United States Patent To
United States Patent To
United States Patent To
U.S. Patent Jan. 25, 1977 Sheet 1 of 4 4,004,733
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U.S. Patent Jan. 25, 1977 Sheet 2 of 4 4,004,733
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U.S. Patent Jan. 25, 1977 Sheet 3 of 4 4,004,733
Fig. 3.
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U.S. Patent Jan. 25, 1977 Sheet 4 of 4 4,004,733
considerably lower amount of pesticide material that
ELECTROSTATC SPRAY NOZZLE SYSTEM would be needed for electrostatic spraying would sig
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION nificantly reduce the danger to the environment. There
exists, therefore, a great need for an electrostatic spray
The invention is in the field of electrostatic spraying 5 ing system which can be used not only in carefully
systems and relates specifically to a system using a controlled industrial environments but also in less con
novel electrostatic spraying nozzle. trolled environments, such as in agricultural spraying,
Electrostatic coating includes processes which use i.e., a system which uses spray nozzles that operate at a
electrostatic forces to bring about the deposition of a relatively low voltage, do not present electrical hazard
material, which may be dry or wet, over a surface to O and are simple, reliable, rugged and inexpensive.
produce thereon a layer or coat. Coating processes are
widely used, and it is highly desirable to apply the coat Summary of the Invention
ing materials with the smallest possible loss and with The invention relates to electrostatic spraying sys
the utmost simplicity. The use of electrostatic forces in tems and particularly to a system of this type using a
the coating process achieves such desirable ends. In s novel electrostatic spray nozzle which operates at rela
general, electrostatic coating involves forming the tively low charging voltages, provides a stream of finely
coating material into finely divided particles or drop divided droplets at a high spray-cloud charge, and is
lets, charging the particles or droplets to one polarity safe, simple, rugged, and reliable.
(e.g. negative) and the surface to be coated to a differ The electrostatic spray nozzle used in the invented
ent polarity (e.g. positive). Even at ground potential 20 system forms a liquid stream into a stream of finely
the coating target has induced into it from the "ground divided droplets, and charges these finely divided drop
reservoir' a very appreciable net charge of sign oppo lets by an electrode which is embedded in the electri
site to the incoming charged cloud. As a result of elec cally insulating nozzle and operates at a relatively low
trostatic attraction and the proximity of the particles or voltage (to thereby prevent electrical hazard) but at
droplets to the surface to be coated, electrostatic forces 25 high efficiency to impart a high spray-cloud charge to
move the particles or droplets toward the surface, the stream of liquid droplets. Moreover, the electrical
where they are deposited to form a coat or layer. Vari capacitance of the electrode is very low, to further
ous prior art electrostatic coating applications are more insure safe operation. The liquid stream, which is
sophisticated modifications of this simple situation. formed into droplets can be any liquid material, i.e., a
They differ from one another in the manner in which 30 pure liquid, a solution, or a suspension of a wettable
the particles are formed, the means by which they are powder and other wettable particulates in atomized
charged, the particular aspects of the methods by form in either a volatile or nonvolatile carrier liquid.
which the particles are distributed about the surface The liquid typically remains at ground voltage and can
and perhaps in the way in which they collect upon it. A be anywhere in the range between highly conductive
review of prior art electrostatic process can be found in 35 and highly resistive liquids. The liquid is formed into
Electrostatics and Its Applications, Moore, A.D., Ed., finely divided droplets inside the nozzle by a mecha
Wiley and Sons, 1973, particularly pages 250-280. nism such as pneumatic atomizing, and the droplets are
The use of electrostatic spraying or coating is gener charged at the moment of formation by electrostatic
ally limited to carefully controlled industrial environ inductive charging by an induction electrode which
ments, primarily because of the electrical hazard due to 40 surrounds the droplet forming region. The charging
the high voltages that are typically used. There are, electrode, which can be an annular electrode, is kept
however, some uses where it is not possible or practical dry by a gaseous (air) slipstream interposed between
to carefully control the environment, for example, the the inner surface of the annular electrode and the drop
use of electrostatics to spray agricultural particulates let forming region. The electrode is at a relatively low
used for pest control, such as pesticides spray droplets, 45 potential of several hundred to several thousand volts
pesticide dusts, biological-control organisms, etc. One with respect to the remainder of the nozzle and the
example of such system is discussed in Point, U.S. Pat. liquid, which are typically at ground, and is embedded
No. 3,339,840, and there have been other, commer in the nozzle (which is made of an electrically insulat
cially available electrostatic dusters for agricultural ing material) so as not to present an electrical hazard
use. Such systems typically use high D.C. voltages in 50 and to be protected from mechanical damage in use.
the range of 15-90 kilovolts and use exposed high-volt The high voltage to the electrode is provided by a min
age electrostatic charging electrodes. For an example iature electronic circuit which is typically supplied
of an exposed electrode in an uncontrolled environ from a low voltage source, such as a l2 volt battery,
ment, see Buser et al., U.S. Pat. No. 3,802,625. and is typically attached to or embedded in the nozzle
Thus, electrostatics are used primarily in carefully 55 to avoid any high voltage leads that may be susceptible
controlled industrial surroundings and are not suffi to mechanical damage or can present an electrical
ciently widely used elsewhere, such as in agriculture, hazard. The charging electrode can be at a negative or
where any improvement in coating efficiency would be at a positive potential with respect to the liquid and the
very significant. For example, it is estimated that pres remainder of the nozzle.
ently only about 20% of the spraying or dusting mate 60 in a specific embodiment of the invention, the elec
rial reaches the target plants, and that the figure can be trostatic spray nozzle comprises a pneumatic-atomizing
significantly raised by the use of electrostatic deposi nozzle in which the kinetic energy of a high velocity
tion. Since the present cost of the pesticide materials airstream shears a liquid jet into droplets as the jet
used for controlling insect and disease pests of the U.S. issues from an orifice properly placed with respect to
food and fiber crops is over $1.5 billion annually, it is 65 the high velocity airstream. The droplet shearing pro
clear that even only a two-fold improvement in the cess takes place at a droplet forming region which is
presently poor deposition efficiency would provide inside the hollow passage of a housing made of an elec
annual savings of well over $0.5 billion. Morever, the trically insulating material. An annular electrode is
3 4
disposed within the housing and surrounds the droplet The invented nozzle, with an embedded induction
forming region. Wetting of the electrode by droplets is electrode, offers numerous advantages over compara
prevented by an air slipstream which maintains a high ble spray nozzles. Specifically, the invented nozzle is
shearing force at the inner face of the annular elec capable of incorporating an internal pneumatic-atomiz
trode. The electric field lines originating on the induc ing device which produces the smaller size droplets
tion electrode are concentrated in the vicinity of, and which are desirable for many uses and which can effec
terminate upon, the droplet forming region, and the tively utilize electrostatic forces. The invented nozzle
gap between the clectrode and the liquid stream is so can safely and satisfactorily charge both highly conduc
small that the electric field gradient just off the droplet tive and highly resistive liquid, where the liquid typi
forming region is extremely intense even at relatively () cally remains at ground potential. The nozzle can
low potentials of the electrode with respect to the liq charge spray to either polarity equally well, and the
uid, thus imparting a high spray droplet charge. The induction charging process is accomplished at much
clectrode is spaced inwardly from the front end of the lower voltages and currents than needed for equal
housing, from which the droplet stream issues, to pre spray-charging by other processes, such as by the ion
vent electrical hazard and mechanical damage to the 5 ized field process. For example, the proper design and
electrode. The high velocity slipstream of air maintains placement of the induction electrode in the embodi
a high shearing force at the inner surface of the elec ment described in detail later in this specification per
trode, to keep it completely dry, and additionally main mits the use of an electrode potential of only about two
tains the high surface resistance of the insulating die kilovolts to charge droplets to a charge equal to that
lectric material along the internal surface of the pas attained at about 15-90 kilovolts in typical ionized field
sage through the housing, by maintaining this passage charging nozzles, and the invented nozzle uses in the
surface dry and free of droplets. process less than one-half watt of electrical input
More specifically, one embodiment of the invented power. The charging voltage power supply is typically
electrostatic spray nozzle comprises a base having an affixed to or embedded in the invented spray nozzle, to
axially extending central conduit for receiving liquid 25 avoid any high voltage leads that may be hazardous and
under pressure at its back end and for issuing a for may be susceptible to mechanical damage, and the
wardly directed liquid stream at its front end. The base high-voltage power supply may be in turn supplied with
further has a separate, forwardly cxtending conduit for a low voltage input from a source such as a 12 volt
receiving air under pressure at its back end and for battery. Of course, in a more controlled environment, a
issuing a forwardly directed airstream at its front end number of nozzles can share the same high-voltage
for atomizing the liquid stream. A housing is fixedly source by connection thereto through suitable high
secured to the base and has a forwardly extending noz voltage cable, possibly with some means for individu
zle passage coaxial with the liquid conduit of the base. ally controlling the charging voltage of each nozzle. In
The nozzle passage through the housing has a back general, the invented spray nozzle offers the advan
portion communicating with the air and liquid conduits 35 tages of low cost, portability, safety and simplicity, and
of the base to receive the streams issuing from these is useful both in industrial surroundings and in less
conduits, and has a front portion spaced forwardly of controlled environments, such as agricultural spraying
the back portion. An annular electrode is disposed and home uses.
within the housing, coaxially with the nozzle passage, BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
and has a front end which is rearwardly of the front 40
portion of the nozzle passage through the housing but is FIG. 1 is a partly sectional view and a partly block
forwardly of the front end of the air and liquid con diagram of an electrostatic spray nozzle system em
duits. The base and the back portion of the nozzle bodying the invention.
passage through the housing define a region where the FG. 2 is a diagram illustrating the relationship be
air and liquid streams interact and form a forwardly 45 tween liquid flow rate, charging voltage and spray
directed droplet stream starting at a droplet forming cloud current of the system shown in FIG. 1.
region which is rearwardly of the front end of the elec FIG. 3 is a different diagram illustrating the relation
trode. An air slipstream through the electrode and ship between the charging voltage, the spray-cloud
through at least part of the nozzle passage prevents current and flow rate for the system shown in F.G. l.
deposition of droplets thereon. The housing is made of SO F.G. 4 is a diagram illustrating the spray charging
an electrically insulating material to prevent electrical stability of the system shown in FIG. 1.
hazard when the electrode is at a high potential with DETALED DESCRIPTION
respect to ground.
The invented spray nozzle typically uses internal Referring to FIG. 1, one embodiment of the invented
pneumatic atomization to form a liquid stream into a 55 electrostatic spray nozzle comprises a generally tubular
stream of finely divided droplets at a droplet forming body formed of a base 10 and a housing 12 arranged
region which is inside the nozzle. While pneumatic generally coaxially and affixed to each other. The base
atomization is selected because it provides finely atom 10 has an axially extending, central conduit 14 receiv
ized droplets (typically with diameters of around 50 ing at its back end liquid under pressure from a liquid
microns) which are of a size range where clectrostatic 60 source schematically shown at 16. The base 10 further
forces predominate and of a size range which has been has a separate, forwardly converging conduit 18 receiv
shown to offer distinct advantages in chemical pest ing at its back end a gas, such as air, under pressure
control, other methods for droplet formation can be from a source schematically shown at 20. The air con
used. Whatever droplet forming means are used, it is duit 18 may be in the form of a number of separate
important for this invention that the droplet forming 5 passageways, converging forwardly toward the front
region be inside the nozzle so that the droplets can be end of the conduit 14, as is conventional in pneumatic
charged by an electrode that is embedded in the nozzle atomizing nozzles. The housing 12 has an axially ex
to prevent clectrical hazard and mechanical damage. tending nozzle passage which is coaxial with the liquid
4,004,733 6
conduit 14 and comprises a tubular passage 22 and a slipstream 40 continues to surround the droplet stream
coaxial, reduced diameter tubular passage 24 which 32 as it travels through the nozzle passages 22 and 24 of
terminates at a spray orifice at the front end of the the housing 12, thereby keeping the passages 22 and 24
housing 12. The back end of the passage 22 in the dry and maintaining at a high level the surface resis
housing 12 communicates with the front ends of the tance of the insulating material forming these passages.
liquid passage 14 and the air passage 18, to receive The invented spray nozzle illustrated in FIG. 1 repre
therefrom a liquid stream 26 and an air stream 28 re sents a specific experimental prototype drawn approxi
spectively. The liquid stream 26 and the airstream 28 mately to the scale, where some of the relevant dimen
interact with each other at a droplet forming region 30 sions, in inches, are as follows: the diameter of the
where the kinetic energy of the high velocity airstream () passage 24 - 0. 10; the diameter of the passage 22
28 shears the liquid stream 26 into droplets and the 0.140; the outside diameter of the induction clectrode
remaining kinetic energy of the airstream 28 carries 34 - 0.625; the thickness.of the electrode 34 - 0.050,
forward the resulting droplet stream 32 and addition and the combined length of the passages 22 and 24
ally forms a slipstream 40. The droplets of the droplet 0.265. Since the electrode 34 is spaced from the front
stream 32 are finely atomized and are typically around 15 face of the housing 12 (by a distance of 0.100 inches in
50 microns in diameter, although there may be substan the exemplary embodiment discussed above), and
tial occasional deviations from that typical size. An since the housing 12 is made of an electrically insulat
annular induction electrode 34, made of an electrically ing material, the induction electrode 34 does not pre
conductive material such as brass or another metal, is sent an electrical hazard and is not susceptible to me
embedded in the housing 12 and surrounds the passage 20 chanical damage in use of the invented spray nozzle.
22 in the vicinity of the droplet forming region 30, such Furthermore, since the high voltage source 36 is affixed
that the electric field lines due to a potential difference to the housing 12, and the only high voltage lead 38 is
between the electrode 34 and the liquid stream 26 can embedded in the housing 12 and is completely enclosed
terminate onto the liquid stream 26. The induction in the high voltage source 36, there is little hazard from
electrode 34 is maintained at a potential with respect to 25 high voltage components of the source and little danger
the liquid stream 26 of several hundred to several thou of mechanical damage to high voltage components.
sand volts by a high voltage source 36. The source 36 is Since the air slipstream 40 keeps the passages 22 and
affixed to the housing 12 and has a high voltage output 24 dry, there is little danger of leakage current.
connected to the electrode 34 through a high voltage Experimental results with the invented nozzle illus
lead 38 and a low voltage input connected to a low 30 trated in FIG. show that it has a space-charge or
voltage source 40. The function of the high voltage spray-cloud current saturation characteristic with re
source 36 is to convert the low voltage input to a se gard to the liquid flow rates such that above a certain
lected high voltage output, e.g., to convert 12 volts minimum flow the spray-cloud current becomes nearly
D.C. from a source such as a vehicle battery to a high independent of liquid flowrate. In FIG. 2, which is an
voltage output, which can be adjusted within the range 35 illustration of such experimental results, the horizontal
of several hundred to several thousand volts D.C. High axis represents liquid flow rate through the nozzle in
voltage sources of this type typically include an oscilla units of cubic centimeters per minute, and the vertical
tor powered by the low voltage D.C. source and pro axis represents spray-cloud current in microamperes. It
ducing an A.C. output, a transformer converting the is seen in FIG. 2 that the three curves, which are at
A.C. output of the oscillator to a high A.C. voltage, a 40 potentials of the charging electrode 34 with respect to
rectifier converting the high voltage A.C. output of the the liquid stream 26 of kilovolt, 2 kilovolts and 3
transformer to a D.C. voltage and some adjustable kilovolts respectively, show that the spray-cloud cur
means 36a to control the voltage level at the A.C. out rent becomes substantially independent of flow rate for
put. Since the particular circuit used in the high voltage flowrates over about 1 gallon per hour. This character
source 36 is not novel, and since sources of this type 45 istic of the invented spray nozzle provides some degree
are available in the prior art, no further description of self-regulation of the space charge imparted to spray
should be needed. clouds under the conditions of fixed charging voltage
The base 10 is made of an electrically conductive and liquid flowrate which varies cither intentionally or
material, such as a metal, and is kept at ground or close unintentionally.
to ground potential, thereby keeping the liquid stream Additionally, experiments with the invented nozzle
26 at or close to ground potential. As the droplet illustrated in FIG. 1 indicate that the spray-cloud cur
stream 32 is formed at the droplet forming region 30, rent is nearly directly proportional to the voltage of the
each droplet is charged inductively and the charged charging electrode 34 for typically used liquid flow
droplets are carried forward and out of the spray nozzle rates. Referring to FIG. 3, the horizontal axis repre
by a portion of the kinetic energy of the airstream 28. 55 sents the voltage of the electrode 34 with respect to the
Because of the shown configuration of the invented liquid stream 26 in units of kilovolts, and the vertical
nozzle, an air slipstream 40 forms around the droplet axis represents the spray-cloud current in units of mi
forming region 30 and the droplet stream 32 to keep croamperes. It is seen in FIG. 3 that for each of the
the inner face of the electrode 34 i.e. the face facing shown flow rates the spray-cloud current varies in
the droplet forming region and the initial portion of the nearly direct proportion with the voltage of the charg
droplet stream 32, completely dry and smooth. This air ing electrode 34 with respect to the liquid stream 26. It
slipstream 40 prevents any droplets from being depos is noted that the maximum spray charging attained (7.2
ited on the inner face of the electrode 34. Without the microamperes at 80 cc/min. for water) represents
slipstream 40, it may be possible that droplets may be about 15% of the theoretical Rayleigh charge limit for
deposited on the electrode 34 and may peak up in the 65 water if an average droplet diameter of 50 microns is
intense electric field just off the electrode, which may assumed. It also represents a droplet charge at least
initiate a corona discharge and degrade the electro three times greater than that which could typically be
static induction charging process. Furthermore, the imparted to the droplets by the prior art ionized field
charging techniques. Note that the data in FIG. 3 was means for forming a liquid stream moving axially
limited by the use of a 0-3 KV power supply. When a forwardly from said front end of the liquid conduit.
higher output power supply is used, the results show 2. An electrostatic spray nozzle as in claim 1 includ
spray charging up to about microamperes at charg ing means for forming a gaseous slipstream moving
ing voltages of about +5 KV, with correspondingly along the surface of the electrode which faces the drop
higher percentage Rayleigh limiting charge. Moreover, let stream and separating said electrode surface from
when the droplet diameter is higher, the corresponding the droplet stream.
percentage Rayleigh limiting charge is higher; e.g. 3. An electrostatic spray nozzle as in claim 2 wherein
about 26% and 40% of the theoretical Rayleigh charge said slipstream forming means include means for form
limit for 75 and 100 microns droplet diameter, respec () ing a gaseous slipstream moving through the portion of
tively, each for about 80 cc/min. liquid flow rate and 7.2 the passage between the electrode and the front end of
microamperes cloud current at +3 KV. the housing and separating the surface of said last re
Further tests with the invented nozzle illustrated in cited passage portion from the droplet stream.
FIG. 1 indicate the long term spray-charging stability of 4. An electrostatic spray nozzle as in claim 1 includ
the nozzle. Referring to FIG.4, which illustrates a strip 5 ing electrical means for maintaining the electrode at a
chart recording of cloud current as a function of time selected potential with respect to the potential of the
for an eighty minute continuous test, charging voltage liquid stream, said electrical means comprising a low
was increased in the 500 volts D.C. steps at each ten voltage input for receiving a low voltage input signal,
minute increment of elapsed time. Cloud current was 20 an insulating housing which is affixed to the nozzle,
found to hold constant to within better than - 2%. means for converting the low voltage input signal to a
about its average value at each setting across this range. high voltage output signal of a selected potential with
The slight negative cloud current during the first 10 respect to the liquid stream, said converting means
minutes (at 0 volts) represents the typically small being enclosed in said housing, and means enclosed in
charge produced during droplet formation; the last 10 25
said housing for applying said high voltage electrical
minutes (at 3000 volts with liquid flow off) verifies that signal to the electrode.
negative air ions, possibly caused by ionization within 5. An electrostatic spray nozzle as in claim 1 wherein
the nozzle, were not being blown from the nozzle and the means for forming said droplet stream comprises
were not being measured as a component of spray pneumatic-atomizing means.
current (a spurt of sprayed water which had remained 30 6. An electrostatic spray nozzle comprising:
within the liquid inlet port to the spray nozzle after the an annular induction electrode made of an electri
liquid flow had been turned off caused the shown cur cally conductive material and having a front end
rent spike). A number of similar long-term tests sup and a back end which are axially spaced from each
ported the result that the nozzle gave trouble-free spray other;
charging, with no shorting, sparking or corona dis 35 means for forming a liquid into a liquid jet originating
charge detected. at a region which is axially rearwardly of the elec
It should be noted that a number of nozzles may be trode and extending axially forwardly from said
attached to the same rig to spray a wider area. Each region toward the electrode and means for convert
nozzle may have an independent high-voltage supply, ing the liquid of the jet into a stream of liquid drop
as discussed above, or a plurality of nozzles may share 40 lets moving axially forwardly through the annular
the same high-voltage supply, provided the environ induction electrode and for forming a gaseous slip
ment is such that there is no significant electrical ha stream moving along the electrode surface facing
zard from the high-voltage components connecting the the stream and separating the last recited surface
nozzles to the shared high-voltage supply. The electri from the jet and the stream;
cal space charge of the charged droplets can be varied 45 means for maintaining the electrode at a selected
by varying the charging voltage, as described above, or electrical potential with respect to said liquid; and
by varying other parameters, each as the size of the a hollow housing made of an electrically insulating
droplets, the resistivity of the liquid, the speed of the material and surrounding the annular electrode,
stream of droplets, and the like. said housing having a front wall disposed forwardly
| claim: 50 of the front end of the electrode and means defin
1. An electrostatic spray nozzle comprising: ing a spray orifice in said front wall which is sub
a housing made of an electrically insulating material stantially coaxial with the annular electrode.
and having a front end and a back end axially 7. An electrostatic spray nozzle as in claim 6 wherein
spaced from each other and means defining a hol the means for forming the droplet stream and the gase
low passage extending axially from the back end 55 ous slipstream comprise a pneumatic-atomizing nozzle
forwardly toward the front end of the housing; disposed within said housing at a location rearwardly of
an annular electrode made of an electrically conduc the front end of the annular induction electrode.
tive material and disposed within the housing, co 8. An electrostatic spray nozzle as in claim 7 includ
axially with and surrounding the hollow passage, ing means for forming a gaseous slipstream moving
said electrode having a front end spaced rear 60 along said spray orifice and separating the surface of
wardly of the front end of the housing by a selected said orifice facing the droplet stream from the droplet
distance along said passage; and Stream.
means for forming a droplet stream moving axially 9. An electrostatic spray nozzle as in claim 8 wherein
forwardly through said passage from a droplet the means for maintaining the electrode at a selected
forming region disposed rearwardly of the front 65 potential comprise an insulating cover affixed to said
end of the electrode, said droplet stream forming housing and enclosing means for receiving a low volt
means including a liquid conduit having a front end age input signal, means for converting said low voltage
disposed axially rearwardly of the electrode and input signal to a high voltage signal and means enclosed
in said housing for applying said high voltage signal to with respect to the liquid forming the liquid stream,
the annular electrode. said power supply means having low voltage compo
10. An electrostatic spray nozzle comprising: nents and high voltage components, and means for
a base having an axially extending, central conduit enclosing at least the high voltage components of the
for receiving liquid under pressure at its back end 5 power supply means in an electrically insulating enclo
and for issuing a forwardly directed liquid stream at sure affixed to said housing at a location adjacent to the
its front end, said base further having a separate, induction electrode.
generally axially extending conduit for receiving air 12. A method of forming a stream of electrostatically
under pressure at its back end and for issuing at its charged liquid droplets comprising the steps of
front end a forwardly converging air stream for O providing a liquid jet and converting the liquid jet
interacting with and atomizing said liquid stream; into a stream offinely divided liquid droplets mov
a housing fixedly secured to the base and having an ing along a selected direction;
axially extending passage coaxial with the liquid inductively charging the droplets of said droplet
conduit of the base, said passage having a back stream with a toroidal electrostatic field having
portion communicating with the air and liquid con 5 lines of force emanating from an annular induction
duits to receive the streams issuing from the con electrode and terminating at the droplet stream,
duits and having a front portion extending for said toroidal field being coaxial with said selected
wardly of said back portion; direction; and
an annular induction electrode disposed within the enclosing said induction electrode in an electrically
housing, coaxially with the passage, said electrode insulating housing having an orifice coaxial with
having a front end which is rearwardly of the front the selected direction for allowing the charged
portion of the passage but forwardly of the front droplet stream to exit from the housing, said annu
ends of the conduits and a rear end which is for lar electrode and the toroidal electric field pro
wardly of the front end of at least the liquid con duced thereby being spaced inwardly into the hous
duit; 25 ing from said orifice and said electrode being
the base and the back portion of the passage enclos spaced forwardly of the origin of the liquid jet.
ing a droplet forming region where the air and the 13. A method as in claim 12 wherein the step of
liquid streams interact to form a forwardly directed converting the liquid jet into a droplet stream takes
droplet stream combined with an air slipstream place at a droplet forming region located inside the
separating the electrode from the liquid and drop housing and wherein the lines of force of said electrical
let streams and maintaining the electrode free of field terminate at the droplet forming region.
droplets and of liquid, and 14. A method as in claim 12 including the step of
said housing being made of an electrically insulating forming a gaseous slipstream moving along the surface
material. of the induction electrode which faces the droplet
11. An electrostatics spray nozzle as in claim 10 35 stream and separating the last recited surface from the
including power supply means for maintaining said droplet stream.
xx s : k
induction electrode at a selected electrical potential