Profitability Performance of Selected Life Insurance Companies - A Study in Indian Context

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International Journal of Engineering, Applied and Management Sciences Paradigms (IJEAM)

Profitability Performance of Selected Life

Insurance Companies – A Study in Indian
Sunita Sukhija1, Amandeep Kaur2
Dean, University College of Commerce and Management, Guru Kashi University, Talwandi Sabo
Research Scholar of M.phil Commerce, UCCM, GKU Talwandi Sabo

Abstract- Insurance is the backbone of the economy of the country. The insurance provides protection from risk and
provides offer variety of products to business. It helps the individual and organization to minimize the outcome of risk
which communicate outstanding source on the growth of insurance industry. There is a plentiful evidence to justify the
relationship of insurance industry and economic development in India. In spite of it, particular in developing countries
like India, there is a lack of empirical and analytical research. This research paper has aimed to analyze the profitability
performance of both public and private life insurance companies in India. I have taken a sample of five life insurance
companies. The reference period for the study is seven years which ranged from 2011-2012 to 2017-2018. This study
shows that overall performance of KOTAK Mahindra, HDFC Life Insurance and LIC is better than others.
Key words– life Insurance, Financial Performance, Profitability Ratio, Growth.

Indian insurance industry faces many difficulties. The life insurance industry of India is underdevelopment and after
liberalization it becomes more competitive. Indian customers saw life insurance as a tax saving technique. Insurance
means protection from financial loss. An entity or person which provides insurance is called insurer or a person or
entity who buys insurance is called insured or policy holder. In this world unforeseen uncertainties has make
vulnerable to him and his family. So at this place, helps only insurance to survive him and recover his loss and
continue his life in a normal manner. Insurance is an important aid to commerce and industry. Every business or
industry involves large number of risks and uncertainties like plant and machinery damages, raw material, damages
due to fire or flood etc. Out of them some risks are avoided or some are unavoidable risks can be protected by
insurance. In D. S. Hamsell words, insurance is defined, as a social device providing financial compensation for the
effects of misfortune, the payment made being from the accumulated contributions of all parties participating in the
scheme.” Insurance is a method to provide security against losses to be insured. The insurance industry of India
consists of 57 insurance companies of which 24 are life insurance companies and 33 are non life insurers. It is a
safeguard against uncertainties in the future. Insurance is helpful for individual like it provide security and safety,
encourage to individual for savings and provide investment opportunities. Insurance is also beneficial for business.
Life insurance in its modern form comes to India from England in 1881. The Oriental Life Insurance Company was
the first insurance company to be set up in India to help the widow of the European community. The insurance
companies, which came into existence between 1818 and 1869, treated India lives as subnormal and charged an
extra premium of 15 to 20%. The first Indian insurance company, the Bombay Mutual Life Assurance Society came
into existence in 1870 to cover Indian lives at normal rates. Moreover in 1870, the British government enacted for
the first time in Insurance Act 1870 to cover Indian lives at normal rates. Other insurance companies were set up in
between 1870 – 1900 like Oriental Government Security Life Assurance Companies, Bharat Insurance Company,
Empire of India Life Insurance Company. The Swadeshi movement of 1905–1907, the non movement of 1919 and
Civil Disobedience has number of insurance companies. The insurance act 1938 the first comprehensive legislation
governing both life and non life branches of insurance. By the mid 1950s- there were 154 Indian insurers, 16 foreign
insurers, 75% provident societies carrying on life insurance business in India. LIC was set up in 1956 to take over
245 life insurance companies. The nationalization of life insurance was followed by General Insurance in 1972
.GIC was set up in 1973. The government set up, in 1993 a committee under the chairmanship of R.N. Malhotra, the
former insurance secretary and the RBI governor to evaluate the Indian Insurance Industry. This committee
submitted its report in 1994. This sector was finally thrown open to the private sector in 2000. The IRDA –
Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority was set up in 2000.

list of legislations regulating of the insurance sector in india –

 The Insurance Act 1938
 The Insurance Rules 1939

Special Issue- CIMAESS 2019 056 ISSN 2320-6608

International Journal of Engineering, Applied and Management Sciences Paradigms (IJEAM)

 The Life Insurance Corporation Act 1956

 Marine Insurance Act 1963
 General Insurance Business Act 1972
 Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Act 1999
 Motor Vehicle Act 1988
 The insurance Laws Act 2015.


Roy (2014) throws the light on the role of life insurance Company in life insurance industry. The researcher had
chosen this topic to study the growth and role of LIC in life insurance industry. This study helps a person to select
the sector in which he wants to invest money. This study was based on secondary data like journals, manuals, annual
reports, books, articles etc and study was based on the time period of 2005-2006 to 2012-2013. The tools used for
analysing the data were tabular as well as by using statistical tools like percentage and growth rate. This study was
not a comparative study. It was of covers the position of LIC in life insurance industry. The area of study was
Arif (2015) studied the trends and patterns of life insurance industry in India. Insurance sector plays an important
role in financial intermediates and it is a market which creates a lot of new opportunities. This study was carried out
to know the recent trends and patterns of life insurance Company in India. The research type was descriptive type
and analytical research design was used in this study. This study was based on secondary data like journals, IRDA
annual reports, internet, LIC reports, publications, published work etc. This study was covered the period of 2003-
2004 to 2012-13. Data was analysed using simple ratio, percentage ratio, average ratio, Standard Deviation,
Curriculum Vitae, Compound Annual Growth Rate, Trend Index, Regression Analysis and charts had been used.
Alternative and null hypothesis was used in this study.
Suganthi (2016) assessed the growth pattern of life insurance sector in India. The main objective was to identify the
growth pattern of selected insurance and also measure the growth. It also helps to compare the performance of
public and private life insurers. This study was based on secondary data and the sources of secondary data were
annual reports of IRDA etc. The period of study was from 2007-2008 to 2014-2015.
Kumar and Selvaman (2016) identified the various types of insurance companies like life insurance Corporation of
India. The secondary data was conducted to know the growth of public and private life insurance sector in India.
They also analysed the market share of life insurance in India. This study was find out the claim ratio of various
insurance sectors in India and also helps to know the new insurance policy of LIC 2016. This study was based on
major private life insurance players in India. This study showed that LIC plays an important role in improving
national economy. The study provide knowledge about the new policies of LIC and IRDA and also educate the
importance of insurance to general public through the agent.
Bodla et al (2017) analysed and compare the profitability performance of insurance companies in India. The sample
was taken from thirteen private sector life insurance and one public sector firm. The study was of nine years from
2006-2001 to 2015-2016. The objective was to compare the profitability performance of private sector life insurance
companies. The conclusion of this study was insurance industry has made a remarkable growth after the
privatization and liberalization.


On the basis of review of literature it is found that various studies have been conducted on ratio analysis of
insurance companies but the insurance companies are compared either public or private and mainly these studies are
not conducted on profitability ratios. The present study involves period of seven years of seven insurance companies
on basis of profitability ratios.

To analyse and compare the profitability performance of selected life insurance companies.


Ratio analysis is an important study and it gives meaning to absolute figures. These figures or ratios helps for
planning and forecasting. Ratios are helpful to compare results and insurers. So that’s why insurance industry
becomes a growing industry. The competition also increased their better customer services, increase insurance
awareness etc in India.

Special Issue- CIMAESS 2019 057 ISSN 2320-6608

International Journal of Engineering, Applied and Management Sciences Paradigms (IJEAM)


6.1 Research design –
In this study, analytical and descriptive type research design is used. For this purpose ratios of insurance companies
are collected and analysed by using statistical tools like average, standard deviation and coefficient of variance and
interpretation has been drawn accordingly.

6.2 Scope of study –

The present study covers the various aspects related to select insurance companies in India. This study covers the
data of seven life insurance companies. These selected companies are found on the basis of profitability. From this
report, we can get more knowledge about the profitability performance of selected life insurance companies in India.
As a researcher of finance it is very important to know about the ratio analysis. Book knowledge is not enough to
know the financial performance. So that's why we analyze the profitability ratios to collect the knowledge about
profitability performance.

6.3 Sample design –

For the purpose of study top seven insurance companies have been selected based on profit. These companies are –
Name of company Profit (in cr.)
LIC of India 2231
ICICI Prudential Life Insurance 1681
SBI Life Insurance 955
HDFC Life Insurance 892
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance 836
Max Life Insurance 660
KOTAK Mahindra 303
Source – IRDA

6.4 Time period –

The study will be conducted for ten financial years from April 2007-08 to March 2017-18.

6.5 Data collection -

This study is based on secondary data. The secondary data was collected from various research papers, books, and
journals, published reports of IRDA, IRDA annual report and website of life insurance companies.

6.6 Data analysis tools –

From opening up the sector, the life insurance sector in India spectator dynamic changes and liberalization also
increased competition in the Indian life insurance market. The competition has force the industry to improve its risk
management and is greatly beneficial for policy holders. In this study we use profitability ratios for analysis of data.


Profitability Ratios Of Selected Insurance Companies-
7.1 Return on net worth
7.2 Return on long term funds
7.3 Return on capital employed
7.4 Return on asset ratio
7.5 Net profit margin ratio

7.1 Return on net worth –

Return on net worth is a ratio developed from the perspective of the investor not the company. The investors see if
net profit was passed on to him, how much return he would be getting.
RONW = Net income / Shareholders equity
Return on net worth
company Allianz Mahindra
2011-12 16.08 37.03 25.78 31.49 20.19 -0.53 13.65

Special Issue- CIMAESS 2019 058 ISSN 2320-6608

International Journal of Engineering, Applied and Management Sciences Paradigms (IJEAM)

2012-13 15.78 33.91 23.02 34.25 17.56 18.19 14.4

2013-14 17.48 32 21.68 37.6 18.01 5.81 12.24
2014-15 17.72 28.32 28.08 26.84 18.7 11.31 13.19
2015-16 18.15 27.61 17.83 26.32 17.45 6.89 8.72
2016-17 17.43 26.3 17.46 23.24 19.13 8.42 12.35
2017-18 15.67 23.6 18.04 23.35 16.02 6.2 10.89
Average 16.90 29.82 21.69 29.01 18.15 8.04 12.20
STDEV 1.02 4.68 4.19 5.54 1.34 5.72 1.90
Cove 6.05 15.70 19.31 19.12 7.39 71.25 15.60



Bajaj Allianz

10 Max Life
KOTAK Mahindra

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Fig. 7.1
Interpretation –
This table shows the average mean of return on net worth of ICICI is 29.82 which are more than the other selected
insurance companies. It means that the company is able to generate more profits in the comparison of other
insurance companies. The Standard Deviation of return on net worth of LIC is 1.02 which is less than other selected
insurance companies. It means that the profit generating capacity of LIC is more stable. The Coefficient of Variance
of return on net worth of LIC is 6.05 which is less than other insurance companies. This shows that the company
generates profits in more consistently then other companies.

7.2 Return on long term fund-

It provides an estimated expectation to investors for the return they can expect over the life of an investment. This
ratio establishes the relationship between net profit and long term funds. It is calculated by dividing earnings before
interest and tax by the total long term funds.
ROLTF = operating profit/long term funds*100
Return on long term fund
company Allianz Mahindra
2011-12 11 37.87 25.78 31.49 16.01 0.6 66.29
2012-13 11.63 34.82 23.02 34.57 19.11 21.15 72.07
2013-14 11.96 31.23 21.68 33.31 18.41 16.24 59.62
2014-15 11.78 27.46 20.44 27.49 15.62 13.58 58.89
2015-16 11.89 29.63 18.06 26.86 14.99 6.89 52.62

Special Issue- CIMAESS 2019 059 ISSN 2320-6608

International Journal of Engineering, Applied and Management Sciences Paradigms (IJEAM)

2016-17 11.48 27.9 17.83 23.81 15.49 8.42 43.84

2017-18 11.54 25.05 18.58 23.72 14.47 6.2 43.84
Average 11.61 30.56 20.77 28.75 16.3 10.44 56.73
STDEV 0.32 4.47 2.94 4.41 1.76 6.94 10.71
Cove 2.77 14.62 14.15 15.36 10.80 66.55 18.88



30 Bajaj Allianz
Max Life
KOTAK Mahindra

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Fig – 7.2
Interpretation –
This table shows the Average Mean of Return on Long Term Funds of KOTAK Mahindra is 56.73 which are more
than the other selected insurance companies. This highest ratio shows the high net profit on long term funds. The
Standard Deviation of return on long term fund of LIC is 0.32 which is less than others. It means stability to earn net
profit on long term funds is more of LIC. The Coefficient of Variance of return on long term funds of LIC is 2.77
which is less than other companies. It shows that the consistency of LIC to earn net profit from long term funds is

7.3 Return on capital employed –

It measured the success of a business in generating satisfactory profit on capital investment. It is expressed in
percentage. It is computed by dividing the net income before interest and tax by capital employed.
ROCE = income before interest and tax / capital employed
Return on capital employed
company Allianz Mahindra
2011-12 1.72 2.02 1.18 0.83 5.26 -0.51 12.29
2012-13 1.61 2.12 1.2 1.11 2.1 17.67 12.32
2013-14 1.73 1.91 1.23 1.26 3.36 5.69 11.87
2014-15 1.53 1.6 1.14 1.19 4.88 11.31 12.14
2015-16 1.62 1.72 1.5 1.12 6 6.88 12.74
2016-17 11.18 1.37 0.98 1 3.73 8.4 10.41
2017-18 11.23 1.24 0.97 1.06 5.75 6.18 9.93
Average 4.37 1.71 1.10 1.08 4.44 7.94 11.67
STDEV 4.66 0.32 0.10 0.13 1.42 5.58 1.06
Cove 106.68 19.27 9.63 12.87 32.06 70.24 9.13

Special Issue- CIMAESS 2019 060 ISSN 2320-6608

International Journal of Engineering, Applied and Management Sciences Paradigms (IJEAM)




14 LIC

Bajaj Allianz
6 Max Life
4 KOTAK Mahindra

-2 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Fig – 7.3
Interpretation –
This table shows the Mean of return on capital employed of KOTAK Mahindra is 11.67 which sound highest than
other selected insurance companies. It means that this company uses its capital more efficiently. The Standard
Deviation of return on capital employed of SBI is 0.10 which is less than other companies. It means that the capital
of SBI is more stable than others. The Coefficient of Variance of return on capital employed of KOTAK Mahindra
is 9.13 which are less than other companies. It means that KOTAK Mahindra uses its capital more consistently than

7.4 Return on asset ratio –

It is also called return on total assets. ROA measures how efficiently a company can manage its assets to produce
profits during a period.
ROA = Net income / total assets
Return on asset ratio (in %)
company Allianz Mahindra
2011-12 1.41 1.93 1.15 0.8 5.13 -0.5 1.65
2012-13 1.27 2.01 1.17 1.06 2.04 16.55 1.62
2013-14 1.37 1.91 1.2 1.38 3.28 5.25 1.71
2014-15 1.23 1.62 1.09 1.13 4.77 11.13 1.76
2015-16 1.27 1.57 1.01 1.06 5.93 6.62 1.08
2016-17 1.27 1.34 0.93 0.93 2.48 8.29 1.58
2017-18 1.15 1.14 0.94 1 4.81 6.1 1.54
Average 1.28 1.64 1.07 1.05 4.06 7.63 1.56
STDEV 0.08 0.32 0.11 0.18 1.46 5.28 0.22
Cove 6.73 19.82 10.36 17.14 36.08 69.18 14.43

Special Issue- CIMAESS 2019 061 ISSN 2320-6608

International Journal of Engineering, Applied and Management Sciences Paradigms (IJEAM)



10 SBI

6 Bajaj Allianz
Max Life
KOTAK Mahindra

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Fig – 7.4
Interpretation –
This table shows the Mean of return on asset ratio of Max Life insurance is 7.63 which are more than other
companies. It means that this company increase his profit produced by total assets. The Standard Deviation of return
on asset ratio of LIC is 0.08 which is less than all other companies. It means that this company is more stable o
secure to earn from total assets. The Coefficient of Variance of return on asset ratio of LIC is 6.73 which are less
then ot6her companies. It means that it consist more return on its assets.

7.5 Net profit margin –

It is used to calculate the percentage of profit a company produces from its total revenue.
NPM = Net profit / Revenue
Net profit margin ratio
company Allianz Mahindra
2011-12 14.95 76.01 80.21 91.21 18.79 -2.06 17.55
2012-13 13.5 69.23 70.67 97.08 19.11 37.05 16.91
2013-14 14.34 94.79 70.96 82.47 17.83 18.59 17.13
2014-15 12.99 97.97 82.86 90.1 16.68 67.19 19.19
2015-16 13.39 91.33 87.06 92.25 17.5 57.39 12.75
2016-17 13.8 93.65 90.39 88.05 18.43 60.41 19.27
2017-18 13.29 88.57 89.77 86.47 19.91 19.27 20.68
Average 13.75 87.36 81.70 89.66 18.32 36.83 17.64
STDEV 0.67 10.66 8.26 4.63 1.07 25.99 2.54
Cove 4.94 12.20 10.11 5.16 5.89 70.56 14.45

Special Issue- CIMAESS 2019 062 ISSN 2320-6608

International Journal of Engineering, Applied and Management Sciences Paradigms (IJEAM)



60 SBI
40 Bajaj Allianz
Max Life
KOTAK Mahindra

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Fig – 7.5
Interpretation –
This table shows the Mean of net profit margin ratio of HDFC is 89.66 which are sound highest ratio then other
companies. It means that the percentage of profit of HDFC is more than other insurance companies. The Standard
Deviation of net profit margin ratio of LIC is 0.67 which is less than other companies. It means that earning profit
percentage of LIC is more stable. The Coefficient of Variance of net profit margin of LIC is 4.94 which is low than
other companies. It means that consistency of measurement techniques to earn net profit is more.

Insurance industries are one of the most important elements of financial market. Insurance sector is growing day by
day after liberalization. This study has aimed to analyze the profitability performance of Indian life insurance
companies through analyzing the determinants of their profitability. This study evaluate that the HDFC has sound
highest Mean then all other insurance companies in all profitability ratios. KOTAK Mahindra Company has sound
lowest Standard Deviation then all other insurance companies and the value of Coefficient of Variance is lowest of
LIC. This shows that overall performance of KOTAK Mahindra, HDFC Life Insurance and LIC is better than

[1] Jha, P. and Roy, B., (2014). Role of LIC in life Insurance Industry, International Journal of Management and Social Sciences Research, 4
[2] ARIF, M. (2015). Life Insurance Industries in India: Trends and Patterns, European Academic Research, 2(11).
[3] Suganthi, P. and Dr. Rajaram, S., (2016). An Assessment of Growth Pattern of life Insurance Sector in India. International Journal of
Marketing and Financial Management, 4(2), 31-46.
[4] Kumar, N. and Selvaman, K., (2016). Life Insurance Industry in India -An Overview, International Journal of Research, Granthaalayah ,
4(10), 30-36.
[5] Bodla, S. Et al., (2017). Profitability Performance of life Insurance Companies – A Study in Indian Context , International Journal of
Computing and Business Research , 7(3), 39-43.

Special Issue- CIMAESS 2019 063 ISSN 2320-6608

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