Ong 2011
Ong 2011
Ong 2011
Coronary artery spasm as a cause for myocardial infarction in patients with systemic
inflammatory disease
Peter Ong a,⁎, Anastasios Athanasiadis a, Mark Dominik Alscher b, Peter Fritz c, Heiko Mahrholdt a,
Udo Sechtem a,1, Juan-Carlos Kaski d,1
Department of Cardiology, Robert-Bosch-Krankenhaus, Stuttgart, Germany
Department of Nephrology, Robert-Bosch-Krankenhaus, Stuttgart, Germany
Department of Pathology, Robert-Bosch-Krankenhaus, Stuttgart, Germany
Cardiovascular Sciences Research Centre, St George's University of London, United Kingdom
0167-5273/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
P. Ong et al. / International Journal of Cardiology 151 (2011) e32–e34 e33
Fig. 2. A+B: Case 1: ECG on admission showing ST-segment depression in leads II, III and aVF. C+D: Case 1: Ventriculogram shows inferior LV hypokinesia (white arrow). E+F: Case
1: Coronary angiography of right coronary artery (RCA, E) and left coronary artery (LCA, F) showing no significant flow limiting stenosis. G–J: Case 1: RCA and LCA after intracoronary
acetylcholine provocation (G+H) and the same arteries after intracoronary nitroglycerine administration (I+J). Occlusive spasm can be seen in the mid-LAD (H, after administration
of 100 μg ACH) and the distal part of the right coronary artery (G, after administration of 80 μg ACH) (white arrows).
circumflex (proximal segment) coronary arteries. However, no culprit These findings suggest that coronary artery spasm might offer a
lesion was found (Fig. 3E+F). The patient underwent acetylcholine- plausible explanation for the occurrence of the acute coronary syndrome
testing for coronary spasm, which reproduced the patient's typical in both patients [1]. In patients with SID the chronic inflammatory status
chest pain and showed focal severe narrowing in the mid LAD, as well characteristic of the condition can lead to endothelial dysfunction via
as a focal coronary artery spasm of the proximal LCX, both at the side several inflammatory pathways, which can contribute to the abnormal
of minor plaques (Fig. 3G+H). The RCA was not assessed as the vasomotor response, as seen in our cases [2]. Elevated CRP concentrations
findings in the LCA required administration of glyceryltrinitrate. have been shown to induce significant expression of adhesion molecules
Fig. 3. A+B: Case 2: 12-lead resting ECG showing ST-segment depression in leads II, III, aVF and V4-6. C+D: Case 2: Ventriculogram with normal LV function without any regional
wall motion abnormalities. E+F: Case 2: Coronary angiography of right coronary artery (RCA, E) and left coronary artery (LCA, F) revealed ectatic segments and plaques ≤30% in the
mid LAD and proximal LCX but no flow limiting stenosis. G+H: Case 2: LCA after 100 μg acetylcholine (G) and after intracoronary nitroglycerine administration (H). Severe focal
narrowing in the mid LAD and focal coronary spasm of the proximal LCX was observed, both at the side of minor plaques (white arrows).
e34 P. Ong et al. / International Journal of Cardiology 151 (2011) e32–e34
(e.g. ICAM-1, VCAM-1 and e-selectin) by human endothelial cells, which Acknowledgement
can, in turn, lead to endothelial injury [3]. In addition, it has been
described that CD4+CD28null T cells can be expanded in patients with SID The authors of this manuscript have certified that they comply
leading to endothelial damage and early atherosclerosis either via direct with the Principles of Ethical Publishing in the International Journal of
cytolytic effects on endothelial cells or indirectly through macrophage Cardiology (Shewan and Coats 2010;144:1-2).
activation [4]. These processes can lead to an imbalance in vascular
homeostasis with excessive release of endothelin-1 and a reduction in
nitric oxide production [5], making the epicardial coronary arteries more References
prone to vasospasm.
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