Antiurolithiatic Activity of The Plant Extracts of Solanum Virginianum On Ethylene Glycol Induced Urolithiasis in Rats
Antiurolithiatic Activity of The Plant Extracts of Solanum Virginianum On Ethylene Glycol Induced Urolithiasis in Rats
Antiurolithiatic Activity of The Plant Extracts of Solanum Virginianum On Ethylene Glycol Induced Urolithiasis in Rats
Research Article
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Krishna Mohan Chinnala*, Srinivas Shanigarm, Madhan Mohan Elsani
Department of Pharmacology, St. John College of Pharmacy, Yellapur,
Hasanparthy, Warangal- 506 371. Andhra Pradesh, INDIA.
*Corresponding Author Email:
Objective: To study the antiurolithiatic activity of Solanum virginianum (Solanaceae) in ethylene glycol induced
urolithiasis in male Spargue Dawley rats.
Methods: The urolithiasis was induced in rats by oral feeding of ethylene glycolated water (0.75%v/v) for 28 days.
Ethanolic extract of Solanum virginianm (200 mg/kg, 400 mg/kg) was administered orally from 1st day for
preventive regimen and from 15th day for curative regimen. Results: It was observed that the inducing agent
ethylene glycol elevated the ionic parameters, calcium and phosphate levels in urine, blood urea nitrogen (BUN),
serum creatinine and serum uric acid levels. Treatment with ethonolic extract of Solanum virginianm significantly
(P<0.001) reduced the elevated levels of ions in urine as well as BUN, serum creatinine and seum uric acid levels.
Conclusion: The elevated calcium and phosphate levels in urine, serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and
uric acid levels of urolithiasis induced rats were reduced with preventive and curative regimens of plant extract
treatment. The histological findings also showed improvement in kidney architecture after treatment with the
plant extract. These observations enable us to conclude that the Solanum virginianum has curative and preventive
properties for ethylene glycol induced urolithiasis in rats.
Urolithiasis, Ethylene glycol, Solanum virginianum, Hyperoxaluria, Micro crystals.
females . The recurrence of urolithiasis represents a the possibility of infection suggests that ESWL may
cause acute renal injury, a decrease in renal function
The Spargue dawley rats, weighing 150-200g, were Collection and analysis of urine
procured from Teen baobabs Pvt. Ltd. (Rag, no. Urine samples were collected on 28th day for 24 h by
keeping the animals in individual propylene metabolic
cages. Animals had free access to drinking water calcium and phosphate. Whereas the cystone-treated
during the urine collection period. The collected urine group III animals were shown significant reduction in
was analyzed for calcium and phosphate using calcium (P<0.0001) and phosphate (P<0.001) levels.
standard methods. The volume of urine collected Similarly treatment with Solanum virginianm
from all groups was recorded. Further, microscopy of significantly lowered the elevated levels of calcium
the urine was performed to identify the presence of (P<0.0001) and phosphate (P<0.0001) in urine
crystals. curative regimens and preventive regimen as
Serum analysis compared to EG induced group II animals (Table 1).
After the experimental period, the blood was Serum analysis
collected from the retro orbital puncture of rat eye The blood urea nitrogen (BUN), serum creatinine and
under ether anesthesia. Serum was separated by serum uric acid levels were significantly (P<0.0001)
centrifugation of the blood samples at 10,000 RPM increased in calculi-induced group II animals. While
for 10 minutes and analyzed for creatinine, uric acid the BUN, serum creatinine and serum uric acid levels
and BUN using standard methods. were significantly (P<0.001) decreased in cystone-
Effect of S. virginianum plant extracts on the kidney treated group III animals. However, the BUN and
weight serum creatinine levels were significantly (P<0.0001)
The weights of the kidney of normal, induced, decreased in both preventive and curative regimen
standard drug treated and extract treated group rats groups. It is also found that there is no significant
were weighed. The Group II animals gained the least reduction in serum uric acid levels in curative
body weight as compared to the normal control and regimens (Group IV and Group V), but the preventive
extract treated groups. In addition, the wet weight of regimens shows a significant (P<0.0001) reduction in
kidneys were taken and compared between the elevated serum uric acid levels (Table 1).
groups. Kidney Weights and Urinary Volume
Histopathology The kidney weight was significantly (P<0.001)
To confirm the incidence of urolithiasis the animals increased in ethylene glycol induced group –II animals
were sacrificed and their kidneys were isolated and when compare to the control group animals. Whereas
subjected to histopathological studies. The kidneys the standard treated group animals was shown
were cleaned off from extraneous tissue and significant (P<0.001) reduction in the kidney weight
transferred to 10% neutralized formalin solution (pH when compared to the EG induced group II animals.
7.4). Sections of kidney was fixed in paraffin, stained Similarly a significant (P<0.0001) decrease in the
with hematoxylin and eosin and observed for kidney weight is also identified in Solanum virginianm
histopathological studies11. treated preventive and curative regimens (Table 2).
Statistical analysis The urinary volume was significantly (P<0.001)
Statistical analysis was carried out using Graphpad decreased in ethylene glycol induced group-II animals
Pism (version 5) software. Results were expressed as when compared to the control group animals.
mean ± SEM. Groups of the data were compared Whereas the standard treated group animals was
applying one-way ANOVA followed by Dunnett’s shown significant (P<0.01) increase in urine output
Multiple Comparison test. Differences between the when compared to the EG induced group II animals.
data were considered significant at P<0.05. Similarly a significantly increase the urinary volume is
also identified in Solanum virginianm treated
RESULTS preventive regimen (P<0.0001) and curative regimen
Antiurolithiatic study (P<0.05) animals (Table 2).
Urinary excretion of calcium and phosphorous Histopathological studies
In the present study, chronic induction of EG (0.75% Histopathological studies of kidneys clearly revealed
v/v) to male Spargue dawley rats resulted in that the tissue section of Group I rats showing normal
significant (P<0.001) increase in urinary excretion of size tubules with single epithelial lining along the
margin. Whereas the Group II rats showed dilated
tubules and degeneration of epithelial lining with standard and extract treated groups showed
presence of crystals. But the kidney specimen from characters similar normal control group (Figure 1).
Table: 1 Effect of Solanum virginianum extracts on urinary and serum parameters in control and experimental
*** ** ** *** **
Calicium 9.18±0.18 21.0±20.36 11.77±0.36 16.52 ±0.13 15.12±0.12 14.12±0.13 12.58±0.17
** ** ** ** ***
Phosphorous 2.005±0.02 3.938±0.05 2.520±0.02 3.477±0.01 3.323±0.05 2.825±0.01 2.723±0.01
Blood urea nitrogen 18.95±0.805 39.47±1.702 22.68±0.419* 33.55±2.325*** 27.01±1.24*** 24.01±0.42*** 2.76±0.365***
Table 2: Effect of Solanum virginianum Plant extracts on the Urinary volume and kidney weight
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Group-I Group-II Group III
Group-IV Group-V (400 Group-VI Group-VII
(200 mg/k.g) mg/kg) (200 mg/k.g) (400 mg/kg)
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*Corresponding Author:
Dr. Krishna Mohan Chinnala
Professor & Principal
St. John College of Pharmacy,
Yellapur, Hasanparthy, Warangal-506371,
Andhra Pradesh, INDIA.