Microbrewery Business Plan Template - Growthink
Microbrewery Business Plan Template - Growthink
Microbrewery Business Plan Template - Growthink
A microbrewery is a bit of a unique business, because it requires both strong sales skills and
the ability to craft different beers. If yours is a brewpub, where you sell directly to customers,
you will also need bartending expertise and perhaps restaurant skills as well. Many
microbreweries try to grow too fast, and end up failing as a result.
A written business plan will control your expansion and give your microbrewery the best
chance for success. In addition, if you seek outside funding, investors and lenders depend on
the business plan to determine ?nancial risk.
Your business plan explains your microbrewery at this moment in time, and de?nes its
growth plan for the next three to ?ve years. It lays out your business goals, potential hurdles,
and strategies for meeting your goals. As a living document, it will grow and evolve along
with your microbrewery.
Executive Summary
The executive summary introduces your business plan, but is usually written last. Financiers
will read the ?rst page and then decide whether to read more, so put your most important
information up front. Provide a clear and concise description of your microbrewery,
summarize your market analysis proving that a clear need exists, and note how your
microbrewery will ful?ll that need.
Company Analysis
The company analysis describes your microbrewery as it is today. Talk about the company’s
founding, legal structure, and current business stage. Mention past milestones that you have
achieved, such as securing a historic tasting room or partnering with a local distributor. Then
provide more details about your microbrewery’s unique quali?cations, such as proven recipes
or a locally famous brew master.
Industry Analysis
The beer industry is huge, but you only need to focus on your relative market, or the speci?c
segment of the industry into which your microbrewery falls. Do you use a distributor? Sell
directly to customers? Do you have a brewpub? When you ?nd your niche, research the
current trends and projections for your part of the market, and develop a solid strategy for
overcoming any challenges you ?nd.
Customer Analysis
Who will buy your beer? Are those people upper income, middle income, or working class?
What are their Kavor preferences? Are they looking for a place to congregate, or do they
prefer drinking at home? Do they value quality over price? How do they decide which beers to
purchase? De?ne your customer demographics as precisely as you can, and then determine
their unique needs. Develop a strong plan for meeting those needs.
Competitive Analysis
You are not in direct competition with every beer producer in the country. Your direct
competitors are those that target the same need within the same demographic. Your indirect
competitors target a different need for your demographic, or the same need for a different
demographic. Name your direct competitors individually, and discuss how your microbrewery
differs from theirs. Group your indirect competitors into a single category and discuss them
as a whole.
Marketing Plan
Your marketing plan must cover the four P’s: Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. Your
Product section will be long, because you must individually name each beer and other item
you sell. In the Price section, list the charges for each product and your rationale for selecting
those price points. Place refers to your physical location and website, as well as any
distribution channels you use. Promotion includes the ways you convince people to try your
beers. Customer retention is another important category that refers to your methods for
building customer loyalty.
Operations Plan
The operations plan describes the ways you will meet the goals you set earlier in your
business plan. Everyday short-term processes are all the day to day tasks that your
microbrewery performs, from brewing the beer to distributing it, maintaining cleanliness
standards, and collecting payment. Long-term processes are your strategies for meeting your
business goals, such as adding new beers or restaurant service.
Management Team
Your management team needs to prove to ?nanciers that your microbrewery has what it
takes to make it as a business. Highlight the business management backgrounds of your key
team members. A strong advisory board can overcome weaknesses, if you can show how
board members will directly affect the company’s growth.
Financial Plan
The ?nancial plan is the most heavily scrutinized part of your business plan, but it can be a
nightmare for microbreweries, which face the challenges of shrinkage (loss due to theft or
breakage), complex legal regulations, and changing customer whims. In this section, you
must outline your individual revenue streams by relative importance and timeline for
implementation, and disclose projected sources of outside funding. You must also provide
summaries of both your past and future Cash Flow Statements, Income Statements, and
Balance Sheets, based on key assumptions that are reasonable and veri?able. Lenders and
investors also require a strong exit strategy that proves your understanding of the market and
desire to capitalize on pro?tability.
Place your full ?nancial projections in the appendix, alongside any supporting documentation
you might have, such as patents for new brewing methods or letters from key partners.
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