E Challan Assignment
E Challan Assignment
E Challan Assignment
Syed Aitezaz Imtiaz , CMS ID:291093, Section: BSCS-9C
Abstract—This assignment aims to highlight the importance information(including time at that moment) with images of
of technology and how it is changing and making lives easier. violation with all possible angles. In Night, LED Flash lights
It briefly discusses the best use of technology in the form of on the poles with the cameras throws light on number plate
E-challan. How E-challan works, how it has changed the old
and manual system of revenue generation and benefits of this which reflects the plate containing vehicle registration number
system in making the system efficient are the main focus of this and helps camera to capture image of vehicle number plate
assignment. clearly. Anyone who break the traffic signal, over-speeding is
Index Terms—E-Challan, CCTV cameras, Vehicle information being penalized according to policy of fine rates by sending
tracking system, Monitoring of roads, Speed cameras, Rasta App. hard copy of e-challan to the vehicle’s owner. Driver can
also get the print of the challan from the website. E-challan
includes the picture of the number plate of the vehicle, location
I. OVERVIEW and time of the violation.
Handling traffic during peak hours and minimize the number
of road accidents is the priority of mega cities. E-Challan is
the best digital solution so far. Usage of technology in this way
will not only solve this huge problem of traffic but also reduce
the human power. The revenue generated through this system
will be used for maintenance and betterment of traffic manage-
ment system. I think this is totally beneficial investment by the
government to handle the traffic issues smartly. This project
totally digitalizes the traffic management system and open the
gateway for implementing solutions in handling problems of
traffic issues. E-Challan enforces the law against voilaters so
that no one escape from the hands of the law.This project also
introduces mobile application and make people familiar with it
which is the complete evidence of effective use of technology
in improving traffic management system. Nobody can deny its
importance. Almost approximately 10 million+ PKR revenue
has been generated since the launch of this system. It is the
time to start this project in other mega cities of Pakistan to
make sure the law enforcement (implementation of rules and
regulations) throughout the country and make easy for the
concerned authorities to catch the traffic law violators.
[1] Challan definition Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Challan
[2] How CCTV cameras works info. Available at:
[3] Rasta App Info Available at: https://www.techjuice.pk/rasta-app-pitb-