03 - Litreature Review On Employee Welfare
03 - Litreature Review On Employee Welfare
03 - Litreature Review On Employee Welfare
Anand (2010) stated in his research work that employees of IT sector in Chennai district are satisfied
with the welfare measures provided by the company. But researcher also suggested some
recommendation pertaining to periodic audit of welfare programs by management, personality & tress
management etc. Modifications are requiring in the field of safety consciousness, grievance handling&
sexual harassment especially for women employees.
Balaji (2013) explored the influence of rewards & welfare on job satisfaction & productivity of both
public & private sector employees in measure Industrial cities of Tamilnadu. The working environment
was faire in terms of office accommodation & furniture, working material, health & safety facilities but
on the other side he recommended salary increment, allowances, bonus, fringe benefit &compensation on
regular & specific periods to keep their moral high & make them productive.
Bhagat (2015) revealed that cleanliness is the big issue in Nashik MIDC. She suggested that cleanliness
should be improved, clean & adequate latrines &urinals at the work place improve indirect motivation to
Bhati p. (2013) identified in her research work that the different provisions provided to the employees
under factories Act 1948 are showing positive relation with the employee’s satisfaction. Company should
know the requirement of employees in term of different non-financial motivational tools. This study can
be useful for identifying the factories which needs to employee satisfaction & company can use those
factors retention tool for retaining employees in the organization.
Bosibori (2012) suggested that govt. through national police service in Kenya(KISII central district )
should improve the provision of health services, welfare amenities& social services provided to the police
officers so has to improve service delivery & also recommended that govt. should be well formulated
policies on each areas of welfare services in the national police service in KISII central district
Chahal (2013) inferred from her research work that some factors like working environment,
performance appraisal techniques , relationship other employees etc. are contributing towards job
satisfaction in bank employees, while job dissatisfaction caused by working hours(lack of training &
development) of frequent transfers of the employees . He suggested that employee welfare
measures/facilities of job security should be given at most importance so that the employee turnover may
be restricted.
Gope (2013 ) studied the employee per section on quality of work life in sugar mills of Uttar Pradesh(UP)
found that private sugar mill employees enjoys better QWL practices in comparison to cooperative sector
or employees. On lighting facilities (LF), safety measure (SF), health facilities (HF), welfare facility
(WF), etc. but cooperative sugar mill employees enjoys better employee welfare facilities &supervisor
interference (SI) to private sugar mill employees. He suggested that to improve QWL is first to identify &
then try to satisfy employees important needs in through their experience in their working environment.
Gurusamy (2012) asserted that there is no significant relationship between the sex of the respondent&
level of satisfaction on washing facilities in textile industry at Coimbatore district. Also he stated that
there is a positive relationship the income of the respondent& the level of the satisfaction on canteen
Hangarki (2014) revealed the relationship between employee satisfaction level & welfare measures in
selected national bank in Hyderabad Karnataka region. It is clear that welfare facilitated employment by
bank are not equally satisfactory to all employees. Most of the employees are dissatisfied with the clarity
and transparency in communication, training& development, lunch rooms & rest rooms, health checkup
camp etc. He recommended some measures but separate lunch room & rest rooms are most important in
those amenities because employees are very inconvenient to have their lunch in front of the customer.
Jain (2012) implied by her research work that public sector bank employees are more satisfied with his
jobs rather than private bank employees the main cause of dissatisfaction among private bank employees
are job in security their jobs are highly competitive. Also welfare facilities and clearly defined & legally
enforced in public sector banks while there is neither well planned nor well executed welfare facilities in
private banks. This is other reason of dissatisfaction among private bank employees. Employee’s turnover
high & job security low in private bank employees.
Jeyapragash (2013) Studied organizational climate in total 14 banks which are 10 private sectors, new
private sector & public sector banks & 280 respondents. From dindigul district, Tamilnadu the result
showed that organization climate within public sector bank employees were good compared to the other
private banks. They recommended other banks to improve in the level of organizational climate,
performance appraisal, and image of your bank, training &development, employee grievance handling
procedure etc.
Kumar (2013) described that 100% employees of Tamilnadu state transport corporation, Villupuram
division were aware of the welfare measures in Public Sector Transport Corporation. Researcher found
that most of the employees were do not satisfied with welfare measures such as canteen, night duty, rest
rooms & gratuity 89% employees said work load is very high. Researcher suggested the govt. to take
keen interest to fill up the vacancies to share the work among them as employees are burdened with heavy
work load.
Logasakthi K (2013) inferred that most of the respondents are satisfied with the facilities provided by the
organization. Some of the employees are not satisfied with medical reimbursement facilities.
Madhesh (2014) instated that employees having 5-10 years’ experience are highly satisfied welfare
measures provided by their companies in SIPCOT industrial area in Tamilnadu. He suggested some
recommendations regarding welfare inspector, transfer policies &disciplinary rules for betterment of
Okereke (2010) revealed that there complete absence of welfare measures in patani local govt. council,
Delta state Nigeria. There is general awareness about staff welfare among employees. Staffs were totally
neglected by council. The working environment was poor or path. He informs of office accommodation &
furniture working materials, monetary incentives & unreliable health of safety facilities etc. Job
satisfaction among employees are very low which leads to poor productivity or performance .Okereke
suggested that significant efforts should be made to improve employee job capabilities through training,
improve working condition & general welfare , which leads to increase productivity or enhanced moral &
Prabhakar S (2013) found employees of Don bosco college of arts and science
Sogathur,Dharampuri,Tamilnadu,are very satisfied with intramural facilities but they is a need of further
development in the areas of extra mural facilities like transport, leave facility, maternity benefits,
promotion for the staff in college etc. Researchers recommended fixing pay scale for experienced staff in
tune with the cost of living and have to think high salaries for those awarded Ph.D.
Priyanka (2014) was taken 100 respondents from IT industry at Guntur, Andhra Pradesh & resulted that
companies are very keen in promoting all the welfare facility provided by the IT industry.
Reenu (2013) Described that the retail stores at Udaipur, Rajasthan are providing intramural & extra
mural facilities. Even they are providing several amenities that may improve health & leaving standards
of employees. Researcher also suggested retail stores should provide transportation facilities, different
sport activities, accommodation facilities or allowances, sponsor for the higher education to deserving
candidate etc.
Regi (2013) stated that Indian overseas bank (IOB) gives more welfare schemes to their employees such
as safety measures, promotion facility, recreational facility etc. but they are lacking in canteen facility ,
rest room & toilet facility, ID card issue but the overall satisfaction level of IOB employees about welfare
measures are satisfactory.
Sabarinathan S mentioned the 78 % of the respondents are satisfied with welfare measures implemented
by Erode district cooperative milk producers union ltd.Tamilnadu.Employees are satisfied with canteen
facilities. Researcher suggested that management should convert level of satisfactory into highly
Sabarirajan (2010) concluded that the employees of textile mills in Salem district are satisfied with the
welfare facilities provided by the organization. But some modification are required in the field of
recreation, safety equipment’s, over time payments, grievance handling etc. Betterment is requiring in the
work of co-operative societies which runs by the trade union.
Salaria (2013) studied about employee welfare measures in auto sector at NCR Delhi & asserts that
employees in auto sector (NCR Delhi) are highly satisfied with internal mural welfare measures & few
are dissatisfied with extramural welfare measurer. Perception of the employees on total welfare measures
is satisfied.
Satyanarayana M. (2012) Revealed that overall satisfaction level of KCP Ltd. Employees at Macherla,
Andhra Pradesh is satisfactory. However researcher suggested some measures for further improvement
that are productivity – linked annual bonus subsidized food in canteen, four pairs of uniforms & increase
the quantity of provisions in the co-operative stores. Such measures will enrich the employees standard of
living & satisfaction level.
Satyanarayana Stated about employees of sugur factories in east Godavari district are satisfied with the
welfare measures given by the company. Most of the employees having experience between 5-10 years
are highly satisfied with welfare measures. Researcher recommended some measures improvement in
safety equipment, over time payments, compensatory arrangements on medical grounds, promotion etc.
Shelar (2013) identified the effective & welfare provisions on manufacturing industrial units & service
industrial unit in Karad taluka, District Satara, Maharashtra. She found that employee welfare & social
security measures offered by management of service industries in Karad taluka are not effective in
reducing employee absenteeism of turnover management employees are satisfied or moderately satisfied
with some provisions while service employees have problem related to employment security to boost the
employees morale, both industries units should provide good working conditions, co-operative societies,
canteen, libraries to their employees.
Shrinivas K T (2013) conducted research work at BOSCH Ltd. Bangalore division on 100 employees.
Researcher concluded that employee welfare facilities are satisfied such as canteen facilities, transport
&parking, uniform & safety shoes etc. but employees are dissatisfied with medical & first kid due to
improper maintenance of medicine& less no. physicians, rest rooms & recreational facilities are poor due
to lack of maintenance.
Sinha (2013) revealed by his research work that the overall employees of KRIBHCO, Surat, Gujarat
state. Were satisfied with their organization but the satisfaction level of employees differ significantly as
per the salary. Researcher also concluded regarding training opportunities & job rotation between
different age groups & gender groups that no significant difference of satisfaction level.
Tatareddy M (2014) implied by research work that majority of the respondents of Secundarabad division
of railway are satisfied with the welfare measures which they are provided. Employees are satisfied with
both Intra-murale.g.medical, canteen, water, washing and bathing, safety measures etc. And extra-mural
e.g. housing, recreational, educational, holiday homes, retirement benefits etc. Researcher further
suggested recommendation in the areas of housing societies for railway men, better equipped hospitals
and clinics, educational facilities in the technical education etc.
Upadhaya (2006) studied an awareness and implementation of labour welfare measures in Garment and
hosiery industry of Noida depicted a pathetic or quite deplorable picture of this area.52% respondents
belonging to the unskilled category and they are mobile in nature or contractual and piece rate workers.
There is no general awareness among employees.30% workers were not being provided paid weekly
holidays in case of piece rate worker and casual workers. Only 10& of the units were providing food
facility to its workers on a subsidized basis. No other non –statutory facility being provided to workers.
Venugopal (2011) described that employees in industrial cluster at chittoor district, Kerala are availing
statutory & non-statutory welfare facility but employees are expecting some more welfare facility like
gratuity, pension, welfare fund, so that they may retained employees & their quality of work life.
Researcher also strongly recommended that industry should provide timely help to the work force when
they are in trouble such as conveyance to hospital when injured, medicines etc.