Battle of Trenton Info Text
Battle of Trenton Info Text
Battle of Trenton Info Text
Battle of Trenton
Battle of Trenton Definition: The Battle of Trenton was a military conflict between the Kingdom of Great Britain and its
thirteen colonies in North America during the American Revolutionary War (1775-1783). The year and date that the Battle
of Trenton took place on Thursday, December 26, 1776. The battlefield in which the British and American Forces fought
during the Battle of Trenton was located in Trenton, New Jersey. The Battle of Trenton ended in victory for the American
The Fall of Fort Washington on the end of Manhattan Island was a crushing blow for the Americans and destroyed all hope
of holding anything near New York. General George Washington sent one part of his army to secure the Highlands of the
Hudson. With the other part of the army he moved across New Jersey to the southern side of the Delaware River. The
Battle of Trenton took place on Christmas night, Thursday, December 26, 1776 in New Jersey. General George
Washington crossed the Delaware with a division of his army. It was a treacherous crossing, a violent snowstorm was
raging and the Delaware river was full of ice. But George Washington and the determined soldiers crossed the river. The
weather changed and the storm turned to freezing sleet and rain but on the soldiers marched on to their destination which
was the Hessian garrison at Trenton. The American forces under George Washington and Nathanael Greene surprised
the German Hessians holding the roads leading inland from the town of Trenton.
John Stark and a few American soldiers, including James Monroe, held the bridge leading over the Assanpink* to the next
British post. A few horsemen escaped before John Stark could prevent them, but all of the fleeing German Hessian foot
soldiers were killed or captured. Nearly 1000 Hessian prisoners were marched through Philadelphia. It was a significant
victory for the Americans and a crushing defeat for the Hessian army. Washington was about to lead another American
victory at the Battle of Princeton.
*Assunpink Creek is a 22 mile tributary of the Delaware River in western New Jersey in the United States
Result of the Battle of Trenton: The Battle of Trenton ended in victory for the Americans
Combatants: The British Army and Hessians fought against the Americans
The following picture represents some of the early designs of the American flag. The idea of flying a flag grew
from the requirements of ancient warfare and the battlefield and used as a rallying point for troops.
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