War of Salvation Reference Guide
War of Salvation Reference Guide
War of Salvation Reference Guide
Chronology of relevant events 1918-1924 ................................................................................................... 2
Schematic Map of Western and Central Turkey/Anatolia 1919 ................................................................. 13
GREEK FORCES IN ASIA MINOR CAMPAIGN 1919-1922 ................................................................. 14
Army of Occupation of Asia Minor 1919-1920 & Army of Asia Minor1920........................................ 15
Field Army of Asia Minor 1920-1922 .................................................................................................... 17
Army of Thrace 1919-1922 .................................................................................................................... 31
Army of Evros/Hebrus 1922-1923 .......................................................................................................... 32
ITALIAN ORDER OF BATTLE 1919-1922 ............................................................................................. 33
BRITISH FORCES AND ALLIES 1918-1922 .......................................................................................... 34
FRENCH FORCES-ARMEE DU LEVANT AND AMENIAN ALLIES 1919-1922 ............................... 36
The Armenian-Turkish War 1919-1920 (Eastern Front) ............................................................................. 40
TURKISH NATIONALIST FORCES........................................................................................................ 43
Ottoman Amy November 26, 1918- Late Spring 1919 ........................................................................... 43
Kuva-i Milliye(National Forces) 1919-1920 .......................................................................................... 43
Turkish National Army 1919-1922 .............................................................................................................. 47
ORDERS OF BATTLE FOR SPECIFIC ACTIONS ................................................................................. 69
Greek Reconnaissance in Force-2nd Battle of Inonu ............................................................................... 73
Battle of Avgin-Inonu-Kovalicha 14-19TH March 1921 (OC)27TH March-1st April 1921(NC) ............. 73
Battles of Eskishehir-Kutahya-Afyon Karahisar Operations .................................................................. 74
Battle of Sangarius/Battle of Sakarya ..................................................................................................... 78
Aftermath of Sangarius/Sakarya Offensive September 1921- Spring 1922 ........................................... 83
Great Turkish Attack of August 1922 ..................................................................................................... 83
Battles of the Retreat of Army Corps C and other Units ........................................................................ 89
List of Greek-Turkish Battles 1919-1922 ..................................................................................................... 92
List of Southern Front Battles ..................................................................................................................... 95
13 October 1918, Talaat Pasha Resigns as Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire.
14 October 1918, Ahmet Izzet Pasha becomes Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire.
November 1918, Karakol Society formed by Kara Vasif Bey on orders of Talaat Pasha
11 November 1918, Ahmet Izzet Pasha resigns as Grand Vizier. He is replaced by Ahmet Tevfik Pasha.
15 November 1918, Ottoman troops begin withdrawing from Caucasus. In reaction Muslim populations
begins political agitation (First and Second Kars Congress).
1 December 1918, Association for Defense of National Rights founded in Izmir/Smyrna. Other follow
suit in Eastern Thrace.
7-13 December 1918, Clashes between the Armenian Democratic Republic and the Democratic Republic
of Georgia.
21 December 1918, Ottoman Parliament dissolved (Senate remains). Ahmet Tevfik Pasha resigns as
Grand Vizier. Not replaced. Adana Association for Defense of National Rights founded.
January 1919, Re-ignition of clashes between the Armenian Democratic Republic and the Azerbaijani
Democratic Republic. These will go on with varying intensity, and savagery by both sides, until the
collapse of the Armenian Democratic Republic in 1920.
18 January 1919, Paris Peace Conference begins. In Caucasus at Kars, the Great Kars Conference
declares Provisional National Government of the Southwestern Caucasus. Forces of the Armenian
Republic begin advancing into the areas vacated by the Ottomans, committing ethnic cleansing as they
20 January 1919, Arrival of first units of the Greek Expeditionary Force at Odessa, Ukraine.
23 February 1919, Pontic Ottoman Greeks declare their intention to seek a Pontic Republic. Samsun and
Trabzon Muslim associations for the defense of National Rights hold joint congress at Trabzon.
21 March 1919, Bela Kun takes power in Hungary overthrowing the Pro-Entente government of Mihail
Karolyi. First significant attempt to challenge the Versailles settlement by military force. (Hungarian
1919 War)
15 April 1919, Hungarians lunch preemptive attack on massing Romanian forces. Onset of Romanian-
Hungarian War (Hungarian 1919 War)
28 April 1919, Onset of the Ottoman Court Martials for events during World War I. The Greek
Expeditionary force evacuates Crimea.
2 May 1919, Bela Kun requests and armistice from Romania. (Hungarian 1919 War)
20 May 1919, Hungarian forces attack Czechoslovakia. War with Romania erupts anew. (Hungarian 1919
11 May – 19 August 1919, Alıi Bati (Bandit) Insurrection against Ottoman government in Mardin
21-23 June 1919, first and only elections held in the Armenian Democratic Republic. Election was
boycotted by the Social Democrat Hunchakian Party and the Armenian Populist Party. It resulted in a
massive victory for the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (Dashnaktsutyun) Party.
22 June 1919, Amaysa Circular issued by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, Rauf Orbay, Refet Bele, Ali Fuat
Cebesoy and with the knowledge of Kazim Karabekir. Formal start of the Turkish National Movement.
23 June 1919, Hungarian-Czechoslovakian Armistice (Hungarian 1919 War). Prime Minister Vittorio
Emanuele Orlando of the Kingdom of Italy resigns. Francesco Saverio Nitti replaces him.
29 June and 4 July 1919, claimed battle of Aydin. Factually a series of confused clashes accompanied by
civilian victimization by both sides (Greek-Turkish War)
July 5 1919, Verdict of the Ottoman Court Martials for the events during World War I. Committee of
Union and Progress disbanded.
17 July-24 July, Major Hungarian Offensive against Romanians (Hungarian 1919 War)
24 July-4 August 1919, Romanian Budapest Offensive. Collapse of Bela Kun government. Occupation of
Hungary to early 1920. End of Hungarian 1919 War (Hungarian 1919 War).
7 August 1919, Hovhannes Kajaznuni steps down as prime minister of the Armenian Democratic
Republic. He is replaced by Alexander Khatisian.
4-11 September1919, Sivas Congress and creation of “Association for Defense of National Rights”
2 October 1919, Damat Ferid Pasha resigns as Grand Vizier. Ali Riza Pasha replaces him.
22 October 1919, Amasya Protocol Signed between Ottoman Government of Ali Riza Pasha and the
Sivas Congress (Mustafa Kemal Ataturk).
16-30 November 1919, French Legislative Elections. Large swing to the political right.
27 November 1919, Treaty of Neuilly-sur-Seine signed between the Entente Powers and Bugaria. Greece
receives Western Thrace.
5-7 December 1919, Picot-Kemal talks. First contacts between France and the Sivas Congress movement.
December 1919, Elections for the Ottoman Parliament (first since 1914). Boycotted by Ottoman Greeks
and Armenians.
11 January 1920, Baha Said Bey of Karakol Society tries to sign agreement with Soviets without
permission of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk
17 January 1920, George Clemencau resigns as Prime Minister of France. Replaced on 20 January by
Alexandre Millerand. Paul Deschanel becomes President of France, replacing Raymond Poincare.
12 February 1920, Ottoman Parliament passed the National Pact (Misak-ı Millî)
26 February 1920, Mustafa Kemal Pasha denounces Karakol Society attempts to negotiate with Soviet
8 March 1920, Ali Riza Pasha resigns as Grand Vizier. Salih Hulusi Pasha replaces him.
19 March 1920, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk orders elections for a new assembly to convene outside
5 April 1920, Salih Hulusi Pasha resigns as Grand Vizier. Damat Ferid Pasha replaces him.
18 April -25 July 1920, Fighting between forces loyal to National Pact and Ottoman Caliphate/
Disciplinary Army
19-26 April 1920, San Remo Conference among the major powers.
24 April 1920, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk is voted as Speaker of the Turkish Grand National Assembly. The
Soviet-Polish War begins.
3 May 1920, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk is voted as Head of the Government of the Turkish Grand National
5 May 1920, Alexander Khatisian steps down as Prime Minister of the Armenian Democratic Republic.
He is replaced by Hamo Ohanjanyan.
11 May 1920, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk is tried in absentia and sentences to death.
3 June 1920, Beginning of diplomatic ties between Turkish Grand National Assembly and Soviet Russia
8 June-18 1920. French evacuate Black Sea port of Ergili but fully occupy Zonguldak
9 June 1920, Kazim Karabekir is assigned command of the Eastern Front, against the Armenian Republic,
by the Turkish Grand National Assembly.
15 June 1920, Nitti resigns as Italian Prime Minister. Replaced by Giovanni Giolitti.
20 June 1920, Major skirmish between Greek and Italian forces at Meander River.
5 July 1920, Prime Minister Venizelos turns down the request of GHQ Asia Minor Paraskevopoulos to
lunch immediate operations against Afyon Karahisar and Eskisehir, citing the priority of securing Eastern
7 July 1920, Greek forces occupy Prusa/Brusa after coordination with local British commanders and
without the prior permission of the Prime Minister, who prioritizes Eastern Thrace.
30-31 July 1920, “July” events in Athens. Attempted assassination of Venizelos in Paris sparks Venizelist
riots in Athens cumulating in the murder of opposition politician Ion Dragoumis.
10 September 1920, The Lazarus Parliament of Greece is dissolved and elections are declared for 25
October 1920. Military Law lifted.
23 September 1920, Alexandre Millerand becomes President of France replacing Paul Deschanel. New
Prime Minister is Georges Leygues.
21 October 1920, Damat Ferid Pasha resigns as Grand Vizier. Ahmet Tevfik Pasha replaces him. End of
Civil War in Western Anatolia.
24-28 October 1920, Battle of Han-Gediz (Greek-Turkish War). In the East the Legran Accord is signed
between the Soviets and Armenia.
25 October 1920, King Alexander of Greece dies, after being bitten by a zoo monkey. Due to this the
elections were postponed for the 1 November 1920.
28 October-6 November 1920, Battle of Kars (Armenian-Turkish War). Turkish advance accompanied by
ethnic cleansing against Armenians.
1 November 1920, Greek Legislative Elections. Liberal Party loses and United Opposition wins.
14 November 1920, Wrangel evacuates Crimea. End of White Movement’s military threat to Soviet
17 November 1920, Elefterios Venizelos resigns as Prime Minister of Greece. Replaced by United
Opposition politician Dimitrios Rallis.
18 November 1920, Armenian and Turkish forces sign a ceasefire. (Armenian-Turkish War)
22 November 1920, Greek Referendum. King Constantine I is restored to the Greek throne.
23 November 1920, Hamo Ohanjanyan steps down as Prime Minister of the Armenian Democratic
Republic. He is replaced by Simon Vratsian who is the last Prime Minister of the Armenian Democratic
29 November 1920, Soviet Russian invades Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan (Turkish-Armenian War)
1-30 December 1920, Demirci Efe Incident (refusal to submit to military discipline)
3 December 1920 , Treaty of Alexandropol between the collapsing Republic of Armenia and the Turkish
Grad National Assembly. End of Turkish-Armenian War (Turkish-Armenian War)
16 January 1921, Georges Leygues is replaced as French Prime Minister by Aristide Briand.
24 January 1921, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk resigns from Head of Government of Turkish Grand National
Assembly. He is replaced by Fevzi Cakmak.
6 February 1921, Dimitrios Rallis resigns as Prime Minister of Greece due to health reasons (dies 5
August 1921). Replaced by Nikolaos Kalogeropoulos.
13 February-13 July 1921, Armenian anti-Soviet February Uprising and Republic of Mountainous
9 March 1921, Abortive peace treaty between France and the Turkish Grand National Assembly
16 March 1921, Treaty of Moscow between the Turkish Grand National Assembly and Soviet Russia.
25 and 29 March 1921, The Gounaris –Metaxas meetings. Metaxas refuses to enter the government.
26 March - 9 April 1921, Battles of 2nd Inonu and of Greek Reconnaissance in Force (Greek-Turkish
8 April 1921, Nikolaos Kalogeropoulos resigns as Prime Minister of Greece, replaced by Dimitrios
16 June 1921, The Grand Turkish National Assembly orders the deportation into the interior of all Pontic
Ottoman Greek males aged 16 to 50 from Samsun/Sampsounta. Policy implemented by Nurretin Pasha.
Topal Osman pasha massacred many of the deportees. By September 1921 deportation orders expanded
to the whole Pontic Ottoman Greek population of the region.
4 July 1921, Giolliti resigns as Italian Prime Minister in reaction to poor electoral showing. He is replaced
by Ivanoe Bonomi.
8 July-21 July 1921, Battles of the Eskisehir-Afyon Karahisar- Kutahya Campaign (Greek-Turkish War)
15 July 1921, Supreme War Meeting including King Constantine I, Prime Minister Demetrios Gounaris,
and most military and political leadership at Kutahya. Decision to conduct “raid” against Ankara.
14 August – 21 September 1921, Battles of the Greek Offensive on Ankara and its aftermath (Greek-
Turkish War)
5 August 1921, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk is declared Commander in Chief by the Turkish Grand National
20 August 1921, Amasya Tribunals targeting Pontic Greeks conclude. 465 death sentences passed.
Executions begin.
25 September1921, Amaysa Tribunal executions reported done. At least 155 Pontic Greek leaders
13 October 1921, Treaty of Kars between Soviet Caucasian republics and Turkish Grand National
20 October 1921, Treaty of Ankara between the French Republic and the Turksih Grand National
Assembly. End of Franco-Turkish War.
15 January 1922, Aristide Briand replaced as Prime Minister of France by Raymond Poincare.
16 May 1922, Dimitrios Gounaris resigns as Prime Minister of Greece, replaced by Nikolaos Stratos.
22 May 1922, Nikolaos Stratos resigns as Prime Minister of Greece, replaced by Petros Protopapadakis
9 July 1922, Fevzi Cakmak resigns as Head of Government of the Turkish Grand National Assembly. He
is replaced by Rauf Orbay on 12 July.
19 August-16 September 1922, Battles of the Grand Turkish Offensive and it aftermath. Destruction of
the Greek Army of Asia Minor as an organized fighting force (Greek-Turkish War).
10 September 1922, Petros Protopapadakis resigns as Prime Minister of Greece. Replaced by Nikolaos
Triantafyllakos. At Izmir/Smyrna Mustafa Kemal Ataturk enters the city, while Nurretin Pasha has
Archbishop Chrysostomos lynched.
11 September 1922, Remnants of Greek Army of Asia Minor revolt against the Greek Government.
Formation of Revolutionary Committee by Colonels Plastiras and Gonatas with support of generals
Kondylis and Pangalos.
13 September 1922, After Royalists of Megara refuse to fight for King Constantine, revolutionary forces
enter Athens. Great Izmir/Smyrna fire destroys the Armenian and Greek quarters of the city. Thousands
of Greeks are massacred or perish.
15 September 1922, onset of the Chanak Crisis between the Turkish Grand National Assembly and the
United Kingdom.
17 September 1922. Action at Panormos/Bandirma. Last military action of Greek Army in Asia Minor
(Greek-Turkish War).
28 September 1922, King Constantine I abdicates. His son becomes King George II. Nikolaos
Traintafyllakos resigns. Replaced by military junta that appoints Sotirios Krokidas as interim Prime
1 October – 12 November 1922, Evacuation o Greek army and population from Eastern Thrace.
11 October 1922, Armistice of Mudanya. End of active military operations in Asia Minor.
19 October 1922, Carlton Club Meeting leads to collapse of Lloyd George government.
23 October 1922, Lloyd George resigns as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Replaced by Bonal
31 October 1922, Trial of Six begins. Dimitrios Gounaris, Georgios Baltatzis, Nikolaos Stratos, Nikolaos
Theotokis), Petros Protopapadakis, General Georgios Hatzianestis, Admiral Michail Goudas ,and General
Xenophon Stratigos are put on trial. Later Prince Andrew is also put on trial. In Italy Luigi Facta resigns
in protest to King Victor Emmanuel’s unwillingness to use force against Mussolini. He is replaced by
Benito Mussolini.
1 November 1922, The Grand Turkish National Assembly abolishes the Sultanate, but retains the
4 November 1922, Ahmed Tevfik Pasha resigns. End of the Ottoman government. Anti-nationalist
politician Ali Kemal is lynched by a mob at Izmit/Nicomedia after being surrendered to Nurrentin Pasha.
15 November 1922, General Elections in the United Kingdom. Conservatives win and Bonar Law
becomes Prime Minister. In Greece Trial of Six ends. Dimitrios Gounaris, Georgios Baltatzis, Nikolaos
Stratos, Nikolaos Theotokis, Petros Protopapadakis, and General Georgios Hatzianestis are executed.
Prince Andrew is also sentenced to death, but the UK forces the government to change it into banishment
(starting December 4th).
24 November 1922, Sotirios Krokidas resigns as Prime Minister of Greece in opposition to the executions
of the Trials of Six. Replaced by Colonel Gonatas on 27 November 1922. The Gonatas administration
will rule until 11 January 1924.
28 June 1923, Non-Competitive Elections held for Turkish Grand National Assembly. The anti-Kemal
Second Group loses all parliamentary representation.
4 August 1923, Rauf Orbay resigns as Head of the Government of the Turkish Grand National Assembly.
He is replaced by Fethi Okyar.
9 September 1923, Peoples Party registers in Turkey. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk is voted its leader.
6 October 1923, The Army of the Turkish Grand National Assembly official enters
29 October 1923, Republic of Turkey is declared. The Turkish Grand National Assembly votes Mustafa
Kemal Ataturk, unopposed, as first President of the Republic of Turkey.
1 November 1923, Fethi Okyar becomes Speaker of the Turkish Grand National Assembly. Ismet Inonu
becomes Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey.
16 December 1923, Legislative Elections in Greece. Royalist abstain. Liberals win majority.
19 December 1923, King George II leaves Greece. In Turkey, the Turkish Grand National Assembly
votes to prohibit military officers to hold political positions in the future.
6 February 1924, Venizelos resigns over the issue of a republic, and is replaced by republican Liberal
Georgios Kafantaris as Prime Minister of Greece.
4 March 1924, Calpih Abdulmecit leaves the Republic of Turkey. End of the Ottoman dynasty.
12 March 1924, Ardent republican Alexandros Papanastasiou replaces Georgios Kafantaris as Prime
Minister of Greece.
13 April 1924, Greek Referendum. Monarchy abolished and Second Hellenic Republic established. It will
last to 1935.
June 1919
Arhipelagos Division
-5th Arhcipelagos IR (arrives 5/1919)
-6th Arhchipelagos IR(arrives 5/1919)
-8th Cretan Regiment (arrives 5/1919)
3rd IR (arrived 6/1919)
Gendarme Battalion (500 men)
3rd Cavalary Regiment
Totals: 2 Divisions, 7 regiments
Source: AHD “A concise history of the campaign in Asia Minor 1919-1922”
Army Units
-Heavy Artillery Regiment
-9th Field Artillery Regiment
-1 Howitzer Battery
-2 Air Groups (Air Force Sector-Squadron B and C &Aviation Squadron Echelon, & Naval Aviation
Squadron of two flotillas)
-Cavalry Brigade (1st and 3rd CR. 1st Arrives in 2/1920, 3rd Arrives in 5/1919)
-Old Independent Division becomes Cydoniae Division (Col(Inf) Alexandros Othonaios) in Winter
1920 then Col (Inf) Panagiotes Gargalides (from 24 July 1920)
--31 IR (arrives 2/1920)
--32 IR (arrives 2/1920)
--33 IR (renamed Smyrna Garrison Regiment)
-34th IR (arrives 6/1919)
-17th Regiment (renamed Smyrna Security Regiment. Created 5/1920 by Pontic Greek Battalion -1000
men(?)-,1st and 5th Reserve Battalions)
-88H Cretan Regiment (initially part of Smyrna Division)
Cretan Division arrives in September 1920 as replacement of Cydoniae Division moved to Greece to
guard elections. Given to Army Corps B. Largely takes in elements of Cydoniae Division.
1st Battle of Inonu (6-11 January 1921 NC/ 24-29 December 1920 OC)
In Greek Sources this operation was called the Strategic Reconnaissance and the Battles of Akpinar and
Totals of Field Army of Asia Minor :52235 Infantry, 1267 Calvary, 636 MGs, 260 Artillery Pieces
1ST Battle of Afyon-Karahisar 13-15th March 1921 (OC)26th- 2th 8 March 1921(NC)
1st Battle of Dumlupinar(Asilhanar) 26-28 March 1921 (OC) 7-9April 1921 (NC)
See OOB Section
Total Strength 11 January 1921: 6159 O/193994 EM, 63639 pack animals, 318 Artillery Pieces
III Division becomes subordinated to Army Corps C starting July 13th 1921
Source: AHD “A concise history of the campaign in Asia Minor 1919-1922”
Source: Jowett Phillip, Armies of the Greek-Turkish War 1919-1922, Osprey Publications
AHD “A concise history of the campaign in Asia Minor 1919-1922” for Divisional Commander names
Battles Sangarius
Action at Amorium
2nd Action at Amorium
Battle of Mangal Dag
Battle of Tamburoglu
Battle of Sapanja
Battle of Kale Gozu
Battle of Chal Dag-Ardiz Dag (last attack as part of offensive operations)
Action of Sadikli
Battle of Karajakaya (last greek attack as part of Sangarius Operation)
Battle of Yamak
Battle of Dua Tepe
Battle of Kartal Tepe
Action at Sivrihisar
Battle of Porsuk River
Action at Seyitgazi
See OOB Section
12 Divisions, 1 Cavalry Division, 7 Independent Regiments: 85000 men, 370 artillery pieces
Change in commands:
29 April 1921 (OC)- Lt.Gen Papoulas resigns command of Army of Asia Minor, replaced by Lt. Gen
Georgios Chatzanestes (ex commander of Army of Thrace)
Army Crops B-Prince Andrew-> Major General Nikolaos Trikoupes->Major General Kimon Digenes
Army Corps A-Lt.General Alexandros Kontoules->Maj.General Nikolaos Trikoupes
Army Corps C->Lt.Gen. Georgios Polymenakos-> Major General Petros Soumilas
XIII Division-Maj.Gen. Kimon Digenes->Col (Inf) Miltiades Kaimpales
X Division-Maj.Gen. Petros Soumilas->Col (Inf) Demetrios Papanikolaou
Chief of Staff of Army of Asia Minor: Lt.Gen. Konstantinos Palles-> Maj.Gen. Georgios Valetas
II Division-> Maj.Gen. Georgios Valetas-> Col (Inf) Stylianos Gonatas
Deputy Chief of Staff-> Col (Eng) Ptolemaios Sarregiannes-> Col (Inf) Michael Passares
Frontline Reserves
Infantry Battalions Cavalry Companies Infantry Battalions Cavalry Companies
Total Turkish 110 83 30 3
Total Greek 37 18 46 0
AHD “A concise history of the campaign in Asia Minor 1919-1922”
--XIII Division Combined Detachment (5/42 & XIIIa Mountain Artillery Battalion)(Col. Nikolaos
--A Engineer Battalion,
--A Field Artillery Regiment (3 Artillery Battalions, one each to I,IV,XII Divisions)
B Corps (MajGen Kimon Digenis)
-II Division (Co (Inf) Stylianos Gonatas)
--1st IR
--7th IR
--34th IR
--II Mountain Artillery Regiment(2 Battalions)
--Independent Mountain Artillery Battery (75mm)
--Independent Field Artillery Battery (75mm)
--7th Battery of Heavy Artillery 120
--7th Howitzer Battery
--2nd Horse Artillery Battery
--Half a Squadron of Cavalry
--2 Companies Engineers
--Ushak Group
---31st IR
---54th IR
-VII Division (Col (Inf) Vasileios Kourousopoulos)
--22nd IR
--23rd IR
--37th IR
--VII Mountain Artillery Regiment(2 Battalions)
--Half a Squadron of Cavalry
--2 Companies Engineers
-IX Division(Col (Inf) Panagiotes Gardikas)
--25th IR
--26th IR
--3/40th Evzone IR (2 Battalions. 3rd Battalion at D Corps)
--IX Mountain Artillery Regiment(2 Battalions)
--II Battalion of B FieLd Artillery
-- Half -Squadron of Cavalry
--2 Companies Engineers
-XIII Division (Col(Inf) Miltiades Kaimpales)
--2nd IR
--3rd IR
--5/42 was an organic unit of this division, but detached to direct Corps control.
--XIIIb Mountain Artillery Battalion
--Half a Squadron of Cavalry
--2 Companies Engineers
-Ushak Military Command
-Kutahya Military Command
C Corps (MjGen Petros Soumilas)
-III Division(Col. (Inf)Georgios Gortzas)
--6th IR
--12th IR
--2/39 Evzone Regiment (minus I/39 Battalion at D Corps)
--Anti-Kemalist Group under 2nd Lieutenant Hasan Hussein
--IIIb Mountain Artillery Battalion
Source: https://storiacontroversa.blogspot.gr which itself probably from the Greek General Staff
Directorate of History.
AHD “A concise history of the campaign in Asia Minor 1919-1922”
Main Group
IV Division
-several infantry battalions (maximum of 4?)
-26th IR of IX Division
Separation of Asia Minor Field Army 15-18 (OC)/28 August-1st September (NC) 1922
Trikoupes Group
IV Division (four battalions and divisional cavalry)
V Division
IX Division
XII Division (minus 2 battalions)
XIII Divisions (minus Plasteras Detachement)
Five Field Artillery Battalions
Two Skoda 105mm Battalions
One Heavy Artillery Battalion (plus a battery)
One Howitzer Battalion
Frangou Group
I Division
II Division
III Division (minus 1/39 Evzone Battalion and III Pack Artillery Battalion)
X Division (minus 28th Infantry Regiment)
XI Division
Independent Division
47th and 57th IR
Field Army Engineers Detachment
Field Artillery Regiment C (9 Batteries)
III Pack Artillery Battalion Skoda 105 (2 Batteries)
Howitzer Artillery Battalion (3 Batteries)
Two Independent Field Batteries
2.5 Pack Artillery Batteries
Heavy Artillery Battery 4 (120mm)
2/I Cavalry Battalion (two companies)
Airplane Squadron C 12 Recon/ Bomber and 2 Fighter Planes
Total: 38 Infantry Battalions, 31 Batteries (6 Heavy), two cavalry companies, 9 Engineer Companies
Xanthe Division (later XII Ddivision)
-13th IR
-14th IR
-15th IR
-12TH Mountain Artillery Regiment (2 Battalıons)
1 and a half cavalry squadrons.
Total: 1 Division, 3 IR
IX Division (Leonardopoulos)
Serres Diivision (Zumvrakakis)
Smyrna Division (Mazarakis)
-29th IR
-30th IR
Cavalry Brigade (from Army of Asia Minor)
Total: 3 Divisions, probalby 6 IR
New Independent Division
Independent Division
-51st IR
-52nd IR
-53rd IR
-Field Artillery Battalion
-Pack Artillery Battalion
Giovanni Cecini, Il Corpo di Spedizione italiano in Anatolia (1919-1922), USSME, Roma 2010
Giovanni Cecini, Militari italiani in Turchia (1919-1923), Ufficio Storico dello Stato Maggiore della
Difesa, Roma 201
Source: AHD “A concise history of the campaign in Asia Minor 1919-1922” names a certain General
Momfalconi as commander of Italian forces in Summer 1919. Italian sources do not corroborate.
Independent Units
X Brigade RFA-30, 46, 51, 54 Field Batteries
1 Bn Grenadier Guards
2 Bn Grenadier Guards
1 Bn Irish Guards
1 Bn Kings Liverpool Regiment
2 Bn East Yorkshire Regiment
1 Bn Duke of Wellington’s Regiment
2 Bn Essex Regiment
1 Bn North Staffordshire Regiment
Source: http://www.orbat.info/history/historical/uk/ops1919-39.html
--Cavalry Regiment (1000 strong) (Musul). 1 company at each Akra and Zaho.
--30 Artillery pieces (Mostly in Musul, 1 battery at each Akra, İmadiye, Zaho)
--About 300 Eastern Assyrian English soldiers are at Zebar and Akra.
--3rd Cavalry Brigade (reinforced) and one artillery brigade from 5th Div (Maraş)
--One battalion from 51st Div. reinforced with Armenians volunteers (Urfa)
Source: Türk İstiklal Harbi Vol III p48 GnKur Basımevi 1965
Source: http://www.longlongtrail.co.uk/army/order-of-battle-of-divisions/27th-division/
Source: Türk İstiklal Harbi Vol III p48 GnKur Basımevi 1965
Colonial Troops
2nd Regiment Tirailleurs Algeriens (RTA) 1920
17th Regiment Tiraillerus Alegeriens 1920-1922-4 BTN
18th Regiment Tiraillerus Alegeriens 1919-1922-3 BTN
19th Regiment Tiraillerus Alegeriens 1920-1922-3 BTN
21st Regiment Tiraillerus Alegeriens 1920-1922-3 BTN
22nd Regiment Tiraillerus Alegeriens 1920-1922-4 BTN
27th Regiment Tiraillerus Alegeriens 1920-1922-3 BTN
36th Regiment Tiraillerus Tunisiens (RTT) 1919-1922-3 BTN
47th Regiment Tiraillerus Alegeriens 1920-1922-3 BTN
Isolated Battalions
16/7e RTA 28/2 & 21/3/1920
A/6e RTA 21/3/1920
1/6e RTA 26/4/1920
6/1er RTA 28/4/1920
3/3e RTA 2/5/1920
8/5e RTA 11/9/1920
5/9e RTA 15/9/1920
1/2e RTA 16/9/1920
2/6e RTA 17/9/1920
2/12e RTT 15/10/1920
10/4e RTT 14/08/1921
Territorial Troops
415th IR 1919
412TH IR 1919
1ST Battery of 2nd Mountain Artillery Regiment (RAM) 1919
2ND Battery of 2nd Mountain Artillery Regiment 1919
-Both units are subordinated to the 272 Campaign Artillery Regiment(RAC) as the 11th Battery in
October 1920 and are part of the 4th Division
26th Battery 1919, becomes 12th Battery of 272 RAC in 1920
30th Battery, 1919,11th Battery of 271 RAC in 1920
26th Battery, 1919
September 1919
1 Mixed Brigade Syria
-415 IR
-36th RTT
-Syrian Legion
-1st Regiment de March du Cavalarie de Levant
2nd Mixed Brigade Cilicia-> December 1919, Division of Cilicia then 1st Division
1st Brigade
-412 IR
-Armenian Legion
-17TH Regiment Tiraillerus Senegalese
2nd Brigade
-18th RTA
Divisional Assets
-2nd Regiment de March du Cavalarie de Levant
3rd Division
-2nd RTA (RMTA)
Other Forces
21e RTA (1ST Division from 1/1920, 4th Division from 9/1920, 1st Division 8/1921, 2nd Division 3/1922)
27e RTA (to 4th Division according to Mümtaz Ulusoy in June 1921)
4 Independent Battalions
Colonial Regiment of Levant
16e RTS
14e RTS
10e RTS
11e RTS
Levant avril 1917- juin 1941, Eric de FLEURIAN, http://www.les-tirailleurs.fr/documents/ed0688be-
Histoire militaire du MoyenOrient,Conflits du Moyen Orient des origines à nos jours,Armée Française du
Levant https://histoiremilitairedumoyenorient.wordpress.com/category/armee-francaise-du-levant/
Mümtaz Ulusoy; “İstiklal Harbi’nde 2nci Kolordu” (II.Corps in TIW). Ankara 2006
Source: Fahri Belen; ”Türk Kurtuluş Savaşı” (Turkish War of Independence), p256-257 (his source was
Official History of TIW vol II). 1973, 1983, 2014.
Each infantry regiment had 2 infantry battalions plus 2 Quick Firing Mountain Guns. Each battalion had 4
companies and 4 MGs. An infantry battalion had 300 man in average.
Source: Türk İstiklal Harbi Vol III p46-47 GnKur Basımevi 1965
--1st IR (Mazmanov)
--2nd IR (Serkisyan)
--3rd IR (?)
--4th IR (Mirmanov)
--5th IR (Bartanov)
--6th IR (?)
--7th IR (Sepov)
--8th IR (?)
--3 City Guard Battalions (Kars, Gümrü, Erivan Guard battalions)
Totalling 12.000 infantry, 1000 cavalry, 250 MG, 84 Artillery Piece, 3 Armored Train, 10 aircraft
Of these force, 2500 infantry (4th IR), 400 cavalry, 70 MG and 18 artillery pieces were at Sarıkamış area.
Source: Türk İstiklal Harbi Vol III p142-144 GnKur Basımevi 1965
Source: Türk İstiklal Harbi Vol III p144 GnKur Basımevi 1965
Source: Türk İstiklal Harbi Vol III p47-48 GnKur Basımevi 1965
Source: Türk İstiklal Harbi Vol III p144 GnKur Basımevi 1965
41000 men, 256 Artillery pieces in active field army in Late Spring 1919
61000 men including support and command echelons including General Staff
Source: Edward J. Erickson (2007) Ottoman Army Effectiveness in World War I, Routeldge, page 164
Source: Col.Ismet Gorgulu; "On Yillik Harbin Kadrosu" (The Personal of 10 Years Long War) Ankara
1993 p.248-249
36 Battalions, 2 Cavalry Regiments, Irregulars, 18-20 Artillery Pieces: less than 20000 men
Source: AHD “A concise history of the campaign in Asia Minor 1919-1922”
Infantry regiments had 3 battalions; 1 full battalion (with 4 MG) and 2 reduced battalions (with 1 MG
Artillery regiments had 2 batteries;each battalion had 5 artillery pieces
XV. Corps on 15 May 1919; 15.811 man, 6213 animals, 20.782 rifles, 56 MG, 40 artillery pieces.
Source: Türk İstiklal Harbi Vol III p42-45 and OOB-1 Gnkur. Basımevi 1965
Source: Türk İstiklal Harbi Vol III p139-141 and Attachment-9 Gnkur. Basımevi 1965
-5th Div (transferred from XIII. Corps on August 1920) (Lt. Col Mehmet Kenan Bey(Dalbasar))
--14th IR (Lt. Col Mahmut Nedim Bey)
--15th IR (Lt. Col İlyas bey)
--24th IR (Major H. Hilmi bey)
December 1920 combat force 450 man (total 1500 man 700 pack animal, each battalion 100 man,
Refurbished Martini armed)
February 1921 combat force 700 rifles
Source: Mümtaz Ulusoy; “İstiklal Harbi’nde 2nci Kolordu” (II.Corps in TIW). Ankara 2006
---127th IR (Kemerhisar)
-XIII. Corps (acting Staff Col. Ahmet Cevdet Bey) located in Diyarbakir
--1st CR
--12th CR
-5th Div (Staff Lt. Col. Mehmet Kenan bey (Dalbasar)) located in Mardin
--14th IR
--15th IR
--24th IR
--2nd AR, 1st Field Art Battalion
Totalling 548 officers, 4255 man, 2389 animal, 5737 rifle, 36 MG, 403 saber, 27 artillery piece
Excess weapons (60.0000+ rifle) and ammunition sent to Western Front
Source: Turk İstiklal Harbi Volume IV (Southern Front) p38-40 and charts. ATESE 2009
Source: Turk İstiklal Harbi Volume IV (Southern Front) p299-302. ATESE 2009
-About 7000 clan warriors from Hamuvent, Balik, Piştar, Menkür, Nadoşt, Balıkyan clans)
Source: Turk İstiklal Harbi Volume IV (Southern Front) p305-306. ATESE 2009
Source: Turk İstiklal Harbi Volume IV (Southern Front) p313-314. ATESE 2009
Southern Front
-23th Division
-8th Division
-57th Division
-41st Division
-2 Cavalry Division
-Assorted Irregulars
III Corps-Sivash
-2 Divisions of total strength 3000 men
XV Corps-Erzerum
-4 Divisions of total strength 9000 men
XIII Corps-Diyarbakir
-2 Divisions total strength 5000 men
--39th IR
--176th IR
--Artillery Regiment
4th Div.(Lt. Col. Mehmet Nazım)
--58th IR
-- 132th IR (Major Yusuf Rıza bey)
-- 175th IR
--Artillery Regiment
--Stormtroopers Battalion
8th Div.(Lt.Col. Mehmet Sabri)
--131st IR (Lt. Col? Ahmet Hakkı bey (Özgener))
--135th IR
--189th IR
--Artillery Regiment
41st Div.( Lt. Col.Şerif)
--11th IR
-- 16th IR (Lt. Col. Ali Saim (Seçik))
--19th IR (Lt. Col. Omer Hulusi ((Erkonuk))
-- Artillery Regiment
-- Stormtrooper Battalion
1st Cavalry Div.(Lt. Col. Ahmet Derviş)
-- 1st Cavalry Brigade
--2nd Cavalry Brigade
2nd Cavalry Div.(Lt. Col. Nazmi)
-- 3rd Cavalry Brigade
-- 4th Cavalry Brigade
Western Front
-1st Division
-11th Division
-24th Division
-61st Division
-3rd Cavalry Division
-Cavalry Regiment
Total: 40 Battalions (12341 men), 20 Cavalry Companies (1377 men), 98 MGs, 38 Artillery Pieces
Southern Front
-4th Division
-8th Division
-23rd Division
-57th Division
-41st Division
-1st Cavalry Division
-2nd Cavalry Division
-Infantry Regiment
-Model Cavalry Regiment
-Other Units
Total:50 Battalions (19285 men), 41 Cavalry Companies (3405 men), 143 MGs, 69 Artillery Pieces
General Reserves
5th Caucasian Division
National Assembly Battalion
Other Units
Total: 15 Battalions (6000 men), 7 Cavalry Companies (450 men), 39 MGs, 40 Artillery guns
Total Turkish Army Spring 1921: 41752 Men, 5232 Cavalry, 296 Mgs, 152 Artillery Pieces
Source: AHD “A concise history of the campaign in Asia Minor 1919-1922”
Avgin-Kovalicha Line forces 13/26 March 1921 (OC), Turkish forces according to Greek
61st Division
24th Division
11th Division
4th Division
3rd Cavalry Division
1st Cavalry Division
Detachment from Kojaeli Gorup
20 Artillery pieces
Source: AHD “A concise history of the campaign in Asia Minor 1919-1922”
--Stormtrooper Battalion
24th Division(Lt. Col. M.Hulusi bey)
--30th IR
--32nd IR (Major Mumtaz bey (Kaynak))
--143rd IR
--24th Artillery Regiment
--Stormtrooper Battalion
-41st Division (Col. Sherif bey)
--12th IR
--16th IR (Lt. Col Ali Saim bey(Seçik))
--19th IR (Lt. Col. Omer Hulusi bey ((Erkonuk))
--41st Artillery Regiment
--5th Bt.Tk. ?
--Stormtrooper Battalion
-1st Cavalry Division (Lt.Col. Ahmet Dervish bey)
--10th Cavalry Regiment
--11th Cavalry Regiment (Capt. Galip bey (Tüten))
--14th Cavalry Regiment (Capt. Osman Kamil bey)
--52nd IR
--1st Militia IR
--2nd Militia IR
--35th Cavalry Regiment
--Militia Cavalry Regiment
-4th Cavalry Brigade (Lt.Colonel Ismail Hakki)
--5th Cavalry Regiment
--20th Cavalry Regiment
--33rd Cavalry Regiment
Total: 33190 infantry, 3400 Cavalry, 57 Artillery Pieaces, 116 Machine Guns, 2600 Irregulars, Engineer
Southern Group
-41st Division
-23rd Division
-11th Division
-4th Division
-24th Division
-3rd Division
-5th Caucasus Division
-1st Cavalry Division
-2nd Cavalry Division
-Independent Infantry Regiment
-41st Artillery Regiment
-two batteries skoda 150mm howitzers
-3 Heavy Artillery Pieces of 150mm
Total:46340 Infantry, 3970 Cavalry, 83 Artillery Pieces, 184 Machine Guns, 5800 Irregulars
Total whole Western Front: 79630 Infantry, 7370 Cavalry, 140 Artillery Pieces, 300 machine guns.
Other forces in rest of Turkey: 14000 infantry, 1200 cavalry, 28 Artillery
Source: AHD “A concise history of the campaign in Asia Minor 1919-1922”
Reorganization of Turkish Forces after 1st July 1921 (OC) according to Greek sources
Forces that participated in the further battles of the operation
5th Group of Divisions
-14th Cavalry Division
-15th Infantry Division
-two infantry regiments
2nd Group of Divisions
-24th Infantry Division (- one regiment)
-41st Infantry Division (- one regiment)
4th Group of Divisions
-5th Caucasus Infantry Division
-4th Infantry Division
-23rd Infantry Division
-3rd Caucasus Infantry Division
12th Group of Divisions
-7th Infantry Division
-57th Infantry Division
-8th Infantry Division
-4th Cavalry Brigade
-2nd Cavalry Division
1st Group of Divisions
-1st Infantry Division
-11th Infantry Division
-61st Infantry Division
-3rd Cavalry Division
Final Disposition of Turkish Force on Eve of Greek Attack according to Greek Sources
June/July 1921
Western Front
1 Group of Divisions
-1st Division
-11th Division
-23rd Division
-61st Division
-3rd Caucasus Division
-3rd Cavalry Division
-Cavalry Brigade
Other forces
-6th Division
-15th Division
-14th Cavalry Division
-17th Division
Source: AHD “A concise history of the campaign in Asia Minor 1919-1922”
--3rd IR
--4th IR
--5th IR
-17th Division
--61st IR
--62nd IR
--63rd IR (Major Ali Riza bey (Yalcinalp))
--17th Artillery Regiment (Col. M. Fuat bey (Peközer))
-41st Division
--12th IR
--16th IR
--19th IR (Lt. Col. Omer Hulusi bey ((Erkonuk))
Totals: 8 Corps and Equivalents, 5 Cavalry Divisions, 1 Cavalry Brigade, 18 Divisions, 15 CR, 59 IR, 1
Stormtrooper Battalion.
Source: Jowett Phillip, Armies of the Greek-Turkish War 1919-1922, Osprey Publications
Battles Sakarya
Action at Amorium
2nd Action at Amorium
Battle of Mangal Dag
Battle of Tamburoglu
Battle of Sapanja
Battle of Kale Gozu
Battle of Chal Dag-Ardiz Dag (last attack as part of offensive operations)
Action of Sadikli
Battle of Karajakaya (last Greek attack as part of Sakarya Operation)
Battle of Yamak
Battle of Dua Tepe
Battle of Kartal Tepe
Action at Sivrihisar
Battle of Porsuk River
Action at Seyitgazi
See OOB Section
Turkish Forces according to Greek Sources at the suspension of Greek Attacks 23-24 August 1921 (OC)
General Reserve
-15th Division
-23rd Division
-41st Division
-57th Division
I Group of Divisions
-5th Division
-7th Division
-4th Division
II Group of Divisions
-9th Division
-3rd Caucasus Division
III Group of Divisions
-8th Division
IV Group of Divisions
-24th Division
-61st Division
-5th Caucasus Division
XII Group of Divisions
-11th Division
New Army Corps
-17th Division
-1st Division
V Group of Cavalry Divisions
Source: AHD “A concise history of the campaign in Asia Minor 1919-1922”
Composition of Turkish Division August 1922: 3 IR (3 Battalions each), 1 Assault Battalion, one artillery
regiment (four batteries), one cavalry company, one engineer company?, one telegraph operator
detachment, one medical company, one bakers platoon. 7500 men on average, 4500 armed, rest
Table on page 368 of AHD “A concise history of the campaign in Asia Minor 1919-1922”
8 Division 10 1
11 Division 10 1
12 Division 10 1
VI Army Corps
16 Division 10 1
17 Division 10 1
V Army Corps
1 Cavalry Division 16
2 Cavalry Division 16
14 Cavalry Division 16
Field Army
6 Division 10 1
Special Cavalry 12
3 Cavalry Division 12
Total Turkish 110 83 30 3
Total Greek 37 18 46 0
assisting the Greeks. Leader name is Hamid Chaus Niyazi Group (from Soma region) Abdullah Group (from
Source: Avgiyiannis, Konstantinos. “Polemikes Monografies Kinik) Regular group from Balikesir 1 Pehlivan? Group
Issue 11: Mikrasiatiki Ekstrateia 1919-1922” page 12 Mehmet Ali Cavus Group (from Kasikci) Mulazim Nuri Group
(from Turanli) Huseyin Bey Group (from Turanli) Major
Greek Forces according to Turkish Sources Cemal Bey Group (from Ayvalik) Ekrem bey Group (from
800 infantry, 80 cavalry, 3machine guns, 2 guns Ayvalik) Cakici Rahmi Group (from Kozak)
Source: İlhan Tekeli, Selim İlkin: Ege'deki sivil direnişten
kurtuluş Uşak heyet-i merkeziyesi ve Ibrahim [Tahtakılıç] Bey,
Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi, 1989,
Greek forces according to Greek Sources Turkish forces according to Turkish Sources
Army Cops C (advancing towards Eskishehir) Western Front HQ (Col.Ismet)
-VII Division (Col(Arty) Polychrones Karakalos - -Cavalry platoon
1st Detachment (one regiment) -24th Div (Lt. Col. Atif (Atesdagli) )
2nd Detachment (three regiments+ Divisional Cavalry half- --143 IR
squadron) --32nd IR (Major Mumtaz (Kaynak))
TOE Units --Artillery Regiment
--22nd IR -11st Division (Lt. Col. Arif (Ayici))
--23rd IR --126th IR
--37th IR --127th IR
Reinforced by --187th IR
--2/39 Evzone Regiment --70th IR(Lt. Col. Hafiz Halit (Uzel))
--X Division Joint Detachment (4 Battalion strong) --Artillery Regiment
-X Division (advancing towards Akdere Bridge) -4th Division (Col. Yucel)
--28th IR --58th IR
--29th IR --132th IR
--30th IR --174th IR
--Engineer Battalion Totals: 1 Corps or Corps Equivelant, 3 Divisions, 9 Infantry
Source: AHD “A concise history of the campaign in Asia Regiments, 2 Artillery Regiments
Minor 1919-1922” Source: Staff Col.(ret.) Ass. Prof. Dr.Ismet Gorgulu " On
Yıllık Harbin Kadrosu"(Personal of 10 Years Long War)
Ankara 1993,
1ST Battle of Afyon-Karahisar 13-15th March 1921 (OC)26th- 2th 8 March 1921(NC)
Greek Forces Turkish National Army
Greek forces according to Greek Sources Turkish Forces according to Greek Sources
23rd Division
A Corps 8th Division
-II Division 57th Division
-XIII Division (minus 3rd IR at Ushak) 41st Division(two regiments of 6 battalion total or 2000 men)
-Howitzer Artillery Battalion 2nd Cavalry Division
-Field Artillery Battalion Total:39 Battalions of 12727 men, 1409 Cavlary, 49 guns
Total force engaged : 11 battalions, 52 Artillery Pieces (20 Later
field guns)-5000 men and 240 Cavalry Model Infantry Regiment
Source: AHD “A concise history of the campaign in Asia Model Cavalry Regiment
Minor 1919-1922” 20 Heavy Guns
1st Battle of Dumlupinar(Asilhanar) 26-28 March 1921 (OC) 7-9April 1921 (NC)
Greek Forces Turkish National Army
Greek forces according to Greek Sources Turkish Forces according to Greek Sources
Greek forces according to Greek Sources Turkish forces according to Greek Sources
Southern Group of Divisions 4th Division, 3rd Caucasus Division, 2nd Cavalry Division, 4th
Source: AHD “A concise history of the campaign in Asia Cavalry Brigade
Minor 1919-1922” Forces engaged: 1 Infantry Regiment, 2 Cavalry Regiments
Battle of Chavush Chiftlik/Hill 1799 2-3July 1921 (OC)/15-16 July 1921 (NC)
In Turkish Sources this is known as the Battle of Nasuchal-Yurmuchal
I Group of Divisions
-1st Infantry Division
-1st Cavalry Division
III Group of Divisions
-15th Infantry Division
-41st Infantry Division
-24th Infantry Division
IV Group of Divisions
-23rd Infantry Division
-4th Infantry Division
-61st Infantry Division
-5th Caucasus Infantry Division
XII Group of Divisions
-8th Infantry Division
-11th Infantry Division
-57th Infantry Division
-2nd Cavalry Division
-4th Cavalry Brigade
V Group of Divisions
-3rd Cavalry Division
-14th Cavalry Division
-3rd Caucasus Division
-7th Cavalry Division
Source: AHD “A concise history of the campaign in Asia Source: AHD “A concise history of the campaign in Asia
Minor 1919-1922” Minor 1919-1922”
Battle Porsuk River of 2-3rd September 1921 (OC)/15-16th September 1921 (NC)
Both the Greek and Turkish Histories do not grace these Turkish offensive operations with specific names
3rd Battle of Afyon Karahisar 17th-25th September 1921 (OC)/7th-9th October 1921 (NC)
Both Turkish and Greek Historiography call this the Battle of Afyon Karahisar. However it is the third battle to be fought in the
region to the day.
Rest of VII Division
Elements off IX Division (26th IR)
Elements of Cavalry Division
At Hamurkoy At Hamurkoy
IX Division 14 Cavalry Division
-4 battalions of infantry 3rd Infantry Division
-four pack artillery battalions 11th Infantry Division
-two field artillery battalions 12th Infantry Division
-one 105mm Skoda Artillery battalion
Later One Regiment of 7th Division of II Army Corps
-26th Infantry Regiment 23 Infantry Division of I Army Corps
XIII Division
-2 battalions At Ilbulak
1st Cavalry Division
At Ilbulak 2nd Cavalry Division
XII Division 5th Division
V Division after start of battle
XIII Division
-2nd Infantry Regiment (two battalions)
Source: AHD “A concise history of the campaign in Asia
Minor 1919-1922”
Source: AHD “A concise history of the campaign in Asia
Minor 1919-1922” Turkish forces according to Turkish Sources
At Hamurkoy
5th Corp
-2nd Division
-14th Division
1st Cavalry Division
4th Corp
-23rd Division
-3rd Division
At Ilbulak
4th Corp
-11th Infantry Division
-12th Infantry Division
-5th Infantry Division
(16 Infantry Battalions/10 Pack Batteries, three Field Batteries) (60 Battalions, 16 companies, 23 batteries)
Source: AHD “A concise history of the campaign in Asia Source: AHD “A concise history of the campaign in Asia
Minor 1919-1922” Minor 1919-1922”
6th Corps
-16th Divsion
-17th Divsion
3rd Corps
-6h Division
Action at Kapalkar, 18th (OC) August/31st August or 1st September 1922 (NC)
Greek Forces Turkish Forces
Greek forces according to Greek Sources Turkish forces according to Greek Sources
Unkown (Turkish Column)-Probably elements of V Calvary
Plasteras Temporary Command Corps
-4th Infantry Regiment Source: AHD “A concise history of the campaign in Asia
-two battalions from VII Division Minor 1919-1922”
Source: AHD “A concise history of the campaign in Asia Source: AHD “A concise history of the campaign in Asia
Minor 1919-1922” Minor 1919-1922”
Action at Lestren Dag 30-31st August and 1st September (OC)-12th-14th September (NC) 1922
Greek Forces Turkish Forces
Greek forces according to Greek Sources Turkish forces according to Greek Sources
Source: AHD “A concise history of the campaign in Asia Source: AHD “A concise history of the campaign in Asia
Minor 1919-1922” Minor 1919-1922”
Source: AHD “A concise history of the campaign in Asia Source: AHD “A concise history of the campaign in Asia
Minor 1919-1922” Minor 1919-1922”
45 IR of XI Division Unknown
2/39 Evzone Regiment of III Division Regimental Strength and 12 Artillery Pieces
Source: AHD “A concise history of the campaign in Asia Source: AHD “A concise history of the campaign in Asia
Minor 1919-1922” Minor 1919-1922”
Action at Panormos, 4th September (OC)/17th September (NC) 1922-Last Action in Asia Minor
Greek Forces Turkish Forces
Greek forces according to Greek Sources Turkish forces according to Greek Sources
Source: AHD “A concise history of the campaign in Asia Source: AHD “A concise history of the campaign in Asia
Minor 1919-1922” Minor 1919-1922”
Urfa Area
Turkish Name Date NS Suggested International Name
Urfa Şehri Milli Mücadelesi 9 February-11 April 1920 Siege of Urfa City
Antep Area
Turkish Name Date NS Suggested International Name
Arappınarı-Sarımağara 13April-5 June 1920 Action of Arappinari-Sarimagara
Akçakoyunlu Muharebeleri 12 July-4 August 1920 Battle of Akcakoyunlu
Fransızların Tarsus 27-29 July 1920 French Attacks to Lift Turkish Siege of Tarsus
Kuşatmasını Yarma
Kurtepe ve Çakıt Bölgesi 20-23 November 1920 French Assaults around Kurttepe and Cakit
Fransız Taarruzları
Haçin(Saimbeyli) Harekatı 5-15 March 1920 Actions around Haçin
Mütarekeden Sonraki İlk 29 July 1920 First Assault on Antep after armisticle’s end
Türk Taarruzu
Nafak Boğazı Çarpışmaları 9 August 1920 Action Around Nafak Boğazı Pass
Türk Taarruzu ve Antep 19 August 1920 Turkish Attack and Lifting of Antep Siege
Kuşatmasının Kırılması
Fransız Karşı Taarruzu 21 August 1920 French Counter Attack at Antep
Antep Yöresinden Fransız 24-26 November 1920 French Attacks around Antep
Fransızların 9ncu Tümene 1 December 1920 French Attacks on 9th Division
Fransızların 5 ve 9ncu 19-23 December 1929 French Attacks on 5th and 9th Divisions
Tümene Taarruzları
Antep Kuşatmasına Karşı 27 December 1920 Turkish Attack to Lift Antep Siege
Türk Taarruzu
İkizkuyu Çarpışması 18 January 1921 Battle of Ikizkuyu
Antep Kuşatmasına 2nci 25 January 1921 Turkish 2nd Corps Attack against Antep Siege
Kolordunun Taarruzu
30-31 Ocak Gecesi Türk 30-31 January 1921 Turkish Night Attack on Antep
Huruç ve Antep’in Düşmesi 8 February 1921 Sally Out and Fall of Antep
Zenzibar Bölgesine Ermeni 17 May 1920 & 19-20 Armenian Attacks around Zenzibar Area
Taarruzu June 1920
Merdenek’de Ermeni 19 June 1920 Armeniana Attack at Merdenek
Bardız Baskını 18-19 June 1920 Ambush at Bardız
Verisan ve Paldum Gediği 20 June 1920 Clash at Verisan and Paldum Gediği Pass
Ermenilerin İki Kanattan 20 June 1920 Double Flank Attack on Oltu Müfrezesi (Oltu
Oltu Müfrezesine Taarruzu Battle Group)
Nahçivan Kuzey Bölgesinde 30 June-1 July 1920 Armenian Attacks around North of Nahcivan
Bardız Cephesinde Ermeni 2 July 1920 Armenian Attack on Bardız Front
Vedi Bölgesi Taarruzu 11-12 July 1920 Armenian Attack around Vedi
Ermeni Baskut (İsmail) 25 August 1920 Armenian Assault on Baskut (Ismail) Mountain
Dağı Taarruzu
9ncuKafkas Tümeninin 12-13 September 1920 Counter Attack of 9th Caucasian Division at Oltu
Oltu’da Karşı Taarruzu
Ermenilerin Bardız’da 9ncu 24 September 1920 Armenian Ambush on 9th Caucasian Division at
Kafkas Tümenine Baskını Bardiz
Sarıkamış Harekatı 27-28 September 1920 Operation on Sarikamis
Ermenilerin Merdenek 6-7-8 October 1920 Armenian Attack on Merdenek Mufrezesi (Battle
Müfrezesine Taarruzu Group)
Yalnızçam ve Oluklu 8 October 1920 12nd Division Attack around Yalnizcam and
Bölgesinde 12nci Tümen Oluklu Area
9ncu Kafkas Tümeni 12/13 October 1920 3 Reconnaissance in force of 9h Caucasian
Taarruzi Keşifleri Division at NW of Benliahmet Beskaya, SW of
Karahac and E of Tuygun
Ermeni Karşı Taarruzu 14 October 1920 Armenian Counter Attack
Sağ Kanat Grubunun Iğdır’a 20/21 October 1920 Attack of Right Wing to Igdir
İlk Taarruzu
Sağ Kanat Grubunun Iğdır’a 24 October 1920 Attack of Right Wing to Igdir
İkinci Taarruzu
Şahtahtının Zaptı 7-8 November 1920 Capture of Sahtahti
Türk İstiklal Harbi Vol II Section 3, Ankara Genel Kurmay Basımevi 1966
Türk İstiklal Harbi Vol II Section 3, Ankara Genel Kurmay Basımevi 1994
Türk İstiklal Harbi Vol II Section 4, Ankara Genel Kurmay Basımevi 1994
Türk İstiklal Harbi Vol II Section 5 Book 2, Ankara Genel Kurmay Basımevi 1995
Türk İstiklal Harbi Vol II Section 6 Book 2, Ankara Genel Kurmay Basımevi 19??
Türk İstiklal Harbi Vol III (Eastern/Armenian Front), Ankara Genel Kurmay Basımevi 1965
Türk İstiklal Harbi Volume IV Güney Cephesi (Southern Front), ATESE 2009
Türk Istiklal Harbi’ne Katilan Alay ve Tugay Komutanlarinin Biyografileri Vol II ,Ankara Genel Kurmay
Basımevi, 2010
Hellenic Army General Staff-Army History Directorate,A Concise History of the Campaign in Asia
Minor 1919-1922, Athens 2003
Γενίκο Επιτελείο Στρατού-Διευθύνση Ιστορίας Σρατού, Τα προ της Τουρκικής Επιθέσεως Γεγονότα,
Σεπτέμβριος 1921- Αύγουστος 1922 (Η Εκστρατεία στην Μικρά Ασία, τόμος Στ'), Αθηνα 2012 (Hellenıc
Army General Staff-Army History Directorate, Events before the Turkish Offensive, Volume VI)
Γενίκο Επιτελείο Στρατού-Διευθύνση Ιστορίας Σρατού, Το Τέλος της Εκστρατείας Σύμπτυξις του Γ΄
Σώματος Στρατού, Αύγουστος-Σεπτέμβριος 1922 (Η Εκστρατεία στην Μικρά Ασία,τόμος Ζ'-Μέρος
Δεύτερον), Αθηνα 2012 (Hellenıc Army General Staff-Army History Directorate, The End of the
Campaign, Volume VII-Part 2)
Giovanni Cecini, Il Corpo di Spedizione italiano in Anatolia (1919-1922), Ufficio Storico dello Stato
Maggiore della Difesa , Roma 2010
Giovanni Cecini, Militari italiani in Turchia (1919-1923), Ufficio Storico dello Stato Maggiore della
Difesa, Roma 201
Other Books
Artuç İbrahim, Büyük Taaruz (The Great Offensive), Kastaş Yayınları, Istanbul 1986
Ulusoy Mümtaz, İstiklal Harbi’nde 2nci Kolordu (II.Corps in TIW), Ankara 2006
Belen Fahri, Türk Kurtuluş Savaşı (Turkish War of Independence), Istanbul 2015
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