Price Schema and Source of Supply Material - Noor
Price Schema and Source of Supply Material - Noor
Price Schema and Source of Supply Material - Noor
Conditions represent stipulations agreed with suppliers about prices, discounts and surcharges,
freight costs, and so on. Such conditions can be stored in quotations, info records, outline
agreements, and Purchase Orders (POs).
You can also maintain general conditions at vendor level. The system then also applies these
conditions to determine the price in purchasing documents. You can manually enter further
conditions in the purchasing document itself
Calculation Schema
The calculation schema groups together all condition types that determine the price. It also
determines the sequence in which the condition types are included in price determination.
Condition types are keys defined in Customizing to control how the conditions are used. For
example, in the standard system, the PB00 condition type represents a quantity-dependent gross
The calculation schema constitutes a set of rules for determining the purchase price.
In the standard calculation schema, the elements of the purchase price, such as gross price, net
price, and effective price, are defined as follows:
Gross price: price regardless of other conditions, such as discounts, surcharges, or delivery costs
(supplier’s net price)
Net price: price including discounts and surcharges with reference to the gross price, but excluding
delivery costs
Effective price: net price less cash discount and including miscellaneous provisions, delivery costs,
and nondeductible tax
Info Records
Info records contain the following information:
Prices and condition supplements for a particular purchasing organization (with or without plant
The supplier material number
Supply options (available from/to)
Origin data
The last purchase order number
The quotation number (if the info record was generated automatically from a quotation)
Price determination date control
Tolerance limits for over-deliveries or under-deliveries
The planned delivery time for the material
List display functions for info records enable the buyer to search for the following: