Electrical Technology I
Electrical Technology I
Electrical Technology I
a resistance of 5 Ω . The circuit is connected across a Time : Three hours Full Marks : 100
200V, 50Hz supply. Find (i) value of capacitance (ii) current ( 50 marks for each Part )
and (iii) power factor of the circuit. 6
Use a separate Answer-Script for each Part
c) A two element series circuit has voltage v = 200 0o v and
current i = 10 −30o A. Determine the current which results
Answer any three questions
when the resistance is reduced to 50% of its former value.
4 1. Answer all questions :
8. a) Draw the phasor diagram for a R-L-C parallel A.C. single a) Why the voltage regulation of rotating generators is more
phase circuit and deduce the expression of current for the than a static m/c. – Explain. 3
b) Derive the speed - Torque characteristic curve for a D.C. heaters are connected in series across the voltage V how
series motor and hence show that at no load the series much heat will be produced in 5 min ? 9
motor cannot be run but for high inertia load this is very
suitable. 6
c) How we can achieve a braking effect in a D.C. series
Answer any three questions
motor – Explain with a sketch. 4
All questions carry equal marks
3. a) Explain with a neat sketch the working principle of spring
Two marks for neatness.
controlled Moving Coil Ammeter. 8
5. a) Write down the units of the following : 3
b) What is the function of controlling torque in an Integrating
type of Instrument. Explain. 4 (i) Magnetomotive force (ii) Pearmeability. (iii) Reluctance.
c) In a variable frequency A.C. measurement the reading of b) Show that φ = where
Ammeter with shunt to made independent of frequency.
Explain. 4 φ = flux
4. a) A 4-pole series wound for motor runs normally at 600 rpm MMF = Magnetomotive force