Datasheet Fuji F5018 F5020

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Intelligent Power MOSFETs

Shin Kiuchi
Motoi Kudoh
Naoki Yaezawa

1. Introduction vanced combustion technology to reduce exhaust gas

and improve fuel consumption are progressing year by
The development of automotive electronics is accel- year. It is expected that in the future, as promoted by
erating year after year. Currently, the percentage of the Ministry of Transportation, the technical trends
cars equipped with anti-skid brake systems (ABS) and represented by advanced safety vehicles (ASV: ad-
air bags, which were very highly priced several years vanced safety vehicles integrally controlled by electron-
ago, is rising at an increasing rate. Manufacturers’ ics technologies for safety prevention and accident
and users’ concern for safe and environment-friendly avoidance during normal driving and safety in case of
automobiles has grown so high that the inclusion and collision) and “automated travel” to minimize manual
superiority of these electronics systems is regarded as operation will create a greater incentive to develop and
adding value to automobiles, and has become a sales increase the scale of car control electronics, and
point. automobile manufacturers will desire to reduce the
At present, technical developments in advanced size and cost of these increasing systems.
vehicle control technology to ensure safety and ad- Intelligent power MOSFETs (metal-oxide-semicon-

Table 1 List of intelligent power MOSFET series

High-side Low-side
IPS Intelligent power MOSFET
Model F5001H F5016H F5017H F5021H F5015L F5020 F5022 F5018 F5019 F5023 F5027 F5029 F5030 F5031 F5032 F5028 F5033

TO-220F-5 K-pack T-pack TO-220 T-pack TO-220 T-pack K-pack T-pack SOP-8

TO-220F-5 K-pack T-pack TO-220 SOP-8


Rated voltage *1 60V 60V 60V 50V 45V 40V 60V 40V 40V 40V 40V 40V 40V 40V 40V
Rated current *2 3A 3A 6A 3A 10A 3A 3A 8A 12A 52A 18A 14A 6A 28A 1A
0.16Ω 0.16Ω 0.16Ω 0.16Ω 0.07Ω 0.4Ω 0.5Ω 0.14Ω 0.14Ω 0.02Ω 0.07Ω 0.07Ω 0.2Ω 0.04Ω 0.6Ω
resistance (max.)
protection ○ ○

ture protection ○ ○

○ ×

Open load
detection ○ ×

Status output ○ ×

Induced ○ ○ Drain-gate zener diode

voltage (Reference - 11V) (Refer-
clamping ence
- 42V)

*1: Limited by drain-gate zener diode, *2: Limited by overcurrent and short-circuit protection


ductor field-effect transistors), which integrate control, Although the intelligent power MOSFET series
protection, self-diagnosis circuits and a power device incorporates a power device and an overvoltage protec-
on a chip, can be used to integrate electronic parts at a tive function similar to the IPS series, it has a discrete
lower price than that of conventional automobile 3-terminal package construction similar to unit
manufacturers. MOSFETs are becoming regarded as MOSFETs and bipolar transistors. The intelligent
devices capable of constructing highly reliable systems. power MOSFET series is easy to handle and enables
To meet the above requirements for automotive the configuration of reliable systems. This series is
electronics, Fuji Electric has developed two lines of well suited for automated mounting as surface-mount
intelligent power MOSFETs, an IPS (intelligent power type packages are widely available. Figure 1 shows the
switch) series and an intelligent power MOSFET series external appearance of packages in this series.
that is described below. This intelligent power MOSFET series is described
2. Overview of the Products
2.2 Main characteristics
2.1 Overview of the product series The F5020 device is selected as a typical device
Table 1 shows a list of Fuji Electric’s intelligent from among the low-side intelligent power MOSFET
power MOSFET series. series. Tables 2 and 3 list its main characteristics, and
The IPS series incorporates a power device, drive Figs. 2 and 3 show the block diagram and chip
and protection circuits, and a function to communicate appearance, respectively. Main features are listed
with the CPU on a single chip and is enclosed in a TO- below.
220F-5 (5 terminals) package. (1) Short-circuit protection with built-in short-circuit
A new device among this series, the F5021H, and overtemperature detection functions
retains the basic performance of the former series that (2) Over voltage protection and high-speed switching
performed well in solenoid valve, lamp, and motor for inductive loads with a built-in dynamic clamp-
drive applications, while expanding the range of use ing circuit
and reducing the chip size by lowering the on-state (3) Can withstand a high ESD (electro-static dis-
resistance of the output stage MOSFET. The F5021H charge) voltage (withstands 25kV between drain
has the following special features. and source, and 10kV between gate and source at
(1) Low on-state resistance achieved by shrinking the
power MOSFET to half the former size. Table 2 F5020 absolute maximum ratings (at T c = 25°C)
(2) Improved induced voltage clamping capacity for Item Symbol Rating Unit
high-speed switching of inductive loads (lowering
Drain-source voltage VDSS 40 V
clamping voltage from ref. - 11V to ref. - 42V
achieves times higher speed than the former Gate-source voltage VGSS - 0.3 to +7.0 DC V

devices) Drain current ID 3 A

(3) Reduced EMI (electro-magnetic interference) noise Max. power dissipation PD 10 W
by reducing control circuit standby current (to half Operating junction
Tj 150 °C
the former value, when IPS is on)
(4) Improved current conducting capacity at high Storage temperature Tstg - 55 to +150 °C
temperatures by making the over current detec-
tion value dependent on lower temperature (half Table 3 F5020 electrical characteristics (at T c = 25°C)
the former value) Standard
Item Symbol Condition Unit
Min. Max.
Fig.1 Appearance of intelligent power MOSFETs
Drain-source voltage VDSS 40 60 V
Gate-source threshold ID=1mA
VGS(th) 1.0 2.8 V
voltage VDS=13V
* 1
Gate-source leakage IGSS(n) 500
current IGSS(un) 800
Drain-source ID=1A
RDS(on) 0.4 Ω
ON-state resistance VGS=5V
Ttrip VGS=5V 150 °C
Overcurrent detection IOC VGS=5V 5 A
Dynamic clamping
ECL Tj=150°C 50 mj
energy dissipation
Thermal resistance Rth(j-c) 12.5 °C/W

*1: during normal operation, *2: when protection is activated

Intelligent Power MOSFETs 17

Fig.2 F5020 block diagram Fig.4 F5020 waveforms from short-circuiting to current limiting


Dynamic clamping V DS (5V/div)

zener diode Power

Overtem- Control
perature logic I D (2A/div)
Short-circuit detection circuit
detection circuit

Current limiting
Short-circuit detection
Abscissa: 10ms/div
Source Conditions: V DS = 13V, with a p-channel MOSFET

Fig.3 F5020 chip Fig.5 F5020 short circuit detection circuit





150pF, 150Ω)
(4) Can directly drive a microcomputer possible with Source
5V gate drive
(5) Built-in function turns off output when the gate
terminal is open to fail-safe the system as a whole systems, large capacity motors and lamps.
(6) Control unit and power MOSFET unit integrated
on a single chip 4. Characteristics
(7) Low price achieved by utilizing self-isolation ND
(N-channel diffusion)-MOS process 4.1 Short-circuit protection
(8) Smaller size and automated mounting by utilizing The intelligent power MOSFET incorporates a
SMD (surface mounted device) packages short-circuit detection circuit to protect the system,
load, and device itself even when a drop in load
3. Intelligent Power MOSFET Series Product impedance causes an excessive current. As an ex-
Line ample, Fig. 4 shows the waveforms of F5020 operation
from short-circuiting to current limiting. To obtain the
As shown in Table 1, this intelligent power waveforms, using a test circuit with a p-channel
MOSFET series is for current ratings of 1 to 50A. MOSFET as the load, the drain current was gradually
The 1A device is being developed for the control of increased from 0A, and F5020 operation from short-
the many types of 1.4W class warning lamps mounted circuit detection to current limiting was observed.
in instrument panels, or for the lower-than-1A class of Figure 5 shows the short-circuit detection circuit. The
solenoid valves used for fuel injection control. Utiliz- circuit monitors the ON-state voltage of the MOSFET
ing an SOP-8 package for this sort of intelligent device, output stage, and the comparator for monitoring drain-
the chips are packaged together in two channels to source voltage detects drain currents exceeding the
make the system small and flat. short-circuit detection value and lowers the gate
The 50A device is used for solid-state relays in voltage of the MOSFET output stage to a fixed value to
automotive electronic systems or for the control of body limit output current and prevent the device from short-


Fig.6 Waveforms of F5020 driving a lamp load Fig.7 Different time required for protection due to different
temperature sensor positions

V GS (5V/div)

Applied power (W)

Sensor position A: Sensor position B:
300 inside the power next to the power
V DS (5V/div) Power MOSFET cell MOSFET cell 

I D (2A/div)
Position B Position A
100 101 102 103
Abscissa: 50ms/div Time required from overtemperature detection to
Conditions: V DS = 13V, with a 21W lamp load protection actuation (ms)

circuit breakdown. This detection circuit does not use Fig.8 Waveforms of F5020 operating a solenoid valve
a conventional current detection system that requires
a large-scale circuit configuration such as a current
sensing device and an operational amplifier, but
instead uses an ON-state voltage monitoring system to V GS (5V/div)
reduce the size of the current detection circuit.
The intelligent power MOSFET uses this current-
V DS (20V/div)
limiting system for short-circuit protection for the
following reasons.
Figure 6 shows the F5020 waveform (40V/3A/0.4Ω)
driving a lamp load (21W/12V). Since the load is 21W, I D (0.5A/div)
a rush current of approximately 20A flows when
started in cold temperature. When selecting a device
to drive a lamp with such a rating, a device rated at Abscissa: 10ms/div
Conditions: V DS = 13V, with a solenoid valve of 10mH, 10Ω
10A or more is generally selected in consideration of
the above-mentioned rush current. The F5020 rated at
3A is judged to have insufficient current capacity.
However, in the region where the applied lamp load completely shut down even by an instantaneous short
causes a rush current to flow, even when the current is circuit such as loose short-circuiting. A means for
more than the rated current, the F5020 does not reset is necessary in order to restart the device. This
completely shut down output current, but actively complication is disadvantageous to the system design.
maintains the ON state by limiting the output current The intelligent power MOSFET, which incorpo-
at a given value. With this short-circuit protection rates a built-in short-circuit protection circuit based on
system that limits output current, the F5020 is able to the above design concept, does not require short-circuit
perform basic switching of the 21W lamp without protection circuit components formerly added by the
concern over the rush current. Therefore, if this system side to protect the power device from external
intelligent power MOSFET is selected for a system DC short-circuiting. This enables smaller size and
design that requires lamp load drive, devices can be lower cost systems.
selected based not on rush current but on steady
current, thereby enabling systems to be designed with 4.2 Overtemperature protection
devices rated at about half the conventional current. If the above-mentioned current-limiting operation
Further, the current-limiting system is a short- continues after a short circuit is detected due to an
circuit protection system suitable not only for lamp external DC short circuit, excessive heat will be
loads but also for systems such as ABS that requires a generated in the intelligent power MOSFET. The
constant current supply even when an excessive cur- response time of a circuit is critical to avoid damage
rent flows due to a drop in load impedance. due to overheating of a protection circuit. To reduce
The problem with applying latch type systems, the response time when overheating is detected, the
completely shutting down the output current upon intelligent power MOSFET has a temperature sensor
detecting a short circuit to the short-circuit protection on the power MOSFET cell as shown in Figs. 7 and 3.
system, is that self-reset by the device itself is The response time is approximately ten times quicker
impossible. This means that the output current will be than that of the case of where a temperature sensor is

Intelligent Power MOSFETs 19

Fig.9 Waveforms of F5020 performing PWM on an inductive is able to perform adequate PWM control without
load adding components to the system.

4.4 Electrostatic breakdown withstand voltage

The intelligent power MOSFET has been designed
with careful consideration to withstand surge voltages
V GS (5V/div)
in the severe surge environment of automobiles. In the
intelligent power MOSFET, low-voltage devices for
control circuits and a vertical power MOSFET for
V DS (10V/div) output are integrated into a single chip using a self-
isolation process that requires less steps than junction
I D (0.5A/div) or dielectric isolation. It is said the self-isolation
process is superior in cost performance, but inferior in
Abscissa: 50µs/div surge withstand voltage to the dielectric isolation
Conditions: V DS = 13V, L = 3mH, R = 5Ω process because of the greater number of parasitic
devices. However, in the intelligent power MOSFET,
the construction of the zener diode for surge suppres-
sion and the layout of the control circuit’s internal
located next to the power MOSFET cell. The result is resistance have been optimized such that the electro-
highly coordinated protection. static breakdown voltage of the F5020 (for example) (at
150pF, 150Ω) is greater than 25kV between the drain
4.3 Dynamic clamping function and source, and more than 10kV between the gate and
In devices used in automobile systems where there source. Moreover, its AC latch-up voltage (at 150pF,
are many inductive loads such as solenoid valves, there 150Ω, V DS = 13V, V DS = 0V and 5V) is greater than
is a problem of dealing with the LI /2 energy accumu- 25kV between both the drain and source and between
lated in the inductive load. the gate and source.
The intelligent power MOSFET incorporates a
dynamic clamping circuit which clamps at approxi- 5. Conclusion
mately 50V the surge voltage generated by turning off
the inductive load and absorbs energy accumulated in This paper has presented an overview and de-
the inductive load by the power MOSFET itself. scribed characteristics of the line of intelligent power
Additional external components, such as a snubber MOSFETs, focusing on the low-side intelligent power
circuit, are not necessary. Figure 8 shows actual MOSFET series. Products have been introduced on
waveforms of the F5020 operating a solenoid valve. It the assumption that they will be used in the automo-
can be clearly seen that the F5020 rapidly processes tive electronics field, however the intelligent power
energy accumulated in the inductive load when the MOSFET series can be used in various applications
dynamic clamping voltage is set to a value near the because of its high versatility.
power MOSFET withstand voltage of 60V. Figure 9 In the future, Fuji Electric will expand the line of
shows waveforms of the F5020 performing PWM (pulse intelligent power MOSFETs to meet the needs of
width modulation) on an inductive load. It can be seen diversified applications and establish technologies to
that at a frequency of approximately 5kHz, the F5020 further improve performance.


* All brand names and product names in this journal might be trademarks
or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

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