Final Fantasy VIII Guide
Final Fantasy VIII Guide
Final Fantasy VIII Guide
|How to have a party with 255 on every attributes|
| without a Gameshark |
| by EVILGIZMO ( |
version 1
1.00- The first things to know...
First, at the very beginning of the game, you mustn't do any battle
with normal enemies because they give EXP points and you must be at the
lowest level possible. You must only fight boss enemies since they
give 0 EXP points and battles that are absolutely necessary to engage.
If you want to upgrade your GFs'attributes, and I recommend it a lot,
you can always use the CARD command on monsters so you gain no EXP
but AP. If you want a better affinity with your GFs without killing
enemies, use them on absorb-elemental enemies. By example, cast Shiva
any number of times on Glacial Eye to boost your affinity and run away
when you are satisfied. It should help a lot on bosses with fast GFs
since your characters will be at low levels. Magic wil be a lot
important, you must draw the max number (100) of any new type of magic
met and junction to your abilities. Do not forget to draw the magic
then runaway to not gain EXP points. Running away at every battles
may seem really boring so you should try to get GF Diablos' ENC-NONE
ability as soon as possible. If you want to know how, procede to
the section 1.01. If you already know, go to 2.00.
1.01- Getting Diablos
The only strategy I can give you is to draw Diablos' Demi and cast
it back on him. Sometime it does a tremendous amount of damage,
sometimes it does a tiny little one. If you want more info on how
beating Diablos, just search on a GameFaqs' walktrough.
Now that you got Diablos in your party, make him learn the ENC-
HALF ability. To do so, do some random battles having one of your
character equipped with the Card commmand. Use it on weakened enemies
to gain a card, no EXP and APs. When ENC-HALF is learned, go with ENC-
NONE ability. Once learned, equip it on a character and you won't run
into any battles except boss battles. That's it for Diablos' abilities
so let's get back to our 255 quest.
2.00- The decision...
You must now decide which 2 characters you want to have 255 on STR
(strenght), VIT(vitality), MAG (magic) and SPR(spirit). I personnally
prefer Irvine (AP Ammo is way powerful) and Rinoa (Invincible moon can
be useful)/ Quistis (Blue magics are effective). After this, try to
use them the less often possible to keep their level low.
From now on, you will have to continue the story up to when you'll
get the Ragnarok on CD 3. If you have any problem doing tasks, battles
or anything that blocks you, Here are some advices and things to
If you now have the Ragnarok, you're ready to continue the quest.
3.00- Cactuar and Bahamuth
When you obtain the Ragnarok (you should be between level 20-30),
go on Cactuar Island (east of Great Desert-southeast of the map-)and
meet with Cactuar. If you think you can take him off of your own, pass
this section. If not, look below.
3.01- Beating Cactuar
When you finish him, he joins the Party. Now head for Forbidden
Island (completely southwest of the map) and go meet with Bahamuth.
You will have to challenge him, yes the king of GF is summoning you in
a battle. If you aren't really sure to beat him or you simply don't
know how to meet him read the following section, if you know how, pass
3.02- Meet & Beat Bahamuth
To meet Bahamuth you must reach the spinning blue light (walk when
it doesn't spin to avoid battles) and talk to it. Answer the first
qusetion with the first choice of answer, the second question with the
second choice and the third question with the secret third answer (move
the cursor below the second choice). You will now battle with Bahamuth.
When you kill him, (surprise!!!) he joins! Now you can start the
final process.
4.00- Build Squall
4.01- Get Tonberry
Now level-up Squall to level 100. Once this is done, he should be
between 100-140 in every attributes. You can now switch Bahamuth and
Cactuar to your second character. Upgrade him/her to level 100 and do
the same with your third. (You must upgrade them one after one because
there is only one who can equip Bahamuth and Cactuar at a time.)
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-if you have any commments or questions feel free to ask them by
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