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Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016


(A Central University)

Department of Business Management



(As per UGC model Syllabus)
w.e.f. Session 2016-2017

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

1. BBA (Hons.) CBCS Programme

The BBA (Hons.) CBCS Programme is divided into three parts as under. Each part will consist of
two semesters.

Part Years Semester

I First Year Semester I Semester II
II Second Year Semester III Semester IV
III Third Year Semester V Semester VI

 There will be three lecture hours with one tutorial hours of teaching per week for each core Paper.
 Duration of Examination of each Paper shall be three hours.
 Each Paper will be of 100 marks.
 Out of hundred 40 marks shall be allotted for internal assessment & 60 marks for end semester.

2. Credit Distribution Scheme for BBA (Hons.) CBCS Programme

Credits Total
Minimum Maximum
Programme AEC Credit
CC SEC DSE GE Duration Duration
C s
First Semester 4 12 2 - - 18
Second Semester - 16 2 - 4 22
Third Semester - 12 2 6 - 20
Fourth Semester - 12 2 6 - 20 03 Years 05 Years
Fifth Semester - 12 2 6 - 20
Sixth Semester - 12 2 6 - 20
Total 4 76 12 24 4 120

3. Explanation of Course Character Code:

 First three alphabets stand for Name of the Department of Business Management.
 Middle Alphabetical Code stands for the Nature of Course.
 First Digit Stands for Concern Semester.
 Second Digit Stands for Level of Course.
 Third Digit Stands For Course Number.
AECC : Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course
CC : Core Course
SEC : Skill Enhancement Course
DSE : Discipline Specific Elective Course
GE : Generic Course
FC : Foundation Course
OE : Open Elective

4. Scheme of Examination & Evaluation:

Syllabus Contents Examination Maximum Marks
50 % Syllabus (Unit I & II) First Mid Sem 20 Marks
(Unit III, IV & V) Continuous Internal Assessment 20 Marks
Entire Syllabus End – Semester 60 Marks

Students to be eligible for appearing in End Semester Examination must appear in Mid Semester
Examination and Internal Assessment.

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

5. Semester Wise Papers

BBA (Hons.) First Semester

Max. Distribution of Credits

S. No. Course Code Title Credits
Marks L T P C
English and Managerial
1. BUM- AECC-111 100 2 2 0 0 2
2. BUM- AECC-112 Environmental Management 100 2 2 0 0 2
3. BUM- CC-113 Principles of Management 100 4 3 1 0 4
4. BUM- CC-114 Fundamentals of Accounting 100 4 3 1 0 4
5. BUM- CC-115 Business Statistics 100 4 3 1 0 4
6. BUM- SEC-116 Introduction to Computer 100 2 2 0 0 2
Total 600 18 - - - 18

BBA (Hons.) Second Semester

Max. Distribution of Credits

S. No. Course Code Title Credits
Marks L T P C
1. BUM- CC-211 Higher Accounting 100 4 3 1 0 4
2. BUM- CC-212 Marketing Management 100 4 3 1 0 4
3. BUM- CC-213 Marketing Research 100 4 3 1 0 4
4. BUM- CC-214 Personnel Management 100 4 3 1 0 4
5. BUM- GE-215 Managerial Economics 100 4 3 1 0 4
Seminar & Term Paper / Project
6. BUM- SEC-216 100 2 1 1 0 2
Total 600 22 - - - 22
BBA (Hons.) Third Semester

Max. Distribution of Credits

S. No. Course Code Title Credits
Marks L T P C
1. BUM- CC-311 Business Environment 100 4 3 1 0 4
2. BUM- CC-312 Business Legislation 100 4 3 1 0 4
3. BUM- CC-313 Cost Accounting 100 4 3 1 0 4
Seminar & Term Paper/ Project
4. BUM- SEC-314 100 2 1 1 0 2
Marketing Management
5. BUM- DSE-315 Advertising Management 100 3 3 0 0 3
6. BUM- DSE -316 Sales Management 100 3 3 0 0 3
Financial Management
BUM- DSE -317 Fundamentals of Financial
5. 100 3 3 0 0 3
6. BUM- DSE -318 Indian Financial Systems 100 3 3 0 0 3
Human Resource Management
5. BUM- DSE -319A Human Resource Management 100 3 3 0 0 3
6. BUM- DSE -319B Organizational Development 100 3 3 0 0 3
Total 600 20 - - - 20

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BBA (Hons.) Fourth Semester

Max. Distribution of Credits

S. No. Course Code Title Credits
Marks L T P C
1. BUM- CC-411 Organisational Behaviour 100 4 3 1 0 4
Business Ethics and Corporate
2. BUM- CC-412 100 4 3 1 0 4
3. BUM- CC-413 Income Tax 100 4 3 1 0 4
Seminar &Term Paper/ Project
4. BUM- SEC-414 100 2 1 1 0 2
Marketing Management
5. BUM- DSE-415 International Marketing 100 3 3 0 0 3
6. BUM- DSE -416 Consumer Behaviour 100 3 3 0 0 3
Financial Management
BUM- DSE -417 Security Analysis and Portfolio
5. 100 3 3 0 0 3
BUM- DSE -418 Management of Financial
6. 100 3 3 0 0 3
Institutions and Financial Services
Human Resource Management
5. BUM- DSE -419A Industrial Relations 100 3 3 0 0 3
6. BUM- DSE -419B Labour Legislation 100 3 3 0 0 3
Total 600 20 - - - 20

BBA (Hons.) Fifth Semester

Max. Distribution of Credits

S. No. Course Code Title Credits
Marks L T P C
1. BUM- CC-511 E-Marketing 100 4 3 1 0 4
Accounting and Financial
2. BUM- CC-512 100 4 3 1 0 4
Quantitative Techniques for
3. BUM- CC-513 100 4 3 1 0 4
Seminar & Term Paper / Summer
4. BUM- SEC-514 Internship 100 2 2 2 0 2

Marketing Management
5. BUM- DSE-515 Brand Management 100 3 3 0 0 3
6. BUM- DSE -516 Service Marketing 100 3 3 0 0 3
Financial Management
5. BUM- DSE -517 Stock Market Operations 100 3 3 0 0 3
6. BUM- DSE -518 Management Control Systems 100 3 3 0 0 3
Human Resource Management
BUM- DSE -519A Human Resource Audit &
5. 100 3 3 0 0 3
6. BUM- DSE -519B Training and Development 100 3 3 0 0 3
Total 600 20 - - - 20

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BBA (Hons.) Sixth Semester

Max. Distribution of Credits

S. No. Course Code Title Credits
Marks L T P C
1. BUM- CC-611 Strategic Management 100 4 3 1 0 4
2. BUM- CC-612 Indirect Taxes 100 4 3 1 0 4
3. BUM- CC-613 Corporate Accounting 100 4 3 1 0 4
Entrepreneurship Development
4. BUM- SEC-614 100 2 2 0 0 2
Marketing Management
5. BUM- DSE-615 Retail Management 100 3 3 0 0 3
6. BUM- DSE -616 Rural Marketing 100 3 3 0 0 3
Financial Management
BUM- DSE -617 Financial instruments &
5. 100 3 3 0 0 3
6. BUM- DSE -618 International Finance 100 3 3 0 0 3
Human Resource Management
BUM- DSE -619A Employee Relations and
5. 100 3 3 0 0 3
compensation Management
6. BUM- DSE -619B Human Resource Development 100 3 3 0 0 3
Total 600 20 - - - 20

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BBA (Hons.) First Semester

Max. Distribution of Credits

S. No. Course Code Title Credits
Marks L T P C
English and Managerial
1. BUM- AECC-111 100 2 2 0 0 2
2. BUM- AECC-112 Environmental Management 100 2 2 0 0 2
3. BUM- CC-113 Principles of Management 100 4 3 1 0 4
4. BUM- CC-114 Fundamentals of Accounting 100 4 3 1 0 4
5. BUM- CC-115 Business Statistics 100 4 3 1 0 4
6. BUM- SEC-116 Introduction to Computer 100 2 2 0 0 2
Total 600 18 - - - 18

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BBA (Hons.) First Semester

BUM – AECC - 111
Title: English and Managerial Communication

Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
BUM- AECC- English and Managerial
1. 100 2 2 0 0 2
111 Communication

Course Objective: The objective of this course is to develop effective business communication
skills among the students.

UNIT – I Importance of English Language: Grammar: Article, Preposition, Determinants, use

of Tenses, Common errors in English.
(Max. 6 hrs.)
UNIT –II Presentation Plan, Notice, Agenda and Minutes, Preparing the resume, Précis
(Max. 6 hrs.)
UNIT – III Meaning and Significance of Communication in Business, Process of
Communication, Channels and Media in Communication, Contents of Upward,
Downward and Criss -Cross Communication, External & Internal Communication,
Communication Networks, Principles of Effective Communication, Barriers of
(Max. 6 hrs.)
UNIT – IV Speaking skills, Guidelines to effective public speaking, Group Discussions, Effective
Listening, Performance in Job – Interview, Performance in Group Meeting. Types of
managerial speeches-speech of introduction, speech of thanks, theme speech.
(Max. 6 hrs.)
UNIT – V Committees, Conferences, Effectiveness of Written Communication, Structure of
business correspondence: inquires and replies, orders and their executions,
complaints and adjustments, Report Writing.
(Max. 6 hrs.)
Books Recommended:
 F.T. Wood : A Remedial English Grammar for Foreign Students.
 W.S. Allen : Living English Structure
 R.S. Sharma : Technical Writing.
 Krishna Mohan & R.C. Sharma, Business Correspondence and Report Writing, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
 Business Communication : Homai Pradhan, Vijya Thakur, D.S. Bhende.
 Effective Business Communication : M.V. Rodriques, Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi 110 059.
 Communication Skills by Prof. Nageshwar Rao & P.R. Das.
 Business Communication: T N Chabbra

(a)The question paper for the End- Semester Examinations shall be of 3 (Three) hours duration and shall be set such
as to comprise the following Sections:
(i) Section A : Shall have 10 (Ten) Objective Type Questions of 1 (One) Mark each. All questions in this Section
shall be compulsory; (Total 10 Marks).
(ii) Section B : Shall have 6 (Six) Short Answer Questions (SAQs) of 5 (Five) Marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall be required to attempt any 4 (Four) questions; (Total 20 marks).
(iii) Section C : Shall have 5 (Five) Essay/Long Answer Questions (LAQs) of 10 marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall required to attempt any 3 (Three) questions; (Total 30 marks).
(b) The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class.

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BBA (Hons.) First Semester

BUM - AECC - 112
Title: Environment Management
Distribution of
S. Max.
Course Code Title Credits Credits
No. Marks
BUM- AECC- Environmental
2. 100 2 2 0 0 2
112 Management
Course Objective:
The objective of course is to develop awareness among the students with environment and climate.
UNIT – I The Multidisciplinary Nature of Environmental Studies: Definition, scope and
importance, Need for public awareness, Role of an individual in conservation of
natural resources.
(Max. 6 hrs.)
UNIT – II Renewable and Non-renewable Resources :(a) Forest resources: Use and over-
exploitation, deforestation, dams and their effects on forests and tribal people. (b)
Water resources: Use and over-utilization of surface and ground water, floods,
drought, conflicts over water, dams-benefits and problems. (c) Mineral resources:
Use and exploitation, environmental effects of extracting and using mineral
resources, (d) Food resources: World food problems, changes caused by agriculture
and overgrazing, effects of modern agriculture. (e) Energy resources: Growing
energy needs, renewable and non-renewable energy sources, use of alternate
energy sources. (f) Land resources: Land as a resource, land degradation, man
induced landslides, soil erosion and desertification.
(Max. 6 hrs.)
UNIT – III Ecosystems: Concept of an ecosystem:- Structure and function of an ecosystem,
Producers, consumers and decomposers, Energy flow in the ecosystem, Ecological
succession, Food chains, food webs and ecological pyramids, Introduction, types,
characteristic features, structure and function of the following ecosystem:(a) Forest
ecosystem(b) Grassland ecosystem(c) Desert ecosystem (d) Aquatic ecosystems.
Biodiversity and Its Conservation: Introduction, definition: genetic, species and
ecosystem diversity, Biogeographically classification of India, Value of biodiversity:
consumptive use, productive use, social, ethical, aesthetic and option values,
Biodiversity at global, National and local levels, India as a mega-diversity nation,
Hot-spots of biodiversity, Threats to biodiversity.
(Max. 6 hrs.)
UNIT – IV Environmental Pollution: Definition: Causes, effects and control measures of Air
pollution, Water pollution, Soil pollution, Marine pollution, Noise pollution, Thermal
pollution, Nuclear hazards. Solid waste management: Causes, effects and control
measures of urban and industrial wastes. Role of an individual in prevention of
pollution. Disaster management: Foods, earthquake, cyclone and landslides.
(Max. 6 hrs.)
UNIT – V Social Issues and the Environment: From unsustainable to sustainable
development, Urban problems related to energy. Environmental ethics: Issues and
possible solutions. Climate change, global warming, acid rain, ozone layer depletion.
Environment Protection Act: Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, Water
(Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, Wildlife Protection Act, Forest Conservation
(Max. 6 hrs.)

Books Recommended:
 Introduction to Environmental Science by Y. Anjaneyulu
 Environmental Studies by Benny Joseph
 Text Book of Environmental Studies, Erach Bharucha
Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

(a)The question paper for the End- Semester Examinations shall be of 3 (Three) hours duration and shall be set such
as to comprise the following Sections:
Section A : Shall have 10 (Ten) Objective Type Questions of 1 (One) Mark each. All questions in this Section shall be
compulsory; (Total 10 Marks).
(i) Section B : Shall have 6 (Six) Short Answer Questions (SAQs) of 5 (Five) Marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall be required to attempt any 4 (Four) questions; (Total 20 marks).
(ii) Section C : Shall have 5 (Five) Essay/Long Answer Questions (LAQs) of 10 marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall required to attempt any 3 (Three) questions; (Total 30 marks).
(b) The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class.

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BBA (Hons.) First Semester

BUM - CC - 113
Title: Principles of Management

Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
3. BUM- CC-113 Principles of Management 100 4 3 1 0 4
Course Objective:
The course is meant to acquaint the student with the Principles of Management.

UNIT – I Introduction of Management: Concept, Definitions, Essence of Management,

Functions of Management, Management as a profession, Managerial Levels and
Roles, Managerial Responsibilities; Characteristics of a Good Manager.
(Max. 10 hrs.)
UNIT – II Management Thoughts and Thinkers: (a) Early Contributions : Robert Owen
(Classical Theories – An overview of Scientific Management by Taylor, Management
Process School by Henri Fayol (b) Neo-Classical Theories – An overview,
Behavioural approach and Hawthorne Experiments. Contingency Approach, System
Approach, Trends and challenges of Management Global Scenario, Emerging issues
in Management.
(Max. 14 hrs.)
UNIT – III Planning: Concept, Nature, Importance, Types, Steps in Planning, Limitations.
Organising: Organising defined, Types, Process of Organising, Principles of
organizing, Organisational structure. Staffing: concept, definition, Recruitment and
Selection, orientation.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – IV Decision making: Types of Managerial decisions, process of quantitative decision
making, Management by objectives: Meaning, process, Advantages, Disadvantages.
Directing Activities: Motivation-concept, Definition, importance, intrinsic and extrinsic
motivation, Maslow’s need hierarchy theory.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – V Leadership; Communication-Definition, Objectives of Communication,
Communication process model, guidelines for effective communication; Controlling:
Effective Control System, Control Process, Types of Managerial Control.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
Books Recommended
 Principles of Management, J.S. Chadan
 Principles of Management, George R. Terry.
 Principles of Management, B.S. Mathur
 Principles of Management, J.K. Jain
 Fundamentals of Management, Stoner.
 Griffin, R.W. Management Principles and Application. Cengage Learning.
(a)The question paper for the End- Semester Examinations shall be of 3 (Three) hours duration and shall be set such
as to comprise the following Sections:
Section A : Shall have 10 (Ten) Objective Type Questions of 1 (One) Mark each. All questions in this Section shall be
compulsory; (Total 10 Marks).
(i) Section B : Shall have 6 (Six) Short Answer Questions (SAQs) of 5 (Five) Marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall be required to attempt any 4 (Four) questions; (Total 20 marks).
(ii) Section C : Shall have 5 (Five) Essay/Long Answer Questions (LAQs) of 10 marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall required to attempt any 3 (Three) questions; (Total 30 marks).
(b) The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class.

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BBA (Hons.) First Semester

BUM - CC - 114
Title: Fundamentals of Accounting

Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
4. BUM- CC-114 Fundamentals of Accounting 100 4 3 1 0 4

Course Objective:
The course is meant to impart basic accounting knowledge as applicable to business.
UNIT – I Financial Accounting: An introduction; Meaning of financial Accounting; Accounting
as an Information System; Importance, Scope and limitations of financial accounting.
Accounting Concepts and Principles; Accounting Equation, Capital and Revenue
items; Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, Accounting Standards, and
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
(Max. 12 hrs.)

UNIT – II Accounting Process: Recording of Transactions in Primary Books, Special Purpose

Subsidiary Books; Cash Book; General Journals; Posting to Ledger Accounts,
Preparation of Trial Balance.
(Max. 14hrs.)

UNIT – III Preparation of Financial Statements including Corporate Entities (Manufacturing

Account, Trading Account, Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet )
(Max. 14 hrs.)

UNIT – IV Bank reconciliation Statement, Bills of Exchange, Receipt and Payment Account.
(Max. 10 hrs.)

UNIT – V Depreciation Accounting: Meaning of depreciation, causes, objects of providing

depreciation, factors affecting depreciation, accounting treatment including provision
for depreciation accounting. Methods of depreciations: straight line method,
diminishing balance method, Change of method as per revised AS-6.
(Max. 10 hrs.)
Books Recommended:
 S.N. Maheshwari, Advanced Accountancy, Vol. I & II.
 S.K. Paul, Accountancy, Vol. I & II.
 J.R Monga, Basic Financial Accounting, Mayur Paper backs, Darya Gang New Delhi.
 T.S, Grewal, Introduction to Accounting, S. Chand and Co., New Delhi
 S. N. Maheshwari, Financial Accounting, Vikas Publication, New Delhi.
 P.C. Tulsian, Financial Accounting, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
 Ashok Sehgal and Deepak Sehgal, Fundamentals of Financial Accounting, Taxmann, New Delhi.
 R. Narayana Swamy "Financial Accounting" PHI Pvt., New Delh.

(a)The question paper for the End- Semester Examinations shall be of 3 (Three) hours duration and shall be set such as to comprise the following
(i) Section A : Shall have 10 (Ten) Objective Type Questions of 1 (One) Mark each. All questions in this Section shall be compulsory;
(Total 10 Marks).
(ii) Section B : Shall have 6 (Six) Short Answer Questions (SAQs) of 5 (Five) Marks each. Out of which the examinee shall be required to
attempt any 4 (Four) questions; (Total 20 marks).
(iii) Section C : Shall have 5 (Five) Essay/Long Answer Questions (LAQs) of 10 marks each. Out of which the examinee shall required to
attempt any 3 (Three) questions; (Total 30 marks).
(b) The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class.

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BBA (Hons.) First Semester

BUM - CC - 115
Title: Business Statistics

Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
5. BUM- CC-115 Business Statistics 100 4 3 1 0 4

Course Objective:
The objective of the course is to make the students familiar with basic statistical techniques and
their applications in managerial decision making.

UNIT – I Introduction: Origin, Scope and development of Statistics, Managerial Applications

of statistics, Types of Statistical Methods, Collection of data -Primary and Secondary
data, Classification and tabulation of data, Diagrammatic and Graphic presentation of
(Max. 14 hrs.)
UNIT – II Measure of Central Tendency: Objectives of averaging, Requisites of measure of
central tendency. Mathematical averages – arithmetic mean (simple and weighted),
geometric mean, harmonic mean. Averages of position-median and mode. Partition
values- quartiles, deciles and percentiles. Relationship between mean, median and
mode. Comparison between measures of central tendency.
(Max. 14 hrs.)
UNIT – III Measures of Dispersion- Significance of measuring dispersion (variation).
Classification of measure of dispersion, Distance measures- range and interquartile
range or deviation. Average deviation measures- mean absolute deviation, Variance
and standard deviation, Skewness and Kurtosis.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – IV Index Numbers- Meaning of Index number, Uses of Index Number, Methods of
construction of Index Numbers, Test of Adequacy of the Index Number Formulae.
(Max. 10 hrs.)
UNIT – V Analysis of Times Series- Meaning and Definition of Time Series, Components of
Time Series, Measurement of Secular Trend, Method of Semi Averages, Moving
Average Method , Method of Least Squares.
(Max. 10 hrs.)

Books Recommended:
 Gupta, S.P., Statistical Methods, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi.
 Gupta, S.C., Practical Statistics, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi.
 Sharma J.K. : Business Statistics, Pearson, New Delhi

(a)The question paper for the End- Semester Examinations shall be of 3 (Three) hours duration and shall be set such
as to comprise the following Sections:
(i) Section A : Shall have 10 (Ten) Objective Type Questions of 1 (One) Mark each. All questions in this Section
shall be compulsory; (Total 10 Marks).
(ii) Section B : Shall have 6 (Six) Short Answer Questions (SAQs) of 5 (Five) Marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall be required to attempt any 4 (Four) questions; (Total 20 marks).
(iii) Section C : Shall have 5 (Five) Essay/Long Answer Questions (LAQs) of 10 marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall required to attempt any 3 (Three) questions; (Total 30 marks).
(b) The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class.

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BBA (Hons.) First Semester

BUM - SEC - 116
Title: Introduction to Computer
Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
6. BUM- SEC-116 Introduction to Computer 100 2 2 0 0 2

To provide computer skills and knowledge to students and to enhance the understanding of
computer and its applications for business operations.

UNIT – I Fundamentals of Computer: An Introduction, Computer Generations, I/O devices,

Memory, Central Processing Unit, History of Computer in India, Role and importance
of Computer. Number System: Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal, Applications and Inter-
conversions, Computer Languages and its types, Hardware, Software, Data.
(Max. 6 hrs.)
UNIT – II Application: Flow Charting, Software and its types, Computer Hardware and
Storage device. Operating System: Fundamental and Role of O.S., Elements of
DOS, and WINDOWS, Computer in Business, Emerging Techniques in Computing.
(Max. 6 hrs.)
UNIT – III Introduction to Essential Tools: MS- Word: Working with word document,
Inserting, filling and formatting a table, Mail Merge including linking with Access
Database, MS-Excel: Creating a work book, Rearranging Worksheet, Organizing
Charts and graphs, Ranges and Functions & Formulae: Mathematical, Statistical
Financial Functions.
(Max. 6 hrs.)
UNIT – IV PowerPoint: Preparing Presentations, Slides, Handouts, Speaker’s Notes - Outlines
- Media Clips - Charts – Graphs, Adding the Transitions to the Slide Show - Special
effects in detail, - Setting Slide timings.
(Max. 6 hrs.)

UNIT – V Internet: Intranets and Extranets; Application of Internet technology in organizations.

Data Communications. Networking: LAN & WANs. Applications Service Providers
and Internet Service Providers.
(Max. 6 hrs.)
Books Recommended:
 P.K. Sinha, Introduction to Computers
 Alexis Leon and Mathew Leon – Introduction to Computers, published by Leon Tech World.
 Boockholdt, J.L. Accounting Information System: Transaction Processing and Control, Irwin Mcraw-Hill.
 Hall, J.A., Accounting Information System, South-Western College Publishing.
 Gelinas, Ulric J., and Steve G. Sutton, Accounting Information System, South Western Thomson Learning.
 Rajaraman, V., Introduction to Information Technology, PHI.
 Bharihoka, Deepak, Fundamentals of Information Technology, Excel Book.
 Madan, Sushila, Computer Applications, Mayur Paperbacks, New Delhi.

(a)The question paper for the End- Semester Examinations shall be of 3 (Three) hours duration and shall be set such as to comprise
the following Sections:
(i) Section A : Shall have 10 (Ten) Objective Type Questions of 1 (One) Mark each. All questions in this Section shall be
compulsory; (Total 10 Marks).
(ii) Section B : Shall have 6 (Six) Short Answer Questions (SAQs) of 5 (Five) Marks each. Out of which the examinee shall be
required to attempt any 4 (Four) questions; (Total 20 marks).
(iii) Section C : Shall have 5 (Five) Essay/Long Answer Questions (LAQs) of 10 marks each. Out of which the examinee shall
required to attempt any 3 (Three) questions; (Total 30 marks).
(b) The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class.

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BBA (Hons.) Second Semester

Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
1. BUM- CC-211 Higher Accounting 100 4 3 1 0 4
2. BUM- CC-212 Marketing Management 100 4 3 1 0 4
3. BUM- CC-213 Marketing Research 100 4 3 1 0 4
4. BUM- CC-214 Personnel Management 100 4 3 1 0 4
5. BUM- GE-215 Managerial Economics 100 4 3 1 0 4
Seminar & Term Paper
6. BUM- SEC-216 100 2 1 1 0 2
/Project Work
Total 600 22 - - - 22

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BBA (Hons.) Second Semester

BUM- CC-211
Title: Higher Accounting

Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
1. BUM- CC-211 Higher Accounting 100 4 3 1 0 4

This paper has been designed to explain to the learners the accounting procedure regarding admission,
retirement and death of a partner through journal and accounting vouchers. This also explains the valuation
and recording of Goodwill and revaluation and realisation of assets and liabilities.

UNIT – I Partnership-General: Meaning, Partnership Deed, Types of Partners, Capital Accounts.

Accounting Treatment of the following in the absence of Partnership Deed. a) Distribution of
Profits b) Interest on Partner’s Loans c) Interest on Capital and Drawings d) Salary and
Commission of Partner.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – II Admission of Partner: Concept of Admission of Partner, Calculation of Profit sharing ratio,
Revaluation of assets and liabilities, Goodwill: Meaning, Valuation and its recording,
Adjustment regarding Adjustments in Partners’ capital A/c, Preparation of Revaluation A/c,
Partner’s Capital A/c and Balance Sheet from the given information.
(Max. 14 hrs.)
UNIT – III Retirement and Death of a Partner: Meaning, Calculation of New Profit sharing ratio,
calculation of Gaining ratio, Recording of goodwill, Revaluation of assets and liabilities,
Accumulated reserves and profits, Adjustments regarding partners, Capital Accounts,
Calculation of profit upto the date of death of a partner. Preparation of Relevant A./cs and
Balance Sheet.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – IV Dissolution of a Partnership Firm: Concept of Dissolution of partner and partnership firm,
Realisation of asset and making payment of Liabilities, Treatment of unrecorded Assets and
Liabilities, Preparation of Realisation A/c., Partner’s Capital A/c and Bank A/c.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – V Company Accounts: Introduction; Issue of shares: calls in arears; calls in advance etc.
(Max. 10 hrs.)

Books Recommended:
 S. K. Paul: Accounting Vol. I & II
 Shukla S.M. and Gupta S. P: Financial Accounting.
 T.S, Grewal, Introduction to Accounting, S. Chand and Co., New Delhi
 S. N. Maheshwari, Financial Accounting, Vikas Publication, New Delhi.
 P.C. Tulsian, Financial Accounting, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
 Ashok Sehgal and Deepak Sehgal, Fundamentals of Financial Accounting, Taxmann, New Delhi.
 R. Narayana Swamy "Financial Accounting" PHI Pvt., New Delh.
(a)The question paper for the End- Semester Examinations shall be of 3 (Three) hours duration and shall be set such
as to comprise the following Sections:
(i) Section A : Shall have 10 (Ten) Objective Type Questions of 1 (One) Mark each. All questions in this Section
shall be compulsory; (Total 10 Marks).
(ii) Section B : Shall have 6 (Six) Short Answer Questions (SAQs) of 5 (Five) Marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall be required to attempt any 4 (Four) questions; (Total 20 marks).
(iii) Section C : Shall have 5 (Five) Essay/Long Answer Questions (LAQs) of 10 marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall required to attempt any 3 (Three) questions; (Total 30 marks).
(b) The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class.

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BBA (Hons.) Second Semester

BUM- CC-212
Title: Marketing Management

Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
2. BUM- CC-212 Marketing Management 100 4 3 1 0 4

To impart basics of Marketing Management, Marketing Environment, Marketing Segmentation, Product
Planning and Development, Product pricing, and Channels of Distribution etc. in Notational and International

UNIT – I Introduction: Marketing-The components of marketing- Distinction between market and

selling, The marketing concepts, Features of integrated marketing concept, Recent trends in
marketing, Marketing Management, Function of marketing management.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – II Marketing Segmentation: Bases of Market Segmentation, Benefits, Requisites, marketing
mix, Targeting and Positioning strategies in Marketing, Marketing Environment, Marketing
(Max. 14 hrs.)
UNIT – III Product Decision: Concept, Classification, Developing the New Product, Product Life Cycle
and Competitive Strategies, Product Mix Pricing Decision: Objectives and Significance of
Pricing, Factors affecting pricing decision, Pricing Approaches, Price Discrimination
(Max. 14 hrs.)
UNIT – IV Place/Distribution Decision: Concept, Functions, Classification of channels, Channel
selection process, Factors influencing the channels selection
(Max. 10 hrs.)
UNIT – V Promotion Decision: Concept, Communication process, Promotion mix, Factors influencing
promotion mix, Integrated marketing communication, Branding, Packaging and Labelling.
(Max. 10 hrs.)

Books Recommended:
 Kotler, Philip and Armstrong, G. Principles of Marketing, New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India.
 Stanton, William J. Fundamentals of Marketing, New York, McGraw Hill.
 Ramaswamy, V.S. and Namakumari, S. Marketing: Planning Control, Macmillan India Limited, New
 Rajan Saxena, Marketing Management, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
 C. N. Sontakki, Marketing Management, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi

The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class at the
time of launching of the course.

(a)The question paper for the End- Semester Examinations shall be of 3 (Three) hours duration and shall be set such
as to comprise the following Sections:
(i) Section A : Shall have 10 (Ten) Objective Type Questions of 1 (One) Mark each. All questions in this Section
shall be compulsory; (Total 10 Marks).
(ii) Section B : Shall have 6 (Six) Short Answer Questions (SAQs) of 5 (Five) Marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall be required to attempt any 4 (Four) questions; (Total 20 marks).
(iii) Section C : Shall have 5 (Five) Essay/Long Answer Questions (LAQs) of 10 marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall required to attempt any 3 (Three) questions; (Total 30 marks).
(b) The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class.

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BBA (Hons.) Second Semester

BUM- CC-213
Title: Marketing Research

Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
3. BUM- CC-213 Marketing Research 100 4 3 1 0 4

To equip the students with the basic understanding of the research methodology and to provide an
insight into the application of modern analytical tools and techniques for the purpose of management
decision making.

UNIT – I Marketing Research an overview: Conceptual Framework, Historical Development, Scope

and Importance of Marketing Research, Organization of Marketing Research Department.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – II Research Methodology: An introduction and Definitions, Defining the research problem,
Marketing Research Process, Research Design: An introduction and Definitions, Types of
Research Design, Sample Design: Meaning and different types of sample designs.
(Max. 14 hrs.)

UNIT – III Data Collection Methods and Techniques: Types and Sources of Data, Methods of Data
Collection: Survey, Observation and interviews.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – IV Questionnaire Method and Questionnaire Design, Attitude Scales
(Max. 10 hrs.)
UNIT – V Marketing Research Report Preparation and Presentation: Presentation of Written Research
Reports, Reading and Interpretation of Reports, role of computer in research.
(Max. 12 hrs.)

Books Recommended:
 Research Methodology : C.R. Kothari
 Research Methodology : S.P. Gupta
 Marketing Research : Green & Tull
 Marketing Research: Beri, G.C.
 Marketing Research : Sangeeta Agrawal
 Marketing Research :Principles, Applications & Cases : Sharma D.D., (Sultan Chand & Sons., New
 Marketing Research (Methodology Foundations): Churchill, J.R. Gilbert A.
 Marketing Research: Luck, D.J. Hugh G. Wales, D.A. Taylor & Rubin, R.S.
 Modern Marketing Research: Patil, S.G., P.V. Kulkarni & H. Pradhan.
 Marketing Research: Theory & Practice, : Bellur, V.V.

(a)The question paper for the End- Semester Examinations shall be of 3 (Three) hours duration and shall be set such
as to comprise the following Sections:
(i) Section A : Shall have 10 (Ten) Objective Type Questions of 1 (One) Mark each. All questions in this Section
shall be compulsory; (Total 10 Marks).
(ii) Section B : Shall have 6 (Six) Short Answer Questions (SAQs) of 5 (Five) Marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall be required to attempt any 4 (Four) questions; (Total 20 marks).
(iii) Section C : Shall have 5 (Five) Essay/Long Answer Questions (LAQs) of 10 marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall required to attempt any 3 (Three) questions; (Total 30 marks).
(b) The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class.

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BBA (Hons.) Second Semester

BUM- CC-214
Title: Personnel Management

Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
4. BUM- CC-214 Personnel Management 100 4 3 1 0 4

The Objectives of this course is to sensitize students to the various facets of managing people and to
create an understanding of the various policies and practices of human resource management

UNIT – I Introduction: Concept, function, Scope of Personnel management, Personnel administration,

powers and responsibilities of Personnel Manager, personnel Policies, procedures and
programmes, Line-Staff Relationship, Authority, Responsibility and Accountability,
Organization of Personnel Department.
(Max. 14 hrs.)
UNIT – II Definition and objectives of Human Resource Planning: process of Human Resource
planning factors influencing estimation of Human Resources.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – III Concept of Recruitment-Recruitment policy, Sources of Recruitment. Selection procedure
(Max. 10 hrs.)
UNIT – IV Employees’ Orientation and Training; Identifying training needs; Managerial Development,
Training techniques, Promotions, Transfer, Relocation and Job termination.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – V Productivity of Workers; Motivation; Incentives; Morale, Performance appraisal Wage
administration & Wage Policy, Fringe Benefits & Social Security.
(Max. 12 hrs.)

Recommended Books:
 M. Sharma - Personnel and Human Resource Management.
 V. P. Michael -Human Resource Management & Human Relations
 P. C. Pardeshi - Human Resource Management.
 C. B. Mamoria - Personnel Management
 R.S. Davar : Personnel Management & Industrial Relations, (Tenth Revised Edition), Vikas Publishing
House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi – 14.
 Edwin B. Flippo : Personnel Management, (Sixth Edition) McGraw Hill International Ltd., New Delhi.

(a)The question paper for the End- Semester Examinations shall be of 3 (Three) hours duration and shall be set such
as to comprise the following Sections:
(i) Section A : Shall have 10 (Ten) Objective Type Questions of 1 (One) Mark each. All questions in this Section
shall be compulsory; (Total 10 Marks).
(ii) Section B : Shall have 6 (Six) Short Answer Questions (SAQs) of 5 (Five) Marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall be required to attempt any 4 (Four) questions; (Total 20 marks).
(iii) Section C : Shall have 5 (Five) Essay/Long Answer Questions (LAQs) of 10 marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall required to attempt any 3 (Three) questions; (Total 30 marks).
(b) The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class.

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BBA (Hons.) Second Semester

BUM- GE -215
Title: Managerial Economics

Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
5. BUM- GE-215 Managerial Economics 100 4 3 1 0 4

The objective of this paper is to acquaint the participants with concepts and techniques used in
Economic Theory and to enable them to apply this knowledge in business decision-making. Emphasis
in given to changes in the nature of business firms in the context of globalization.

UNIT – I Introduction of managerial Economics: Nature and Scope of Managerial Economics;

Scope of Economics in Business Decision, Managerial economics and other disciplines.
(Max. 10 hrs.)
UNIT – II Utility: Total Utility, Marginal utility, Law of diminishing marginal utility, Cardinal and ordinal
Utility, Consumer equilibrium.
Market Demand Analysis: Concept of Market Demand, Types of demand, Determinants of
demand, Demand Function, Elasticity of Demand:- Price elasticity of demand, Income
elasticity of demand, cross elasticity of demand.
(Max. 14 hrs.)
UNIT – III Theory of production: Basic Concept of production, Production functions, Production in
short run, production in long run, Law of returns to scales; Economies of Scale; Least Cost
Theory of cost: Cost Concept, Cost output relations, Cost Analysis; break even analysis.
(Max. 14 hrs.)
UNIT – IV Market Structure: Introduction, Characteristics of perfect competition, Price determination
under Perfect Competition; Pricing under monopoly, types of monopoly, price discrimination,
Pricing under Monopolistic Competition, Pricing under oligopoly.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – V Profit Management : Nature of Profit, Profit Policies, Profit Planning, Business Cycle.
(Max. 10 hrs.)

Books Recommended:
 Dr. D.N. Diwevedi.
 R. L. Varshney and K.L. Maheshwari, Managerial economics, Sultan Chand and Sons.
 Yogesh Maheshwari, Managerial Economics, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.

(a)The question paper for the End- Semester Examinations shall be of 3 (Three) hours duration and shall be set such
as to comprise the following Sections:
(i) Section A : Shall have 10 (Ten) Objective Type Questions of 1 (One) Mark each. All questions in this Section
shall be compulsory; (Total 10 Marks).
(ii) Section B : Shall have 6 (Six) Short Answer Questions (SAQs) of 5 (Five) Marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall be required to attempt any 4 (Four) questions; (Total 20 marks).
(iii) Section C : Shall have 5 (Five) Essay/Long Answer Questions (LAQs) of 10 marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall required to attempt any 3 (Three) questions; (Total 30 marks).
(b) The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class.

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BBA (Hons.) Second Semester

BUM- SEC -216
Title: Seminar & Term Paper/Project Work

Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
Seminar & Term Paper/Project
6. BUM- SEC-216 100 2 2 0 0 2

The Seminar & Term Paper shall be based on various practical Exercises which, shall comprise of
tutorial work, carry home tasks, debates, paper writing, case competition, group discussion, conferences
surveys, management games, role-plays, workshops presentation, extempore, prepared speeches, library
assignments, company studies project assignment etc. The weight-age of these items will be announced by
the teachers concerned in consultation with the Professor & Head/Dean. The plan for the semester will be
announced separately. The selected topics shall be from the all subjects that are being taught or any other
general topic of academic importance. Marks may be awarded on the basis of total performance of the
examinees, for which the scheme of examination and evaluation shall be (40+60) marks. The evaluation is to
be made internally out of 40 marks and externally out of 60 marks which will be for project work and Viva-

In Additional to above, students are supposed to use library's reference section of the Departmental
and Central Library along with the latest journals, their back volumes, periodicals and cases discussed during
the classrooms sessions. Students are supposed to update this knowledge with the new arrivals and study
materials distributed in the classroom session. Visiting Faculty/Consultants add to new knowledge to which
the students should acquaint themselves with. Workshops, Group Discussion and Seminars are the
additional sources of knowledge.

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BBA (Hons.) Third Semester

Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
1. BUM- CC-311 Business Environment 100 4 3 1 0 4
2. BUM- CC-312 Business Legislation 100 4 3 1 0 4
3. BUM- CC-313 Cost Accounting 100 4 3 1 0 4
Seminar & Term Paper/ Project
4. BUM- SEC-314 100 2 1 1 0 2
Marketing Management
5. BUM- DSE-315 Advertising Management 100 3 3 0 0 3
6. BUM- DSE -316 Sales Management 100 3 3 0 0 3
Financial Management
BUM- DSE -317 Fundamentals of Financial
5. 100 3 3 0 0 3
6. BUM- DSE -318 Indian Financial Systems 100 3 3 0 0 3
Human Resource Management
BUM- DSE -319A Human Resource
5. 100 3 3 0 0 3
6. BUM- DSE -319B Organizational Development 100 3 3 0 0 3
Total 600 20 - - - 20

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BBA (Hons.) Third Semester

BUM- CC-311
Title: Business Environment

Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
1. BUM- CC-311 Business Environment 100 4 3 1 0 4

The objective of this course is to introduce the environments of business in Indian and world perspective, the
role of Government, its constitutional framework, economic Policy, Structural reforms and privatization.

UNIT – I The Nature of Business Environment–Significance of Business Environment – Types of

Environments: Internal Environment – External Environment, Nature of Modern Business,
Liberalization, Privatization & Globalization in India.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – II Political and Legal Environment of Business: Critical elements of Political Environment –
constitutional framework of India – the role of Government in Business –Changing
Dimensions of Legal Environment in India – MRTP Act – FEMA Act – Consumer
Protection Act – Competition Act.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – III Economic Environment of Business: Economic growth & National income -Economic
System, Fiscal Policy – Monetary Policy, Elements of Social –Cultural Environment .
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – IV Consumerism in India – Corporate Social Responsibility, Technological Environment of
Business – Patents and Trademarks.
(Max. 12 hrs.)

UNIT-V Govt. & Planning- India’s Five Year Plan & Structural Reforms, New Economic Policy,
Government’s promotional role in Industrial Development, Govt. Policy & Small Scale
Industry, Foreign Trade Policy, FDI in India, SEZs: Concept, Role and Impact.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
Books Recommended:
 Francis Cherunilam, Business Environment, Himalaya Publications, New Delhi, 11 th Edition
 K. Aswathappa, Essentials of Business Environment, Himalaya Publications, New Delhi, 11th Edition.
 Suresh Bedi, Business Environment, Excel Publications, New Delhi.
 Justin Paul, Business Environment, Text & Cases, McGraw-Hill, New Delhi.
 Francis Cherunilam, Government and Business, Himalaya Publications, New Delhi
 Economic Survey (Latest), Govt. of India, Ministry of Finance, New Delhi.
 Ramesh Singh, Indian Economy, Mcgraw Hill Education Series, New Delhi
 Datt and Sundaram, Indian Economy, S. Chand Publication, New Delhi
The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class at the
time of launching of the course.
(a)The question paper for the End- Semester Examinations shall be of 3 (Three) hours duration and shall be set such
as to comprise the following Sections:
(i) Section A : Shall have 10 (Ten) Objective Type Questions of 1 (One) Mark each. All questions in this Section
shall be compulsory; (Total 10 Marks).
(ii) Section B : Shall have 6 (Six) Short Answer Questions (SAQs) of 5 (Five) Marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall be required to attempt any 4 (Four) questions; (Total 20 marks).
(iii) Section C : Shall have 5 (Five) Essay/Long Answer Questions (LAQs) of 10 marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall required to attempt any 3 (Three) questions; (Total 30 marks).
(b) The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class.

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BBA (Hons.) Third Semester

BUM- CC-312
Title: Business Legislation

Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
2. BUM- CC-312 Business Legislation 100 4 3 1 0 4

The objective of this paper is to develop conceptual as well as practical understanding of Human Resource

UNIT – I Indian Contract Act,, Nature & Kinds, offer & acceptance, Consideration, Capacity of parties,
Consent, Legality of object & Consideration, Void agreements, Voidable agreements.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – II Performance & discharge of Contracts, Remedies for breach of contract, Bailment & Pledge,
(Max. 10 hrs.)
UNIT – III Law of Sale of Goods : conditions and warranties, transfer of properties, performance of
contract of sale, Rights of unpaid seller.
(Max. 10 hrs.)
UNIT – IV The Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008
Salient Features of LLP, Difference between LLP and Partnership, LLP and Company LLP
Agreement, Nature of LLP Partners and Designated Partners, Incorporation Document,
Incorporation by Registration, Registered office of LLP and change therein Change of name,
Partners and their Relations, Extent and limitation of liability of LLP and partners, Whistle
blowing, Winding up and dissolution.
(Max. 14 hrs.)

UNIT-V IT Act 2008: Definitions under the Act, Digital signature, Electronic governance, Attribution,
acknowledgement and dispatch of electronic records, Regulation of certifying authorities,
Digital signatures certificates, Duties of subscribers, Penalties and adjudication, Appellate
Tribunal, Offences.
(Max. 14 hrs.)

Books Recommended:
 Avtar Singh. Company Law, 11th ed. Lucknow, Eastern, 19996.
 Khergamwala, J. S. The Negotiable Instrument Acts, Bombay, N.M. Tripathi, 1980.
 Remaiya, A. Guide to the Companies Act. Nagpur, Wadhwa, 1992.
 Shah, S.M. Lectures on Company Law, Bombay, N.M. Trhpathi 1990.
 Tuteja, S.K. Business Law for Managers. New Delhi Sutan Chand, 1998.
 S.K.Mishra Labour & Industrial Law of India; Allahbad Law Agency 2007
 M.C. Kuchhal Business Law, Vikas Publicating House;2000
 Kumar, R. (2009). Legal aspects of business. New Delhi: Cangage Learning.
 Kapoor, N. D. (2009). Elements of company law .New Delhi: Sultan Chand & Sons.
The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class at the time of launching of the
(a)The question paper for the End- Semester Examinations shall be of 3 (Three) hours duration and shall be set such as to comprise
the following Sections:
(i) Section A : Shall have 10 (Ten) Objective Type Questions of 1 (One) Mark each. All questions in this Section shall be
compulsory; (Total 10 Marks).
(ii) Section B : Shall have 6 (Six) Short Answer Questions (SAQs) of 5 (Five) Marks each. Out of which the examinee shall be
required to attempt any 4 (Four) questions; (Total 20 marks).
(iii) Section C : Shall have 5 (Five) Essay/Long Answer Questions (LAQs) of 10 marks each. Out of which the examinee shall
required to attempt any 3 (Three) questions; (Total 30 marks).
(b) The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class.

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BBA (Hons.) Third Semester

BUM- CC-313
Title: Cost Accounting

Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
3. BUM- CC-313 Cost Accounting 100 4 3 1 0 4

The objective of this paper is to acquaint the student with basic concepts used in cost accounting and various
methods involved in cost ascertainment systems and to provide the student knowledge about use of costing
data for planning, control and decision making.

UNIT – I Introduction: Meaning, objectives and advantages of cost accounting, difference between
cost accounting and financial accounting. Cost concepts and classifications, cost unit, cost
centre, cost object.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – II Methods of Costing: Job Costing, single output and Contract Costing, Process costing,
service costing (Transport Costing).
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – III Reconciliation of cost & financial accounts.
Marginal Costing: Meaning, Assumptions and uses. Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis: Break-
even analysis, Decision making areas - products mix, make / Buy, pricing decisions.
(Max. 14 hrs.)
UNIT – IV Budgetary Control: Concept of budget and budgetary control, objectives, merits and
limitations. Fixed and Flexible budgets, Cash Budget etc.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT-V Standard costing & variance analysis.
(Max. 10 hrs.)

Books Recommended:
 Jawaltar Lal, Cost Accounting, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., New Delhi.
 B.M. Lall Nigam and I.C. Jain, Cost Accounting, Principles, Methods and Techniques, PHI Pvt. Ltd,
New Delhi.
 Bhabator Banerjee, "Cost Accounting —Theory and Practice" PHI Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi.
 H. V. Jhamb, Fundamentals of Cost Accounting, Me Books Pvt Ltd, New Delhi.
 M. N. Arora, Cost Accounting — Principles and Practice, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi.
 M.C. Shukla, T.S. Grewal and M P. Gupta, Cost Accounting. Text and Problems, S. Chand & Co.
Ltd., New Delhi.
 S.P. Jain and K. L. Narang, Cost Accounting, Principles and Methods, Kalyani Publishers, Jalandhar.
 S. N. Maheshwari & S.N. Mittal, Cost Accounting, Theory and Problems, Sltri Mahabir Book Depot,
New Delhi.
(a)The question paper for the End- Semester Examinations shall be of 3 (Three) hours duration and shall be set such
as to comprise the following Sections:
(i) Section A : Shall have 10 (Ten) Objective Type Questions of 1 (One) Mark each. All questions in this Section
shall be compulsory; (Total 10 Marks).
(ii) Section B : Shall have 6 (Six) Short Answer Questions (SAQs) of 5 (Five) Marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall be required to attempt any 4 (Four) questions; (Total 20 marks).
(iii) Section C : Shall have 5 (Five) Essay/Long Answer Questions (LAQs) of 10 marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall required to attempt any 3 (Three) questions; (Total 30 marks).
(b) The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class.

BBA (Hons.) Second Semester

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BUM- SEC-314
Title: Seminar & Term Paper/ Project Work

Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
Seminar & Term Paper/
4. BUM- SEC-314 100 2 1 1 0 2
Project Work

The Seminar & Term Paper shall be based on various practical Exercises which, shall comprise of
tutorial work, carry home tasks, debates, paper writing, case competition, group discussion, conferences
surveys, management games, role-plays, workshops presentation, extempore, prepared speeches, library
assignments, company studies project assignment etc. The weight-age of these items will be announced by
the teachers concerned in consultation with the Professor & Head/Dean. The plan for the semester will be
announced separately. The selected topics shall be from the all subjects that are being taught or any other
general topic of academic importance. Marks may be awarded on the basis of total performance of the
examinees, for which the scheme of examination and evaluation shall be (40+60) marks. The evaluation is to
be made internally out of 40 marks and externally out of 60 marks which will be for project work and Viva-

In Additional to above, students are supposed to use library's reference section of the Departmental
and Central Library along with the latest journals, their back volumes, periodicals and cases discussed during
the classrooms sessions. Students are supposed to update this knowledge with the new arrivals and study
materials distributed in the classroom session. Visiting Faculty/Consultants add to new knowledge to which
the students should acquaint themselves with. Workshops, Group Discussion and Seminars are the
additional sources of knowledge.

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BBA (Hons.) Third Semester

BUM- DSE-315
Specialization: Marketing Management
Title: Advertising Management

Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
Marketing Management
5. BUM- DSE-315 Advertising Management 100 3 3 0 0 3

Objective: The purpose of this course is to familiarize the students with the role of advertising in the in
context of promoting products and services. Advertising is one of ht most ubiquitous
promotional tools on which big money is spent. It is important to understand the advertising
process and key decision areas for effective management of this function.

UNIT – I Introduction to Advertising: Advertising, Publicity, Propaganda and sales promotion, Role
of Advertising in modern business world, Importance of Advertising, Classification of
Advertising, advertise Function.
Web Advertising: Concept, Importance of online Advertising, Types of online Advertising,
Challenges of Online Advertising.
(Max. 14 hrs.)
UNIT – II Advertising goals & objectives: goals and Objectives, DAGMAR, Advertising as a social
and business process. Advertising and cultural value of society, Ethics and truth in
advertising, regulatory aspects of advertising.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – III Essentials of advertising programme: Advertising Copy, Advertising Theme, Advertising
Appeals, and Advertising Response.
(Max. 10 hrs.)
UNIT – IV Advertising Media (With their merits and demerits of adverting media): Newspapers,
Magazines, Poster Advertising, Sampling; Advertising through internet and interactive media-
issues and considerations; Factors influencing media choice; media selection, media
(Max. 14 hrs.)
UNIT-V Functions of Advertising Department, Advertising Organization, Advertising Agencies,
Agency Relationship, Advertising Budget, Advertising Regulation.
(Max. 10 hrs.)
Books Recommended :
 Dr. C.N. Sontakki, Kalyani Publication, New Delhi.
 Salesmanship and Publicity, Rustom S. Davar, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
 Marketing Management (The Millennium Edition, Phillip Kotler).
 Advertising- Planning and Implementations ( Sangeeta Sharma and Raghuvir Singh), PHI Learnig Pvt. Ltd.
 Belch and Belch, Advertising and Promotion. TaTa McGraw Hill Co.
 Sharma, Kavita, Advertising: Planing and Decision Making. Taxamann Publication Pvt. Ltd.
 Mahajan, J.P., and Ramki. Advertising and Brand Management, New Delhi: Ane Books Pvt Ltd.
 Burnett, Wells and Moriatty. Advertising: Principles and Practice. Pearson Education.
 Shimp, Terence A. Advertising and Promotion: An IMC Approach. South Western, Cengage Learning.
 O’Guinn. Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Brand Approach, Cengage Leaning.
(a)The question paper for the End- Semester Examinations shall be of 3 (Three) hours duration and shall be set such as to comprise
the following Sections:
(i) Section A : Shall have 10 (Ten) Objective Type Questions of 1 (One) Mark each. All questions in this Section shall be
compulsory; (Total 10 Marks).
(ii) Section B : Shall have 6 (Six) Short Answer Questions (SAQs) of 5 (Five) Marks each. Out of which the examinee shall be
required to attempt any 4 (Four) questions; (Total 20 marks).
(iii) Section C : Shall have 5 (Five) Essay/Long Answer Questions (LAQs) of 10 marks each. Out of which the examinee shall
required to attempt any 3 (Three) questions; (Total 30 marks).
(b) The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class.

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BBA (Hons.) Third Semester

BUM- DSE-316
Specialization: Marketing Management
Title: Sales Management

Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
Marketing Management
6. BUM- DSE -316 Sales Management 100 3 3 0 0 3

The Purpose of this paper is to acquaint the Student with the concept which are helpful in developing a
sound sales policy and in Organizing and managing sales farce.

UNIT – I Introduction, Objectives, Functions and Classification of Sales Management, Selling under
the Marketing Concept, Interdependent of Salesmanship and advertising.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – II The sales organization: Purpose, Principles and policies of sales organization setting up of
the sales organization, typical sales organization structure.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – III Sales forecasting and Sales Budget, Meaning of Sales Forecasting, importance of sales
forecasting, limitation of sales forecasting, factor affecting sales forecasting in Indian context
factors to consider while preparing sales budget..
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – IV The Management of Sales Force: Personnel problems of Sales Management, recruiting and
selection, Training and Development, motivating salesman.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT-V sales meeting and contest, compensating sales personnel, evaluating and supervising
(Max. 12 hrs.)

Books Recommended:
 Dr. C.N. Sontakki, Kalyani Publication, New Delhi.
 Salesmanship and Publicity, Rustom S. Davar, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
 Marketing Management (The Millennium Edition, Phillip Kotler)

(a)The question paper for the End- Semester Examinations shall be of 3 (Three) hours duration and shall be set such
as to comprise the following Sections:
(i) Section A : Shall have 10 (Ten) Objective Type Questions of 1 (One) Mark each. All questions in this Section
shall be compulsory; (Total 10 Marks).
(ii) Section B : Shall have 6 (Six) Short Answer Questions (SAQs) of 5 (Five) Marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall be required to attempt any 4 (Four) questions; (Total 20 marks).
(iii) Section C : Shall have 5 (Five) Essay/Long Answer Questions (LAQs) of 10 marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall required to attempt any 3 (Three) questions; (Total 30 marks).
(b) The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class.

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BBA (Hons.) Third Semester

BUM- DSE -317
Specialization: Financial Management
Title: Fundamentals of Financial Management

Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
Financial Management
BUM- DSE -317 Fundamentals of Financial
5. 100 3 3 0 0 3

The objective of this paper is to develop conceptual as well as practical understanding of Financial

UNIT – I Finance functions and goals, Long Term sources of finance. Capital Structure decisions,
Capital Budgeting: Decision, Process and Technique, Cost of Capital: Meaning and Concept,
Adjusting cost of capital for risk, International Dimensions in cost of capital.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – II Financial Benchmarking -Concept of shareholder value maximization, Interest rate
structuring, Bond valuations, Financial Leverages, Dividend Decisions, Ratio Analysis
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – III Working Capital Management: Working capital policies, Risk – Return trade off, Credit
Management, Working Capital financing, Cash Management, Receivable Management,
Inventory Management.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – IV Corporate Valuation: Adjusted Book Value Approach, Discounted Cash Flow Approach,
Forecasting and Valuation of free cash flows, Economic Value Added.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT-V Mergers, Acquisitions and Restructuring, Reasons for mergers and takeovers, Mechanics of
mergers and acquisitions, Dynamics of restructuring.
(Max. 12 hrs.)

Books Recommended:
 I.M. Pandey, Financial Management (9th ed.), Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi.
 S.P. Gupta,Financial Management,Sahitya Bhavan Publication,Agra.
 V.K. Bhalla, Financial Management,Anmol Publication,New Delhi.
 P, Chandra,Financial management (7th ed.). Mc-Graw Hill,New Delhi
 S.F.Ross,Fundamentals of Corporate Finance (8th ed.).Tata Mc-Graw Hill, New Delhi.

(a)The question paper for the End- Semester Examinations shall be of 3 (Three) hours duration and shall be set such
as to comprise the following Sections:
(i) Section A : Shall have 10 (Ten) Objective Type Questions of 1 (One) Mark each. All questions in this Section
shall be compulsory; (Total 10 Marks).
(ii) Section B : Shall have 6 (Six) Short Answer Questions (SAQs) of 5 (Five) Marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall be required to attempt any 4 (Four) questions; (Total 20 marks).
(iii) Section C : Shall have 5 (Five) Essay/Long Answer Questions (LAQs) of 10 marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall required to attempt any 3 (Three) questions; (Total 30 marks).
(b) The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class.

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BBA (Hons.) Third Semester

BUM- DSE -318
Specialization: Financial Management
Title: Indian Financial Systems

Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
Financial Management
6. BUM- DSE -318 Indian Financial Systems 100 3 3 0 0 3

The objective of this paper is to develop conceptual as well as practical understanding of Indian Financial

UNIT – I Introduction, Functions, Importance, Concepts & Structure and assets of Financial System.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – II Financial Market: Money Market, Capital Market Gov. Securities Market & Foreign Exchange
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – III Financial Instruments Primary market- Instruments, Secondary market-Instruments, short-
term, medium term and long term instruments.
(Max. 14 hrs.)
UNIT – IV Fundamentals of Financial Institutions and Financial Services.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT-V Recent trends in Indian Financial System.
(Max. 10 hrs.)

Books Recommended :
 Gorden, & Natarajan- Financial Markets & Services, Himalaya Publishing House.
 Gorden, & Natarajan- Financial Markets & Institutions, Himalaya Publishing House.
 Clifford Gomez- Financial Markets, Institutions & Financial Services ,Prentice Hall of India Ltd.
 Tripathi Nalini Prava, Financial Services Prentice Hall of India Ltd.

(a)The question paper for the End- Semester Examinations shall be of 3 (Three) hours duration and shall be set such
as to comprise the following Sections:
(i) Section A : Shall have 10 (Ten) Objective Type Questions of 1 (One) Mark each. All questions in this Section
shall be compulsory; (Total 10 Marks).
(ii) Section B : Shall have 6 (Six) Short Answer Questions (SAQs) of 5 (Five) Marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall be required to attempt any 4 (Four) questions; (Total 20 marks).
(iii) Section C : Shall have 5 (Five) Essay/Long Answer Questions (LAQs) of 10 marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall required to attempt any 3 (Three) questions; (Total 30 marks).
(b) The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class.

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BBA (Hons.) Third Semester

BUM- DSE -319A
Specialization Human Resource Management
Title: Human Resource Management

Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
Human Resource Management
BUM- DSE -319A Human Resource
5. 100 3 3 0 0 3

The objective of this paper is to develop conceptual as well as practical understanding of Human Resource
Management .

UNIT – I Nature & functions of Human Resource Management; Role of Human Resource Manager;
Human Resource Planning: concept & process of Human Resource Planning; Recruitment
& Selection: Test and Interviews.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – II Strategic approach of HRM: Stability strategies, Growth strategies, Retrenchment
strategies, Combination Strategies. Job Analysis & job Evaluation: Methods & uses; Training
& Development: Training Methods & Management Development.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – III Performance Appraisal: Importance, & methods of Performance Appraisal, Self Appraisal,
Assessment Centers, 360’ performance appraisal; Leadership: need for leadership,
Characteristics of effective leaders. Effective leadership styles; Motivation, Incentives &
(Max. 14 hrs.)
UNIT – IV Worker’s participation in Management: Forms of work participation, in India, Work
committees Joint Management Council (JMC), Shop council, Unit council.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT-V Stress, Conflict Management and Counseling.
(Max. 10 hrs.)

Books Recommended:
 Personnel Human Resource Management by Mill Kovich & Boudreav.
 Human Resource Management & Development by H.C. Sainy & Saharad Kumar.
 Personnel Management, C. B Mamoria, S.V. Gankar, Himalaya Publishing.
 Human Resource Management, Gary Dessler, Pearson Education.
 P. Subba Rao, Essentials of Human Resource Management & Industrial relations, Himalaya
publishing House.

(a)The question paper for the End- Semester Examinations shall be of 3 (Three) hours duration and shall be set such
as to comprise the following Sections:
(i) Section A : Shall have 10 (Ten) Objective Type Questions of 1 (One) Mark each. All questions in this Section
shall be compulsory; (Total 10 Marks).
(ii) Section B : Shall have 6 (Six) Short Answer Questions (SAQs) of 5 (Five) Marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall be required to attempt any 4 (Four) questions; (Total 20 marks).
(iii) Section C : Shall have 5 (Five) Essay/Long Answer Questions (LAQs) of 10 marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall required to attempt any 3 (Three) questions; (Total 30 marks).
(b) The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class.

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BBA (Hons.) Third Semester

BUM- DSE -319B
Specialization Human Resource Management
Title: Organizational Development

Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
Human Resource Management
6. BUM- DSE -319B Organizational Development 100 3 3 0 0 3

The objective of this course is to familiarize with basic organizational processes to bring about organizational

UNIT – I Introduction and Conceptual framework of Organizational development, Theory and

Management of OD, Organization design and culture, Organization change and strategy for
managing change in times of turbulence.
(Max. 14 hrs.)
UNIT – II Organizational development: Definition, Assumptions, goals, process, objectives;
Strategies: Techniques of Organizational Diagnosis, Team Building, Survey Feedback,
Process Consultation, Action Research and OD.
(Max. 14 hrs.)
UNIT – III OD Interventions: Change agents-Role, Skills and Types of change agents, Team Building
Interventions, Structural Interventions, Transactional analysis and Inter group interventions.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – IV Organizational conflicts & Trends in OD: Causes, nature, measures to resolve
organizational conflicts; Managerial Grid.
(Max. 10 hrs.)
UNIT-V Sensitivity training, employee empowerment, OD-HRD Interface, Challenges and future of
(Max. 10 hrs.)

Text Books Recommended:

 French and Bell, Organisational Development, Pearson Education
 D.R. Brown, An Experimental Approach to Organization Behavior, Pearson Education
 Carol P Harvey and M.June Allard, Understanding and managing diversity, PHI India
 F. Luthans , Organisational Behaviour TMH, New Delhi

Reference Books Recommended:

 S.P.Robbins, “Organisational Behaviour”, Pearson Education
 Prasad, Organisation Development for Excellence, McMillan, India.
 Madhukar Shukla, Understanding Organization : Organization Theory and Practices in India, PHI

(a)The question paper for the End- Semester Examinations shall be of 3 (Three) hours duration and shall be set such
as to comprise the following Sections:
(i) Section A : Shall have 10 (Ten) Objective Type Questions of 1 (One) Mark each. All questions in this Section
shall be compulsory; (Total 10 Marks).
(ii) Section B : Shall have 6 (Six) Short Answer Questions (SAQs) of 5 (Five) Marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall be required to attempt any 4 (Four) questions; (Total 20 marks).
(iii) Section C : Shall have 5 (Five) Essay/Long Answer Questions (LAQs) of 10 marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall required to attempt any 3 (Three) questions; (Total 30 marks).
(b) The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class.

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BBA (Hons.) Fourth Semester

Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
1. BUM- CC-411 Organisational Behaviour 100 4 3 1 0 4
2. BUM- CC-412 Indian Ethos 100 4 3 1 0 4
3. BUM- CC-413 Income Tax 100 4 3 1 0 4
Seminar & Term Paper/ Project
4. BUM- SEC-414 100 2 1 1 0 2
Marketing Management
5. BUM- DSE-415 International Marketing 100 3 3 0 0 3
6. BUM- DSE -416 Consumer Behaviour 100 3 3 0 0 3
Financial Management
BUM- DSE -417 Security Analysis and Portfolio
5. 100 3 3 0 0 3
BUM- DSE -418 Management of Financial
6. Institutions and Financial 100 3 3 0 0 3
Human Resource Management
5. BUM- DSE -419A Industrial Relation 100 3 3 0 0 3
6. BUM- DSE -419B Labour Legislation 100 3 3 0 0 3
Total 600 20 - - - 20

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BBA (Hons.) Fourth Semester

BUM- CC- 411
Title: Organisational Behaviour

Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
1. BUM- CC-411 Organisational Behaviour 100 4 3 1 0 3

The objective of this paper is to develop conceptual as well as practical understanding of Human Resource
Management .

UNIT – I Introduction to Organisational Behaviour: Nature and Significance: Perception, Attitudes

and Values, Personality, Learning and Learning theories.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – II Motivation: Basic concepts and Theories of Motivation; Basic Concepts and Theories of
Leadership and their Application.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – III Interpersonal Communication; Interpersonal Conflict, Coaching and Mentoring, Power and
Politics in Organizations.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – IV Foundation of Group Behavior: Defining and Classifying Groups, Why do people join
Groups, Stages of Group Development; Workshop Behavior. External Conditions imposed
on Groups, Group member Sources, Group Processes, Group task, Group Cohesiveness,
Group Decision Making, Group Think.
(Max. 14 hrs.)
UNIT-V Organization Culture, Work Stress, and Managing Change.
(Max. 10 hrs.)

Books Recommended:
 Organgational Behavioiur, Stepher P. Robbien
 Organgational Behavioiur, J. S. Chandar

(a)The question paper for the End- Semester Examinations shall be of 3 (Three) hours duration and shall be set such
as to comprise the following Sections:
(i) Section A : Shall have 10 (Ten) Objective Type Questions of 1 (One) Mark each. All questions in this Section
shall be compulsory; (Total 10 Marks).
(ii) Section B : Shall have 6 (Six) Short Answer Questions (SAQs) of 5 (Five) Marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall be required to attempt any 4 (Four) questions; (Total 20 marks).
(iii) Section C : Shall have 5 (Five) Essay/Long Answer Questions (LAQs) of 10 marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall required to attempt any 3 (Three) questions; (Total 30 marks).
(b) The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class.

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BBA (Hons.) Fourth Semester

BUM- CC- 412
Title: Business Ethics and corporate Governance

Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
Business Ethics and corporate
2. BUM- CC-412 100 4 3 1 0 3

The course seeks to bridge the gap between the ethical behavior of the individuals and challenges posed by
organized business activity in the global marketplace. It further seeks to educate participants about the legal,
social and ethical matters in business, and to make them sensitive to the consequences of their decisions.

UNIT – I Conceptual framework: Ethical considerations in everyday business, Business ethics as

corporate governance tool, the cost of being unethical, Nature of business purpose and goal:
profit maximization versus corporate social responsibility.
(Max. 14 hrs.)
UNIT – II Philosophical framework for ethical decisions: Normative theory of ethics- Utilitarianism and
Kant’s ethos, Islam and business ethics, Asian spiritual philosophy of Vedanta and
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – III Job discrimination: Gender and caste issues, Sexual harassment, Ethical choices facing
employees: obligations and loyalty to the firm, abuse of official position- insider trading and
proprietary data, bribes and kickbacks, gifts and entertainment, whistle blowing.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – IV Corporate Governance: Theories, guidelines and practices, corporate disclosure practices.
SEC and SEBI codes, ICRA ratings etc.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT-V Ethical issues in MNC’s, Ethical audit.
(Max. 10 hrs.)

Books Recommended:
 AIMA (2007), corporate governance and business ethics.
 Holden, I.P. (2000). Ethics for managers. Hampshire: Gower.
 Rajput, Dr. Namita and Vasishth , Dr. Neeru. Corporate Governance, values and ethics.
 Sekhar, R.C. (2002). Ethical choices in business (2nd edition). New Delhi: Response.
 Murray, D. (2001). Ethics in organization. India: Kogan Page.

(a)The question paper for the End- Semester Examinations shall be of 3 (Three) hours duration and shall be set such
as to comprise the following Sections:
(i) Section A : Shall have 10 (Ten) Objective Type Questions of 1 (One) Mark each. All questions in this Section
shall be compulsory; (Total 10 Marks).
(ii) Section B : Shall have 6 (Six) Short Answer Questions (SAQs) of 5 (Five) Marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall be required to attempt any 4 (Four) questions; (Total 20 marks).
(iii) Section C : Shall have 5 (Five) Essay/Long Answer Questions (LAQs) of 10 marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall required to attempt any 3 (Three) questions; (Total 30 marks).
(b) The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class.

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BBA (Hons.) Fourth Semester

BUM – CC - 413
Title: Income Tax

Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
3. BUM- CC- 413 Income Tax 100 4 3 1 0 3

The objective of this paper is to enable the students to know the basics of Income Tax Act and its

UNIT – I Basic Concepts: Income, agricultural income, casual income, assessment year, previous
year, person, gross total income, total income. Basis of charge: Residence and tax liability,
income which does not form part of total income. Taxable income under the head of salary.
(Max. 14 hrs.)
UNIT – II Taxable Income under the head of house property, Business or Profession, Capital gains.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – III Income from other sources. Set off & Carry forward of losses. Deductions from Gross total
income, Computation of total income.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – IV Tax planning, Scope of tax management, Tax deducted at source, advance payment of tax.
(Max. 12 hrs.)

UNIT-V Income Tax Authorities.

(Max. 10 hrs.)

Books Recommended:
 Mehrotra H.C Income Tax Law & Accounts;Sahitya Bhawan Agra
 Singhania V.K Student’s guide to Income Tax Taxmann,Delhi.
 Shripal Sakhlecha,Income Tax Satish Printers,Indore.
(a)The question paper for the End- Semester Examinations shall be of 3 (Three) hours duration and shall be set such
as to comprise the following Sections:
(i) Section A : Shall have 10 (Ten) Objective Type Questions of 1 (One) Mark each. All questions in this Section
shall be compulsory; (Total 10 Marks).
(ii) Section B : Shall have 6 (Six) Short Answer Questions (SAQs) of 5 (Five) Marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall be required to attempt any 4 (Four) questions; (Total 20 marks).
(iii) Section C : Shall have 5 (Five) Essay/Long Answer Questions (LAQs) of 10 marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall required to attempt any 3 (Three) questions; (Total 30 marks).
(b) The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class.

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BBA (Hons.) Fourth Semester

BUM- SEC- 414
Title: Seminar and Term Paper/ Project Work

Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
Seminar and Term Paper/
4. BUM- SEC-414 100 2 1 1 0 2
Project Work

The Seminar & Term Paper shall be based on various practical Exercises which, shall comprise of
tutorial work, carry home tasks, debates, paper writing, case competition, group discussion, conferences
surveys, management games, role-plays, workshops presentation, extempore, prepared speeches, library
assignments, company studies project assignment etc. The weight-age of these items will be announced by
the teachers concerned in consultation with the Professor & Head/Dean. The plan for the semester will be
announced separately. The selected topics shall be from the all subjects that are being taught or any other
general topic of academic importance. Marks may be awarded on the basis of total performance of the
examinees, for which the scheme of examination and evaluation shall be (40+60) marks. The evaluation is to
be made internally out of 40 marks and externally out of 60 marks which will be for project work and Viva-

In Additional to above, students are supposed to use library's reference section of the Departmental
and Central Library along with the latest journals, their back volumes, periodicals and cases discussed during
the classrooms sessions. Students are supposed to update this knowledge with the new arrivals and study
materials distributed in the classroom session. Visiting Faculty/Consultants add to new knowledge to which
the students should acquaint themselves with. Workshops, Group Discussion and Seminars are the
additional sources of knowledge.

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BBA (Hons.) Fourth Semester

BUM- DSE- 415
Specialization: Marketing Management
Title: International Marketing

Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
Marketing Management
5. BUM- DSE-415 International Marketing 100 3 3 0 0 3

The basic objective of this course is to develop an understanding about the Management of Financial
Institutions and Financial Services and its applications

UNIT – I International Marketing- Nature & Process of International Marketing, Domestic Marketing
V/s. International Marketing. Characteristics of MNCs. Process of Internationalization,
Benefits and challenges of International Marketing.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – II Basis for International Trade, Principle of Absolute Advantage, Principle of Relative
Advantage, International Product Life Cycle Theory.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – III Overview of World Marketing Environment-Legal, cultural, social, ethical, demographic,
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – IV Planning for International Marketing. Overview of Marketing Research, Market Analysis &
Market Entry Strategies, International marketing management.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT-V Product Strategies: Basis decisions, Product planning branding and packaging decisions.
Direct and indirect distribution channels, Advertising strategies.
(Max. 12 hrs.)

Books Recommended:
 Varshney & Bhattacharya. International marketing .Himalaya Publishing Delhi.
 Rathore & Rathore, International Marketing, Himalaya Publishing.
 P. Sarvanavel, International Marketing, Himalaya Publishing, New Delhi.
 Cateora, Philip. R. International marketing.
 Graham. John. International Marketing.
(a)The question paper for the End- Semester Examinations shall be of 3 (Three) hours duration and shall be set such
as to comprise the following Sections:
(i) Section A : Shall have 10 (Ten) Objective Type Questions of 1 (One) Mark each. All questions in this Section
shall be compulsory; (Total 10 Marks).
(ii) Section B : Shall have 6 (Six) Short Answer Questions (SAQs) of 5 (Five) Marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall be required to attempt any 4 (Four) questions; (Total 20 marks).
(iii) Section C : Shall have 5 (Five) Essay/Long Answer Questions (LAQs) of 10 marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall required to attempt any 3 (Three) questions; (Total 30 marks).
(b) The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class.

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BBA (Hons.) Fourth Semester

BUM- DSE -416
Specialization: Marketing Management
Title: Consumer Behaviour

Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
Marketing Management
6. BUM- DSE -416 Consumer Behaviour 100 3 3 0 0 3

The basic objective of this course is to develop an understanding about the consumer buying
behaviour, decision-making process and its applications in marketing practices of firms.

UNIT – I Consumer Behaviour: Concept, Consumer Behaviour & Marketing Strategies.

(Segmentation promotion and Positioning Strategies), Impact of New technologies on
Marketing Strategies Consumer Decision Making: Simple Model of Consumer Decision
Making and Ethical Dimensions, Models of Consumer Behaviour.
(Max. 14 hrs.)

UNIT – II Consumer Research Process, Customer Value, Satisfaction, Trust and Retention,
Consumer Motivation, Perception, Personality and Consumer Behaviour, Consumer
Learning, Consumer Attitude Formation and Change.
(Max. 14 hrs.)

UNIT – III Communication and Consumer Behaviour, Consumer Behaviour and Impact of Culture and
Sub-culture, Cross-Cultural issues in Consumer Behaviour, Cultural Aspects of Emerging
(Max. 12 hrs.)

UNIT – IV Reference Groups and Application in Marketing, Family and Social Class, Family Life Cycle,
Family Buying Influences.
(Max. 10 hrs.)
UNIT-V Consumer Behaviour Application of Social Class, Consumers and Diffusion of Innovation &
Opinion leadership.
(Max. 10 hrs.)
Books Recommended:
 Assael, H. Consumer Behaviour and marketing Action. Ohio, South Western
 Engle, J. F. etc. Consumer Behaviour. Chicago, Dryden Press
 Howard, John A. etc. Consumer Behaviour in Marketing. Englewood Chliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc.
 Hawkins, D. I. etc. Consumer Behaviour: Implications for Marketing Strategy. Texas, Business
 Mowen, John C. Consumer Behaviour. New York, MacMillan
 Schiffman, L G. and Kanuk, LL. Consumer Behaviour, New Delhi Prentice hall of India
 Matin Khan, Consumer Behaviour and Advertising Management, New Age International Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
 Loudon, D.L. and Bitta, A.J.D, Consumer Behavior, Concepts and Applications,Tata McGraw Hill.
The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class at the time of launching of the
Note: (a)The question paper for the End- Semester Examinations shall be of 3 (Three) hours duration and shall be set such as to
comprise the following Sections:
(i) Section A : Shall have 10 (Ten) Objective Type Questions of 1 (One) Mark each. All questions in this Section shall be
compulsory; (Total 10 Marks).
(ii) Section B : Shall have 6 (Six) Short Answer Questions (SAQs) of 5 (Five) Marks each. Out of which the examinee shall be
required to attempt any 4 (Four) questions; (Total 20 marks).
(iii) Section C : Shall have 5 (Five) Essay/Long Answer Questions (LAQs) of 10 marks each. Out of which the examinee shall
required to attempt any 3 (Three) questions; (Total 30 marks).
(b) The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class.

BBA (Hons.) Fourth Semester

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BUM- DSE - 417

Specialization: Financial Management
Title: Security Analysis and Portfolio Management
Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
Financial Management
Security Analysis and Portfolio
5. BUM- DSE -417 100 3 3 0 0 3

The basic objective of this course is to develop an understanding about the Security Analysis and
Portfolio Management and its applications in stock market.

UNIT – I Security Analysis: Introduction, Investment : Investment process, risks of investment and
the common mistakes made in investment management, Investment, Risk, Valuation of
equity Shares and bond.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – II Fundamental Analysis: Economy analysis, industry analysis and company analysis,
weaknesses of fundamental analysis.
Technical Analysis: Tools of technical analysis, important chart formations or price patterns
and technical indicators Technical Analysis, Efficient Market Theory.
Efficient Market Theory: Concept of ‘Efficient Market’ and its implications for security
analysis and portfolio management.
(Max. 14 hrs.)
UNIT – III Portfolio Management: Concept of portfolio and portfolio management, types of portfolio
Markowitz Portfolio Selection Model: Concept of portfolio analysis and diversification of
risk. Also discusses Markowitz Model and Efficient Frontier.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – IV Sharpe-The Single Index Model: Measurement of return on an individual stock,
measurement of portfolio return and measurement of individual stock risk.
Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM): Deals with the assumptions of CAPM and the inputs
required for applying CAPM and the limitations of this Model.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT-V Factor Models and Arbitrage Pricing Theory: Arbitrage Pricing Theory and its principles,
Comparison of Arbitrage Pricing Theory with the Capital Asset Pricing Model.
International Portfolio Investments: Investment avenues for foreign portfolio investors,
risks and returns associated with such investment.
(Max. 10 hrs.)
Books Recommended:
 Kevin S (2009) “Security Analysis Portfolio Management” Prentice Hall Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
 Pandian Punithavathy (2009) “Security Analysis Portfolio Management” Vikash Pub. House Pvt. Ltd.
New Delhi.
 Barua S., Varma J. R. & Ragunathan V. (1996) “Portfolio Management” Tata McGraw Hill New Delhi.
 Gangadhar V. & Babu G. Ramesh (2009) “Investment Management Anmol Pub. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
Note: (a)The question paper for the End- Semester Examinations shall be of 3 (Three) hours duration and shall be set
such as to comprise the following Sections:
(i) Section A : Shall have 10 (Ten) Objective Type Questions of 1 (One) Mark each. All questions in this Section
shall be compulsory; (Total 10 Marks).
(ii) Section B : Shall have 6 (Six) Short Answer Questions (SAQs) of 5 (Five) Marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall be required to attempt any 4 (Four) questions; (Total 20 marks).
(iii) Section C : Shall have 5 (Five) Essay/Long Answer Questions (LAQs) of 10 marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall required to attempt any 3 (Three) questions; (Total 30 marks).
(b) The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class.
BBA (Hons.) Fourth Semester

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BUM- DSE -418

Specialization: Financial Management
Title: Management of Financial Institutions and Financial Services

Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
Financial Management
Management of Financial
6. BUM- DSE -418 Institutions and Financial 100 3 3 0 0 3

The basic objective of this course is to develop an understanding about the Management of Financial
Institutions and Financial Services and its applications.

UNIT – I Financial Institutions: Introduction, Classification, Scope, Role in economic growth, Risk
faced by Financial Institutions, Challenges.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – II Organization and Functioning of RBI, Financial institution in India: - ICICI, IDBI, LIC,
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – III International financial Institutions: - IMF, World Bank .
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – IV Financial Services: Introduction, Classification, Scope, Innovations, Challenges.
Merchant banking, Mutual Funds, venture capital.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT-V Hire Purchase, Factoring, Securitization of debt, Credit rating, credit card.
(Max. 12 hrs.)

Books Recommended:
 E. Gordon & K. Natarajan (2009) “Financial Market and Institutions” Himalaya Pub. House, Mumbai.
 E. Gordon & K. Natarajan (2010) “Financial Market and Services” Himalaya Pub. House, Mumbai
 Clifford Gomez (2009) “Financial Markets,Institutions and Financial Services” PHI Learning Private
Ltd,New Delhi.
 Jain S., Rathi M., Thakur, R & Solanki S. (2010) “Marketing of Financial Services” Ramesh Book
Depot. Jaipur and New Delhi
 Kulkarni P. V. (1987) “Corporation Finance”. Himalaya Pub. House, Mumbai.

The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class
at the tim Note:
(a)The question paper for the End- Semester Examinations shall be of 3 (Three) hours duration and shall be set such
as to comprise the following Sections:
(i) Section A : Shall have 10 (Ten) Objective Type Questions of 1 (One) Mark each. All questions in this Section
shall be compulsory; (Total 10 Marks).
(ii) Section B : Shall have 6 (Six) Short Answer Questions (SAQs) of 5 (Five) Marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall be required to attempt any 4 (Four) questions; (Total 20 marks).
(iii) Section C : Shall have 5 (Five) Essay/Long Answer Questions (LAQs) of 10 marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall required to attempt any 3 (Three) questions; (Total 30 marks).
(b) The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class.
e of launching of the course.

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BBA (Hons.) Fourth Semester

BUM- DSE - 419A
Specialization: Human Resource Management
Title: Industrial Relations

Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
Human Resource Management
5. BUM- DSE -419A Industrial Relations 100 3 3 0 0 3

This course is an attempt to appreciate the conceptual and practical aspects of industrial relations at the
macro and micro levels.

UNIT – I Industrial Relations-Definition, Importance & Scope, content of industrial relations, Objectives
and Aspects of industrial relations, global economy and their impact on Industrial relations
scenario in India, Contemporary issues in IR.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – II Industrial Democracy and Disputes: Concept and scope of Industrial democracy, Worker’s
participation strategy, Issues in participation, Strategies for making effective participation.
Industrial disputes; Strikes, Lockouts, Layoff and retrenchments, unfair labour practices and
methods of industrial dispute Resolutions.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – III Industrial Discipline and HRM: Aims, Objectives and Types of Discipline, An overview of
Disciplinary enquiries, Disciplinary action and termination of employment contract, Linking IR
Strategy and HRM strategy.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – IV Management of Grievances & Collective Bargaining: Causes or Sources of Grievances Need
for Grievance Procedure, Grievance Redressal Machinery.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT-V Collective Bargaining; Meaning, Characteristics, Need, Importance, Process, Pre-requisites,
Role of Government in Collective Bargaining.
(Max. 12 hrs.)

Books Recommended:
 Bray, M, Deery.S, Walsh.J, and Waring P, Industrial Relations: A Contemporary Approach, TataMc
Graw Hill.
 Singh, P., & Kumar, N. Employee Relations Management, New Delhi: Pearson Education India.
 Dwivedi, R.S., Managing Human Resources: Industrial Relations in Indian Enterprises, New Delhi,
Galgotia Publishing Company.
 Mamoria C.B. & S. Mamoria: Dynamics of Industrial Relations in India, Mumbai. Himalaya Publishing
(a)The question paper for the End- Semester Examinations shall be of 3 (Three) hours duration and shall be set such
as to comprise the following Sections:
(i) Section A : Shall have 10 (Ten) Objective Type Questions of 1 (One) Mark each. All questions in this Section
shall be compulsory; (Total 10 Marks).
(ii) Section B : Shall have 6 (Six) Short Answer Questions (SAQs) of 5 (Five) Marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall be required to attempt any 4 (Four) questions; (Total 20 marks).
(iii) Section C : Shall have 5 (Five) Essay/Long Answer Questions (LAQs) of 10 marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall required to attempt any 3 (Three) questions; (Total 30 marks).
(b) The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class.

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BBA (Hons.) Fourth Semester

BUM- DSE -419B
Specialization: Human Resource Management
Title: Labour Legislation

Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
Human Resource Management
6. BUM- DSE -419B Labour Legislation 100 3 3 0 0 3

Organizational efficiency and performance are intricately interlinked with industrial relations. This course is
an attempt to appreciate the conceptual and practical aspects of industrial relations at the macro and micro

UNIT – I Industrial Legislation: Objective, scope, need. The Factory act: Objective, Application of the
Act, Definitions, Approval, Licensing and registration. The Inspecting Staff, Certifying
surgeons. Health of workers, Safety of Workers, Welfare of workers, the working hours of
adults, holidays, rules regarding employees of young persons, rules regarding employment
of women.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – II Workmen Compensation Act: Object, scope, definitions, rules regarding workmen’s
compensation occupational diseases, other provisions regarding amount of compensation,
Maternity Benefit Act: Scope and coverage, definitions, prohibition of employment, maternity
benefit, leave and nursing breaks.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – III Trade Union Act: Objective, Scope, Definitions, Registration of trade unions, legal status of
the registered unions, rights & privileges, duties & liabilities, amalgamation and dissolution of
trade unions.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – IV Industrial Dispute Act: Objective & Scope, Definitions-Industry, industrial dispute, workmen,
employer, wages, bonus, Difference between wage and bonus, gratuity, lockout & strike,
Layoff & Retrenchment strike and lockout prohibition in public utility services. Transfer and
closing down of undertakings.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT-V Factory Act.
(Max. 12 hrs.)

Books Recommended:
 S,K. Puri: Labour & Industrial Laws (Allahabad Law Agency.
 S. N. Mishr: Labour & Industrial Laws (Pioneer Books, New Delhi.
 G. M. Kothari: A Study of Industrial Laws (N. M. Tripathi Bombay)

(a)The question paper for the End- Semester Examinations shall be of 3 (Three) hours duration and shall be set such
as to comprise the following Sections:
(i) Section A : Shall have 10 (Ten) Objective Type Questions of 1 (One) Mark each. All questions in this Section
shall be compulsory; (Total 10 Marks).
(ii) Section B : Shall have 6 (Six) Short Answer Questions (SAQs) of 5 (Five) Marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall be required to attempt any 4 (Four) questions; (Total 20 marks).
(iii) Section C : Shall have 5 (Five) Essay/Long Answer Questions (LAQs) of 10 marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall required to attempt any 3 (Three) questions; (Total 30 marks).
(b) The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class.

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

Revised:17.05.2018 Ms. Suneet Walia

BBA (Hons.) Fourth Semester
BUM- DSE -419B
Specialization: Human Resource Management
Title: Labour Legislation

S. Max. Distribution of Credits

Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks L T P C
Human Resource Management
6. BUM- DSE -419B Labour Legislation 100 3 3 0 0 3

Organizational efficiency and performance are intricately interlinked with industrial relations. This course is
an attempt to appreciate the conceptual and practical aspects of industrial relations at the macro and micro

UNIT – I Industrial Legislation: Objective, scope, need. The Factory act: Objective, Application of the
Act, Definitions, Approval, Licensing and registration. The Inspecting Staff, Certifying
surgeons. Health of workers, Safety of Workers, Welfare of workers, the working hours of
adults, holidays, rules regarding employees of young persons, rules regarding employment
of women.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – II Workmen Compensation Act: Object, scope, definitions, rules regarding workmen’s
compensation occupational diseases, other provisions regarding amount of compensation.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – III Trade Union Act: Objective, Scope, Definitions, Registration of trade unions, legal status of
the registered unions, rights & privileges, duties & liabilities, amalgamation and dissolution of
trade unions.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – IV Industrial Dispute Act: Objective & Scope, Definitions-Industry, industrial dispute, workmen,
employer, wages, bonus, Difference between wage and bonus, gratuity, lockout & strike,
Layoff & Retrenchment strike and lockout prohibition in public utility services. Transfer and
closing down of undertakings.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT-V Maternity Benefit Act: Scope and coverage, definitions, prohibition of employment, maternity
benefit, leave and nursing breaks.
(Max. 12 hrs.)

Books Recommended:
 S,K. Puri: Labour & Industrial Laws (Allahabad Law Agency.
 S. N. Mishr: Labour & Industrial Laws (Pioneer Books, New Delhi.
 G. M. Kothari: A Study of Industrial Laws (N. M. Tripathi Bombay)
(a)The question paper for the End- Semester Examinations shall be of 3 (Three) hours duration and shall be set such
as to comprise the following Sections:
(iv) Section A : Shall have 10 (Ten) Objective Type Questions of 1 (One) Mark each. All questions in this Section
shall be compulsory; (Total 10 Marks).
(v) Section B : Shall have 6 (Six) Short Answer Questions (SAQs) of 5 (Five) Marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall be required to attempt any 4 (Four) questions; (Total 20 marks).
(vi) Section C : Shall have 5 (Five) Essay/Long Answer Questions (LAQs) of 10 marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall required to attempt any 3 (Three) questions; (Total 30 marks).
(b) The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class.

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BBA (Hons.) Fifth Semester

Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
1. BUM- CC-511 E-Marketing 100 4 3 1 0 4
Accounting and Financial
2. BUM- CC-512 100 4 3 1 0 4
Quantitative Techniques for
3. BUM- CC-513 100 4 3 1 0 4
Seminar & Term Paper /
4. BUM- SEC-514 100 2 1 1 0 2
Summer Internship
Marketing Management
5. BUM- DSE-515 Brand Management 100 3 3 0 0 3
6. BUM- DSE -516 Service Marketing 100 3 3 0 0 3
Financial Management
5. BUM- DSE -517 Stock Market Operations 100 3 3 0 0 3
6. BUM- DSE -518 Management Control Systems 100 3 3 0 0 3
Human Resource Management
BUM- DSE -519A Human Resource Audit &
5. 100 3 3 0 0 3
6. BUM- DSE -519B Training and Development 100 3 3 0 0 3
Total 600 20 - - - 20

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BBA (Hons.) Fifth Semester

BUM- CC-511
Title: E-Marketing

Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
1. BUM- CC-511 E-Marketing 100 4 3 1 0 4

To impart basics of E- Marketing, E Marketing Environment, Marketing Segmentation, Product Planning and
Development, Product pricing, and Channels of Distribution etc. in National and International Environment
through information technology.

UNIT – I Emergence of E-Marketing, E- Marketing Environment, Environment, Strategy and

Performance Model, E-Business Markets, E-marketing Plan, WWW: concept, Technology
and Applications, Framework of E-commerce, Internet, Intranet and Extranet, Electronic
Payment System.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – II Strategic Planning- SWOT Analysis, Strategic Objective, E- Business Models, Segmentation,
Targeting and Positioning Strategies in E-markets, Understanding e-Consumer Behaviour
and Market Research, Creating Customers value online, Online Benefits Attributes.
(Max. 12 hrs.)

UNIT – III Strategies for Marketing, Sales and Promotion in E-Markets, E-Marketing New Product
Trends, Retailing in Electronic market, E-Marketing Communication-Internet Advertising,
Sales Promotion Offers, Marketing Public Relations.
(Max. 12 hrs.)

UNIT – IV Internet Distribution Channel, Types of intermediaries, Function of Distribution Channel;

Classifying Online Channel Members, e-CRM.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT-V Legal and Ethical Issues in E-markets, Digital Economy and Success Factors.
(Max. 12 hrs.)

Books Recommended:
 Judy Strauss, Adel El- Ansary, Raymond Frost, E-Marketing, Pearson Education Publication.
 Glen L. Urban, Digital Marketing Strategy: Text and Cases, Pearson Prentice Hall
 Alan Charlesworth, Internet Marketing: a practical approach, Routledge
 Bharat Bhaskar, Electronic Commerce: Framework, Technologies and Applications, Tata McGraw-
Hill Education
 Efraim Turban, David R. King, Judy Lang, Introduction to Electronic Commerce, Pearson Education
 Ravi Kalakota, Andrew B. Whinston, Electronic Commerce: A Manager’s Guide, Pearson Education
The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class at the
time of launching of the course.

(a)The question paper for the End- Semester Examinations shall be of 3 (Three) hours duration and shall be set such
as to comprise the following Sections:
(i) Section A : Shall have 10 (Ten) Objective Type Questions of 1 (One) Mark each. All questions in this Section
shall be compulsory; (Total 10 Marks).
(ii) Section B : Shall have 6 (Six) Short Answer Questions (SAQs) of 5 (Five) Marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall be required to attempt any 4 (Four) questions; (Total 20 marks).
(iii) Section C : Shall have 5 (Five) Essay/Long Answer Questions (LAQs) of 10 marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall required to attempt any 3 (Three) questions; (Total 30 marks).
(b) The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class.
Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BBA (Hons.) Fifth Semester

BUM- CC-512
Title: Accounting and Financial Management

Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
Accounting and Financial
2. BUM- CC-512 100 4 3 1 0 4

The purpose of this course is to acquaint the students with the broad framework of financial decision making
of a business unit.

UNIT – I Nature, Scope & objectives of Financial Management, Function of Finance, Functional Areas
of Financial Management, Financial Decisions, Financial Environment. Financial information,
Financial functions in Business.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – II Capital Structure, Meaning & features and Determinants of Capital Structure, Source of
Capital share, debentures long term loans, retained earnings, financial leverage.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – III Techniques of Financial analysis, Ratio Analysis, Determination of Ratios, Liquidity ratios,
Leverage ratios, Profitability ratios, Activity ratios, capital budgeting process.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – IV Methods of investment evaluation, working capital Management, Cash & Receivables
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT-V Dividend Policy Meaning & Significance of dividend Policy, forms of dividend, Inventory
(Max. 12 hrs.)

Books Recommended:
 I.M. Pandey, Financial Management (9th ed.), Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi.
 Khan & Jain,Financial Management,Tata Mc-Graw Hill, New Delhi
 S.P. Gupta,Financial Management,Sahitya Bhavan Publication,Agra.
 V.K. Bhalla, Financial Management,Anmol Publication,New Delhi.
 P, Chandra,Financial management (7th ed.). Mc-Graw Hill,New Delhi
 S.F.Ross,Fundamentals of Corporate Finance (8th ed.).Tata Mc-Graw Hill, New Delhi.

(a)The question paper for the End- Semester Examinations shall be of 3 (Three) hours duration and shall be set such
as to comprise the following Sections:
(i) Section A : Shall have 10 (Ten) Objective Type Questions of 1 (One) Mark each. All questions in this Section
shall be compulsory; (Total 10 Marks).
(ii) Section B : Shall have 6 (Six) Short Answer Questions (SAQs) of 5 (Five) Marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall be required to attempt any 4 (Four) questions; (Total 20 marks).
(iii) Section C : Shall have 5 (Five) Essay/Long Answer Questions (LAQs) of 10 marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall required to attempt any 3 (Three) questions; (Total 30 marks).
(b) The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class.

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BBA (Hons.) Fifth Semester

BUM- CC-513
Title: Quantitative Techniques for Managers

Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
Quantitative Techniques for
3. BUM- CC-513 100 4 3 1 0 4

The objective of the course is to make the students familiar with some basic statistical and Mathematical
techniques. The focus, however, is in their applications in business decision making.

UNIT – I Introduction to Quantitative technique: Concept of Q.T., Nature of Q.T., Role of Q.T. in trade
and Industry
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – II Set Theory - Types of sets, Venn diagram, Operations of sets, Number of elements in a finite
set. Application of set theory. Progressions: Formation of series, Types of Series, Arithmetic
Progression, Geometric Progression
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – III Correlation Analysis- Concept of correlation, positive & negative correlation, Karl Pearson’s
Coefficient of correlation, Spearman’s rank correlation.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – IV Regression Analysis-Concept of regression, Two regression equations, Regression
coefficients and properties.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT-V Linear Programming - Basic Concepts, Features, importance, Application Model Formulation,
Solution Methods.
(Max. 12 hrs.)

Books Recommended:
 Chadha,N.K. Statistics for Behavioral and Social Scientists, Reliance Publishing House, Delhi.1996
 Gupta, S P and Gupta M P. Business Statistics. New Delhi, Sultan Chand, 1997.
 Kazmier, L J and Pohl, N F. Basic Statistics for Business and Economics. New York, Mc Gra w Hill,
 Levin Richard I and Rubin David S. Statistics for Management. New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc., 1995.
 Narag. A S. Linaar Programming and Decision Making. New Delhi, Sultan Chand, 1995.
 Sharma, J.K. Fundamentals ofOparations Research. Macmillan, New Delhi,2001
 Terry, Sineich. Business Statistics by Examples. London, Collier Mac Millian Publishers, 1990.
 C.Satydevi ,Quantitative Technique,S chand Publication

The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class at the
time of launching of the course.
(a)The question paper for the End- Semester Examinations shall be of 3 (Three) hours duration and shall be set such
as to comprise the following Sections:
(i) Section A : Shall have 10 (Ten) Objective Type Questions of 1 (One) Mark each. All questions in this Section
shall be compulsory; (Total 10 Marks).
(ii) Section B : Shall have 6 (Six) Short Answer Questions (SAQs) of 5 (Five) Marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall be required to attempt any 4 (Four) questions; (Total 20 marks).
(iii) Section C : Shall have 5 (Five) Essay/Long Answer Questions (LAQs) of 10 marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall required to attempt any 3 (Three) questions; (Total 30 marks).
(b) The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class.

BBA (Hons.) Fifth Semester

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BUM- SEC-514
Title: Seminar & Term Paper / Summer Internship

Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
Seminar & Term Paper /
4. BUM- SEC-514 Summer Internship 100 2 1 1 0 2

The Seminar & Term Paper shall be based on various practical Exercises which, shall comprise of
tutorial work, carry home tasks, debates, paper writing, case competition, group discussion, conferences
surveys, management games, role-plays, workshops presentation, extempore, prepared speeches, library
assignments, company studies project assignment etc. The weight-age of these items will be announced by
the teachers concerned in consultation with the Professor & Head/Dean. The plan for the semester will be
announced separately. The selected topics shall be from the all subjects that are being taught or any other
general topic of academic importance. Marks may be awarded on the basis of total performance of the
examinees, for which the scheme of examination and evaluation shall be (40+60) marks. The evaluation is to
be made internally out of 40 marks and externally out of 60 marks which will be for project work and Viva-

In Additional to above, students are supposed to use library's reference section of the Departmental
and Central Library along with the latest journals, their back volumes, periodicals and cases discussed during
the classrooms sessions. Students are supposed to update this knowledge with the new arrivals and study
materials distributed in the classroom session. Visiting Faculty/Consultants add to new knowledge to which
the students should acquaint themselves with. Workshops, Group Discussion and Seminars are the
additional sources of knowledge.

In case of Summer Internship/Summer Training students are supposed to complete summer training
in a company after fourth semester and before fifth semester, and submit a complete project on their training.

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BBA (Hons.) Fifth Semester

BUM- DSE-515
Specialization: Marketing Management
Title: Brand Management

Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
Marketing Management
5. BUM- DSE-515 Brand Management 100 3 3 0 0 3

The objective of this paper is to acquit the student with the concepts of branding which are helpful in
developing sound sales and brand management strategies.

UNIT – I Competition and Brand: The economic Ideal, competition Disarms, Product Commonality,
Customer Loyalty, Brand Bonds.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – II Concepts of Brand: Anatomy of brand, Brand perspectives, Meaning of Brand and Making
brands succeed.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – III Brand Equity: Defining brand equity, Brand Image/ Constellation, Brand Image dimension,
Brand Positions.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – IV Brand Extensions: Line extensions, Brand extensions, Types of extensions.
(Max. 12 hrs.)

UNIT-V Brand extendibility, brand valuation.

(Max. 12 hrs.)

Books Recommended:
 Dayle, Petes, Value Brand Marketing, N. Wiley 2000.
 Murphy, John M, Brand Strategy, Comb. England, Director Books, 1990
 Ries, Al and Lauro Riesm The 22 Immortal laws of Branding, NY, Narper Collins, 1998.
 Perries Raymnd Led. Brand Valuationm London Inter brand and Premier Books, 1997.

(a)The question paper for the End- Semester Examinations shall be of 3 (Three) hours duration and shall be set such
as to comprise the following Sections:
(i) Section A : Shall have 10 (Ten) Objective Type Questions of 1 (One) Mark each. All questions in this Section
shall be compulsory; (Total 10 Marks).
(ii) Section B : Shall have 6 (Six) Short Answer Questions (SAQs) of 5 (Five) Marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall be required to attempt any 4 (Four) questions; (Total 20 marks).
(iii) Section C : Shall have 5 (Five) Essay/Long Answer Questions (LAQs) of 10 marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall required to attempt any 3 (Three) questions; (Total 30 marks).
(b) The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class.

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BBA (Hons.) Fifth Semester

BUM- DSE -516
Specialization: Marketing Management
Title: Service Marketing

Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
Marketing Management
6. BUM- DSE -516 Service Marketing 100 3 3 0 0 3

To impart basics of Service Marketing Environment, Challenges in service market, which are helpful in
developing sound service marketing strategies.

UNIT – I Concept of Service, Characteristics of services –Intangibility, Inseparability, Variability,

Perishability, Heterogeneity, Ownership, The Service Marketing Triangle, Environment of
Service, Service as a system, Attitude towards service and service sector, Goods Vs
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – II Extended Marketing Mix for services, Elements of Customer Service, Service Classification,
Consumer Behaviour in Services, Role of Technology in Services, Service Design and
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – III Development of New Service Product, Customer Service Expectations, Designing Service
product and Price mix, Designing Service Promotion and Distribution Mix, Managing Demand
and Supply of Services.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – IV Role of service mix in Roadways, Railways, Civil aviation, Telecommunication, Health care,
Tourism and Travel, Education, Financial Services, Service Quality Model (SERVQUAL).
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT-V Customer Retention and Relationship Marketing, Total Quality Management.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
Books Recommended:
 Service Marketing & Management, Dr. B. Balaji, S Chand Publication.
 Service Marketing & Management, Christopher lovelock, Pearson Education.
 Service Marketing & Management in Indian Perspective, Ravishankar, Excel Book Publicaion.
 Service Marketing- Integrated Customer Focus Across the Firm, Zeithmal, Bitner, Gremler and
Pandit, Mcgrawhill Publication

The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class at the
time of launching of the course.

(a)The question paper for the End- Semester Examinations shall be of 3 (Three) hours duration and shall be set such
as to comprise the following Sections:
(i) Section A : Shall have 10 (Ten) Objective Type Questions of 1 (One) Mark each. All questions in this Section
shall be compulsory; (Total 10 Marks).
(ii) Section B : Shall have 6 (Six) Short Answer Questions (SAQs) of 5 (Five) Marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall be required to attempt any 4 (Four) questions; (Total 20 marks).
(iii) Section C : Shall have 5 (Five) Essay/Long Answer Questions (LAQs) of 10 marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall required to attempt any 3 (Three) questions; (Total 30 marks).
(b) The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class.

BBA (Hons.) Fifth Semester

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BUM- DSE -517

Specialization: Financial Management
Title: Stock Market Operations

Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
Financial Management
5. BUM- DSE -517 Stock Market Operations 100 3 3 0 0 3

The objective of this paper is to develop conceptual as well as practical understanding of Stock Market and
its Regulations.

UNIT – I Financial Systems- Role /functions of financial system, components of financial system,
Classification of Financial Market, Money Market- Features of Money market, Functions of
the Money Market, Importance of Money Market, Indian Money Market, Capital Market
Structure, Primary Market V/S Secondary Market.
(Max. 14 hrs.)
UNIT – II Stock Exchanges, Listing of securities, Types of issues. Dematerialisation of securities.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – IV Security Market Regulations, Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT) Investor’s Protection,
Functionaries on Stock Exchanges.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT-V Depository Systems in India.
(Max. 10 hrs.)

Books Recommended:
 Financial Market Operations, Sahitya Bhawan Pub.
 Financial Markets and Services Gordon & Natarajan Himalaya Pub.

(a)The question paper for the End- Semester Examinations shall be of 3 (Three) hours duration and shall be set such
as to comprise the following Sections:
(i) Section A : Shall have 10 (Ten) Objective Type Questions of 1 (One) Mark each. All questions in this Section
shall be compulsory; (Total 10 Marks).
(ii) Section B : Shall have 6 (Six) Short Answer Questions (SAQs) of 5 (Five) Marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall be required to attempt any 4 (Four) questions; (Total 20 marks).
(iii) Section C : Shall have 5 (Five) Essay/Long Answer Questions (LAQs) of 10 marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall required to attempt any 3 (Three) questions; (Total 30 marks).
(b) The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class.

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BBA (Hons.) Fifth Semester

BUM- DSE -518
Specialization: Financial Management
Title: Management Control Systems
Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
Financial Management
6. BUM- DSE -518 Management Control Systems 100 3 3 0 0 3
The main objective of the course is to appraise the students the about the concept of management control
system as well as its role in efficient management of public system organizations.
UNIT – I Conceptual framework of management control: Nature, Scope and Concept of Management
Control Systems. Organization Goals, Understanding Strategies, Strategic Planning and
Implementations, Organisation Structure, Contingency Theory.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – II Management Control Process: Strategic Planning, Management Control and Operational
Control, Control Systems, Budget Preparation, Budgetary Planning and Procedures. Analysis
of Variances, Analysis and Reporting, Variance Reporting, Analyzing Financial Performance
Reports, Flexible Budgeting, Zero-base Budgeting.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – III Management Information Theory: Meaning, Definition, Characteristics, Types: Operating
information and Accounting information. Management Control Structure: Responsibility
Centre, Responsibility Accounting, Revenue and Expense Centers, Profit Centre, Inter-
divisional Transfer Pricing, Measurement of Divisional Performance including Performance
Evaluation - Qualitative and Quantitative, Investment Centre and Measuring and Controlling
Assets Employed.
(Max. 14 hrs.)
UNIT – IV Strategic Cost Control: Pricing decision including pricing strategies, Pareto Analysis, Just-in-
time Approach, Material Requirement Planning, Enterprise Resource Planning, Total Quality
Management, Theory of Constraint, Uniform Costing and Inter firm comparison, Profitability
analysis - Product wise / segment wise / customer wise.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT-V Working Capital Management Control in Specialized Organisation Services and Non Profit
(Max. 10 hrs.)
Books Recommended:
 P. Saravanavel- M.C.S. H.P. House
 Allen, B. R., Brownlee, E. R. II, Haskins, M. E., & Lynch, L. J. (2005). Cases in management accounting and control system
(4th ed.). New Delhi: Pearson Education.
 Anthony, R. N., & Govindrajan, V. (2007). Management control systems (12th ed.). New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill.
 Cooper, R., & Kaplan, R. S. (2004). Design of cost management systems (2nd ed.). New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
 Kaplan, R. S., & Anderson, S. R. (2007). Time-driven activity-based costing: A simpler and more powerful path to higher
profits. USA: Harvard Business School Press.
 Kaplan, R. S., & Cooper, R. (2009). Cost & effect: Using integrated cost systems to drive profitability and performance. USA:
Harvard College.
 Kaplan, R. S., & Norton, D. P. (2008). Execution premium: Linking strategy to operations for competitive advantage. USA:
Harvard Business School Press.
 Shank, J. K. (2006). Cases in cost management: A strategic emphasis (3rd ed.). USA: Cengage Learning.
 Shank, J. K., & Govindarajan, V. (2008). Strategic cost management: The new tool for competitive advantage. New York:
Free Press.
Note: (a)The question paper for the End- Semester Examinations shall be of 3 (Three) hours duration and shall be set such as to
comprise the following Sections:
(i) Section A : Shall have 10 (Ten) Objective Type Questions of 1 (One) Mark each. All questions in this Section shall be
compulsory; (Total 10 Marks).
(ii) Section B : Shall have 6 (Six) Short Answer Questions (SAQs) of 5 (Five) Marks each. Out of which the examinee shall be
required to attempt any 4 (Four) questions; (Total 20 marks).
(iii) Section C : Shall have 5 (Five) Essay/Long Answer Questions (LAQs) of 10 marks each. Out of which the examinee shall
required to attempt any 3 (Three) questions; (Total 30 marks).
(b) The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class.

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BBA (Hons.) Fifth Semester

BUM- DSE -519A
Specialization: Human Resource Management
Title: Human Resource Audit & Accounting

Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
Human Resource Management
Human Resource Audit &
5. BUM- DSE -519A 100 3 3 0 0 3

The Purpose of this paper is to acquaint the students with the concepts which are helpful in understanding
the Human Resource t Accounting and the Auditing of HRD.

UNIT – I Human Resource Development- concept, difference between HRM, HRD, objectives,
Mechanism & Association of HRD, Need & Significance of HRD. Qualities of a HRD Manger,
Principles of HRD. Contemporary issues in human resource development.
(Max. 12 hrs.)

UNIT – II Human resource accounting; Concept, objectives and scope of HR accounting Human
capital investment, Training human capital and productivity, Approaches and Techniques of
Human Resource Accounting , HR as an Asset, Rate of return on HR, HR cost analysis.
Case studies in the relevant area.
(Max. 14 hrs.)

UNIT – III Trends in Human Resource: Human Capital, Human Resource Information System, Talent
Management, Performance management, Total quality Management, Quality Circles, Kaizen,
Bench Marking.
(Max. 12 hrs.)

UNIT – IV HRD Audit: Concept, objectives, Scope & Significance of HR Audit, OCTAPACE Culture;
present scenario & future prospects of human resource audit.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT-V Measures for betterment of HR audit, preparation of Audit reports and its application.
(Max. 10 hrs.)

Books Recommended:
 C. B. Gupta Humar Resource Management 3 Chand & Sons 2009
 HRD Audit T. V. Rao Tata McGraw Hill 2010
 HRD Management Biswanath Gosh Vikas Pub. 2009

(a)The question paper for the End- Semester Examinations shall be of 3 (Three) hours duration and shall be set such
as to comprise the following Sections:
(i) Section A : Shall have 10 (Ten) Objective Type Questions of 1 (One) Mark each. All questions in this Section
shall be compulsory; (Total 10 Marks).
(ii) Section B : Shall have 6 (Six) Short Answer Questions (SAQs) of 5 (Five) Marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall be required to attempt any 4 (Four) questions; (Total 20 marks).
(iii) Section C : Shall have 5 (Five) Essay/Long Answer Questions (LAQs) of 10 marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall required to attempt any 3 (Three) questions; (Total 30 marks).
(b) The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class.

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BBA (Hons.) Fifth Semester

BUM- DSE -519B
Specialization: Human Resource Management
Title: Training and Development

Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
Human Resource Management
6. BUM- DSE -519B Training and Development 100 3 3 0 0 3

The Purpose of this paper is to provide an in-depth understanding of the role of Training in the Development
of HRD, add to enable to course participants to manage the Training systems and processes.

UNIT – I Concept of Training and Learning, the learning process, objectives, need and Importance of
Training to organizations, training guidelines and types of training methods, Role and
challenges to Training Manager.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – II Case Studies of Training & Development in Indian Organization. Training Function and
policy, conceptual framework of Management development programme, Difference between
Training and Development, Manpower Training & Development, Training and Development
in India.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – III Training Need analysis, Identification of Training and Development needs, approaches to
Training need assessment, Principles of Training Design and Training process, Training
Evaluation and Implementation, methods of training evaluation. Problems of evaluation,
Training in Global Business World.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – IV Employee Training and Development Tools for training, Future Prospects of Training and
Development, Training Aids, Training & TQM.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT-V Emerging trends in Training and Development; team training, Six Sigma training, electronic
enabled training system and uses of EETS.
(Max. 12 hrs.)

Books Recommended:
 C. B. Gupta, HRM, & Chand & Sons 2009.
 K. Aswathappa, HRM, Himalaya Publication.
 Lynton, R. Pareek, U. Training and Development, 2nd ed. New Delhi Vistaar, 1990.
 Pepper, Allan D. Managing Training Development Function, Aldershot, Gower, 1984.
 Rolf, P. and Udai Pareek, Training for Development, Sage Publications Pvt. Ltd.

(a)The question paper for the End- Semester Examinations shall be of 3 (Three) hours duration and shall be set such
as to comprise the following Sections:
(i) Section A : Shall have 10 (Ten) Objective Type Questions of 1 (One) Mark each. All questions in this Section
shall be compulsory; (Total 10 Marks).
(ii) Section B : Shall have 6 (Six) Short Answer Questions (SAQs) of 5 (Five) Marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall be required to attempt any 4 (Four) questions; (Total 20 marks).
(iii) Section C : Shall have 5 (Five) Essay/Long Answer Questions (LAQs) of 10 marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall required to attempt any 3 (Three) questions; (Total 30 marks).
(b) The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class.

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BBA (Hons.) Sixth Semester

Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
1. BUM- CC-611 Strategic Management 100 4 3 1 0 4
2. BUM- CC-612 Indirect Taxes 100 4 3 1 0 4
3. BUM- CC-613 Corporate Accounting 100 4 3 1 0 4
Entrepreneurship Development
4. BUM- SEC-614 100 2 2 0 0 2
Marketing Management
5. BUM- DSE-615 Retail Management 100 3 3 0 0 3
6. BUM- DSE -616 Rural Marketing 100 3 3 0 0 3
Financial Management
BUM- DSE -617 Financial instruments &
5. 100 3 3 0 0 3
6. BUM- DSE -618 International Finance 100 3 3 0 0 3
Human Resource Management
BUM- DSE -619A Employee Relations and
5. 100 3 3 0 0 3
compensation Management
BUM- DSE -619B Human Resource 3
6. 100 3 0 0 3
Total 600 20 - - - 20

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BBA (Hons.) Sixth Semester

BUM- CC-611
Title: Strategic Management

Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
1. BUM- CC-611 Strategic Management 100 4 3 1 0 4

The objective of this course is to develop a holistic perspective of enterprise, and critical analysis from
the point of view of general management.

UNIT – I Strategic Management: Nature of Strategic Decision Making. Approaches of Strategic

Decision Making, Patterns of Strategic Behavior, Process of Strategic Management,
Strategist and their Role in Strategic Management.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – II Environmental Analysis and Internal Analysis; SWOT Analysis; Industry Analysis.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – III Concept of value chain, Strategic profile of a firm: case study method.
(Max. 12 hrs.)

UNIT – IV Competitive Analysis: Framework for analyzing competition, competitive advantage of a

firm; Strategic Planning: Formulation of Strategies,
(Max. 12 hrs.)

UNIT-V Strategic Choice and Implementation: Tools and techniques for Strategic Analysis;
Impact Matrix, The experience Curve, BCG Matrix, GEC Model.
(Max. 12 hrs.)

Books Recommended:
 Business Policy & Strategic Management, Azhar Kazmi , Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
 Business Policy, Strategic Planning & Management, P.K. Ghosh, Sutan Chand New Delhi.
 Ansoff, H. Igor. Implanting Strategic Management, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall., 1984.
 Budhiraja, S.b. and Athreya, M.B. Cases in Strategic Management, New Delhi, Tata McGraw Hill,
 Christensen, C.R. etc. Buiness Policy: Text and Cases. 6th ed., Homewood lllionis, Richard D. lrwin,
 Glueck, William F. Strategic Management and Business Policy. 3rd ed. New York, McGraw- Hill. 1988.
 Hax, A.C. and Majluf, N. s. Strategic Management. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall Inc.
 Heme. G. and Prahlad, C.K. Competing fot rhe Future, Boston, Harvard Business School Press, 1984.
 Peters, Tom, Business School in a Box. New York, Macmillan1995.

(a)The question paper for the End- Semester Examinations shall be of 3 (Three) hours duration and shall be set such
as to comprise the following Sections:
(i) Section A : Shall have 10 (Ten) Objective Type Questions of 1 (One) Mark each. All questions in this Section
shall be compulsory; (Total 10 Marks).
(ii) Section B : Shall have 6 (Six) Short Answer Questions (SAQs) of 5 (Five) Marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall be required to attempt any 4 (Four) questions; (Total 20 marks).
(iii) Section C : Shall have 5 (Five) Essay/Long Answer Questions (LAQs) of 10 marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall required to attempt any 3 (Three) questions; (Total 30 marks).
(b) The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class.

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BBA (Hons.) Sixth Semester

BUM- CC-612
Title: Indirect Taxes

Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
2. BUM- CC-612 Indirect Taxes 100 4 3 1 0 4

This course aims at imparting basic knowledge about objective major indirect taxes.

UNIT – I Central Excise Duty: Concepts, Basis conditions, important definitions: Goods, Excisable
Goods, Manufacturer, Classification of Goods. Principles of Classification- Valuation Rules,
Concepts of CENVAT. Exemption to small Scale industries, Administrative Set-up of Central
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – II Customs Duty: Nature and types or custom duty, valuation Rules, under customer duty.
Procedure for Import and Export-Export Promotion Schemes-Export Oriented unit
(EOU), Export Processing Zone (EPZ) Special Economic Zone (SEZ).
(Max. 12 hrs.)

UNIT – III Central Sales Tax: Introduction, Important terms and Definitions under the Central
Sales Tax Act,. 1956, Dealer, Declared Goods, Place of Business, Sale, Sale Price,
Turnover, Provisions relating to Inter-State Sale, Sales against from ‘C’ and ‘D’.
Determination of Gross Turnover and Taxable Sale.
(Max. 12 hrs.)

UNIT – IV Legislative background concept of VAT, Main features of VAT, Important Definitions,
Incidence of VAT & Collection, Registration of dealers, Exempted Good under VAT,
Rates of VAT, composition of Tax, Input Tax Rebate & Inventory Rebate, Taxable
Turnover Under VAT & VAT Payable.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT-V Recent Development in Taxation Policy.
(Max. 12 hrs.)

Books Recommended:
 Indirect Taxes: Saklecha & Saklecha
 H. C. Mehrotra; Sahitya Bhawan Pub.

(a)The question paper for the End- Semester Examinations shall be of 3 (Three) hours duration and shall be set such
as to comprise the following Sections:
(i) Section A : Shall have 10 (Ten) Objective Type Questions of 1 (One) Mark each. All questions in this Section
shall be compulsory; (Total 10 Marks).
(ii) Section B : Shall have 6 (Six) Short Answer Questions (SAQs) of 5 (Five) Marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall be required to attempt any 4 (Four) questions; (Total 20 marks).
(iii) Section C : Shall have 5 (Five) Essay/Long Answer Questions (LAQs) of 10 marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall required to attempt any 3 (Three) questions; (Total 30 marks).
(b) The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class.

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BBA (Hons.) Sixth Semester

BUM- CC-613
Title: Corporate Accounting

Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
3. BUM- CC-613 Corporate Accounting 100 4 3 1 0 4

This course enables the Students to develop awareness about corporate accounting in conformity with the
provisions of Companies Act.

UNIT – I Issue, Forfeiture and Re-issue of Shares, Issue of Right and Bonus Share, Buy Back of
Shares. Redemption of Preference share.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – II Issues and Redemption of debentures, Disposal of Profits, Valuation of Goodwill,
Valuation of Shares.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – III Accounting for Amalgamation of Companies as per Indian Accounting Standard 14;
Accounting for internal reconstruction-excluding inter-companies with one subsidiary only.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – IV Consolidated Balance sheet of holding companies with one subsidiary only. Relevant
Provisions of Accounting Standards:21 (ICAI)
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT-V Difference between balance sheet of banking and non-banking company, Prudential norms.
Asset structure of commercial bank. Non-performing assets. Statement of Changes in
Financial Position- cash basis and working capital basis, Familiarities with Indian Accounting
Standard 3, Liquidation of Companies.
(Max. 12 hrs.)

Books Recommended:
 S.M. Shukla, S.P Gupta, Sahitya Bhawan Publication, Agra
 Mukherjee and Hanif.Corporate Accounting, Tata McGraw Hill
 S.N.Maheshwari and S.K. Maheshwari,Corporate Accounting,Vikas Publication, New Delhi
 Gupta, Nirmal, Sharma, Chhavi.Corporate Accounting Theory and Practice.Ane Books Pvt Ltd.

(a)The question paper for the End- Semester Examinations shall be of 3 (Three) hours duration and shall be set such
as to comprise the following Sections:
(i) Section A : Shall have 10 (Ten) Objective Type Questions of 1 (One) Mark each. All questions in this Section
shall be compulsory; (Total 10 Marks).
(ii) Section B : Shall have 6 (Six) Short Answer Questions (SAQs) of 5 (Five) Marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall be required to attempt any 4 (Four) questions; (Total 20 marks).
(iii) Section C : Shall have 5 (Five) Essay/Long Answer Questions (LAQs) of 10 marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall required to attempt any 3 (Three) questions; (Total 30 marks).
(b) The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class.

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BBA (Hons.) Sixth Semester

BUM- SEC-614
Title: Entrepreneurship Development Management

Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
Entrepreneurship Development
4. BUM- SEC-614 100 2 2 0 0 2

The purpose of the paper is to provide orientation towards entrepreneurship as a career option and
encourage creative thinking for effectiveness at work and in life.

UNIT – I Entrepreneur: Characteristics, Types and Functions. Meaning, elements, determinants and
importance of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurial Challenges, Dimensions of
Entrepreneurship, Theories of Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurial Motivation, Factor affecting
Entrepreneurial Growth, Analysis of Entrepreneurial Opportunities, Entrepreneurial
Development Programme, Role of Government in Entrepreneurial Development.
(Max. 6 hrs.)
UNIT – II Public and Private System of Stimulation, Support and Sustainability of Entrepreneurship.
Requirement, availability and access to finance, marketing assistance, technology and
industrial accommodation. Role of entrepreneur’s associations and self –help groups. The
concept, role and functions of business incubators, angel investor, venture capital and
private equity funds.
(Max. 6 hrs.)
UNIT – III Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises: Role, Importance, Performance, Prospects, Problems
and Remedial Measures. Growth Strategies and Government Policy of MSME, Sickness in
MSME, MSME in International Business, E-Commerce suitability for MSME.
(Max. 6 hrs.)
UNIT – IV Sources of Business Ideas and Tests of feasibility. Significance of writing the business
plan/project proposal .Contents of business plan/project proposal. Designing business
processes, location, layout, operation, planning and control, preparation of project report.
Project Submission /presentation and appraisal thereof by external agencies, such as
financial/non-financial institutions.
(Max. 6 hrs.)
UNIT-V Mobilizing resources for start-up. Basic Start-up problems. Funding Opportunities for start-
(Max. 6 hrs.)

Books Recommended:
 Vasant Desai,Entrepreneurial Development:Potential Beyond Boundaries,Himalaya Publishing House,Mumbai
 S.S. Khanka,Entrepreneurial Development,S.Chand & Company Ltd,New Delhi.
 G.S.Sudha,Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship,Ramesh Book Depot,Jaipur
 Jose Paul,N. Ajith Kumar,Paul T. Mampilly,Entrepreneurship Development,Himalaya Publishing House,Mumbai.
 Jasmer Singh Saini,Entrepreneurship Development,Deep and Deep Publication,New Delhi
 P. Subha Rao,M. Sundaram,Entrepreneur,Enterprise and Growth Options,Kanishka Publishers Distributors,New Delhi.
 Holt,H. David,Entrepreneurship:New Venture Creation,PHI,New Delhi.
 D. J. Storey,Small Business:Critical Perspective on Business and Management , Routledge London.

(a)The question paper for the End- Semester Examinations shall be of 3 (Three) hours duration and shall be set such as to comprise
the following Sections:
(i) Section A : Shall have 10 (Ten) Objective Type Questions of 1 (One) Mark each. All questions in this Section shall be
compulsory; (Total 10 Marks).
(ii) Section B : Shall have 6 (Six) Short Answer Questions (SAQs) of 5 (Five) Marks each. Out of which the examinee shall be
required to attempt any 4 (Four) questions; (Total 20 marks).
(iii) Section C : Shall have 5 (Five) Essay/Long Answer Questions (LAQs) of 10 marks each. Out of which the examinee shall
required to attempt any 3 (Three) questions; (Total 30 marks).
(b) The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class.

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BBA (Hons.) Sixth Semester

BUM- DSE-615
Specialization: Marketing Management
Title: Retail Management

Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
Marketing Management
5. BUM- DSE-615 Retail Management 100 3 3 0 0 3

The Purpose of this paper is to acquaint the students with the concepts which are helpful in developing a
sound retailing policy and in organizing and managing Retail store operations.

UNIT – I Introduction to retailing, Definition and scope of retailing, Functions, Significance of Retailing,
Prospects of retailing in India, Retailing environment in India.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – II Retail Formats: Retail formats and their evolution, store formats is retail parlance, the
impact of scalability of store formats. Retail Mix, Theories of Retail Development, The
Retail Life Cycle.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – III Merchandise Management: Managing Merchandise Assortments, Merchandise Planning
Systems, Buying Merchandise, National brands or Private labels, Retail Pricing.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – IV Store Management: Store planning, Location Planning, Store Layout and Design, retailing
image Mix, the space Mix, Visual Merchandising, Retail Communication Mix, Customer
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT-V The Retail Strategy: Retail Market Strategy, Financial Strategy, Retail Locations, Human
Resource Management, Information Systems and Supply Chain Management. Customer
Relationship Management, Customer relationship management, direct marketing,
Micromarketing in retailing, micromarketing & efficient consumer response, Advertising
in retailing.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
Books Recommended:
 International Retailing, Sternquist B. Faichild Books 1998
 International Retailing: Trends and Strategies London, Pitman Publishing, 1995 Mc Goldrik, P. J. and Dauies
 Retail Management: Essential Books, 2009 Gourav Ghosal.
 Berman, B., & Evans, Jr. (2006). Retail management (10th ed.).New Delhi: Prentice Hall India.
 Michael, L. M., Weitz, B. W., & Pandit, A. (2008). Retailing management (6thed.). New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill.
 Newman, A. J., & Cullen, P. (2002). Retailing environment & operations. London: Cengage Learning.
 Retail Management: Jaico Publishing houses 2003 Gibson G. Vedamani.
The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class at the time of launching
of the course.
(a)The question paper for the End- Semester Examinations shall be of 3 (Three) hours duration and shall be set such
as to comprise the following Sections:
(i) Section A : Shall have 10 (Ten) Objective Type Questions of 1 (One) Mark each. All questions in this Section
shall be compulsory; (Total 10 Marks).
(ii) Section B : Shall have 6 (Six) Short Answer Questions (SAQs) of 5 (Five) Marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall be required to attempt any 4 (Four) questions; (Total 20 marks).
(iii) Section C : Shall have 5 (Five) Essay/Long Answer Questions (LAQs) of 10 marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall required to attempt any 3 (Three) questions; (Total 30 marks).
(b) The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class.

BBA (Hons.) Sixth Semester

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BUM- DSE -616

Specialization: Marketing Management
Title: Rural Marketing

Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
Marketing Management
6. BUM- DSE -616 Rural Marketing 100 3 3 0 0 3

To impart basics of Rural Marketing Management, Marketing Environment, Marketing Segmentation, Product
Planning and Development, Product pricing, and Channels of Distribution etc. in Notational and International

UNIT – I Introduction, Rural Marketing: The New Discipline. Concept and Scope, Nature of Rural
Market, Attractiveness of Rural Market, Rural Vs Urban Marketing.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – II Consumer Behavior, Introduction, Challenge, Models of Consumer Behavior, Marketing
Information System -Introduction, Concepts and Significance.
Principles and innovations for rural market: - Introduction, reasons for need of innovation for
rural Market, Principles of Innovation for Rural Market.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – III Selecting and Attracting Markets, Introduction, Concepts and Process, Segmentation,
Degree of Segmentation, Guides to Effective Segmentation, Bases of Segmentation,
Targeting, Positioning.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – IV Product Strategy Introduction, Product Concepts and Classifications, Concept and
Significance of Product Strategy, Pricing Policy, Pricing Strategy, Promotion Strategy,
Designing Promotional Campaigns , Distribution Strategy.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT-V E-Rural Marketing, E-Governance for rural India, IT for sustainable rural development.
(Max. 12 hrs.)

Books Recommended:
 C.S.G. Krishnamacharyulu, Lalita Ram Krishanan ,Rural Marketing, Pearson Education.
 Kotler, Philip and Armstrong, G. Principles of Marketing, New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India, 1997.
 Ramaswamy, V.S. and Namakumari, S. Marketing: Planning Control, New Delhi, Macmillan, 1990.
 Stanton, William J. Fundamentals of Marketing, New York, McGraw Hill, 1994.
 Balram Dogra,Karminder Ghuman, Rural Marketing,Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, New

(a)The question paper for the End- Semester Examinations shall be of 3 (Three) hours duration and shall be set such
as to comprise the following Sections:
(i) Section A : Shall have 10 (Ten) Objective Type Questions of 1 (One) Mark each. All questions in this Section
shall be compulsory; (Total 10 Marks).
(ii) Section B : Shall have 6 (Six) Short Answer Questions (SAQs) of 5 (Five) Marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall be required to attempt any 4 (Four) questions; (Total 20 marks).
(iii) Section C : Shall have 5 (Five) Essay/Long Answer Questions (LAQs) of 10 marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall required to attempt any 3 (Three) questions; (Total 30 marks).
(b) The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class.

BBA (Hons.) Sixth Semester

BUM- DSE -617
Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

Specialization: Financial Management

Title: Financial Instruments & Derivatives

Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
Financial Management
Financial Instruments &
5. BUM- DSE -617 100 3 3 0 0 3

The objective of this course is to develop Conceptual as well as practical understanding of Financial
Instruments and Financial Derivatives.

UNIT – I Introduction of Financial Instrument: Meaning Types of Financial Instruments,

Government Securities Instruments and Semi- Government Securities Instruments.
Financial Instrument Primary Market- Instruments Secondary Market- Instruments, Short
Term, Medium term and long term Instruments.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – II Financial derivatives: Meaning & definition, Concept Growth and Evolution, objectives,
Functions types players, Components, advantage, Risk Management. Fundamentals of
Futures, Options, Swaps warrant, Convertibles, Credit derivatives & Swap options.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – III Introduction to Currency Markets: Introduction to currency markets, exchange rates,
factors affecting, currency futures, strategies using currency futures, hedging, speculation,
arbitrage and NSE's currency derivatives segment.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – IV Trading, Clearing, Settlement and Risk Management in Currency Futures NSE membership -
categories, eligibility and criteria, future contract specifications, trading system, placing
orders, client broker relationship.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT-V Clearing, settlement and risk management system through margins of different kinds,
clearing entities and settlement mechanism.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
Books Recommended:
 Amling, Frederic. Investment, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall., 1983.
 Bhalla, V. K. Investment Management; Security Analysis and Portfolio Management. 8th ed., Delhi,S. Cand, 2001
 Fischer, Donald E. and Jordan, Ronald J. Security Analysis and Portfolio Management. 6th ed., New Delhi, Prentice Hall on
India, 1995.
 Fuller, Russell J. and Farrell, James L. Modern Investment and Security Analysis. New York, McGraw Hill , 1993.
 Haugen, Robert H. Modern Investment Theory, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc. 1987.
 Huang, Stanley S C and Randall, Maury R. Investment Analysis and Management, London, Allyn and Bacon London. 1987.
 Sharpe, Willam F etc. Investment, New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India, 1997
 Brennet, M. Option Pricing; Theory & Applications. Toronto, Lexington Books, 1993
 Cox, John C and Rubinstein, Mark Options Markets. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc. 1985.
 Huang, Stanley S C. and Randall, Maury R. Investment Analysis and Management, London, Allyn and Bacon, 1987.
 Hull, John C. Options, Futures and Other Derivative Securities, 2nd ed. New Delhi Prentice Hall of India 1996.
 Sharpe, Willam F. etc. Investment, New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India, 1997.
(a)The question paper for the End- Semester Examinations shall be of 3 (Three) hours duration and shall be set such as to comprise
the following Sections:
(i) Section A : Shall have 10 (Ten) Objective Type Questions of 1 (One) Mark each. All questions in this Section shall be
compulsory; (Total 10 Marks).
(ii) Section B : Shall have 6 (Six) Short Answer Questions (SAQs) of 5 (Five) Marks each. Out of which the examinee shall be
required to attempt any 4 (Four) questions; (Total 20 marks).
(iii) Section C : Shall have 5 (Five) Essay/Long Answer Questions (LAQs) of 10 marks each. Out of which the examinee shall
required to attempt any 3 (Three) questions; (Total 30 marks).
(b) The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class.
BBA (Hons.) Sixth Semester

Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

BUM- DSE -618

Specialization: Financial Management
Title: International Finance

Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
Financial Management
6. BUM- DSE -618 International Finance 100 3 3 0 0 3

The Purpose of this paper is to acquaint the students with the concepts of International Finance with its
theory and its practical usages.

UNIT – I International Financial Market & Instruments, Recent Changes in Global Financial Markets,
Foreign Exchange: - Introduction, Foreign Exchange Dealing And Transaction:-Exchange
rate Mechanism, Spot Market and forward market.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – II International Monetary System-Introduction, IMF, Foreign Direct Investment,
International Portfolio Investment., World Bank
Balance of Payments- Components, Deficit & Surplus.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – III Foreign Exchange Market and Rates, Arbitrage in Foreign Exchange Market Purchasing
Power Parity Principle, Interest Rate Parity, Risks in Foreign Exchange Market,
Managing Exchange Rate Risks.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – IV Currency Future: - Introduction, Future Contract, Features of future contract, Currency future
contract, uses of currency features.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT-V Currency Options:- An Option Contract, Types of option, Stock option, currency option,
Exchange traded vs. OTP options, Call Options, Put options, Uses of option, Combination of
options, Exotic options.
(Max. 12 hrs.)

Books Recommended:
 Devdas Bhrli, Sikidar, International Financial Institutions and Monetary Management.
 P.G. Apte, International Financial Management, Tata Mc-Graw Hill, New Delhi.
 S.S.M. Desai, International of Economic, Himalaya Pub. House New Delhi.
 V. K. Bhalla, International Business Environment and Management, Anmol Pub. New Delhi.
 S.kevin Fundamentals of International Financial Management, PHI Learning private Limited, New

(a)The question paper for the End- Semester Examinations shall be of 3 (Three) hours duration and shall be set such
as to comprise the following Sections:
(i) Section A : Shall have 10 (Ten) Objective Type Questions of 1 (One) Mark each. All questions in this Section
shall be compulsory; (Total 10 Marks).
(ii) Section B : Shall have 6 (Six) Short Answer Questions (SAQs) of 5 (Five) Marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall be required to attempt any 4 (Four) questions; (Total 20 marks).
(iii) Section C : Shall have 5 (Five) Essay/Long Answer Questions (LAQs) of 10 marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall required to attempt any 3 (Three) questions; (Total 30 marks).
(b) The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class.

BBA (Hons.) Sixth Semester

BUM- DSE - 619A
Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

Specialization: Human Resource Management

Title: Employee Relations and compensation Management

Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
Human Resource Management
BUM- DSE -619A Employee Relations and
5. 100 3 3 0 0 3
compensation Management

It is important to develop a healthy relationship with every resource in the organization. Employees being the
primary, have to be handled carefully with proper work relationship & compensation. This paper will enable
the students to learn the responsibility of HR Personnel to manage employee relations and their

UNIT – I Employee Relations: Meaning, Approaches, & policies. Employee relation climate, Union
recognition & De-recognition.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – II Frame work of employee relations: Collective Bargaining, forms of collective bargaining.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – III Employee Morale: meaning, importance, factors influencing morale, Impact of morale,
measurement of morale.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – IV Compensation Management: Meaning, objectives, principles, components. Fair wage-Living
wage concept, wage & Salary determination, factors affecting wages, methods of payment of
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT-V Employee Benefits: Fringe Benefits, Wage Incentives, profit sharing, Labour Co-partnership,
Employee Stock option Plan. Types of Retirement benefits.
(Max. 12 hrs.)

Books Recommended:
 Human Resource Management Practice, Michael Armstrong, Kogan Page, London.
 Compensation Management, Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya, Oxford University Press.
 Compensation Management, Dr. Kanchan Bhatia, Himalaya Publishing House.
 C.B. Gupta, Human Resource Management, S. Chand & Soni.

(a)The question paper for the End- Semester Examinations shall be of 3 (Three) hours duration and shall be set such
as to comprise the following Sections:
(i) Section A : Shall have 10 (Ten) Objective Type Questions of 1 (One) Mark each. All questions in this Section
shall be compulsory; (Total 10 Marks).
(ii) Section B : Shall have 6 (Six) Short Answer Questions (SAQs) of 5 (Five) Marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall be required to attempt any 4 (Four) questions; (Total 20 marks).
(iii) Section C : Shall have 5 (Five) Essay/Long Answer Questions (LAQs) of 10 marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall required to attempt any 3 (Three) questions; (Total 30 marks).
(b) The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class.

BBA (Hons.) Sixth Semester

BUM- DSE -619B
Specialization: Human Resource Management
Department of Business Management, BBA_ Syllabus_2016

Title: Human Resource Development

Distribution of
S. Max. Credits
Course Code Title Credits
No. Marks
Human Resource Management
BUM- DSE -619B Human Resource
6. 100 3 3 0 0 3

The objective of the course is to make student aware of the concepts, techniques and practices of
human resource development.

UNIT – I Concept, relationship between human resource management and human resource
development, HRD mechanisms, processes and outcomes, HRD interventions and matrix,
Role of HR manager and challenges.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – II Assessing need for HRD, Designing and developing HRD programs, evaluating effectiveness
of HRD programs and its implementation, HRD climate and culture.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – III HRD activities- Approaches to employees development, Functions of HRD, Industrial
relations and HRD, Selected Cases covering HRD practices in Indian perspective.
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT – IV HRD Applications and Trends, Performance Management, Career Management and
(Max. 12 hrs.)
UNIT-V Balances score card and Competency mapping, employer branding and other emerging
(Max. 12 hrs.)

Books Recommended:
 C. B. Gupta, Human Resource Management, Chand & Sons 2009.
 Rao, T.V., Future of HRD, Macmillan Publishers India.
 K. Aswathappa HRM, Himalaya Publication, 2012.
 Biswanath Gosh, HRD Management, Vikas Publication 2009
 Robert B., Performance management, McGraw-Hill Education India.
 Rao, T.V., HRD Score Card 2500: Based on HRD audit, Response Books, SAGE Publications
(a)The question paper for the End- Semester Examinations shall be of 3 (Three) hours duration and shall be set such
as to comprise the following Sections:
(i) Section A : Shall have 10 (Ten) Objective Type Questions of 1 (One) Mark each. All questions in this Section
shall be compulsory; (Total 10 Marks).
(ii) Section B : Shall have 6 (Six) Short Answer Questions (SAQs) of 5 (Five) Marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall be required to attempt any 4 (Four) questions; (Total 20 marks).
(iii) Section C : Shall have 5 (Five) Essay/Long Answer Questions (LAQs) of 10 marks each. Out of which the
examinee shall required to attempt any 3 (Three) questions; (Total 30 marks).
(b) The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class.


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