Fourth Zagreb Index of Circumcoronene Series of Benzenoid
Fourth Zagreb Index of Circumcoronene Series of Benzenoid
Fourth Zagreb Index of Circumcoronene Series of Benzenoid
Department of Applied Mathematics, Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST)
Narmak, Tehran, 16844, Iran
Department of Mathematics, Maharani's Science College for Women, Mysore- 570005.
E-mails: *,,
Corresponding author, phone: +98-919-2478265
A topological index of a graph is a numeric quantity related to a structure of a
molecule which is invariant under graph automorphism. Recently, Ghorbani
and Hosseinzadeh introduced Fourth Zagreb index of graphs. In this paper we
determine a closed formula of this new topological index of the famous
Benzenoid family named Circumcoronene series of Benzenoid Hk.
Molecular graph; Benzenoid graph; Circumcoronene series of benzenoid;
Topological index; Eccentricity index; Fourth Zagreb index
A molecular graph is a simple graph such that its vertices correspond to the atoms and
the edges to the bonds. All graphs in this paper are finite and simple. For terms and concepts
not defined here we refer the reader to any of several standard monographs such as e.g. [1-5].
Mathematical chemistry is a branch of theoretical chemistry for discussion and
prediction of the molecular structure using mathematical methods without necessarily
referring to quantum mechanics. Chemical graph theory is a branch of mathematical
chemistry which applies graph theory to mathematical modelling of chemical phenomena [1-
5]. This theory had an important effect on the development of the chemical sciences.
A graph invariant is any function on a graph that does not depend on a labelling of its
Fourth Zagreb index of Circumcoronene series of Benzenoid
Mohammad R. FARAHANI, Rajesh M.R. KANNA
vertices. Such quantities are also called topological indices. One of the best known and widely
used is the Zagreb topological index introduced in 1972 by Gutman and Trinajstić and is
defined as the sum of the squares of the degrees of all vertices of G [2, 5]. Let G be a
connected graph with vertex and edge sets V(G) and E(G), respectively.
For every vertex u∈V(G), the edge connecting u and v is denoted by uv and dG(u) (or
du) denotes the degree of u in G (the number of first neighbors of vertex u in G).
The Zagreb indices were originally defined as follows:
M1(G)=∑v ∈ V(G) (dv)2
M2(G)=∑e=uv ∈ E(G) (du×dv)
here M1(G) and M2(G) denote the first and the second Zagreb index, respectively. The
first Zagreb index can be also expressed as a sum over edges of G,
M1(G)=∑e=uv ∈ E(G) (du+dv)
Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies Issue 27, July-December 2015
ISSN 1583-1078 p. 155-161
In this section it is presented how to compute this new topological index for
Circumcoronene series of Benzenoid Hk (k≥1). The Circumcoronene series is part of
Benzenoid molecular graph family (consist several copy of benzene C6). The general
representation and some first members of this Benzenoid graph family are shown in Figures 1
and 2 (see [14-20]).
Fourth Zagreb index of Circumcoronene series of Benzenoid
Mohammad R. FARAHANI, Rajesh M.R. KANNA
Now, we can exhibit the closed formula of Fourth Zagreb index M4(Hk) in following
theorem and its proof.
Theorem 1: Let G be the Circumcoronene series of Benzenoid Hk (k≥1). Then Fourth
Zagreb index of Hk is equal to:
M**1(Hk)=M4(Hk)=68k4+4k3-65k2+71k-24 (1)
Proof: Consider Circumcoronene series of Benzenoid G=Hk (k≥1) as shown in Figure
2. Thus, we refer to definition of Fourth Zagreb index M4(Hk) and compute this index for
G=Hk in general case (k∈Z) as follows:
M**1(Hk)=∑v ∈ V(Hk) ε(v)2 ⇒ (2)
Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies Issue 27, July-December 2015
ISSN 1583-1078 p. 155-161
∑ ∑
2 2
M4(Hk)= ⎡⎣ε (γ zi , j ) ⎤⎦ + ⎡⎣ε (β zi , j ) ⎤⎦ (3)
γ zi , j ∈V ( H k ) β zi , j ∈V ( H k )
k i 6 k i 6
= ∑∑∑[ε (γ zi , j )]2 + ∑∑∑ [ε (β zi , j )]2
i =1 j =1 z =1 i = 2 j =1 z =1
6 k i 6 k i
= ∑∑∑ [ε (γ zi , j )]2 + ∑∑∑ [ε (β zi , j )]2
z =1 i =1 j =1 z =1 i = 2 j =1
k k
=6 ∑ i(2k+2i-1)2+6 ∑ (i-1)(2k+2i-2)2
i =1 i =2
k k
=6 ∑ i(4k +4i +8ki-4k-4i+1)+6 ∑ (i-1)(4k2+4i2+8ki-8k-8i+4)
2 2
i =1 i =1
i =1 i =1 i =1 i =1
⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎝ 6 ⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎠
Finally, ∀k∈ Z, the Fourth Zagreb index is equal to:
M4(Hk)=68k4+4k3-65k2+71k-24 (4)
Obviously, M4(H1=C6)=6(3)2=54 and the proof is complete.
In this paper, we have computed closed formula of Fourth Zagreb index for famous
Benzenoid molecular graph "Circumcoronene series of Benzenoid Hk (k≥1)".
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Fourth Zagreb index of Circumcoronene series of Benzenoid
Mohammad R. FARAHANI, Rajesh M.R. KANNA
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