2 - How To Cretae PIR
2 - How To Cretae PIR
2 - How To Cretae PIR
Record in SAP
Purchase Info Record
Purchase info records are information about terms for purchasing a specific
material from a vendor. They are maintained at vendor/material combination
and can contain data for pricing and conditions, overdelivering and
underdelivering limits, planned delivery date, availability period.
2. Subcontracting
A subcontractor info record contains ordering information for
subcontract orders. For example, if you subcontract the assembly of a
component, the subcontractor info record would include the vendor's
(subcontractor's) price for assembling the component.
3. Pipeline
A pipeline info record contains information on a vendors commodity that
is supplied through a pipeline or pipes (for example, oil or water) or by
similar means (for example, electricity through the mains). The info
record contains the vendor's price for the use of such commodities by
the buyer ("pipeline withdrawals"). You can keep withdrawal/usage
prices for different validity periods.
4. Consignment
A consignment info record contains information on a material that
vendors keep available at their own cost on the orderers premises. The
info record contains the vendor's price for withdrawals by the orderer
from consignment stock. As in the case of the pipeline info record, you
can keep prices for different validity periods.
Step 1)
1. You can enter the info record note in these five lines, and it will be
active only if a check box for info record note is ticked.
2. Same logic as previous except that this is a standard item text that will
be copied to purchase order item.
Once you have entered all the desired information about our material/vendor
combination you can save the transaction data and will be presented with
information about the purchase info record number assigned to our info
record. We can use it for future reference to edit or display our record.
Now we can set up the other three procurement type info records, which you
need to maintain only in the Purchase Organization data 1 screen.