
HCT-CI 1-2
20 20
0 0
0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48
Months after HCT Months after HCT
100 100
80 80
Percent survival
Percent survival
60 60
HCT-CI 1-2
40 40
CCI 1-2
20 HCT-CI ≥3 20
CCI ≥3
0 0
0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48
Months after HCT Months after HCT
Figure 1. The HCT-CI compared with CCI. Cumulative incidence of NRM as stratified by (a) HCT-CI compared with (b) the original CCI and
Kaplan–Meier estimates of survival as stratified by (c) the HCT-CI compared with (d) the original CCI. CCI = Charlson comorbidity index;
HCT-CI = hematopoietic cell transplantation-specific comorbidity index; NRM = non-relapse mortality. This research was originally published in
Blood, Sorror et al.1 © American Society of Hematology.
● A combined HCT-CI score and the instrumental activities of Some studies did not show differences in outcomes among
daily living (IADL) for HCT recipients of 50 years of age or patients with scores 0, 1 and 2, suggesting that the HCT-CI only
older.43 performs as a binary categorizer.20 The definitions of low,
intermediate and high risks for HCT-CI are meant to be relative
and not absolute categorizations, as the increasing scores of the
Limitations. Although 25 out of 33 studies proved the discrimi- HCT-CI were meant to capture a general trend for increases in risks
native validity of the HCT-CI, eight studies did not (Table 2).31–38 of NRM. The range of these increases would differ based on the
Limited sample size was evident in most of the disagreeing intensity of transplant conditioning, disease status and other
studies. Lack of full agreement on the validity of the index was factors. For example, patients with scores of 1–2 could have
thought to limit its worldwide applicability. However, in two comparable NRM with patients with scores of 0 if they are given a
recent large prospective studies, the HCT-CI was shown to predict reduced-intensity regimen, but higher NRM if the conditioning
both NRM and OS after allogeneic HCT given to patients in Italy or regimen is higher in intensity. Therefore, the best way to define
United States.6,8 Another large retrospective study showed the HCT-CI risk groups would probably rely on stratifying patients into
index to be a valid prognostic factor across different conditioning roughly equally distributed subgroups. Alternatively, HCT-CI scores
regimens, ages and centers.7 In the latter study, investigators could be employed in multivariate models as a continuous
calculated a sample size of at least 200 patients to be required for variable.
appropriate validation of the HCT-CI. There have been questions whether exact instead of integer
Another potential limitation of the index was the weak weights of comorbidities would improve the model performance
agreement on comorbidity coding by evaluators at different or whether new weights need to be developed for different
institutions.34 To ensure accuracy and consistency of comorbidity transplant settings. One study looked at recalibrating the relative
coding among investigators, a systematic methodology for scores of the individual components of the HCT-CI by replacing
reviewing medical charts (Figure 2) and consistent guidelines for the integer weights, with the exact HRs of different comorbidities.
comorbidity coding were summarized in a web-based calculator Authors concluded that six comorbidities are no longer contribut-
(www.hctci.org).44 This brief training program resulted in ing to the total score.12 However, these results could not be
improvement of inter-rater reliability among different evaluators validated in a separate independent cohort. In fact, the HCT-CI
from 0.433 to 40.90 as measured by weighted kappa statistic score in its original structure was superior to the modified index in
estimates. prognostication of NRM and survival.45
Study Number of Types of donors Types of conditioning Outcomes Comments Statistical Methods used
patients intensity for validation
Kerbauy 43 HLA matched MA (n = 37) NMA 4-year NRM and OS — Small sample size. Diagnosis: chronic √ — —
et al.13 (n = 35) HLA-MM (n = 6) myelomonocytic leukemia.
(n = 8)
Maruyama 132 Related (n = 70) MA (n = 52) RIC 2-year NRM and OS 2-year NRM and Diagnoses: leukemia/lymphoma in √ √ —
et al.9 Unrelated (n = 62) (n = 80) in MA patients OS in RIC nonremission.
Kerbauy 104 Related (n = 58) MA (n = 95) NMA 5-year NRM and OS — Diagnoses: idiopathic myelofibrosis, √ √ —
Artz et al.15 112 HLA matched RIC 1-year OS 1-year NRM Small sample size. Diagnosis: malignant √ √ —
(n = 103) HLA-MM and benign hematological disorders.
(n = 9)
Sorror et al.16 220 HLA matched MA (n = 68) NMA 3-year NRM and OS — Diagnoses: chronic lymphocytic leukemia √ √ —
(n = 205) HLA-MM (n = 152) and lymphoma.
(n = 15)
Xhaard et al.31 286 Related (n = 149) MA (n = 167) NMA — 2-year NRM and Lack of information on PFT. Diagnosis: √ √ √
Unrelated (n = 63) (n = 119) OS malignant and benign hematological
Other (n = 74) disorders.
Majhail 373 HLA matched MA (n = 150) NMA 2-year NRM and OS 2-year NRM and Small number of patients in subgroups √ √ —
et al.12 (n = 184) UCB (n = 223) in overall cohort OS in subgroup Diagnosis: malignant and benign
(n = 189) analysis hematological disorders.
Farina et al.17 203 Related (n = 121) RIC (n = 154) NMA 2-year NRM,OS and — Diagnosis Lymphoma and myeloma. √ √ —
Unrelated (n = 82) (n = 49) PFS,
Guilfoyle 187 Related (n = 138) MA (n = 177) NMA — 2-year NRM and (1) High incidence of pulmonary √ √ —
et al.37 Unrelated (n = 49) (n = 10) OS comorbidities (2) Small sample size (3)
Data collected from 1990–2005
(significant heterogeneity in treatment
protocols and supportive care). Diagnosis:
malignant and benign hematological
Kataoka 187 HLA matched MA (n = 170) NMA (1) 3-year NRM and OS in high-risk Small number of patients in subgroups. √ √ —
et al.18 (n = 143) HLA-MM (n = 17) OS disease Diagnosis: malignant and benign
(n = 44) (2) OS in low-risk subgroup hematological disorders.
disease subgroup
Lim et al.19 128 HLA matched RIC 3-year NRM, OS and — Diagnosis: AML/MDS. √ √ —
(n = 94) HLA-MM DFS
(n = 34)
Barba et al.20 194 RIC 2-year NRM and OS — Diagnosis: malignant and benign √ √ √
hematological disorders.
Study Number of Types of donors Types of conditioning Outcomes Comments Statistical Methods used
patients intensity for validation
Related (n = 153)
Unrelated or MM
(n = 41)
Terwey et al.32 151 HLA matched MA (n = 138) RIC — 2-year NRM and High frequency of intermediate and high- √ √ —
MA = myeloablative; MDS = myelodysplastic syndromes; MM = mismatched; NMA = nonmyeloablative; NRM = non-relapse mortality; OS = overall survival; PFTs = pulmonary function tests; PMRD = partially
Abbreviations: DFS = disease-free survival; HCT-CI = hematopoietic cell transplantation-specific comorbidity index; HRs = hazard ratios; ICU = intensive care unit; KPS = Karnofsky performance status;
HCT-CI to improve its discriminative power. In a study of 3033
recipients of allogeneic HCT, who were randomly divided into a
Statistical Methods used training set (n = 1853) and a validation set (n = 1180), an age of
for validation ⩾ 40 years was found to have an impact on NRM that is equivalent
to a single comorbidity with a score of 1. A score of 1 was assigned
Multivariate to age of ⩾ 40 years to form a composite comorbidity/age index.
In the validation cohort, the composite model had a statistically
matched related donor; RFS = relapse-free survival; RIC = reduced-intensity conditioning; TRM = transplant-related mortality; UCB = umbilical cord blood. aRecipients of allogeneic HCT.
significant higher discriminative capacity for NRM (c-statistic
estimates of 0.664 versus 0.556; P o 0.001) and survival (c-statistic
estimates of 0.682 versus 0.560; P o0.001) compared with age
alone, respectively. In the same validation cohort, the composite
comorbidity/age index stratified patients according to outcomes
donors. Diagnosis: malignant and benign
A large multi-center prospective study. into four distinct groups compared with three groups for the
The HCT-CI scores could be used to
Diagnosis: malignant and benign low platelets and high ferritin values. Adding scores for these
laboratory values to the HCT-CI resulted in an augmented index
that possessed higher c-statistic estimate for predicting NRM
hematological disorders.
hematological disorders.
hematological disorders.
Use in HCT Recipients. The prognostic role of Comprehensive
the authors identified IADL, slow gait, high HCT-CI scores, low
mental health by short-form 36 medical component summary and
OS. IADL limitation was the most predictive factor of OS (HR = 2.28;
2-year NRM and OS
Po 0.001) among all CGA domains. This impact was even more
1 and 3-year NRM
NMA (20%)
(HR = 2.290), whereas the remaining CGA tools were not.50 Clearly,
RIC (33%)
Autologous (58%)
Unrelated (23%)
Unrelated (44%)
Related (19%)
Related (56%)
UCB (n = 238)
Sorror 577 AML (n = 391) MDS MA (n = 452) NMA HCT-CI Disease risk 2-yr NRM and OS (%) Increasing HCT-CI scores and higher disease risk were the two
et al.30 (n = 186) (n = 125) score MA NMA most predictors of mortality. Thus, combined HCT-CI score and
NRM OS NRM OS disease-risk status stratified patients into 4 groups with distinct
Sorror 82 CLL 2-Gy TBI (n = 13) 2-Gy HCT-CI LN size 5-yr OS (%) Combined HCT-CI scores and LN size were the two most
et al.83 TBI+fludarabine score predictive factors of outcomes.
(n = 69)
0 o5 cm 78
0 ⩾ 5 cm 43
⩾1 o5 cm 60
⩾1 ⩾ 5 cm 27
Sorror 220 CLL and lymphoma MA (n = 68) NMA HCT-CI Conditioning 3-yr 3-yr OS (%) Patients with HCT-CI score = 0 had no statistically significant
et al.16 (n = 152) score intensity NRM differences in outcomes, whereas patients with HCT-CI scores ⩾ 1
(%) had statistically significant better outcomes with NMA versus MA
conditioning regimens, respectively.
0 NMA 18 68
M Elsawy and ML Sorror
0 MA 15 60
⩾1 NMA 28 47
⩾1 MA 50 35
Pavlu 271 Imatinib-resistant MA HCT-CI 5-yr NRM (%) 5-year OS (%) CML patients with low HCT-CI scores and low CRP values are
et al.84 CML score better candidates for early MA HCT after imatinib failure.
0 5.3 69.6
⩾1 18.5 55.5
Risk assessment models prior allogeneic HCT
Comorbidity/PS 14
0–2 480% 16 68
0–2 ⩽ 80% 17 58
⩾3 480% 30 41
⩾3 ⩽ 80% 39 32
HCT-CI/IADL43 Scores
HCT-CI score of ⩾ 3 or IADL score o14 acquire a score 0 62
of 1. Both abnormalities get a score of 2
1 44
2 13
Abbreviations: EBMT = European bone marrow transplant; HCT-CI = hematopoietic cell transplantation comorbidity index; IADL = instrumental activities of
daily living; KPS = Karnofsky performance status; NRM = non-relapse mortality; OS = overall survival; PS = performance status. This research was originally
published in ASH Educational Book, Sorror and Estey85 © American Society of Hematology.
Figure 2. Three-step methodology for comorbidity coding. This research was originally published in Blood, Sorror.44 © American Society of
disease status combinations that were collapsed into four risk Table 6. Disease risk index2,61
groups. The DRI predicted excellent 4-year OS and PFS rates of Disease Disease risk
64% and 56%, respectively, for patients with low-risk, these figures
were 6% and 6%, respectively, among very high-risk patients AML favorable cytogenetics Low
(Table 6 and Figure 3). CLL
The investigators then validated the DRI in an independent CML
cohort of 672 patients from FHCRC. The DRI could successfully Indolent B-cell NHL
stratify rates of OS and PFS among patients in the validation ALL Intermediate
cohort (P o 0.001 for both; Figure 4). AML intermediate cytogenetics
MDS intermediate cytogenetics
Validation. Recently, DRI was further refined and validated in a Multiple myeloma
large study from the Center for International Blood and Marrow HL
Transplant Research comprising 13 131 patients given allogeneic DLBCL/transformed indolent B-cell
HCT between 2000 and 2010, following nonmyeloablative/RIC NHL
(47%) or high-dose (53%) conditioning regimens. Four risk Mantle cell lymphoma
categories were identified with 2-year OS ranging from 64 to T-cell lymphoma, nodal
24% (P o0.001) for low- and very high-risk categories, AML adverse cytogenetics High
respectively.61 The authors then attempted to further refine the MDS adverse cytogenetics
T-cell lymphoma, extranodal
DRI categories as described under the section ‘Modification’
below. Stage Stage risk
Three independent groups of investigators recently tested the
discriminative validity of the DRI in their own patient cohorts. Any CR Low
Results are summarized in Table 7. 1st PR
Advantages. DRI provides a uniform model to measure the Chronic phase CML
impacts of various diagnoses/disease status/cytogenetic combina- 2nd or subsequent PR (if RIC)
2nd or subsequent PR (if MAC) High
tions on survivals, following allogeneic HCT. The DRI index can
Induction failure
prove to be a useful tool to compare or adjust results of studies Active relapse
that include heterogeneous hematological diseases. In addition, Accelerated or blast phase CML
the index can be useful in comparing outcomes across different
transplant centers that treat different diagnoses. Overall assignment
Limitations. DRI lacks essential data on molecular markers of Disease risk Stage risk DRI
some diseases, for example, FMS-like tyrosine kinase 3 (FLT3)
Low Low Low
internal tandem duplication status for AML. Low High Intermediate
As the DRI was developed from a large pool of various Intermediate Low
diagnoses and disease status, it is possible that the current Intermediate High High
categories of the DRI might not stratify risks of mortality well High Low
within a single disease. Like any other prognostic model, the use High High Very high
of the DRI has to be introduced in appropriately powered studies
Abbreviations: DLBCL = diffuse large B-cell lymphoma; HL = Hodgkin
with sufficient follow-up durations. In a recent study, the DRI was lymphoma; MAC = myeloablative conditioning; MDS = myelodysplastic
found to stratify risks only in samples of 450 patients with syndromes; MPN = myeloproliferative neoplasms; NHL = non-Hodgkin
440 months of follow-up duration.62 Additional refinements of lymphoma; RIC = reduced-intensity conditioning. This research was
the DRI might change these parameters. originally published in Blood. Armand et al.2 © American Society of
Modifications. The original developers of the model attempted to
modify it in a large Center for International Blood and Marrow
Transplant Research study.61 Changes included the following: than those in the original DRI based on the similarities in
(1) patients given RIC or high-dose regimens in 2nd or subsequent outcomes (Table 8). The refined DRI had c-statistic estimate of
PR were grouped together in the low risk category; (2) rare 0.643 for prediction of OS compared with 0.637 for the original
diseases such as Burkitt lymphoma were added; and (3) some DRI; no P-value was reported to allow for better quantification of
disease status combinations were assigned different risk groups the magnitude of this change.
60 60
40 40
20 20
P<0.0001 0 P<0.0001
0 12 24 36 48 60 0 12 24 36 48 60
Months from transplantation Months from transplantation
c 100 d 100
Low risk Int risk Low risk Int risk
High risk Very high risk High risk Very high risk
80 80
60 60
40 40
20 20
0 P<0.0001 0 P<0.0001
0 12 24 36 48 60 0 12 24 36 48 60
Months from transplantation Months from transplantation
Figure 3. Risk stratification by disease-risk index categories for (a) overall survival, (b) PFS, (c) cumulative incidence of relapse and
(d) cumulative incidence of non-relapse mortality. This research was originally published in Blood. Armand et al.2 © American Society of
a 100 b 100
Low risk Int risk Low risk Int risk
High risk Very high risk High risk Very high risk
80 80
Progression-free survival (%)
Overall survival (%)
60 60
40 40
20 20
P<0.0001 0 P<0.0001
0 12 24 36 48 60 0 12 24 36 48 60
Months from transplantation Months from transplantation
Figure 4. Validation of the disease-risk index in an independent cohort of 672 patients. (a) Overall survival; and (b) PFS. This research was
originally published in Blood. Armand et al.2 © American Society of Hematology.
The refined index could not demonstrate significant difference the difference in conditioning intensity between the two
in OS between lymphoma patients, who received HCT in their first groups. Also, more recent evidence suggests that there is no
or second CR. However, their outcomes were better than those in association between achieving CR as assessed by pretransplant
any PR. This observation should be interpreted cautiously given F-fluorodeoxy glucose–positron emission tomography scan and
Abbreviations: CIR = cumulative incidences of relapse; DRI = disease-risk index; MA = myelobalative; mo = month; MPN = myeloproliferative; NMA = nonmyeloablative; NRM = non-relapse mortality; OS = overall
Diagnoses: malignant and non-malignant hematologic disorders.
study of DRI.
Not predicted
4-year TRM
EBMT score
survival; RIC = reduced-intensity conditioning; TRM = transplant-related mortality, UCB = umbilical cord blood.
4-year PFS, OS and CIR
MA (n = 297) NMA/
(n = 304)
Validation of the DRI in single and multi-center studies
(TKIs). Rates of 5-year OS ranged between 72% and 22% for scores
of 0 and 6, respectively.67
Unrelated (n = 190)
Unrelated (n = 164)
Related (n = 138)
Related (n = 306)
Number of Types of donors
HL in CR Intermediate Low
MCL in CR Intermediate Low
Advanced stage AML with favorable CG Intermediate High
Advanced stage high-risk MDS with intermediate CG Intermediate High
ALL in 2nd CR Intermediate High
ALL in 3rd CR Intermediate High
CML in blast phase Intermediate Very high
Early stage low-risk MDS with adverse CG High Intermediate
Advanced stage ALL High Very high
Advanced stage aggressive NHL High Very high
Advanced stage high-risk MDS with adverse CG Very high High
Advanced stage low-risk MDS with adverse CG Very high High
Abbreviations: CG = cytogenetics; DRI = disease-risk index; HL = Hodgkin’s lymphoma; MCL = mantle cell lymphoma; MDS = myelodysplastic syndromes;
NHL = non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
Pitombeira et al.92 278 Related (n = 238) Unrelated MA (n = 241) RIC 5-year NRM and OS RR Diagnoses: malignant and non-malignant hematologic disorders.
(40) (n = 37)
Wallet et al. 136 UCB MA (n = 46) RIC 3-year TRM, OS and RR — Diagnoses: malignant and non-malignant hematologic disorders.
(n = 90)
Wang et al.71 502 Haploidentical grafts MA NRM, LFS and OS — Diagnoses: acute and chronic leukemia.
Adapted a modified Haplo-EBMT score based on number of MM
HLA loci.
Risk assessment models prior allogeneic HCT
Abbreviations: DFS = disease-free survival; EBMT = European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation; LFS = leukemia-free survival; MA = myelobalative; MDS = myelodysplastic syndromes; mEBMT
score = modified EBMT score; MM = mismatched; NRM = non-relapse mortality; OS = overall survival; RIC = reduced-intensity conditioning; RR = relapse rate; TKI = tyrosine kinase inhibitor; TRM = transplant-
related mortality; UCB = umbilical cord blood.
Number of patients
Age (years) Score 50
o20 1
20–30 1
30–40 1 30
40–50 1
50–60 3
460 5 10
Donor type
Matched related 1 8 14 20 26 32 38 44 50
Unrelated 3 PAM score
Mismatched related 4
Figure 5. Histogram of distribution of PAM scores in 276 allogeneic
Disease risk HCT recipients. Majority of patients clustered in categories 2 and 3
Low 1 with very few patients in categories 1 and 2. Reprinted by
Intermediate 8 permission from Mori et al.72
High 12
account for the introduction of nonmyeloablative transplant
Conditioning regimen protocols.4 In multivariate analysis, eight risk factors were found
Nonmyeloablative 1 to significantly impact HCT outcome. Accordingly, the authors
Non-TBI 4 designed a 50-point model from those factors (Table 11). The
TBI with ⩽ 12 Gy 8
model stratified patients into four categories with scores ranging
TBI with 412 Gy 9
from 8 to 50 points with statistically significantly different 2-year
Serum creatinine level probabilities of mortality for risk categories of 1–4 ranging from 16
⩽ 1.2 mg/dL 1 to 81% in the early validation cohort and from 8 to 82% in the late
41.2 mg/dL 8 validation cohort, respectively (Po 0.001). Authors then per-
formed internal validation of the PAM score utilizing three
Serum ALT level subgroups from the same institution. These subgroups comprised
⩽49 U/L 1 the three most frequently observed diagnoses in the entire cohort:
449 U/L 2
CML (n = 1017) AML (n = 667) and MDS (n = 407). C-statistic
FEV1 estimates ranged between 0.69 and 0.76 for all validation
480% 1 cohorts.4
70-80% 3
o70% 6 Validation. In a group of 276 non-Caucasian patients, investiga-
tors attempted to validate the PAM model. There was an uneven
Corrected DLco distribution of patients in the different risk categories, with 16%
480% 1 and 66% of patients being assigned to categories 2 and 3,
70-80% 1
o70% 4
respectively (Figure 5). Thus, authors modified score categories to
allow a more even distribution of patients by slightly changing
Category Original score Modified score cutoff values between the different categories (Table 11). In the
1 9–16 8–19 modified model, categories 2 and 3 included 29% and 47% of
2 17–23 20–25 patients, respectively. Overall, c-statistics were slightly higher for
3 24–30 26–30 the modified compared with the original model (0.74 versus 0.70).
4 31–44 31–50 No P-value estimate for the difference between the two c-statistic
Abbreviations: ALT = alanine aminotransferase; DLco = diffusion capacity of estimates was provided.72
the lung for carbon monoxide; FEV1 = forced expiratory volume in 1 s. In another study, investigators failed to validate the prognostic
Low-risk diseases included: CML in chronic phase, refractory anemia, capacity of the PAM score in a cohort of 194 RIC HCT recipients.
aplastic anemia and the Blackfan–Diamond syndrome. Intermediate-risk The model was not predictive of rates of 2-year OS (P = 0.11) nor
diseases included: CML in accelerated phase or chronic phase after blastic incidences of NRM (P40.4).20 Similarly, the limited predictive
phase, acute leukemia or lymphoma in remission, refractory anemia with
power of the PAM score was demonstrated in a small study, where
excess blasts, chronic lymphocytic leukemia and paroxysmal nocturnal
hemoglobinuria. High-risk diseases included: CML in blastic phase,
the model failed to predict hazards of 2-year OS (P = 0.2) or
juvenile CML, acute leukemia or lymphoma in relapse, refractory 100- day TRM (P = 0.08) in a cohort of 63 HCT recipients who were
anemia with excess blasts in transformation, myeloma, solid tumors and 460 years of age.35
non-hematologic diseases.
Advantages. The PAM score incorporates some significant
comorbidities, as well as some disease - and HCT-specific features
PAM score to create a single model. This mix of variables allows for a global
Development. The PAM score was developed as a model to assessment of overall mortality.
predict all-cause mortality during the immediate 2-year period,
following allogeneic HCT in 2802 patients treated between 1990 Limitations. The external validity of the PAM score remains
and 2002 at FHCRC. Patients were randomly divided into two controversial with contradicting reports from different
equal cohorts for the model development and validation. The institutions.20,31 Another caveat is under-representation of older
validation cohort (n = 1401) was further subdivided into an early patients, with only 4% of patients being older than 60 years. In
subgroup (n = 853), for patients given HCT before 1 January 1998, addition, disease categories were not represented equally in the
and a late subgroup (n = 548), for patients given HCT thereafter, to cohort, with almost 75% of patients carrying only three diagnoses,