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Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis 9 (2019) 1–8

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Review Paper

Advances of supercritical fluid chromatography in lipid profiling

Yang Yang a,1, Yanshan Liang a,1, Jina Yang a, Fengying Ye a, Ting Zhou a,n, Gongke Lib,n
School of Biology and Biological Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, China
School of Chemistry, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC) meets with great favor due to its high efficiency, low organic
Received 23 August 2018 solvent consumption, and the specialty for the identification of the isomeric species. This review de-
Received in revised form scribes the advances of SFC in targeted and untargeted lipid profiling. The advancement of the SFC in-
16 November 2018
struments and the stationary phases are summarized. Typical applications of SFC to the targeted and
Accepted 16 November 2018
untargeted lipid profiling are discussed in detail. Moreover, the perspectives of SFC in the lipid profiling
Available online 17 November 2018
are also proposed. As a useful and promising tool for investigating lipids in vitro and in vivo, SFC will
Keywords: predictably obtain further development.
Supercritical fluid chromatography & 2018 Xi'an Jiaotong University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article
Online SFC technique
under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Untargeted lipid profiling
Targeted lipid profiling

1. Introduction Lipids are a class of representative hydrophobic metabolites

in a biological system. Based on the classification system from
Recently, supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC), as an alter- LIPIDMAPS (, lipids have been
native technique to liquid chromatography (LC) and an extension divided into eight categories: (i) fatty acyls, (ii) glycerolipids,
of gas chromatography (GC), has aroused extensive attention due (ii) glycerophospholipids, (iv) sphingolipids, (v) sterol lipids,
to its high efficiency and environment protecting [1]. Fig. 1 shows (vi) prenol lipids, (vii) saccharolipids and (viii) polyketides. Li-
the number of articles on SFC published each year from 2008 to pids are one of the three principal macronutrients in the living
2018. SFC uses supercritical fluid as the mobile phase, which is a organisms. In addition, lipids are the main structural components of
kind of fluid with low viscosity and high diffusivity, which in- cell membranes, which play a vital role in many biological processes
corporates the features of both liquid and gas [2]. Carbon dioxide such as energy storage and cellular signaling [6]. Thus, a lot of at-
(CO2) is most commonly used as the preferred supercritical fluid tention has been paid to the detection and quantification of lipids,
(SF), which could be easily pressurized and heated beyond its such as the endogenous lipid analysis in vivo [7], and the nutritious
critical points (31 °C, 74 bar) (Fig. 2 shows the phase diagram of lipid analysis in oils [8] or plants [9]. What's more, lipidomics,
CO2). The viscosity and diffusivity of the supercritical fluid are very defined as the systems-level analysis and characterization of lipids
close to those of gas, which results in high separation efficiency at and their interacting moieties, which has been widely applied to the
a high mobile phase velocity. Meanwhile, the density and diffu- biomarker discovery, the mechanism exploration and the new drug
sivity of the supercritical fluid are similar to those of liquid, pro- research, is an emerging field of current research.
viding a good solubility for the analytes [3]. Incorporating both the The separation of lipids has generally been carried out by GC,
features of liquid and gas, SFC is regarded as hybrid of GC and HPLC and SFC. For GC analysis of the lipids, a derivatization step is
high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) [4] and exhibits needed and thermal degradation of analytes would happen due to
a lot of advantages such as high separation efficiency, low organic the high temperature. HPLC-MS based methods without derivati-
solvent consumption and short separation time [5]. Moreover, SFC zation are widely used in the analysis of lipids. The main ad-
has essentially the same polarity profile as normal phase chro- vantage of HPLC over GC is the greater sensitivity as well as the
matography, which makes it well-suited for the analysis of the enhanced chromatographic selectivity achieved with a rich variety
compounds with middle and low polarities, such as lipids. of packed HPLC columns. However, HPLC for the lipids analysis
always takes a long time and is organic solvent consuming. In
recent years, SFC has met with great favor in targeted and un-
Peer review under responsibility of Xi'an Jiaotong University.
n targeted lipid profiling due to its high efficiency, low organic sol-
Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: (T. Zhou), vent consumption, and the specialty for unambiguous identifica- (G. Li). tion of the isomeric species of some lipids [10].
Contributed equally to this review.
2095-1779/& 2018 Xi'an Jiaotong University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
2 Y. Yang et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis 9 (2019) 1–8

mobile phase flow rate) and other devices, which was the first
commercial SFC instrument. Fig. 3B shows a schematic diagram of
a typical LC-like packed-column SFC system with an automated
backpressure regulator. Different from cSFC, packed SFC (pSFC) is
very similar to an HPLC system for the introduction of a binary
pump to directly modify the SF with organic solvents. A back-
pressure regulator that keeps the fluid pressure above the critical
pressure and an oven that keeps the fluid temperature above the
critical temperature are vital devices specific to pSFC. As a result,
pSFC showed better selectivity and broader range of analysis. In
the 1980s, Okamoto et al. [17] developed high efficient and ver-
satile chiral stationary phases (CSPs) and published a series of
articles. Later, these CSPs were commercialized by Daicel Cor-
poration (Osaka, Japan) and were rapidly spread throughout the
world, which were first used in LC and then extended to SFC [18].
Nevertheless, the application of pSFC was limited in the 1990s due
to the poor quantitative performance and the lack of repeatability
Fig. 1. The number of publications on the applications of supercritical fluid chro- and robustness [19].
matography. Based on a Google Scholar search performed on August 14, 2018. The unwillingness of the analysts to use pSFC was mainly
solved by the introduction of new state-of-the-art systems by
some instrument manufacturers (Waters, Agilent Technologies,
and Shimadzu, in particular). These modified systems equipped
with novel BPR were designed based on the recent ultra-high
performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) instruments. What's
more, dead volumes of the new SFC systems have been lowered
while the reliability, quantitative performance and sensitivity have
been improved. These modern systems were compatible with the
columns made of modern stationary phases (sub-3 mm core-shell
and fully porous sub-2 mm particles) to get the highest kinetic
performance (high efficiency and throughput), which brought a
substantial revival to pSFC.

2.2. Stationary phases of SFC

Fig. 2. Pressure-temperature phase diagram of CO2. Reproduced from reference The stationary phases of a very wide range are currently
[15], with the permission of MDPI. available for SFC operation, although very few of them have been
purposely created for SFC. The wide choice of the stationary
This paper outlines the recent advances of SFC in targeted and phases could be explained by the fact that modern SFC covers the
untargeted lipid profiling. First, the development of SFC is sum- application of different chromatographic modes, which has been
marized. Then the targeted and untargeted lipid profiling by SFC is applied to a wide range polarity of analytes. The column category
described and discussed in detail. Furthermore, the online SFC of SFC includes alkyl bonded phases and polar phases [20]. By
technologies applied in lipid profiling are summarized. And finally, using silica or hybrid silica stationary phases, SFC could be used for
the perspectives of SFC applied in lipid profiling are also proposed. the analysis of biologically active substances which display high
hydrophilicity [21]. As for lipophilic compounds, SFC has been
considered as a powerful tool for lipids analysis using both alkyl
2. Development of SFC bonded phases and polar phases [22]. BEH C18 and HSS C18 (Wa-
ters) are the typical columns exhibiting alkyl bonded moieties
2.1. Advancement of SFC instruments which show the reversed phase chromatographic separation. For
example, Qu et al. [23] proposed an ultra-high performance
SFC was first reported by Klesper et al. [11] in 1962. In the in- supercritical fluid chromatograph (UHPSFC) -MS-based method
itial period, the terminology “SFC” was named as high-press gas using BEH C18 column for determination of 8 free fatty acids (FFAs)
chromatography or dense gas chromatography. Traditional SFC in edible oils within only 3 min and without any pretreatment.
technique acquired attention from the 1960s to the 1970s [12] and Correspondently, BEH Silica and BEH 2-EP (Waters) are the typical
the heat faded because of the rapid growth of HPLC. In the 1980s, columns which exhibit polar moieties to show the normal phase
the development of SFC met with its second act. The development chromatographic separation. Bamba et al. [24] established a pSFC-
of instruments and columns led to the commercialization of ultraviolet (UV)-based method using BEH Silica column for the
SFC [1]. Open tubular capillary SFC (cSFC) was first introduced by determination of natural polyprenols.
Novotny [13], which was developed from GC and was usually SFC has been successfully applied to both chiral purity assess-
coupled with flame ionization detectors (FID) [14]. Fig. 3A shows a ment and chiral separation to provide enantiomerically pure
schematic diagram of a typical GC-like open tubular column SFC compounds. The CSP chemistry for the SFC-based analysis has
system. Even though cSFC was popular in the 1980s as the ex- been developed in these years [25]. SFC has been proven to pro-
tension of GC, it disappeared in the 1990s because of its limit use vide at least two times faster separation than normal-phase HPLC
for hydrophobic compounds only [15]. on the chromatographic resolution of chiral compounds [5]. Wang
In 1982, Gere et al. [16] transformed a Hewlett-Packard (HP) et al. [26] achieved a separation of two demethylated nobiletin
HPLC system into an SFC system by adding a back pressure reg- metabolites, 3′-demethyl-NOB and 4′-demethyl-NOB, via SFC/UV
ulator (BPR, in order to keep pressure constant whatever the with a Chiralpak AD column, which provided a 10 min retention
Y. Yang et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis 9 (2019) 1–8 3

Fig. 3. (A) Schematic diagram of typical GC-like open tubular column SFC system. Since the flow rate is very low, a screw-driven syringe pump is used. Backpressure is
applied by a restrictor that has a certain flow resistance to keep the system pressure above the critical pressure of the fluid. Pressure was controlled by changing the mobile
phase flow rate. (B) Schematic diagram of typical LC-like packed-column SFC system with automated backpressure regulator. PU1: liquefied CO2 delivery reciprocating pump
with chilled pump heads; PU2: modifier solvent delivery pump; RF: safety relief valve that prevents over pressure; INJ: injection valve; PDA: photodiode array UV detector;
PT: pressure transducer; and BR: backpressure regulator. The pressure transducer monitors the pressure real time and the backpressure regulator compares the set pressure
and actual pressure and control the flow resistance of the regulator so that the actual pressure becomes equal to the set pressure. Reproduced from reference [1], with the
permission of Elsevier.

time difference between the nobiletin regio-isomers. An SFC sys- species. The research work about targeted lipid profiling by SFC is
tem coupled with atmospheric pressure chemical ionization summarized in Table 1.
(APCI)-MS using a chiral packed-column was reported for the
simultaneous determination of (R, S)-propranolol and (þ )-pin- 3.1. Phospholipids/sphingolipids
dolol in mouse blood samples, requiring only 3 min per sample at
a low nanogram per milliliter region [27]. Wu et al. [28] success- Phospholipids (PLs) and sphingolipids (SPs) belong to polar li-
fully separated a series of racemic 2, 2-dimethyl-3-aryl-propanoic pids according to the different types of attached hydrophilic
acids and the extended structurally similar racemic acids by SFC groups. PLs, such as phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidy-
on a matrix of chiral columns including AD-H, OD-H, AS-H, OJ-H, lethanolamine (PE), are the main lipid type in cell membranes
Lux-cellulose-2, Lux-amylose-2, and Whelk-O1, and AD-H among [30]. Lyso-phospholipids (LPLs) are the hydrolysis products of PLs
all the columns showed a greater resolution within 8 min. by phospholipase that contribute to signal transduction in various
According to the Van Deemter equation, reducing particle size pathophysiological processes [31]. SPs, as the structural compo-
of the packing materials is a direct and effective way to enhance nent of all eukaryotic cell membranes, play important biological
the column efficiency. And the high backpressure caused by the roles in membrane fluidity, signal transduction and cell-cell in-
small particle size could be solved by adopting a shorter column. teractions [32]. SFC-MS-based analytical method has been applied
Nowadays, a series of columns with small particles (sub-2 mm) to the separation of polar lipids in recent years. A simultaneous
developed by Waters are applied in the SFC analysis, e.g., Acquity and fast determination of 19 polar lipids including PLs, LPLs, and
HSS C18 SB, Acquity BEH (hybrid silica), Acquity BEH 2-EP and SPs by SFC-MS was performed in 6 min and applied to the analysis
Acquity BEH RP18 Shield [29]. Many other attractive stationary of mouse liver [7]. With trimethylsilyldiazomethane as the deri-
phases with different or unique selectivity have also been devel- vatization reagent used to improve the peak shapes and increase
oped, such as Synergi polar RP (Phenomenex), Acclaim Polar Ad- the detection sensitivity, the proposed method was well suited for
vantage I (Thermo), Ace C18-PFP (ACT), and Luna HILIC (Phenom- the analysis of both the high-abundance species and the low-
enex) with the drawback of their unavailability in sub-2 mm. abundance species in these polar lipids. Chen et al. [33] proposed a
simple and fast SFC-MS/MS method for the analysis of large and
polar lipids (lipid A) within only 2 min.
3. Targeted lipid profiling by SFC The separation of PLs by SFC enables the accurate identification
and quantitation for the individual molecular, especially for the
For the targeted lipid profiling, endogenous lipid analysis identification of the isomeric species of PLs (e.g. PC (20:0/18:2)
in vivo and the nutritious lipid analysis in oils or plants have been and PC (20:1/18:1), PC (35:6) and PE (18:1/20:5)) and some PLs
widely concerned. It is noteworthy that SFC has apparent ad- with low abundances of product ions. In normal-phase liquid
vantages over LC and GC for the analysis of polar lipids, providing a chromatography (NPLC), PLs are separated based on their polar
fast separation and an identification, especially for the isomeric head groups, and the isomers of the same lipid class are eluted at
Table 1
Research on targeted lipid profiling by SFC.

Source Target compounds Sample size Analytical column SFC conditions SFC mobile phases Detector Analysis Ref.
characteristics (Temperature, pressure) time

Mouse liver 19 classes of phospholipids, lyso- 10 mg Inertsil ODS-4 (250 mm  37 °C, 10 MPa, A: CO2 ESI-QqQ-MS 6 min [7]
phospholipids, and sphingolipids 4.6 mm; 5 mm d.p) B: CH3OH (0.1% Ammonium
Lettuce and ground beef Lipid A 1g A cyanopropyl phase column 40 °C, 150 bar, A: CO2 DAD and an ion 2 min [33]
(30 mm  4.6 mm; 5 mm d.p) B: CH3OH (0.2% DEA) trap MSn
Mouse plasma PCs and PEs 20 μL Inertsil ODS-EP (250 mm  35 °C, 10 MPa A: CO2 Orbitrap Fourier 15 min [36]
4.6 mm; 5 mm d.p) B: CH3OH (0.1% Ammonium transform MS
Fatty acids
Valeriana officinalis L. Valerenic Acids and Valepotriates 10 g S3-Nitrile Spherisorb (CN; 40 °C, 30 MPa A: CO2 UV 20 min [39]
150 mm  4.6 mm; 3 mm d.p) B: CH3OH: H2O¼ 9:5
Fish oil 31 free fatty acids 1 μL ACQUITY UPC2 HSS C18 SB 25 °C, 1500 psi A: CO2 ELSD & Q-TOF 12 min [8]
(150 mm  3.0 mm; 1.8 mm d.p)

Y. Yang et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis 9 (2019) 1–8

B: CH3OH (0.1% formic acid) MS
for ELSD; CH3OH (10 mM
NH4OAc) for MS.
Edible oils 8 fatty acids 10 mg UPC2 HSS C18 SB column 40 °C, 1500 psi A: CO2 ESI-QqQ-MS 3 min [23]
(100 mm  3.0 mm; 1.8 mm d.p) B: methanol/acetonitrile
(50:50, v/v) with 0.1% for-
mic acid
Pharmaceutical excipients Mono-, di- and triglycerides 10 mg SB-Octyl 50 open tubular capil- 90 °C, 94 bar Pure CO2 FID 45 min [42]
lary column (10 m  50 mm;
0.25 mm d.p)
Black currant and alpine currant Triacylglycerols containing γ-lino- 10 mg SB-Cyanopropyl  25 open tub- 135 °C A: CO2 APCI-QqQ-MS 16.4 min [43]
seed oils lenic (18:3n  6) and α-linolenic acid ular capillary column (10 m  B: Cyanopropyl
(18:3n  3) 50 mm)
15 vegetable oils 30 triglycerides – Hypersil ODS (105 cm  16 °C, 12 MPa A: CO2 UV 80 min [44]
0.46 cm) B: ACN: MeOH ¼ 9:1
Various vegetable oils (perrila, soy- More than hundred triglycerides 1%–3% L-column ODS (25 cm  First column:0–25 °C Pure CO2 UV 700 min [45]
bean, sesame, palm oil), animal concentration 4.6 mm; 5 mm d.p)
fats (lard and beef tallow), and fish ODS packing materials (5 cm  Second column:40–
oil 4.6 mm; 5 mm d.p) 70 °C
Sterol lipids
Human serum Free cholesterol and cholesteryl 500 μL SBOctyl-50 (10 m  50 mm; 65 °C, 137.90–275.79 CO2 FID 110 min [47]
esters 0.25 mm d.p) bar
Standards 16 classes of steroids 0.08–6.4 mg/mL Brownlee Spherisorb Phenyl 50 °C A: CO2 UV, MS and 9 min [48]
cartridge (10 cm  4.6 mm) B: Organic modifier ELSD
Finnish boars fat tissue samples Androstenone 0.8 g Deltabond Cyano or ODS C18 100 °C Pure CO2 QqQ-MS 20 min [49]
column (100 mm  1 mm;
5 mm d.p)
Prenol lipids
Fresh carrots and tomatoes Carotenoids 200 g SB-phenyl-50 (10 m  50 mm; 45 °C A: CO2 UV 30 min [50]
0.25 mm d.p) B: ethanol
Alpha-carotene Two SB-cyanopropyl-50 (10 m  50 °C
50 mm; 0.25 mm d.p)
Beta-carotene SB-cyanopropyl-25 (7 m  50 °C
50 mm; 0.25 mm d.p)
Tochu leaves Octadecaprenol and nonadecaprenol 2 g Inertsil ODS3 (250 mm  130 °C, 19.6 MPa A: CO2 UV 30 min [24]
4.6 mm; 5 mm d.p) B: ethanol
Y. Yang et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis 9 (2019) 1–8 5

the same time [34]. Conversely, in reverse-phase liquid chroma-




tography (RPLC), PLs are separated based on their fatty acyl groups,
so the isomers with the same or similar fatty acyl groups may be
co-eluted although they belong to different lipid classes [35].

6.5 min
40 min

25 min
15 min

5 min

Recently, Yamada et al. [36] developed an SFC coupled with an

Orbitrap Fourier transform MS (Orbitrap FT-MS) method using a
single octadecylsilyl (ODS) column to analyze various polar lipids
UV and APCI-Q-


in mouse plasma, and isomeric molecules of PLs were successfully

separated and identified based on not only their fatty acyl moieties


but also their polar head groups. The retention behavior for some


positional isomers of polar lipids is also different between HPLC

and SFC [37]. For example, 1-Lyso-PC and 2-Lyso-PC are difficult to
B: ethanol (0.1% formic acid)
B: CH3OH (0.1% ammonium

be separated by HPLC; however, the positional isomers such as

1-Lyso-PC/2-Lyso-PC and 1-Lyso-PE/2-Lyso-PE can be well re-
solved using SFC. This behavior provides convenience for the un-
B: methanol (0.25%

ambiguous identification of lipids using SFC. To sum up, compared


with HPLC-MS, SFC-MS can achieve a more comprehensive and

faster analysis with an efficient separation and unambiguous

Pure CO2

identification of polar lipids.

A: CO2

A: CO2

A: CO2

3.2. Fatty acids

P1:100 °C, 73.3–324.2

DAD: diode array detector; ELSD: evaporative light scattering detectors; TOF: time of flight; QqQ-MS: triple quadrupole mass spectrometry detection.

Fatty acids (FAs) are important building blocks of complex

P2:150 °C, 79.0–

lipids. FFAs are usually derived from triglycerides (TGs) or phos-

30 °C, 100 bar

30 °C, 100 bar

30 °C, 130 bar
35 °C, 10 MPa

pholipids (PLs) in organism. FFAs have a variety of essential

318.5 bar

functions. For example, FFAs serve as a major provider of physio-

logical energy needs during fasting, and constitute cell

membranes, and in some cases act as the key regulators [38]. SFC
is commonly used for the effective separation of FFAs and fatty
BPI (12 m  0.1 mm; 0.1 mm d.

(30 mm  250 mm; 5 mm d.p)

Hibar Purospher STAR RP-18e
(monomeric ODS, 250 mm 

p) and DB5 (15 m  0.1 mm;

Amine Luna NH2 (150 mm 

Chiralpak AD-H (250 mm 

acid methyl esters in oils. Bicchi et al. [39] used SFC with UV de-
DAICEL AD chiral column

tector for the analysis of different fatty acids with the analysis time
50% shorter than that of the corresponding HPLC method. Ashraf-
4.6 mm; 5 mm d.p)

Khorassani et al. [8] applied the UHPSFC coupled with evaporative

2 mm; 3 mm d.p)

light scattering (ELSD) and MS to measure 31 FFAs in fish oils with

0.4 mm d.p)

good compatibility. The results also showed that both UHPSFC MS

4.6 mm)

and GC-MS analysis for FFAs had similar detection limits. However,
the separation of FFAs via UHPSFC (7 min) was much faster than
GC (30 min), and UHPSFC-MS required no derivatization known to
be time and expensive chemicals consuming. Qu et al. [23]
proposed a UHPSFC-MS method for the determination of 8 FFAs in
edible oils with satisfactory correlation coefficients (R2 4 0.994)
132 mg
400 μL

and good reproducibility (RSD o 15.0%) within only 3 min and no

10 μL
2 mg

1 μL

pretreatment was needed. Additionally, a multidimensional

approach was used for the analysis of FAs in fish oil [40]. In this
7 structural classes of carotenoids

study, respectively, silver-ion (SI)-SFC and RPLC were applied in

4 tocopherols and 3 tocotrienols

the first and the second dimensions and the detectors of UV

Nobiletin and its metabolites

coupled with ELSD were employed for data acquisition. Due to the
high degree of orthogonality, FAs were clearly separated compared
4 Polymethoxyflavones
11 classes of flavonoid

with one-dimensional system and the structure elucidation of FAs

was also enhanced.

3.3. Triacylglycerols

Triacylglycerols (TGs) are esters derived from glycerol and three

fatty acids. TGs are present in the blood to enable the bidirectional
Sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) peel

transference of adipose fat and blood glucose from the liver, and
are a major component of human skin oils [41]. In an early study,
the analysis of monoglycerides, diglycerides and triglycerides
Lyophilized C. reinhardtii

(TGs) mixtures in several pharmaceutical excipients was achieved

by capillary SFC (cSFC) coupled to an FID in less than 1 h [42].
Manninen et al. [43] applied cSFC-MS with an APCI source to the
quantitative analysis of TGs in berry oils. The method provided
Mouse urine
Soybean oil

fragment information of the fatty acid residues to improve the


identification which was not available with SFC-FID, and presented

a higher sensitivity than SFC-FID. Using pSFC with the ODS col-
umns, Lesellier et al. [44] studied the retention behavior of 30 TGs
6 Y. Yang et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis 9 (2019) 1–8

from 15 vegetal oils by SFC-MS. The results showed that the re- and pSFC with non-chiral as well as CSPs for the separation of
tention order of TGs depended on their unsaturation levels and polymethoxyflavones from orange extracts [9]. The results showed
carbon number, the retention increased following the unsaturation that SFC technology had the best separation efficiency, especially
number when the opposite effect was obtained in reverse phase under the chiral mode.
HPLC. Moreover, a comprehensive, two-dimensional SFC system
with the ODS columns has been developed for the analysis of TGs
in fats and oils, which achieved more efficient separations [45]. 4. Untargeted lipid profiling by SFC

3.4. Sterol lipids Untargeted lipidomics analysis encounters several challenges.

First, the samples always contain diverse lipids with different po-
Sterol lipids (STs) are ringed lipids that play a role in the larity so that it poses obstacles in establishing an appropriate
membrane integrity of eukaryotes. The most familiar type of ani- method for simultaneous lipid analysis [56,57]. Secondly, lots of li-
mal sterol lipids is cholesterol, which is vital to cell membrane pids in the biological samples are low-abundance or labile [58].
structure, and acts as a precursor to fat-soluble vitamins and Furthermore, quite a few kinds of lipids have similar structures.
steroid hormones. STs in plants commonly occur as mixtures, such Recently, SFC coupled with tandem MS shows an excellent perfor-
as sitosterol, stigmasterol and campesterol [46]. The analytical mance on lipidomics researches, which enables comprehensive and
methods of cSFC-FID, cSFC-UV and cSFC-ELSD were applied to the exhaustive lipid detection [3,10]. In addition, compared with HPLC,
measurement of STs about twenty years ago. Kim et al. [47] em- the separation of SFC for various lipids is less time-consuming [37].
ployed cSFC-FID for the individual determination of cholesterol Bamba et al. [59,60] underwent plenty of work to determine
and cholesteryl esters in human serum, which achieved an the SFC conditions and MS conditions while analyzed diverse li-
acceptable average relative standard deviation of 2.6% and a de- pids with different polarity. Based on the previous studies, they
tection limit of 4–6 pg. In another work, cSFC with ELSD detector also employed SFC-MS to separate numerous lipids extracted from
was used for the separation of steroids, which allowed the SFC twelve soybean cultivars with an ODS column [61]. In this study,
separations developed for the polar, UV transparent compounds triacylglycerol and PC, which were largely observed in the soybean
that have been ignored [48]. With the development of packed extract, were separated and identified precisely, suggesting the
column and MS, the technology of pSFC-MS was widely used for outstanding performance of SFC on simultaneously lipid profiling.
the analysis of STs. Tuomola et al. [49] applied the pSFC-MS with Lisa et al. [62] established a UHPSFC-ESI-MS method which suc-
an APCI source to the analysis of androstenone in pig fat samples. cessfully separated and identified 30 nonpolar and polar lipid
The limit of quantification (LOQ) for androstenone was 0.25 mg/g, classes within 6 min covering 6 main lipid categories. Further-
demonstrating a superior sensitivity of this method. more, 24 lipid classes including 436 lipid species were identified in
porcine brain extract using the same method. Yang et al. [63]
3.5. Prenol lipids carried out untargeted lipidomics research based on the UHPSFC
coupling with ion-trap and time-of-flight tandem mass spectro-
Prenol lipids (PRs) mainly consist of fat-soluble vitamins (i.e. metry (UHPSFC -IT-TOF/MS) to investigate the lipid profiles of
vitamins A, E and K), carotenoids and ubiquinones (i.e. coenzyme stroke rats with STV-Na treatment. This UHPSFC -IT-TOF/MS-based
Q9). In previous research, cSFC-UV has demonstrated significant method achieved a fast separation of various lipids within 9 min
potential for the improvement of the separation of carotenoids and with a qualified repeatability. The results of pathway analysis
their isomers from carrots and tomatoes relative to HPLC-UV [50]. suggested that the protective effects of STV-Na might be related to
The technology of pSFC-MS has been used for the analysis of PRs in the regulation of several metabolic pathways including glycer-
recent years. For example, Bamba et al. [24] established a pSFC- ophospholipid metabolism, arachidonic acid metabolism and
UV-based method for the determination of natural polyprenols, sphingolipid metabolism. In brief, UHPSFC -MS is a useful tool to
which allowed the advantage of baseline separation of polyprenols investigate lipid profiling during the untargeted lipidomics
and increased the resolution of separation two times higher than research.
conventional RPLC-UV. Likewise, Matsubara et al. [51] proved the
advantage of pSFC-MS in carotenoids separation with high speed
in 15 min and high resolution compared with RPLC-MS. Using a 5. Online SFC technology in lipid profiling
standard-addition method, Méjean et al. [52] applied pSFC-MS to
the detection and quantification of seven vitamin E congeners in 5.1. Online coupling of sample preparation techniques with SFC
soybean oil. The analysis was less than 5 min and as sensitive as
LC–MS when using similar column settings. Along with the commercialization of a new generation of in-
struments, SFC gains improved performance, reliability and ro-
3.6. Polyketides bustness, and the online coupling SFC system has been booming
recently [64]. So far, supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) and solid
Polyketides (PKs) are structurally a very diverse family of nat- phase extraction (SPE) are the two major sample preparation
ural products with diverse biological activities and pharmacolo- techniques which have been online coupled with SFC. Fig. 4 shows
gical properties, such as polyketide antibiotics, antifungals, cyto- the schematic diagram of the SFE-SFC-MS/MS system. The SFE-SFC
statics, anticholesteremic, antiparasitics and coccidiostats [53]. The online system consists of an SFE module and an SFC module. The
analysis of some hydroxy- and methoxy-flavones by cSFC with two supercritical extractant is injected directly to the chromatographic
types of detectors, FID and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) column without any pre-concentration. SFE is a physical separa-
spectroscopy, was presented without the use of modifier in the tion and purification method, which changes the solubility of su-
1990s [54]. Li et al. [55] conducted an investigation into nobiletin's percritical CO2 by regulating the pressure and the temperature.
metabolics in mouse urine by various analytical techniques such as The extraction process is composed of extraction and separation.
RPLC, NPLC and pSFC. Due to the structural similarities of 3′-de- Under the supercritical state, CO2 is contacted with the substance
methylnobiletin and 4′-demethylnobiletin, only pSFC could to be separated, and the components are extracted successively
achieve a clear separation of these two metabolites. A later work according to their polarities, so as to achieve the purpose of se-
by the same group compared the analytical methods of RPLC, NPLC paration and purification [65].
Y. Yang et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis 9 (2019) 1–8 7

Fig. 4. The schematic diagram of the SFE-SFC-MS/MS system. BPR-backpressure regulator.

The SPE-SFC system consists of an SPE module and an SFC complex lipid metabolism and biomarker discovery. Moreover, the
module. The configuration of the SPE-SFC system is quite similar to online SFC technologies could greatly shorten the analysis time
that of the common online SPE-UHPLC system because both of and simplify the pretreatment, so they show broad prospects in
them use the valve switching strategy [66]. The system contains the lipid profiling. It is believed that the SFC-based method as a
two six-port valves, one valve is in charge of SPE procedure while promising strategy could provide us many useful insights into lipid
the other is in charge of SFC, and the SPE column and the chro- metabolism in physiological or pathological studies.
matographic column are connected when the elution begins by
the switching of these valves. However, the stability of SFC system
might be disturbed by the water matrix after SPE. Thus, the de- Conflicts of interest
velopment of the online SPE-SFC system is limited in this decade.
The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest.
5.2. Online SFE-SFC in lipid profiling

In recent years, there have been only a few studies about the Acknowledgments
online SFE–SFC system which were applied to the lipid profiling.
Suzuki et al. [67] used online SFE-SFC to analyze the disease bio- This work was supported by the National Natural Science
markers in dried serum spots, which were expected to be applied Foundation of China (Grant No. 21775047), Pearl River S and T
to disease diagnosis. In this study, four hydrophilic metabolites Nova Program of Guangzhou, China (Grant No. 201806010055) and
and 17 hydrophobic metabolites were simultaneously detected the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities
within 15 min, and they exhibited comparable diagnostic perfor- (Grant No. 2018MS55).
mance to the serum analysis using LC-MS-MS. Zoccali et al. [68]
developed an online method coupling SFE and SFC for a detailed
targeted native carotenoids characterization in red habanero References
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