What Is NPSH?: 6 Answers
What Is NPSH?: 6 Answers
What Is NPSH?: 6 Answers
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What is NPSH?
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6 Answers
The margin of pressure over vapor pressure, at the pump suction nozzle, is Net Positive
Suction Head (NPSH). NPSH is the difference between suction pressure (stagnation) and
vapor pressure. In equation form:
NPSH = Ps - Pvap
NPSH = NPSH available from the system, at the pump inlet, with the pump running
Ps = Stagnation suction pressure, at the pump inlet, with the pump running
Since vapor pressure is always expressed on the absolute scale, suction pressure must also
be in absolute terms. In U.S. customary units, both pressures must be in psia. Gauge
pressure is converted to absolute pressure by adding atmospheric pressure. In equation
The above equation provides an answer in units of pressure (psi). This can be converted to
units of head (feet) by the following equation:
h = 2.31p/SG
h = Head, feet
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p = Pressure, psi
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Fluid flows from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure. Pumps operate by
creating low pressure at the inlet which allows the liquid to be pushed into the pump by
atmospheric or head pressure. With low pressure at the impeller, there can be a physical
limitation, if the pressure at the impeller is too low or lower than the vapour pressure of
the liquid at that temperature the liquid can get vapourised. The suction pressure of a
pump is a function of density and density of vapour or gases are far lower than that of
liquids so either the pump won't pump or there may be pumping if the cavitation is
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occurring in the impeller blades and not the eye of the impeller and the vapour generated
will collapse at Search for questions,
the region people,atand
of high pressure thetopics
discharge causing damage to impeller Sign In
and pipeline called cavitation.
NPSH is particularly relevant inside centrifugal pumps and turbines, which are parts of a
hydraulic system that are most vulnerable to cavitation. If cavitation occurs, the drag
coefficient of the impeller vanes will increase drastically—possibly stopping the flow
altogether—and prolonged exposure will damage the impeller.
It can be:
1. NPSHA(Available NPSH)
2. NPSHR(Required NPSH)
NPSH Available (NPSHA) is equal to the difference between pump inlet stagnation
pressure and vapor pressure head. The absolute pressure at the suction port of the pump.
NPSH Required (NPSHR) is the minimum pressure required at the suction port of the pump
to keep the pump from cavitating.
NPSHA is a function of your system and must be calculated, whereas NPSHR is a function
of the pump and must be provided by the pump manufacturer. NPSHA MUST be greater
than NPSHR for the pump system to operate without cavitating.
Put another way, you must have more suction side pressure available than the pump
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It is simply the difference of the pressure available at the SUCKTION and vapour
If this value is negative than there r chances of CAVITATION which will lead to the decrease
in the performance ofthe pump……
To increase he value of the NPSH sometimes we will lower down the level pf the pump in
order to increase the pressure so that the value of NPSH is positive….
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