15-sy45M12220SE2: V. Vntynxaar
15-sy45M12220SE2: V. Vntynxaar
15-sy45M12220SE2: V. Vntynxaar
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energy spark, and thereby reduces the hazard of fire or
Despite the foregoing and other disadvantages which
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION result from the use of prior art rotary atomizers, such
The present invention relates to rotary type atomizers 5 devices have found widespread use in industry, for they
for applying paint and other materials in liquid atomized do produce a finely atomized cloud or spray of paint
form, and more particularlv relates to a rotary atomizer and, as a result, produce a high quality coating on a
adapted for electrostatic paint spraying. workpiece. There is therefore a need to provide a rotary
The use of rotary atomizers for applying paint to 10
atomizer having the inherent advantages of high quality
coating surfaces has been long known in the art. These painting, but without the disadvantages associated with
devices typically operate by rotating a disc or cup the various hazards.
shaped bell at high speed, and by applying a metered It has been found that the quality of paint atomization
flow of liquid paint to the surface of the disc or bell as is directly related to the rotational speed of the rotary
it is rotating. Centrifugal forces cause the paint supplied atomizer, the higher the rotational speed the finer the
to the surface of the disc or bell to become hurled from 15 atomization. Therefore, it is not unusual to find rotary
its edge in droplets, which droplets are then directed atomizers which rotate in the range of 25,000-75,000
toward a surface to be coated. revolutions per minute (RPM), which itself produces
Rotary atomizers have also been used in conjunction additional problems. Conventional bearings are difficult
with electrostatic forces for the application of paint, and expensive to design to operate at high rotational
either by placing the rotary atomizer in a highly 20 speeds, and therefore it has been the practice in the
charged electrostatic field so as to induce the atomized industry to design rotary atomizers having various
paint particles to accept electrostatic charges and forms of air bearings to suspend the rotating members.
thereby become attracted to a grounded workpiece, or Such air bearings have the advantage of providing long
by directly voltage charging the rotary atomizer and life of the rotating members, and therefore it is desirable
thereby causing the paint droplets to become electro 25 to incorporate them into any rotary atomizer structure
statically charged as they are emitted from the edge of which is inherently less hazardous than heretofore
the rotating disc or bell. known in the art.
In applications where the atomizer itself is voltage The concept of utilizing an energy damping resis
charged, the working voltages are typically in the range tance between the capacitance charged components of
of 50-150 kilovolts (kv), and therefore a high degree of 30 an atomizer and the workpiece is an advantage which is
care must be taken to properly protect the charged
components from inadvertent contact with people or also well-known in the art, at least in the form described
nearby objects. Such systems are typically shielded hereinabove. Conventional automatic and manual spray
from any possible contact by means offences, booths, or guns utilize this same concept by placement of a physi
other similar shielding constructions. 35 cal resistance in a nonconductive spray gun body,
The hazards of prior art electrostatic rotary atomiz which resistance is placed proximate the front end of
ers have limited the type and scope of applications in the spray gun to accomplish the required electrical
which such systems may be used. For example, such resistance damping. This approach in a design of con
systems can only be used in applications wherein suffi ventional spray guns has greatly reduced the hazards
cient spatial separation is available to provide for rela associated with such guns, and it is desirable to incorpo
tive isolation of the voltage charged rotary atomizer rate such a concept into a rotary atomizer. However,
devices, and where a high degree of control can be prior art rotary atomizers which utilized such improve
maintained over the spacing between the atomizer de ments as air bearing assemblies were required to be
vice and articles moving past the device on a conveyor constructed of high precision metallic components, and
line. Extreme care is required in order to prevent acci 45 such components inherently prevented the use of non
dental voltage discharges in solvent or other volatile conductive bodies. It is therefore desirable to combine
atmospheres. Since prior art atomizers are constructed into a single rotary atomizer structure all of the advan
of metallic materials, or contain a high percentage of tages heretofore known with respect to conventional
metallic materials in their construction, such atomizers spray guns, air bearing technology, and rotary atomizer
inherently have a high value of electrical capacitance. 50 technology, so as to provide a new and improved rotary
When charged to the voltages associated normally with atomizer having all of the advantages in each field of
electrostatic paint spraying, these atomizers accumulate technology.
a very high amount of electrical energy in the form of SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
capacitance stored energy. Therefore, if conditions
occur wherein a voltage spark is generated, the capaci 55 The present invention comprises a rotary atomizer
tive energy stored in the atomizer itself will immedi constructed virtually entirely of nonconductive mate
ately dissipate through the spark, in sufficient energy rial, thereby eliminating capacitive energy storage
quantities so as to cause ignition of volatile solvents and problems and the inherent hazards which inevitably
the like. exist in an electrostatic spray gun having metallic com
Some prior art rotary atomizers attempt to minimize ponents. A nonconducting rotatable member is con
this problem by applying a resistive coating to the sur tained about a fixed axial nonconducting tubular mem
face of the atomizer disc or bell. This approach is de ber, having air bearing contacts or nonconductive ball
scribed in U.S. Pat. No. 2,989,241, the substance of bearings therebetween. An outer housing of noncon
which is to incorporate an energy damping resistance ductive material partially encloses the rotatable mem
between the high capacitance components of the rotary 65 ber, and an air bearing may be formed therebetween. A
atomizer and the workpiece. This damping resistance connecting shaft projects through the housing from one
effectively absorbs some of the electrical energy which end of the rotatable member, and a disc or cup-shaped
would otherwise be dissipated in the form of a high bell is constructed of nonconducting material and con
3 4
nected to the shaft, so as to rotate therewith. A portion coupling to a source of paint or other liquid, which is
of the rotatable member is formed into turbine blades, typically applied to feed tube 20 under slight pressure so
and air passages are formed through the outer housing as to cause a forward feed of the liquid to the front end
so as to direct pressurized air against the turbine blades, offeed tube 20. The front of feed tube 20 has an opening
and further air passages are formed through the housing 5 29 to permit liquid to be metered therethrough and to
to provide a source of pressurized air intermediate ro flow onto the forward surface 15 of bell 14 through
tating and fixed members as an air bearing cushion. A openings 13. Bell 14 is fixedly attached to shaft 16 and
high voltage electrical path is provided through the rotates therewith.
housing, terminating in one or more needle electrodes Air inlet 22 is connected to a passage 23 inside of
which project external to the housing in the region 10 housing 12. Passage 23 connects to an annular groove
proximate the rotatable disc or bell. Further air passages 32 about the inner surface of the opening in housing 12,
may be provided through the housing to direct a source and serves to distribute pressurized air evenly about
of pressurized air forwardly past the rotatable disc or rotor 17. Pressurized air from annular groove 32 is
bell to provide deflection and shaping air for atomized distributed evenly over the intergap region between
particles which are emitted from the edge of the rotat 15 rotor 17 and the opening in housing 12, flowing be
ing disc or bell. tween the respective surfaces and exhausting at either
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS end of rotor 17. This air flow serves as an air bearing
cushion between rotating rotor 17 and fixed housing 12.
A preferred embodiment of the invention is described A further passage 33 passes through rotor 17 to an
herein and with reference to the drawings, in which: 20 annular groove 21 about feed tube 20. The pressurized
FIG: 1 shows an isometric view of an embodiment of air which is fed into annular groove 21 serves a similar
the invention; and purpose; namely, to provide a flow of air between rotor
FIG. 2 shows a cross sectional view taken along the 17 and feed tube 20. In the preferred embodiment, the
lines 2-2 of FIG. 1; and gap between the inner opening of rotor 17 and feed tube
FIG. 3 shows a cross sectional view taken along the 25 20 may be larger than the gap between rotor 17 and
lines 3-3 of FIG. 2; and housing 12. Pressurized air distributed via annular
FIG. 4 shows an alternative embodiment in cross groove 21 is also provided for the purpose of maintain
section; and ing a positive pressure about feed tube 20, thereby to
FIG. 5 shows a further alternative embodiment in purge foreign materials from accumulating within this
cross section; and 30 region.
FIG. 6 shows an isometric view of the turbine mem An air bearing surface is also created about turbine
ber. member 30, by virtue of the air flow paths described
DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED herein. The outer edge 35 of turbine 30 receives pressur
ized air from inlet 22, and this pressurized air creates an
35 air cushion film between turbine member 30 and hous
Referring first to FIG. 1, there is shown a rotary ing 12. Likewise, an air cushion film is maintained be
atomizer 10 constructed according to the teachings of tween turbine edge 37 and housing 12, so that edges 35
the present invention. Atomizer 10 has an outer housing and 37 serve as a thrust bearing member to continue the
12 constructed from nonconductive material such as forward and rearward movement of rotor 17 within
nylon or plastic material. A disc or cup-shaped bell 14 is 40 housing 12.
connected to a rotor shaft 16 which projects from the Air inlet 18 is coupled to a passage 34 in housing 12,
front of housing 12. The rear of housing 12 has a first air and passage 34 communicates with turbine chamber 36.
inlet 18 and a second air inlet 22, both of which will be Turbine chamber 36 is an annular chamber extending
hereinafter described. A liquid inlet 19 is axially posi about turbine 30 to provide a source of pressurized air
tioned relative to housing 12 and rotor shaft 16. An 45 for driving turbine 30 in a rotating direction. A plurality
outer cover 28 is circumferentially attached outside of of nozzles 38 are directed toward the blades on turbine
housing 12. An annular housing 24 surrounds housing 30, and open into turbine chamber 36. These nozzles
12 proximate its front end, and housing 12 may be provide a plurality of air jets for injecting pressurized
threadably attached to annular housing 24. A noncon air against the turbine blades and thereby to rotate the
ductive tube 26 is connected to annular housing 24 near 50 turbine. Turbine 30 is fixedly attached to rotor 17, and
its top edge and a nonconductive tube 27 is connected rotor 17 therefore rotates with turbine 30. One or more
to annular housing 24 near its bottom edge. exhaust ports 40 open into the region surrounding tur
FIG. 2 shows an elevational cross-sectional view of bine 30, and serve to exhaust pressurized air from tur
rotary atomizer 10. Shaft 16 is formed on one end of a bine 30 into a muffler chamber 42. Muffler chamber 42
rotor 17, and both may be formed from a single piece 55 extends annularly about the exterior surface of housing
constructed from nonconductive material. Shaft 16 and 12, and may be filled with a sound insulating material to
rotor 17 are preferably constructed from a fiberglass or diminish the exhaust noise of pressurized air escaping
ceramic material, chosen for its physical stability under from the muffler. A plurality of exterior openings 43 are
widely varying conditions of temperature, humidity, drilled through the exterior wall of muffler chamber 42
and other environmental effects. Rotor 17 is closely 60 in order to exhaust the air therein into the atmosphere.
fitted within an opening in housing 12, and has a turbine Annular housing 24 is either formed as a part of hous
30 constructed proximate its rear end. Turbine 30 has a ing 12 or is fixedly attached about housing 12, proxi
plurality of circumferential blades which will be de mate the front end of housing 12. Annular housing 24 is
scribed in more detail hereinafter. Rotor 17 is concentri connected to nonconductive tube 27, and tube 27 is
cally mounted about a fixed, nonconductive feed tube 65 adapted for connection to a further source of pressur
20. Feed tube 20 is axially positioned relative to rotor 17 ized air. Housing 24 has an annular passage 25 extending
and housing 12, and has a center opening along its entire about its interior, and a plurality of air jet openings 44
length. The rear end 19 of feed tube 20 is adapted for extend about housing 24 in air flow contact with pas
sage 25. Air jets 44 are forwardly directed, and may be Pressurized air is provided at inlet port 118, and fed
as many in number as thirty to ninety, and serve to through passage 134 to turbine chamber 136. From
provide a forwardly directed plurality of jets of air for turbine chamber 136 the pressurized air passes through
shaping the atomized paint pattern as it develops from a plurality of nozzles 138, which inject the air against
bell 14. the surfaces of blades on turbine 130. This pressurized
Annular housing 24 also has connected thereto a air causes turbine 130 to rotate, and thereby causes rotor
nonconductive tube 26. Nonconductive tube 26 con 117 to rotate therewith, generating the necessary rota
tains the electrical circuits for electrostatically energiz tional motion for the apparatus. Exhaust air is collected
ing the apparatus. The rear end of nonconductive tube and routed out of the turbine region via exhaust ports
26 is adapted for connection to an electrical cable 47, 10 140 into muffler chamber 142. From muffler chamber
which cable may provide high voltage to the apparatus. 142 the air is exhausted into the atmosphere through
A large resistor 45 is located inside of tube 26, resistor openings 143.
45 serving the function of damping out any capacitively The function of nonconductive tube 127, and annular
stored energy which may exist in the supply cable 47. housing 124, and nonconductive tube 126 is essentially
Resistor 45 is conductively coupled to an electrical 15 similar to the corresponding positioned elements de
contact 46 in housing 24. Contact 46 may extend annu scribed with reference to FIG. 2. For example, a plural
larly about housing 24, or it may be a single contact ity of forwardly directed air jets 144 may be provided in
point, depending upon the particular design desired for annular housing 124 for the purpose of shaping and
the apparatus. A smaller resistor 48 is conductively 20 assisting in the control of the atomization pattern from
coupled to contact 46, and the forward end of resistor bell 114. Likewise, a plurality of electrodes 150 may be
48 is connected to an electrode 50. Electrode 50 arranged about the forward surface of annular housing
projects forwardly to serve as the source of electro 124 to provide necessary electrostatic voltages for elec
static energy for accomplishing electrostatic paint dis trostatic operation.
tribution. It should be appreciated that a plurality of 25 As an alternative embodiment to the electrical circuit
electrodes 50 may be dispersed about housing 24, if described herein, it is contemplated that a cascade volt
more than one electrode discharge point is desired. For age multiplier circuit may be enclosed within a conduc
example, in the preferred embodiment of the present tive tube 126 or equivalent, and may thereby provide
invention it has been found to operate satisfactorily high voltage multiplication directly within the appara
with four electrodes 50 positioned at approximately 90' 30 tus itself. In this case, the high voltage multiplier circuit
angles about housing 24. In this case, contact 46 is ex need only have supplied to it a relatively low input
tended about the interior of housing 24, and an individ voltage, the cascade multiplier providing the necessary
ual resistor 48 is provided between contact 46 and elec voltage magnification for driving electrode 150 or
trode 50 at each of the four connection points. equivalent. The design of appropriate cascade multi
FIG. 3 shows a cross sectional view taken along the plier circuits is well-known in the art, and technology in
lines 3-3 of FIG. 2, wherein the structure of the tur
35 recent years has enabled the design of such devices to
bine assembly may be noted. Turbine blades 31 are be accomplished within a relatively small volume,
distributed equally about the outer surface of turbine 30. which volume would be suitable for operation with the
Turbine blades 31 are shaped so as to provide a maxi present invention.
FIG. 5 shows a further alternative embodiment of the
mum effective area for receiving pressurized air from invention. A nonconductive housing 212 surrounds a
nozzles 38. As air is used to cause rotational motion to rotatable rotor 217, and rotor 217 is contained by non
turbine 30 it develops a positive pressure in the region conductive ball bearings 260 and 261 which support
around turbine 30, and must be exhausted into muffler rotor 217 and permit rotation thereof relative to housing
chamber 42, and thereafter to the atmosphere. In addi 212. Rotor 217 is constructed from nonconductive ma
tion, pressurized air used as an air bearing cushion 51 45 terial, terminating at its forward end in a projecting
between rotor 17 and housing 12 is also exhausted into shaft section 216. Shaft section 216 is threadably at
the atmosphere via the same path as air supplied to tached to a bell or disc 214 as has been described herein
turbine 30.
FIG. 4 shows an alternative embodiment of the in before. An annular nonconductive housing 224 is
vention in cross section. This embodiment functions 50
threadably attached proximate the forward end of hous
ing 212, and annular housing 224 supports the electrical
generally the same as the embodiment shown in FIG. 2, components including one or more electrodes 250, resis
although certain constructional differences are present. tors 248, and electrical circuits 245. Annular housing
A significant constructional difference is related to 224 also includes a plurality of air jets 244 which are
rotor 117, and in particular its air bearing system rela forwardly projecting to direct the pattern of spray par
tive to housing 112. Rotor 117 is formed of two gener 55 ticles emitted from bell 214. Turbine member 230 is
ally cone-shaped sections, having a narrowed center fixedly attached to rotor 217, for rotation therewith,
portion and extending to larger diameter end portions. and pressurized air is deflected to rotate turbine mem
Pressurized air entering air inlet port 122 is coupled ber 230 via nozzles 238. Nozzles 238 are in flow commu
through passage 123 to an annular chamber 132. Cham nication with a turbine chamber 236, which in turn is
ber 132 provides a source of pressurized air for uni coupled via passage 234 to air inlet 218. The pressurized
formly distributing air over the external surface of rotor air is exhausted from the device via exhaust ports 240
117 in both directions from its narrowed center region. which pass the exhaust air into muffler chamber 242 and
This film of air is flowed outwardly toward both ends into the atmosphere via openings 243. A nonconductive
from the center, and serves to provide an air bearing spacer 263 is inserted between bearings 260 and 261, to
cushion for rotor 117. The inherent design of rotor 117 65 position and hold the bearings in place.
as shown in FIG. 4 eliminates the need for a thrust FIG. 6 shows an isometric view of turbine member
bearing in the apparatus, since axial thrust forces are 30, or the other similar turbine members described
inherently balanced by the shape of rotor 117. herein. The turbine blades 31 of turbine member 30 are
7 4,589,597 8
curved so as to receive pressurized air proximate the sential attributes thereof, and it is therefore desired that
center of the turbine member, and to deflect the air the present embodiment be considered in all respects as
outwardly to both sides as the air is used to drive the illustrative and not restrictive, reference beinq made to
turbine member in a rotatable fashion. The exhaust air is the appended claims rather than to the foregoing de
deflected outwardly along either turbine edge, and is scription to indicate the scope of the invention.
conveyed to the atmosphere as has been described here What is claimed is:
inbefore. 1. A rotary spray atomizer adapted to receive liquid
It should be noted that all of the components illus paints and the like and to distribute atomized particles
trated in the figures are constructed from nonconduc of such liquids under the influence of electrostatic
tive materials, with the exception of certain electrical 10 forces, comprising
connections. Because of the almost exclusive use of (a) a housing made entirely from nonconductive mate
nonconductive materials there is no capacitive energy rial and having an interior recess therein;
storage caused by the accumulation of voltage charges (b) a rotatable rotor made entirely from nonconductive
on metallic members, and therefore there is no possibil material rotatably mounted in said recess along an
ity for a spark discharge to occur from this device as a 15 axis and having an opening therethrough along said
result of excess capacitive energy. Therefore the use of axis; said rotor and said housing having an annular
nonconductive materials provides for an almost con space therebetween;
pletely safe apparatus, and the further use of suitably (c) a nonconductive dish-shaped member fixedly at
sized resistors as shown in the figures provides an addi tached to said rotor and projecting outside said hous
tional margin of safety. The only capacitively stored 20 Ing;
energy which may be identified in connection with the (d) a feed tube made entirely from nonconductive mate
invention would be that energy stored in the voltage rial, fixedly attached to said housing and extending
delivery cables, and the use of resistors downstream through said rotor axial opening, said tube having a
from these voltage cables suitably protects against ex first opening proximate said dish-shaped member and
cessive discharge currents. 25 a second opening outside said housing; said feed tube
It should also be appreciated that the invention con and said rotor having an annular space therebetween;
templates utilizing independently controlled air pres (e) a turbine member made entirely from nonconductive
sure sources for driving the respective air inlets shown material, fixedly attached to said rotor in said housing
and described herein. For example, the pressurized air recess, said turbine member having a plurality of
used to provide the air bearing cushion for the turbine 30 projecting blades thereon;
rotor may be provided from a different air pressure (f) one or more conductive electrodes projecting exter
regulator than the pressurized air used to drive the nal of said housing proximate said dish-shaped mem
turbines. Likewise, the pressurized air for use in shaping ber, and means for applying a high voltage to said
the atomized pattern may be independently controlla electrodes;
ble. 35 (g) means for delivering pressurized air against said
In operation, the apparatus is placed in proximity to a turbine member blades in said housing, and means for
painting zone, preferably adjacent a conveyor line exhausting air from said housing;
adapted for conveying articles to be coated. The respec (h) means, including passages in said housing, for deliv
tive air pressures are adjusted to provide an optimum ering pressurized air to said annular space between
atomization pattern from the rotating bell, which may 40 said housing and said rotor and to said annular space
occur at rotational speeds in the range of 20,000-80,000 between said rotor and said feed tube.
revolutions per minute (RPM). The pressurized air 2. The apparatus of claim 1, further comprising a
utilized to drive the turbine and the pressurized air plurality of openings through said housing in the region
utilized to provide the air bearing cushion may be bal proximate said dish-shaped member, and air passages
anced for optimum operation of the rotor at the desired 45 coupled to said openings and to a source of pressurized
RPM. Likewise, the pressurized air utilized to provide 8.
air shaping is set to provide the desired amount of con 3. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein said means for
trol over the atomized pattern, consistent with the liq applying a high voltage to said electrodes further com
uid delivery rate into the apparatus. The high voltage prises at least one resistance member enclosed in said
circuits are adjusted to provide electrostatic forces suit housing and electrically connected to said electrodes.
able for optimum paint spraying and all of these parame 4. The apparatus of claim 3, wherein said means for
ters may be adjusted to optimize the overall operating applying a high voltage further comprises a resistance
conditions. The apparatus may be used in conjunction member electrically connected to each such electrode
with other similar devices in an automatic painting and a common electrical path connected between all
system, wherein atomizers are controllable in synchro 55 such resistance members and a single source of high
nization with articles conveyed along a conveyor line to voltage.
provide a wide coating area. In this manner, large arti 5. The apparatus of claim 4, wherein said means for
cles such as automobile bodies may be effectively applying a high voltage further comprises a plurality of
coated without danger of electrical discharge. diode-capacitor voltage doubler circuits in series con
The present invention may be embodied in other 60 nection in said common electrical path.
specific forms without departing from the spirit or es sk. s