Kinds of Shifting: Escape From Taxation A. Tax Shifting
Kinds of Shifting: Escape From Taxation A. Tax Shifting
Kinds of Shifting: Escape From Taxation A. Tax Shifting
i. Tax Avoidance
- The exploitation by the taxpayer of legally permissible
alternative tax rates or methods of assessing taxable
property or income in order to avoid or reduce tax liability.
It is politely called “tax minimization” and is not punishable
by law.
- Example: A person refrains from engaging in some activity
or enjoying some privilege in order to avoid the incidental
taxation or to lower his tax bracket for a taxable year.
- A scheme wherein taxpayer uses LEGALLY PERMISSIBLE
means to reduce or totally escape payment of taxes.
- Also called “TAX MINIMIZATION” and valid if used by the
taxpayer in GOOD FAITH