One of the important issues in criminal justice research is what kind of person and
why this person wanted to become one of the police officers. This research
the Philippine National Police. It finds out the different factors that affect their
decisions to enter the Philippine National Police. Additionally, the motivations and
perceptions were compared across recruits and officers to see if they changed
over time. The purpose of this study is to identify if how much motivated the non-
criminology graduates to go on with the job. This article examines the career
quite challenging and difficult. Our choices change as we grow older. Can you still
recognize the job you wanted to be when you were a child? Probably not, probably
yes. Our preferred career often changes depending on what kind of motivation we
chances, and behaviors that affects motivation. Motivations are one of the
processes that we undergo in achieving the career we want. The term motivation
someone says or does in a given situation, one can draw reasonable inferences
about his or her underlying motivation. As it is used here, the term motivation refers
willingly pursue organizational objectives. This research points out the different
Police officers interact with the public every day and finding out their specific
motivations will help develop effective training methods and recruitment strategies
(Tarng et al., 2001). For instance, officers can face situations that require the use
of force, they can find themselves in life or death situations, and some come in
contact with acts of violence or even death (Bishopp, Worrall, & Piquero, 2016).
degrees in law enforcement, even though it can sometimes be dangerous and lead
them to high pressure situations (Tarng et al., 2001). Many are aiming to join the
criminology courses. According to the survey that many graduates who are jobless
now because of difficulties looking for a job that will fit in their finished course. For
all, we know that working in the government offers different benefits and bigger
for those non-criminology graduates to fill out the lacking positions in different
Safety Field Training Program (PSFTP) shows that most of PNP recruitment and
classes for the past years that only 40%(percent) of Criminology graduates
Chief PDG Allan LM Purisima said a statement that seemed to undermine the
“…are just fit to become workers at the crime laboratory” (Felipe, 2013). He also
the belief that teachers, psychologists, social workers, journalists, and other
(1972) “any person who is a graduate of the Degree of Criminology, who has
passed the examination for criminologists and is registered as such by the Board
lie detection, forensic chemistry and other scientific aspects of crime detection.”
(RA 6506).
Police officers interact with the public every day and finding out their specific
motivations will help develop effective training methods and recruitment strategies
(Tarng et al., 2001). Reeling from a military past, the newly-instituted national in
scope and civilian in character police organization rose from the ashes of the
that time, police applicants must have at least 72 baccalaureate units along with
other physical and legal requirements. It is necessary for police officers to undergo
different pieces of training to said that they are an effective officer. Developing
want to join the police force for altruistic reasons (Tarng et al., 2001). Many studies
have shown that one of the least important reasons for choosing law enforcement
as a career was for power and authority, while in contrast one of the most important
reasons cited across several studies was the opportunity to help people (Tarng et
recruits who want to join the police force for altruistic reasons (Tarng et al., 2001).
Many studies in different countries have found that factors such as job security and
Mojares and her colleagues (2015) discovered the “internal and external factors”
that affect their motivation and decision in entering the PNP. In terms of internal
factors, the study revealed the top three reasons of non-Criminology graduates in
joining the police service. They “feel satisfied of being able to help other people”
(Rank 1); “enjoy the nature of being a police officer and member of the PNP” (Rank
2); and “curious on how to handle criminal cases, criminal behavior, and juvenile
delinquents” (Rank 3). In terms of external factors, the top three reasons were the
following: “There are future career opportunities as PNP member or higher rank in
PNP organization” (Rank1); “There is recognition of the society for function as PNP
member” (rank 2); and “There is security of tenure in the PNP profession” (Rank
3). In view of this development in the Philippine National Police, this qualitative
active service. Particular focus was given to these issues: 1) Motivations for being
input, intermediate, and output variables form causal relationships in a system. The
structural framework has four levels of abstraction: paradigm, theory, model, and
measurement. The highest layer of the framework has the highest of abstraction and vice
versa. The degree of specification increases as the layer goes down. A theory is an
structural framework may vary in the theory, model, and measurement levels. However,
In Input, this something from the external environment that is fed into the system.
In this research the Input that the researcher considered is the Demographic Profile. This
mentioned input are existing in our study and its main objective is to relay in an information
which will be done in Process. Process is the transformation process that is most
important element of a system. It accepts the inputs into the system and performs some
type of operation on it which transforms it into some other state. In the simplest of terms,
the process is the heart of the system. In this research it will be the Survey, Interviews
and Focus Discussion Group. Outcome is the result of Input and Process. Without
Output, a system has no link back into its external environment. In this research the
possible Output the researcher aims to identify the motivation factors of non-criminology
This research aims to have an in-depth analyzation of the motivations and factors
of non-criminology graduates to join the Philippine National Police. This research pull-out
the possible reasons why these people wanted to be the police. The paper aims to embark
on the effects of the different factors that affect the capabilities of non-criminology
a. Age
b. Gender
c. Course
d. School
e. Year Graduate
f. Designation
g. Years in Service
2. What derives the motivation of the Non-Criminology Graduates to join in PNP in
terms of:
a. Job Security
c. Recruitment Process
d. Trainings
3. What are the factors affecting the motivation of Non Criminology in Joining PNP in
terms of :
a. Internal
b. External
4. What are the significant relationship between the profile of the respondents and
factors clearly. This study has exploratory aims to explain different motivational factors of
research methods are designed in a manner that helps reveal the behavior and
perception of a target audience with reference to a particular topic. There are different
ethnographic research, content analysis, case study research that are usually used.
The researchers strongly believe that this method will elaborate and explain this
research well.
The study will be held in Claveria Cagayan police station. The participants of the
study will be 5 PNP members who are not criminology graduate with the following criteria:
must be a PNP Member with minimum length of years of experience of 1 year assigned
Ethical Consideration
Ethical considerations in this research will be consider and will occur at all stages
of the research process. It will be considered as an ongoing and reflexive part of the
research process throughout the life of a research project and not just as the first hurdle
to be overcome. The following will be the details about the kinds of ethical issues that
can arise in this study. These are not set out as prescriptive rules, however. Rather, the
issues are raised to encourage the kind of researcher reflexivity that is one cornerstone
of the Institution to approach to research ethics. While the ‘right’ answer in one situation
Data Analysis
The use of statistical techniques is effective way of analyzing the data gathered. The data
were gathered and treated statistically using various statistical tools. The researchers
used the following statistical treatment: Frequency and Percentage Distribution for profile
of the respondents and weighted mean for the motivational factors of the respondents in
joining PNP.