Programming in C: Instruction To Candidates
Programming in C: Instruction To Candidates
Programming in C: Instruction To Candidates
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1. SECTION-A is COMPULSORY consisting of TEN questions carrying T WO marks
2. SECTION-B contains SIX questions carrying T EN marks each and a student has
to attempt any FOUR questions.
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Q1 Answer briefly :
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(a) Define data type.
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p e
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p a
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(f) What is use of nested structure?
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Q2 Define Program. Write and explain various steps involved in development of the
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Q3 What is operator and expression? Explain various types of operators available in C
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Q4 What is24336 24336
Call by value? 24336
How it is different 24336
from call 24336
by reference? 24336
Explain with suitable 24336
24336 Q5
24336 Write and
24336explain a C24336
language program
24336 to transpose
24336a matrix. 24336 24336 24336
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(a) Structure and union
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(b) While and do-while statement.
p m
pa o
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p e
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p a
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