Retail Banking
Retail Banking
Retail Banking
e) All above
a) Spread of risk across customers /customers loyalty and attractive interest spreads.
b) Spread of credit risk to diversified customers and lesser volatility in demand and credit cycle
(a) Managing large number of customers and /or rapid evolution of services.
(d) delinquencies is unsecured retail loans and credit card receivables. All of above
(a) Growing urban population/higher disposable income/increase in mass affluents space and explosion
of service economy. (b)
Foreign banks and private sector banks seriously looking at the bottom of customers alongwith credit
and debit cards
receivables. (c) Despite credit and deposits growth, banking access remains limited to few sections of the
population, (d) Both
a) Branches
b) ATMs
c) Extension Counters
d) Mobile Banking
e) Internet Banking
Q.9. What is the contribution of bank's retail assets to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in India?
Q.10. What is not a constraint in Retail Banking?
b. Departmental Approach
c. Integrated approach
Q.12. Give the names of foreign banks which entered the retail banking activities butwhen notableto
achieve the business objectives moved out of business?
a. BNP Paribas
b. American Express
d. Citi Bank
Q.13. In retail banking which business model is adopted generally by Public Sector Banks?
b. Departmental Approach
c. Integrated Approach
b) Departmental Approach
Q.15. During 1990s, certain foreign banks went for business model in retail banking, but after certain
d. None of above
a. Savings Accounts
Q.17. In Liability products of retail banking what are different value propositions?
b) Internet banking/phone banking/mobile banking tagging group insurance products to life and non-
life/money sweep facilities from savings to fixed
d. All above
Q.19. Discuss the other services which are tagged under retail banking?
b) Saving/term/current deposits
Q.20. Processing of services in retail banking is basically approached, from which dimension?
a. In-house resource
d. AU above
Q2I. The entire process for products and services in retail banking is done though in house resource by
which category of
d. Foreign Banks
Q.22. Banks adopt different process models for retail asset products and services, to build absolute
process efficiencies?
Q.23. What are the process models which commonly banks adopt for retail liability?
c. Opening of SB A/cs at branches add issue of PB and cheque book/ ATM Cards/PIN Mailers also at the
stand alone,
Q.24. In pricing of products and services is based on certain fundamental parameters. Which are those
c) Any of above
25. Pricing of products and services in banks is mainly driven on the basis of bases?
Q.26. Price structuring for products and services is attempted by banks in the following ways -
(b) Special concessional quotes for high net worth depositors and retail depositors
(c) Bundled pricing/Holistic pricing based on total relationship (d) All above (e) Any of above
Q.27. Why structuring is adopted by banks in retail banking?
Offer holistic pricing across of specific bundling of services so the total price proposition becomes
attractive customer
Offer holistic pricing across of specific bundling of services so the total price proposition becomes
profitable to bank
Offer holistic pricing across of specific bundling of services so the total price proposition becomes
attractive to high net worth clients only d) All above
Q.28. Which category of banks adopt price bundling of product and services?
Q.29. Public sector banks (nationalised + IDBI bank + SBI and 5 associates and Bhartiya Mahilla Bank Ltd.)
have price concerns as well as rebates in
a) Volumes of transaction
b) Quantum
30. Banks do have structure for pricing additional models. Under it what are benefits made available to
customers other than rebates of discounts as
(c) Waiver of service or processing charges (d) All above e) Any of above
Q.31. Technology and retail banking are inseparable. Technology is the enabler for building and
translating a customer data base into retail banking business. Such data are
usable to
d. aII above
Q.32. Distinguish retail banking with corporate banking and state which is retail banking?
Q.33. What special features are there in retail banking compared to wholesale banking?
Q.34. To which type of banking we get higher returns/lesser risk/cheaper cost of deposits/impact of NPA
lesser/Low ticket size of loan etc.?
a. Retail Banking
b. Wholesale Banking
c. B2B Banking
(d) Corporate Banking
e. Anyone of above
d. All of above
Q.38. When the vertically organised model provides functionality under retail banking?
c) Scope for enlarging the scope for cross-selling and up selling d )All above
Q.39. Which concept of retail banking is adopted under standard norm by PSBs in India?
a) Retail Assets
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31 D 32 A 33 D 34 A 35 C 36 E 37 D 38 D 39 A 40 D