Biomedicine Brochure en 20-3-2013

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Interdisciplinary Doctoral Programme



Ljubljana, 2013
INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 3
1. The programme ............................................................................................................. 4
2. Basic programme goals and general competence .............................................. 5
3. Expected number of doctoral candidates .............................................................. 5
4. Admission requirements and criteria for selection ............................................. 5
4.1. Admission requirements ..................................................................................... 5
4.2. Criteria for selection of candidates .................................................................. 6
4.3. Mentoring ................................................................................................................. 6
5. Recognition of knowledge and skills acquired before admission to the
programme .......................................................................................................................... 6
6. Requirements for progression through the programme .................................... 6
7. Requirements for completion of the programme and the doctoral degree .. 6
7.1. Doctoral thesis ....................................................................................................... 6
7.2. Conditions for completing the programme .................................................... 7
7.3. Doctoral diploma ................................................................................................... 7
9. Grading system ............................................................................................................. 7
10. Career Prospects ........................................................................................................ 7
11. Programme Council ................................................................................................... 7
12. Field coordinators ...................................................................................................... 8
13. Programme ................................................................................................................... 9
14. Links to other study programmes ........................................................................ 10
15. Course presentation ................................................................................................ 10
15. 1. Obligatory core courses ................................................................................. 10
15. 2. Short presentation of core courses ............................................................ 11
15. 3. 1. Elective theoretical courses .......................................................................... 18
15. 3. 2 Elective individual research courses ............................................................ 21
16. KEY TO COURSE CODES ................................................................................... 25


The field of biomedicine encompasses knowledge from the areas of biochemistry and
molecular biology, pharmacy, clinical biochemistry and laboratory biomedicine, medicine,
microbiology, toxicology, genetics and veterinary medicine. The need for a high-quality and
up-to-date doctoral programme to acquire suitable knowledge in these areas is dictated by
rapid and extensive development in these various scientific fields, as well as their impact on
the quality of life. Due to previous good experiences and the advantages of an
interdisciplinary approach to existing postgraduate studies, the doctoral study of biomedicine
is organised at university level. The field of biomedicine is very broad and is being developed
at the first two educational levels by various faculty members at the University of Ljubljana. It
seems reasonable to link the third educational level (doctoral studies) in terms of
organisation and content. This approach also enables the collaboration of teachers and
researchers from separate scientific fields, thus forming a broader interdisciplinary field. The
connections of university research with research institutes is also achieved.

The Interdisciplinary Doctoral Programme in Biomedicine replaces the previous four-year

university scientific postgraduate study established at the University of Ljubljana in 1999 as
the first postgraduate programme organised at university level. The restructuring of the
programme was dictated by many reasons, two major ones being implementation of the
Bologna Declaration in the Republic of Slovenia and new state legislation which separates
doctoral programmes from masters programmes.

The primary emphasis of doctoral study is on research, interdisciplinarity and collaboration

between internationally renowned local and foreign experts. Based on recommendations of
the European University Association (EUA), international student exchange is also foreseen.
As the end result of the research work, the publishing of at least one scientific article is
expected. Special emphasis is placed on a productive relation between the doctoral
candidates and their mentors. Students can choose mentors from amongst internationally
recognised and established experts in compliance with the rules of the University of Ljubljana
and collaborating faculties.

1. The programme

The duration of the Interdisciplinary Doctoral Programme in Biomedicine is three years (180
ECTS credits), and according to the Bologna guidelines this represents the third cycle of the
educational scheme. The programme has been conceived in agreement with all the
requirements and legislation of the Republic of Slovenia and meets all criteria for doctoral
study established by the EUA. In this way, the direct inclusion of programme components in
an international exchange with universities from other countries using the ECTS system is
rendered possible.

Biomedicine combines knowledge from the fields of biochemistry and molecular biology,
pharmacy, genetics, clinical biochemistry and laboratory biomedicine, clinical, primary and
social medicine, microbiology, toxicology and veterinarian medicine.

The programme consists of organised classes (60 credits) and individual research work for
the doctoral thesis (120 credits).

The programme leads to the degree of Doctor of Science in the following fields:

 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

 Pharmacy
 Genetics
 Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Biomedicine
 Basic Medicine
 Clinical Medicine
 Microbiology
 Social Medicine
 Toxicology
 Veterinary Medicine

The programme is organised by the University of Ljubljana through its faculties and three
Slovene research institutes.

 Biotechnical Faculty
 Faculty of Pharmacy
 Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
 Faculty of Medicine
 Veterinary Faculty
 The Jožef Stefan Institute
 The Chemical Institute
 The National Institute of Biology

All previous postgraduate programmes offered by Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine

and Veterinary Faculty are joined together in the Doctoral Programme in Biomedicine. The
Biotechnical Faculty and the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology contributed
parts of their previous programmes connected with biomedicine. The research institutes
contribute teachers who take part in organised courses, mentors and the research
infrastructure for executing the experimental part of doctoral work.

2. Basic programme goals and general competence

The basic goal of the Interdisciplinary Doctoral Programme in Biomedicine is to further

educate highly qualified experts in the scientific fields that constitute the area of biomedicine.
The programme is interdisciplinary and encompasses biochemistry and molecular biology,
pharmacy, genetics, clinical biochemistry and laboratory biomedicine, clinical, basic and
social medicine, microbiology, toxicology and veterinary medicine.

The programme goal is to qualify future doctors for scientific thinking and problem-solving
with an interdisciplinary approach.

After the completion of their studies the new doctoral graduates will be qualified for creative
and independent scientific research work and dealing with the scientific problems of future
employers. They will acquire the ability of understanding, critically judging and solving
complex scientific-research issues. They will be qualified for creative and independent
research, for the critical assessment of research results, the development of new research
methods and the transfer of new research methods and knowledge into practice.

3. Expected number of doctoral candidates

The total number of enrolled candidates will be 140.

4. Admission requirements and criteria for selection

4.1. Admission requirements

For admission to the Interdisciplinary Doctoral Programme in Biomedicine graduates of the

following programmes are invited:
 Second cycle study programmes in biomedicine, biotechnology, natural science
and mathematics;
 Study programmes providing education for occupations regulated by Directives of
the European Union (93/16/EEC for doctors, 78/1027/EEC for veterinarians,
78/687/EEC for dentists and 85/432/EEC for pharmacists) evaluated with at least
300 credits;
 Study programmes leading to specialisation, provided that candidates have
previously completed a higher education professional study programme in
biomedicine, biotechnology, natural sciences or mathematics. The Biomedicine
Programme Council will specify additional entry requirements for candidates in
individual areas amounting from 30 to 60 credits;
 Study programmes leading to a master of science or to specialisation after
completing a university study programme in biomedicine, biotechnology, natural
science and mathematics. 60 credits of study obligations will be recognised to
such candidates;
 Academic study programmes in disciplines related to biomedicine, biotechnology,
natural sciences and mathematics.

Candidates with foreign qualifications are required to apply for recognition of their entry
qualifications. Applications should be submitted at the same time as applications to the
programme, but separately submitted to the Univerza v Ljubljani, Kongresni trg 12, Ljubljana,

4.2. Criteria for selection of candidates

The selection of candidates is particularly at issue when the number of candidates

significantly exceeds the number of places offered. Selection will be primarily based on the
candidate's level of achievement in previous studies.

The main criteria for selection are based upon:

- achived grades
- graduation work (diploma)
- research article(s)
- student scientific awards
- professional specialisation or degrees from other high level programmes

4.3. Mentoring

Prior to the enrolment to the programme candidates are requested to choose the mentor who
will agree to supervise their research work.
List of potencial mentors and their respective fields of research are available at:
omedicina.aspx .

5. Recognition of knowledge and skills acquired before admission to the programme

Knowledge and skills acquired through formal and informal learning, and experience before
entry will be recognised and evaluated by the Programme Council in accordance with criteria
for the accreditation of study programmes.

In recognising respective knowledge and skills, the following are considered:

- professional specialisation
- a second degree from an undergraduate programme
- previous scientific research work
- published scientific work
- previous professional experience

6. Requirements for progression through the programme

The requirement for progression from the first to the second year of doctoral study is the
fulfillment of all study obligations in the selected courses. Successful completion of at least
45 credits, of which at least 20 credits must derive from obligatory basic courses, is required.
Candidates who have fulfilled all organised study obligations in the first and second year are
permitted to enter the third year of doctoral study.

7. Conditions for completing the programme and the doctoral degree

7.1. Doctoral thesis

The registration of topic, the nomination of an academic advisors – mentors, as well as the
nomination of an expert committee for evaluation of a doctoral thesis and graduation

committee, are in the domain of coordinating faculty senates. The Senate of the University of
Ljubljana approves of the topic of the doctoral thesis and the proposed academic advisor(s).

7.2. Conditions for completing the programme

The condition for completing the programme of study and acquiring a doctoral degree is the
successful completion of all study obligations defined by the programme and the successful
defence of the doctoral thesis. The doctoral candidate must publish at least one scientific
article based on the research presented in the doctoral thesis in a scientific journal indexed
by the SCI or SSCI. The article with the candidate’s name listed as first author must be
published or accepted for publication prior to the defence of the doctoral thesis.

7.3. Doctoral diploma

After fulfillment of all study requirements the doctoral diploma, jointly signed by the Rector of
the University of Ljubljana and the dean of the responsible faculty, is awarded to the
candidates. Doctoral diploma is awarded by the Rector of the University of Ljubljana.
Graduates of the Interdisciplinary Doctoral Programme in Biomedicine receive the title
»Doctor of Science«.

8. Transfer between study programmes

Transfer between programmes is possible if candidates fulfil the access requirements of the
programme. Applications for transfer of such candidates to Interdisciplinary Doctoral
Programme in Biomedicine will be treated individually by the Programme Council in
accordance with the University Statute.

9. Grading system

According to the programme, exams will be written and oral. In accoirdance with the Statue
of Universitiy of Ljubljana examnination results are graded from 1 to 10, wherevy positive
pass grades range form 6 to 10 Preparation and oral presentations of seminars are also
graded. The examinations in doctoral programs may also be graded as not passed, passed
and passed with honors.

10. Career Prospects

The possibilities for employment of doctoral graduates from the Interdisciplinary Doctoral
Programme in Biomedicine are very diverse. Future doctors of science can become
employed in pedagogical and research fields as important new personnel at Slovene
universities and other educational or research institutions. They can also work in health
institutions as well as in other companies that perform research. They will also be
employable in the pharmaceutical industry and in government administration. The
employment in other institutions that employ experts with the highest educational level is also

11. Programme Council

The Programme Council consists of members of each faculty and research institute.
Representatives are proposed by the faculty senates and confirmed by University Senate for
a period of four years. The Council is chaired by the chairman, who has a deputy. The
president’s mandate is four years and can be repeated. The seat of the Programme Council
is at the University of Ljubljana.

12. Field coordinators

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology:

Prof Dr Ana PLEMENITAŠ, phone: 543-76 50, fax: 543-7641
Deputy: Prof Dr Vita DOLŽAN, phone: 543-76 70,fax: 543-7641

Prof Dr Danijel KIKELJ, phone: 476-9561, fax: 425-8031
Deputy: Prof Dr Mirjana Gašperlin, phone: 476-9634, fax: 425-8031

Prof Dr Simon HORVAT, phone: 320-3917, fax: 724-1005
Deputy: Prof Dr Branka JAVORNIK, phone: 320-3260, fax: 423-1088

Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Biomedicine:

Prof Dr Janja MARC, phone: 476-9600, fax: 425-8031
Deputy: Prof Dr Darko ČERNE, phone: 476-9644, fax: 425-8031

Clinical Medicine:
Prof Dr Lovro STANOVNIK, phone: 543-7337
Deputy: Prof Dr Žarko FINDERLE, phone: 543-7512

Basic Medicine:
Prof Dr Kristijan JEZERNIK, phone: 543-7682
Deputy: Prof Dr Marko ŽIVIN, phone: 543-7058

Prof Dr Srečko KOREN, phone: 543-74-02
Deputy: Prof Dr Gorazd AVGUŠTIN, phone: 721-78-27, fax: 722-41-00

Social Medicine:
Prof Dr Igor ŠVAB, phone: 438-6915
Deputy: Prof Dr Marjan BILBAN, phone: 585-5106, fax: 585-5101

Prof Dr Marija SOLLNER DOLENC, phone: 476-9572

Deputy: Prof Dr Damjana DROBNE, phone: 320-3375, fax: 257-3390

Veterinary Medicine:
Prof Dr Robert FRANGEŽ, phone: 477-9131, fax: 283-2243
Deputy: Prof Dr Azra POGAČNIK, phone: 477-9118, fax: 283-2243

13. Programme

The programme consists of organised forms of teaching and research. Organised teaching
comprises of 60 credits; the remaining 120 credits are intended for research work for the
doctoral thesis.

Content and structure of the programme (by year)

The structure of the programme is designed to emphasise organised study in the first year
and beginning of second year, while later the emphasis is on research and the preparation of
the doctoral thesis.

First year:
- obligatory core courses (the student’s obligation consists of active participation in classes,
preparing seminars and other obligations (30 credits))
- individual research work (30 credits)
Total = 60 credits

Second year:
- elective courses (15 credits)
- presentation of the theme of the doctoral thesis; this requirement can be satisfied by
presenting suitable scientific publications (5 credits)
- individual research work (40 credits)
Total = 60 credits

In the second year, the doctoral candidate chooses elective courses (15 credits). The
candidate's selection of courses must be approved by the mentor and the coordinator of the
specific scientific field. Part of these credits may be earned at foreign universities. With the
mentor's approval, 10 percent of the programme credits may be obtained in other doctoral
programmes offered by the University of Ljubljana or other universities.

Third year:
- individual research work (50 credits)
- presentation of the doctoral thesis prior to public presentation; this requirement can be
satisfied by presenting suitable scientific publications (5 credits)
- preparation of the doctoral thesis and public defence (5 credits)
Total = 60 credits

The focus of the third year is research work, and preparation and defence of the doctoral

14. Links to other study programmes

The Interdisciplinary Doctoral Programme in Biomedicine is both horizontally and vertically

linked to other study programmes at the University of Ljubljana. Horizontal exchange enables
students to fulfill their elective course requirements from other graduate study programmes at
the University of Ljubljana in agreement with their mentors and course lecturers. The vertical
link is inherent in the very design of the study programme through its syllabus and the
possibilities of choosing different courses. Furthermore, it is possible to exchange study
courses with other comparable programmes taught at other universities. The quality and
comparability of courses must be evaluated by the Programme Council. International
exchange takes place on the basis of international contracts and bilateral agreements.

International exchange is also possible through collaboration in mobility programmes for

students and professors (ERASMUS, SOCRATES, CEEPUS and others). The programme is
also open to foreign students.

15. Course presentation

The programme is composed of three types of courses:

- obligatory core courses
- elective theoretical courses
- elective individual research courses

The doctoral candidates, together with their mentors and the field coordinators, design
individual study programmes by selecting courses from obligatory and both types of elective
course pools. The obligatory core courses are modular. For each scientific field a choice of at
least 20 credits is needed from the obligatory core modules proposed by the respective
scientific fields, while the remaining 10 credits can be chosen from modules of other
obligatory core courses. Remaining credits can be obtained from the selection of various
elective courses. Elective credits can also be selected from the university pool of generic
skills courses, listed at the web page of the University of Ljubljana.

15. 1. Obligatory core courses

Obligatory core courses are designed for each specific scientific field. The content of courses
is chosen on the basis of the research work of the professors.

Each scientific field proposed at least one obligatory core course, which is as a rule
constructed from modules. The selection of modules is made in agreement with the mentor
and the field coordinator.

Obligatory core courses

Code Scientific field Course title

B-1-100 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Selected advanced topics in
biochemistry and molecular biology
F-1-200 Pharmacy Molecular basis of medicinal
F-1-220 Pharmacy Molecular biopharmaceutics and
F-1-210 Pharmacy Pharmaceutical technological

operations and dosage forms
G-1-600 Genetics Genetics
L-1-300 Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Clinical biochemical diagnostics –
Biomedicine algorithms and interpretation
J-1-400 Basic Medicine Medical cell biology
K-1-500 Clinical Medicine Research in clinical medicine
M-1-410 Microbiology Microbiology
S-1-420 Social Medicine Scientific aspects of public health
T-1-230 Toxicology Toxicology
V-1-700 Veterinary Medicine Regulation of processes in healthy
and sick animals
V -1-710 Veterinary Medicine Health suitability of foods

15. 2. Short presentation of core courses

Code: B-1-100
Course title: Selected advanced topics in biochemistry and molecular biology (30

The course consists of three modules, each equivalent to 10 ECTS credits. Students can
take the course as a whole or individual modules.
Module 1: Selected metabolic processes with regulatory mechanisms;experimental
Topics: metabolism of xenobiotics; mitochondrial biogenesis; energy metabolism in
mammals; structure and functional assimetry of biological membranes (membrane
microdomains – lipid rafts); protein interactions with membranes; signal transduction.
Module 2: Structure and function of biological molecules
Topics in molecular immunology and proteolysis: molecular recognition in the system of
innate immunity; recognition of molecular patterns connected with pathogenic
microorganisms; structure determination of complexes between proteases and their
endogenous or synthetic inhibitors; techniques of protein engineering and molecular
modeling of proteins for prediction of their function.
Module 3: Functional genomics and proteomics
Topics dealing with genome structure, organization and regulation, complex polygenic
features and comparative genomics will be considered. The following principles of global
genomic analysis will be discussed: global genomic maps, physical mapping, global
cytogenomics, EST maping and identification, positional cloning and the concept of QTL.
Theoretical principles and experimental approaches in the studies of transgenesis,
transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, interactomics and bioinformatics will be
presented in details.

Code: F-1-200
Course title: Molecular basis of medicinal chemistry

The course introduces students to the fundamental laws of molecular interactions and
molecular dynamics in biological systems, physical-chemical properties and drug-like
properties, the computational and other systematic approaches in medicinal chemistry

(virtual screening, fragment-based drug design, scaffold hopping, analogue-based drug
design), mimetic approaches in medicinal chemistry, prediction of ADMET properties, and to
complete overview of drug targets and methods of drug design unique to each target. The
course is divided into three modules each with 10 ECTS. Students can attend the subject as
a whole (30 ECTS) or separately by modules (each 10 ECTS).
Module 1: Drug structure and their properties
Complex systems and interactions: drug-organism, drug-target, target specificity, selectivity.
Intermolecular interaction forces.Molecular properties, molecular descriptors, molecular
fields, functional groups, computing techniques, techniques of molecular property design.
Molecular conformational space, molecular mechanics, molecular dynamics. Radical
reactions in biological systems, free radicals, antioxidants. Drug chirality. Physical and
chemical properties of drugs relevant to the biological environment of the organism (acidity,
basicity, polarity, hydrophilicity, lipophilicity).
Drug-like properties. Chemical space as a source of new drugs.
Module 2: Drug structure and biological activity
Lead compound, multiple ligands, prodrugs. Drug structure and molecular recognition, self-
assembly, aggregation, artificial receptors. Pharmacophore, SAR, binding specificity and
selectivity, non-specific interactions. Drug structure and transport properties, metabolic
transformations, toxicological properties, ADMET prediction. Peptidomimetics and mimetic
concepts in drug design. Virtual screening, fragment-based drug design, bioisosteric
replacements, scaffold hopping, analogue-based drug design.
Module 3: Drugs and their targets
Drug-target interactions. Receptors, signal transduction, recent examples of receptor
agonists/antagonists design. Enzymes as drug targets, enzyme kinetics, recent examples of
enzyme inhibitors. Ion channels as drug targets. Agents affecting the structured components
of the cell (DNA, tubular system) and the ordered membrane structure. Industrial view of
drug design. An example of antibacterial agents. Molecular modelling of drug-target
interaction, prediction of biological effect.
NMR spectroscopy in drug design, X-ray crystallography, homologue models.

Code: F-1-210
Course title: Pharmaceutical technological operations and dosage forms

The aim of the course is to give the students a deeper knowledge about new materials,
technologic procedures and dosage forms and to stress the importance of developing new
environmental friendly technologies. During the course students are informed about quality
assurance of medicinal products taking into account the latest scientific achievements and
regulatory demands. The course is divided in three modules, each equivalent to 10 ECTS
Module 1: Pharmaceutical-technological operations
Theoretical background of pharmaceutical dosage forms as multiphase and multicomponent
systems; physical-chemical approach (adhesion, cohesion, surface energy etc);
technological procedures (mixing, compression of solid materials, procedures with
supercritical fluids, filtration, emulsification, suspending process, sterilization, lyophilization,
neuronal networks); safe work and development of environmental friendly technologies.
Module 2: Pharmaceutical dosage forms
Advanced up to date knowledge on formulation, design and evaluation of modified release
solid dosage forms, dermatics, sterile dosage forms, dosage forms for inhalation,
phytopharmaceutics, radiopharmaceutics; new excipients regarding selection, physical-
chemical and technological characteristics and usage (i.e. polymers, superporous
desintegrantors, bioenhancers etc).
Module 3: New drug delivery systems
New delivery systems e.g. liposomes, nanoparticles, polymeric micelles, microemulsions etc.

for peptide and protein drugs, antigens and gene fragments; specific procedure for their
preparation, physical characterization, chemical stability assays and biological assays.

Code: F-1-220
Course title: Molecular biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics

The course is divided in three 10 credit modules. Students can take the complete course (30
KT) or individual modules.
Module 1: Role and importance of pharmacokinetic studies in drug discovery and
Preclinical pharmacokinetic studies; clinical pharmacokinetic studies; allometric scaling;
bioavailability and bioequivalence studies; principles for small and large molecules;
regulatory issues; role and importance of analytical methods in pharmacokinetic studies.
Module 2: LADME processes
Dissolution, absorption, distribution, presystemic and systemic metabolism, elimination of
drugs; mechanisms and kinetics of processes; physico-chemical and biological parameters
which influence these processes; experimental and theoretical models for studying LADME
processes; biopharmaceutical classification system: solubility and permeability of drugs; in-
vitro/in-vivo correlation: statistical and mathematical models.
Module 3: Pharmacokinetic analysis
Linear and non-linear models; compartmental and physiologically based models;
pharmacokinetic – pharmacodynamic models; design of drug delivery systems; influence of
demographic, clinical-biochemical and genetic factors on drug pharmacokinetics;
individualization of drug dosing regimens; population pharmacokinetics; artificial intelligence
methods in pharmacokinetics.

Code: G-1-600
Course title : Genetics

The course encompasses genetic concepts and genetic strategies for understanding
functions of genes that affect biological processes; it deals with model organisms and
bioinformatics tools for studying genetic principles. It is divided into three modules, each
equivalent to 10 ESCT credits. Student take the course as a whole (30 ESCT) or individual
Module 1: Genetic concepts
Introduction to genetic research and concepts. Forward genetics - identification of genomic
regions and physical gene cloning. Reverse genetics - random and target mutagenesis and
by phenocopying. Silico genomic analysis.
Module 2: Model organisms
The followingf model organisms will be covered: E. coli, S. cerevisiae, N. crassa, A. thaliana,
C. elegans, D. melanogaster in M. musculus. Their main features and use in genetic
analysis will be presented.
Module 3: Bioinformatics
High throughput methodologies in biology. Genomic projects and comparative genomics.
Bioinformatics tools in proteomics, interactomics, transcriptomics, environmental genomics
and farmacogenomics. Systems biology.

Code: L-1-300
Course title: Clinical biochemical diagnostics – algorithms and interpretation

The course is organised in four modules, each equivalent to 10 ECTS credits. Two to four
modules (20 to 40 credits) may bet aken as a core course, and a single module (10 credits)
as an elective course.
Module 1: Genetic basis of common diseases
Classification of frequent genetic diseases, screening and diagnostic tests based on
increased/decreased levels of toxic/normal metabolites, functional assessment of mutated
proteins (enzymes) and molecular analyses of disease causing DNA sequence variations.
Examples of diagnostic algorithms with interpretation of laboratory findings. Ethics in
molecular diagnostics.
Module 2: Immune-mediated diseases
Definition of immune-mediated disease (primary, secondary, autoimmune). Basic laboratory
algorithms in diagnostic evaluation of immune-mediated diseases and hypersensitivity.
Directed investigation of immune system disorders. Algorithms used in differential
diagnostics of some organ-specific and systemic autoimmune diseases.
Module 3: Malignant diseases
Role of biological molecules in mechanisms of development and progression of malignant
diseases. Epidemiology of disease and application of biological molecules in diagnostics.
Development, application, control and quality assurance of diagnostic assays.
Module 4: Pharmacogenomic diagnostics
Human genome and the role of variable DNA sequences in diagnostics. Application of
pharmacogenetic tests in individualized therapy. Methodologies and relevant technologies.
Direct and reverse pharmacogenomic approaches in drug design, clinical trials and basic
research. Postgenomic technologies. Social, ethical, and legal aspects of pharmacogenomic
applications in diagnostics.

Code: K-1-500
Course title: Research in clinical medicine

The course consists of three 10 ECTS credit modules, organized vertically in three levels.
Each module is further subdivided into thematic blocks. The student choose either one block
from each module or a set of topics from the first module corresponding to 10 credits.
The field of Clinical medicine with its four thematic blocks enables doctoral studies in the
subfields of Cardiovascular Medicine, Clinical neurosciences, Surgical sciences and Clinical
immunology, and the field of Basic medicine science enables studies in the subfield of
Module 1: Methods in medical research
The module provides basic knowledge about modern methods used commonly in biomedical
research that are available at the Faculty of Medicine in Ljubljana, including general
principles of biomedical research, clinical research, modern biostatistical methods in clinical
research, presentation of scientific results and writing of scientific papers, selected medical
measuring techniques and selected methods in medical resarch.
Module 2: Basic science in clinical research
This module deals with theoretical bases for research in selected medical fields. It includes
six thematic blocks: physiology of cardivascular system, respiratory physiology, physiology
and biomechanics of locomotor system, pharmacology, neurophysiology, and immunology.
Each block is equivalent to 10 credits. The student may select either one block from this
module or 10 credit module from the courses Basic medical science, Biochemistry or

Module 3: Achievements in clinical research
This module is considered with new diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive methods in
selected medical fields. Emphasis is placed on comparison of the new methods with
reference one, especially with respect to predictive value. The module is intended only for
physicians and dentists. It is composed of four thematic blocks, each corresopnding to 10
credits; cardiovascular clinical sciences, neurological clinical sciences, surgical sciences, and
clinical imunology and allergology. The student selects one block.

Code: J-1-400
Course title: Medical cell biology

This is an advanced course dealing with the structure and function of the cell and application
of this knowledge in important medical fields, such as human reproductive biology, cancer
cell biology and genetics. Is composed of a core module (Module 1) and three elective
modules, each equivalent to 10 ECTS credits. All students are obliged to take the core
module and one elective module either from this course or from the Biochemistry and
molecular biology course.
Module 1: Fundamentals of medical cell biology
Cell cycle in normal and in abnormal cells ( in: cancer, autoimmune dissease, aids,
neurodegeneration, stroke and in aging)
Cell death – apoptosis, necrosis and autophagy
The role of cell junctions in development and in differentiated cells. Reasons and
consequences for false composition and function.
The role of endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus and lysosomes in synthetic and secretory
pathway in normal cell and in storage diseases.
Peroxisomes in normal cells and consequences of false functioning.
Intracellular vesicular traffic. The molecular mechanisms of exocytosis and endocytosis and
their role for the normal cell functioning. Intracellular pathogens and the mechanisms for
entering and leaving host cells.
Molecular mechanisms of mitochondrial functioning in healthy and in complex human
disorders. The influence of the environment on mitochondrial functioning.
The cytoskeleton. Structure and the role of actin filaments, microtubules, and intermediate
filaments during cell differentiation and their role in certain diseases.
Module 2: Reproductive biology in vivo and in vitro
Oogenesis in humans, spermatogenesis in humans, biology of oocytes, biology of
spermatozoa, fertilization, development of human embryo before implantation, implantation,
in vitro fertilization
Module 3: Cell biology and genetics
Characteristics of malignant cell transformation, apoptosis and cancer, stem cells and
cancer, gene therapy of cancer with emphasis on delivery systems. Uniparental monosomy,
cytogenetics, cytology and genetics of acute leukaemia, In situ hybridization (research of
developmental processes), stem cell technology (development of novel treatment strategies).

Code: M-1-410
Course title: Microbiology

The course deals with the structure and function of microorganisms in physiological and
pathological circumstances, elucidating the complex relations among microorganisms,
between microorganisms and their hosts, and between microorganisms and their natural
environment. The course is divided into four modules, each evaluated with 10 credits.
Students may select a single module or a combination of three modules.
Module 1: Basic medical microbiology
Virulent factors and pathogenetic mechanisms in microbes; fundamentals of antimicrobial
chemotheraphy and vaccination; fundamentals of laboratory diagnostics of microbes;
molecular epidemiology; emerging microorganisms; prions.
Module 2:. Clinical microbiology
Diagnostic algorithms in clinical microbiology; critical interpretation of the results of the
microbiological tests; ways of solving complex diagnostic problems; errors made when
ordering microbiological tests - medical and economic consequences; problems with
communication between laboratory and clinical staff.
Module 3: Microbial diversification, identification, evolution and biotechnology
Traditional and molecular taxonomy - principles and differences in approach; principles of
microbial diversification; principles and philosophical views on evolution and molecular
evolution; applications of microbial biotechnology in medicine, pharmacy, food technology,
agriculture, environmental protection and production of alternative sources of energy and raw
Module 4: Biochemistry, physiology and ecology of microorganisms
Enzymatic reactions; membrane processes; toxins; processes of the regulation; enzymes;
metabolism of microorganisms, response of microbial population to environmental changes;
mechanisms of microbial signalling; examples of microbial differentiation; influence of
microbes on the circulation of substances and energy in selected ecosystems; interaction
among microorganisms, interaction between microbes and higher organisms; concept of
microbial food cycle; approaches to study of activities and structure of microbial groups.

Code: S-1-420
Course title: Scientific aspects of public health

The course consists of two modules, each equivalent to 10 ECTS credits.
Module 1: Determinants of health and disease
Biological basis of public health problems; determinants of health (life style, occupation);
selected major health problems: cardiovascular diseases, cancer, mental health (with
emphasis on depression and psychosocial rehabilitation of psychoses and dependencies);
high risk groups.
Module 2: Methodology of public health measures
Health care systems and health policy; health services planning and management; quality in
health care; health promotion; systems of disease prevention (vaccinations, screening,
epidemiological monitoring); primary health care; rehabilitation methods.

Code: T-1-230
Course title: Toxicology

Molecular basis of how chemicals disrupt biological targets. Influence of xenobiotics on
suborganism, organism, population and ecosystem levels.
Module 1: Relationship between structure and toxicity
Covalent and noncovalent interaction xenobiotics with cell macromoleculs in different
organisms, formation of reactive oxygen species; biotransformation reactions of xsenobiotics,
influence of products on different tissues.
Module 2: Influence of toxic compounds on processes within cell
Transmembrane transport of xenobiotics; mechanism of necrotic and apoptotic cell death;
cytokine-, receptor- and enzyme-mediated toxicity; immunotoxicity and genotoxicity of
Modulu 3: Influence of toxic compounds on environment and ecosystems
Influence of xenobiotics at suborganism, organism, population and ecosystem levels;
bioaccumulation of xenobiotics in the environment and in different species; in vivo and in
vitro tests for identification of xenobiotics in soil and water.

Code: V-1-700
Course title: Regulation of processes in healthy and sick animals

The course is composed of two modules. The complete course or individual modules may be
Module 1: Regulation of basic processes in animals
Composition of living structures; cell as organism; morphological and functional composition
of animal cells; cell as carrier of heredity; transfer of hereditary information to offspring;
response of cells to environmental influences; intercellular communication and regulation of
genetic expression; defensive, metabolic, cititoxic and oncogenetic mechanisms of cells; in
vitro investigation of cells; homeostasis and homeoresis; neural and endocrine regulation of
digestion and metabolism; regulation of blood parameters; regulation of blood circulation and
respiration; adaptation to physical stress; regulation of excretion; regulation of body
temperature; links among endocrine, nervous and immune systems; nerve and sensual
perception in domestic animals; progenesis, fecundation and early embryonic development
in domestic animals.
Module 2: Regulation of processes in animals on the basis of diagnostic parameters
Basic causes of disturbances and elementary pathophysiological processes in organisms
essential for understanding evolution of different diseases, establishing clinical diagnosis and
providing therapy; morphological changes of organs, tissues and cells underlying functional
abnormalities; reactions of organism to disease; biochemical parameters used in functional
evalution of liver, kidneys, muscles and digestive tract, assessment of mineral, electrolyte
metabolism, and estimation of acid-base balance; changes of processes in animals related to
dietary intake of harmful substances, pathogenic microorganisms, micotoxins, natural toxic
substances, dietary supplements and radionuclides, and regulation of such changes.

Code: V-1-710
Course title: The elements of health suitability of food

Food borne toxicoinfections

Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes, Q fever, Bacillus cereus, Clostridium perfringens,
botulism, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli O 157: H7, Vibrio spp., mycotoxins,
shellfish toxins (DSP, PSP, amnesic toxin), toxic fish, histamine, toxins of some land
mammals. Environmental pollutants: pesticides, PCB, trace elements, radionuclides,
purgatives. Veterinary drugs: antibiotics, sulfonamides, antiparasitics, hormones.

15. 3. Elective courses

The various scientific fields offer a great variety of elective courses. The candidate can
choose between elective theorethical courses and elective individual research courses
evaluated at 5 or 10 credits. The courses are offered by professors who are at the same time
leading scientists in their respective scientific fields. Elective individual research courses are
offered by researchers who can accept doctoral candidates in their laboratories, where they
can aquire up-to-date scientific technologies and approaches to experimental work. A total of
10 elective credits can be selected from the university pool of generic skills courses, listed at
the web page of University of Ljubljana (

15. 3. 1. Elective theoretical courses

Code Course title ECTS

F-2-231 Analysis of drugs and metabolites in biosystems 5
V-2-736 Animal hygiene with ecology 10
V-2-740 Animals in experiments 5
B-2-851 Asymmetric synthesis 5
L-2-333 Autoimmunity 5
K-2-542 Basic principles of clinical pharmacology 5
B-2-950 Biochemistry of biological membranes 5
F-2-234 Biogenic medicines 10
B-2-842 Biomolecular thermodinamics 5
J-2-430 Biophysics 5
F-2-932 Biophysics of biological processes, cells and tissues 5
F-2-933 Biophysics of macromolecules and membranes 5
S-2-444 Biostatistical planning of clinical and epidemiological research 5
F-2-235 Biotechnological processes in pharmacy 5
B-2-133 Cell physiology 5
M-2-661 Cell to cell microbial communications 5
L-2-332 Clinical biochemistry – selected topics 10
F-2-253 Clinical pharmacokinetics 5
T-2-656 Clinical toxicology in laboratory medicine 5
F-2-254 Combinatorial chemistry 5
G-2-635 Comparative genomics 5
V-2-730 Comparative odontology and periodontal medicine 10
B-2-951 Computer modeling of biological macromolecules 5
G-2-640 Control of gene expression 5
F-2-259 Design and synthesis of enzyme inhibitors 5
F-2-263 Drug design 10
L-2-330 Design of biodiagnostics and biosensors 10
G-2-642 Development genetics 5
F-2-270 Drug stability 10
F-2-248 Drug synthesis - selected topics 10
J-2-433 Experimental neurochemistry 5
F-2-238 Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy in biological 5

J-2-434 Electroporation based technologies and treatments 5
V-2-731 Endocrinology of domestic animales 10
B-2-136 Enzyme catalysis 5
V-2-735 Ethology in animal health care 10
B-2-937 Evolutionary genomics 5
G-2-636 Experimental genetics 5
F-2-937 Experimental methods in biophysics 5
F-3-273 Free radicals in biological systems 5
V-3-776 Gastrointestinal problems in horses 5
B-2-132 Gene technology 5
G-2-631 Genetic analysis of organisms 5
G-2-633 Genetic mapping and QTL analysis 5
G-2-630 Genome analysis by flow cytometry and in situ hybridisation 5
K-2-548 Genomic biomarkers for human diseases 5
L-2-337 Haematology - selected topics 5
J-2-431 High resolution optical microscopy - confocal microscopy 5
G-2-638 Horizontal DNA transfer 5
G-2-632 Human citogenetics 5
G-2-641 Human genetics 10
S-2-440 Impact of mercury on antioxidative capacity and 5
serotonin/melatonin balance
F-2-272 Industrial medicinal chemistry 5
F-2-246 Industrial development of drug delivery systems 10
K-2-553 Inovations and new treatment strategies in heart failure 5
F-2-247 Interactions of drug formulations in biosystems 5
F-2-255 Macromolecular crystallography 5
B-2-649 Macromolecular interactions 5
B-2-131 MAP kinase systems and signal transduction 5
K-2-544 Mechanisms and consequences of neurological disorders 5
M-2-438 Medical virology 5
V-2-733 Methodology of scientific research 10
L-2-334 Methods and models of cell and tissue engineering 5
T-2-351 Methods for determination of reactive metabolites of xenobiotics 5
F-2-258 Methods for determination of antithrombotic properties of drugs 5
F-2-256 Methods for surface and interface study 5
F-2-257 Methods for studying the structure and properties of drugs 5
M-2-660 Microbial symbioses 10
M-2-664 Microbiology of gastrointestinal tract 5
B-2-934 Molecular bioinformatics 5
L-2-335 Molecular aspects of immunological methods 5
V-2-734 Molecular biology in veterinary medicine 10
G-2-639 Molecular biology of the mamary gland 5
B-2-640 Molecular genetics 5
B-2-144 Molecular genetics in medicine 5
B-2-139 Molecular genetics of cancer 5
B-2-547 Molecular mechanisms of cancer 5
B-2-130 Molecular mechanisms of adaptation of microorganisms to 5
extreme environments
B-2-138 Molecular pharmacology 5
B-2-148 Monoclonal antibodies – an overview and application in basic 5
research, diagnostics and therapy
T-2-901 Mutagenesis and genetic toxicology 5

K-2-546 Network communications in medical research 5
K-2-551 Neuromuscular junction and its synaptogenesis 5
F-2-261 New drug delivery systems 10
B-2-941 Nuclear magnetic resonance in research of biological 5
F-2-264 Packaging materials development 5
L-2-331 Pathobiochemical mechanisms and models 5
F-2-239 Pharmaceutical biotechnology 10
F-2-240 Pharmaceutical communicology 5
K-2-545 Pharmaco-toxicological testing of drugs 5
F-2-242 Pharmacoeconomics 10
B-2-135 Pharmacogenetics in medicine 5
F-2-243 Pharmacogenomics in pharmacy 5
F-2-244 Pharmacometrics 5
F-2-230 Pharmacotherapeutics 10
K-2-540 Physical principles in physiology 5
M-2-662 Physiology and ecology of fungi 5
T-2-640 Poisonous plants and poisons from plants 10
K-2-543 Principles of medical immunology and alergology 5
M-2-663 Probiotics 10
S-2-443 Psychosomatic medicine 5
S-2-442 Qualitative methods in health behaviour research 5
L-2-336 Quality design and quality assurance in medical laboratories 5
F-2-245 Quality design and validations in pharmaceutical industry 5
T-2-352 Reactive metabolites of xenobiotics 5
S-2-441 Research in quality of care assessment 5
F-2-252 Quality of medicinals 5
G-2-643 Quantitative and statistical genetics 5
G-2-634 Quantitative real-time PCR 5
K-2-550 Rare neurometabolic and neurodegenerative diseases during 5
F-2-262 Rational design of peptidomimetics 5
B-2-145 Regulation of gene expresion by DNA-protein interaction 5
F-2-265 Regulatory aspects of nonclinical and clinical studies of drugs 5
K-2-552 Research methods in the field of orthopaedics 5
F-2-266 Rheology and biorheology 5
J-2-432 Screening tests for Down syndrome 5
V-2-737 Selected chapters from animal immunology 10
F-2-250 Selected topics in cosmetology 10
F-2-249 Selected topics in physical pharmacy 5
V-2-732 Selected topics in veterinary toxicology and toxinology 5
K-2-541 Selected topics on biomechanics in surgery and rehabilitation 5
B-2-146 Separation methods 5
K-2-549 Sleep related breathing disorders in early life 5
F-2-289 Social pharmacy and pharmacoepidemiology 5
T-2-655 Stress biology 10
F-2-267 Synthesis and analysis of chiral drugs 5
F-2-251 Synthesis of chiral drugs 5
F-2-868 Syntetic medicinal chemistry 5
F-2-260 Thermal analysis in pharmacy 5
F-2-236 Tissue and cell engineering 5
T-2-657 Toxicokinetics 5
T-2-645 Toxicological evaluation of new chemical entities 10

T-2-902 Toxicology on molecular scale 10
K-2-547 Transfusion medicine, transplantation and advanced cellular 5
F-2-271 Transport and metabolism of drugs in biosystems 10
F-2-241 Veterinary drug delivery systems 5
V-2-738 Veterinary laboratory medicine 10
V-2-739 Veterinary pharmaceuticals in environment 5
G-2-637 Yeast genetics 5

15. 3. 2 Elective individual research courses

Code Course title ECTS

S-3-492 Acute respiratory tract infections as a public health 5
V-3-780 Advanced methods in emergency care of small 5
K-3-38A Allergology 5
K-3-38B Allergology 10
S-3-494 Analysis of cancer burden 10
S-3-496 Analysis of lifestyle, sexual health and behaviour 10
V-3-761 Animal hygiene 5
M-3-681 Applied microbial enzymatics 5
M-3-68B Applied microbial enzymatics 10
S-3-498 Basic principles of health care for women, children 10
and adolescents
S-3-495 Bahavioural monitoring and promotion of healthy 10
V-3-763 Biology and health care of honey bee colonies 10
V-3-769 Breeding and health care of wild animals 10
K-3-595 Cachexia and body wasting 5
K-3-59E Cachexia and body wasting 10
K-3-570 Cardiovascular dynamics 5
M-3-667 Characterization and identification of microfungi 10
K-3-571 Chemical pharmacological methods 5
V-3-790 Cito- and histochemistry (analytical, enzymatic, 5
immune, in situ)
K-3-583 Clinical aspects of human reproduction 5
K-3-584 Clinical cardiac electrophysiology 5
K-3-561 Clinical electroencephalography 5
K-3-575 Clinical neurophysiological methods for evaluation of 5
muscles and the nervous system
K-3-592 Clinical neurosonological methods for assessment of 5
cerebral circulation
J-3-472 Cytometry in oncology and cell biology 5
G-3-672 Data management in genetics 5
K-3-587 Dermatology and venereology; epidemiology, 5
genetics, immunology and allergology
V-3-765 Dermatology of dogs and cats 5
V-3-76F Dermatology of dogs and cats 10
B-3-169 Design, preparation and site directed mutagenesis of 10
recombinant proteins
J-3-474 Detection and localization of molecules in cells with 5

imaging techniques
J-3-466 Determination of specific protein expression in 5
sceletal muscle cells by western blot analysis
J-3-46M Determination of specific protein expression in 10
sceletal muscle cells by western blot analysis
B-3-168 Determination of variations and mutations in 10
M-3-480 Diagnostic microbiology 5
M-3-48G Diagnostic microbiology 10
V-3-764 Diseases and health care of fish 10
B-3-171 DNA microarray technology 5
B-3-17B DNA microarray technology 10
K-3-562 Echocardiography 10
S-3-493 Economic assessment of work related injuries 10
L-3-360 Eksperimental methods in laboratory biomedicine 5
K-3-560 Electronic analogue circuitry for physiological and 5
pathophysiological studies
K-3-56G Electronic analogue circuitry for physiological and 10
pathophysiological studies
K-3-594 Electrophysiological study of the visual system 5
K-3-59J Electrophysiological study of the visual system 10
V-3-762 Ethological methods 5
L-3-361 Evidence-based laboratory biomedicine 5
K-3-564 Experimental immunology 5
K-3-56J Experimental immunology 10
B-3-961 Experimental methods in innate immunity 5
B-3-96B Experimental methods in innate immunity 10
B-3-164 Experimental methods in pharmacogenetics 10
B-3-962 Experimental methods in studies of nucleic acid 10
V-3-797 Experimental neuroendocrinology 5
M-3-481 Experimental virology 5
M-3-48B Experimental virology 10
V-3-793 Food control 10
V-3-768 Functional anatomy of animal locomotor apparatus 5
K-3-577 Functional magnetic resonance and diffusion tensor 5
K-3-57V Functional magnetic resonance and diffusion tensor 10
B-3-163 Functional protein analysis in signal transduction 5
J-3-467 Genetic counseling and testing in oncology 5
J-3-46V Genetic counseling and testing in oncology 10
J-3-468 Genetics of coronary artery disease 5
J-3-46S Genetics of coronary artery disease 10
G-3-670 Genetics of mice 5
K-3-589 Guidelines for point of care testing 5
V-3-788 Health care of pigs 10
V-3-787 Health care of poultry 10
V-3-789 Health care of ruminants 10
V-3-786 Health care of small companion animals 10
K-3-567 Haemostasis 5
K-3-56V Haemostasis 10
K-3-563 High precision electrocardiography 5

J-3-464 High resolution optical microscopy – confocal 5
J-3-46J High resolution optical microscopy – confocal 10
V-3-775 Hygiene and pathology of animal nutrition 5
V-3-77K Hygiene and pathology of animal nutrition 10
K-3-568 Hyperbaric medicine 5
J-3-462 Immunohistochemistry 5
J-3-469 Injection methods and their application 5
J-3-46T Injection methods and their application 10
K-3-590 Intensive care medicine 10
K-3-591 Intraoperative and intensive care neurophysiology 5
K-3-581 Investigation of pulmonary function in cardiology and 5
K-3-58B Investigation of pulmonary function in cardiology and 10
K-3-572 Mechanisms and consequences of neurological 5
B-3-973 Methods in experimental oncology 5
B-3-97L Methods in experimental oncology 10
J-3-475 Methods in single cell physiology 5
J-3-47K Methods in single cell physiology 10
V-3-773 Microbiological techniques 10
V-3-796 Microbiology 10
K-3-573 Microcirculation 5
M-3-682 Microorganisms in bioassay systems 5
M-3-68F Microorganisms in bioassay systems 10
J-3-461 Molecular genetics in pathology 5
B-3-565 Molecular genetics of hormonal and metabolic 10
K-3-574 Molecular methods in pharmacology 5
M-3-680 Molecular microbial taxonomy 5
M-3-68A Molecular microbial taxonomy 10
J-3-463 Morphology, morphometry and histochemistry of 5
sceletal muscle
J-3-46L Morphology, morphometry and histochemistry of 10
sceletal muscle
V-3-792 Morphometric analysis of cells and tissues 5
J-3-480 Nano and microelectrophysiological methods 10
K-3-586 Neurology of early development and neuro-intensive 5
diagnostics and treatment
K-3-576 Neurosurgery of intracranial tumours 10
K-3-591 Objective verification of the brain damage after brain 5
K-3-579 Oral and maxillofacial pathology 5
K-3-593 Osteosynthesis 5
S-3-480 Perinatology 5
S-3-48G Perinatology 10
V-3-767 Pharmacology and toxicology 5
J-3-476 Phospholipid and biological membranes 5
J-3-47M Phospholipid and biological membranes 10
J-3-465 Preparation of sceletal muscle cell culture 5
J-3-46K Preparation of sceletal muscle cell culture 10

B-3-866 Principles and techniques in biochemistry and 10
molecular biology
V-3-774 Principles of molecular virology 10
J-3-477 Quantitative methods in animal models of brain 5
J-3-47V Quantitative methods in animal models of brain 10
K-3-582 Radiology 5
V-3-779 Reproduction and obstetrics 10
V-3-798 Reproductive toxicology 5
S-3-490 Research in physical and rehabilitation medicine 5
S-3-49G Research in physical and rehabilitation medicine 10
K-3-569 Selected immunological methods 5
K-3-565 Selected methods in pharmacokinetics 5
J-3-478 Silencing of specific genes with siRNA method 5
J-3-47S Silencing of specific genes with siRNA method 10
K-3-588 Sleep medicine and polysomnographic recordings 5
for evaluation of sleep disorders
V-3-782 Small animal ultrasonography 10
V-3-778 Special veterinary pathology 10
B-3-660 Stem cells as a tool for basic research and 10
therapeutic cloning
J-3-460 Stereology and quantitative image analysis 5
J-3-46G Stereology and quantitative image analysis 10
S-3-497 Stigmatisation 10
B-3-172 Studies of enzyme reactions 5
J-3-471 Studies on isolated organs 5
V-3-771 Surgery and ophtalmology 5
K-3-566 Surgical gastroenterology 5
K-3-56M Surgical gastroenterology 10
K-3-578 Surgical oncology 5
K-3-57S Surgical oncology 10
J-3-479 Techniques for studying membrane proteins and 5
assessing membrane integrity by the model of
mitochondrial biogenesis
V-3-781 Technology of nucleic acid hybridization 5
V-3-78B Technology of nucleic acid hybridization 10
J-3-473 Toxinology and ecotoxinology 5
J-3-47L Toxinology and ecotoxinology 10
G-3-671 Transgenesis in animals 10
V-3-772 Treatment methods in veterinary oncology 5
V-3-77F Treatment methods in veterinary oncology 10
J-3-470 Tumour biology 5
J-3-47G Tumour biology 10
K-3-585 Urogynaecology 10
V-3-777 Veterinary anaesthesiology 5
V-3-770 Veterinary cardiology 10
V-3-794 Veterinary clinical laboratory diagnostics 10
V-3-795 Veterinary diagnostic cytopathology 5
V-3-784 Veterinary morphology 5
V-3-783 Veterinary orthopaedics and neurosurgery 10
V-3-785 Veterinary radiology 10
S-3-491 Workplace health promotion 10


The courses are coded with a capital letter and two numbers. The capital letter indicates the
scientific field or a combination of fields. The first number indicates the type of the course
and the second one consists of three digits, the first indicating the location and the last two
the consecutive number of the course.

Scientific fields:
G- Genetics
B - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
F - Pharmacy
L - Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Biomedicine
J - Basic Medical Science
K - Clinical Medicine
M - Microbiology
V - Veterinary Medicine
S - Social Medicine
T - Toxicology

Types of courses:
1 – core courses
2 – elective theoretical courses
3 – elective individual research courses

Course locations:
1 – Faculty of Medicine - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
2 – Faculty of Pharmacy – Pharmacy, Toxicology
3 – Faculty of Pharmacy - Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Biomedicine, Toxicology
4 – Faculty of Medicine – Basic Medical Science, Social Medicine, Microbiology
5 – Faculty of Medicine, University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Institut of Oncology Ljubljana,
University Psyhiatric Hospital Ljubljana – Clinical Medicine
6 – Biotechnical Faculty - Microbiology, Genetics, Toxicology
7 – Veterinary Faculty – Veterinary Medicine
8 – Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
9 – research institutes: Josef Stefan Institute, Chemical Institute, National Institute of Biology

Hence, the course bearing the code B-2-940 belongs in the area of biochemistry and
molecular biology (B), is an elective theoretical course (2) and is carried out at a research
institute (9).


G-1-600 Genetics
G-1-601 Module1: Genetics concepts
G-1-602 Module2: Model organisms
G-1-603 Module3: Bioinformatics
B-1-100 Selected advanced topics from biochemistry and molecular biology
B-1-101 Module1: Selected metabolic processes with regulatory mechanisms;
experimental approaches
B-1-102 Module2: Structure and function of biological molecules
B-1-103 Module3: Functional genomics and proteomics
F-1-200 Molecular basis of medicinal chemistry
F-1-201 Module1: Drug structure and properties
F-1-202 Module2: Drug structure and biological activity
F-1-203 Module3: Drug targets
F-1-210 Pharmaceutical technological operations and dosage forms
F-1-211 Module1: Pharmaceutical-technological operations
F-1-212 Module2: Dosage forms with controlled release
F-1-213 Module3: New delivery systems
F-1-220 Molecular biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics
F-1-221 Module1: Role and importance of pharmacokinetic studies in drug discovery
and development
F-1-222 Module2: LADME processes
F-1-223 Module3: Pharmacokinetic analysis
L-1-300 Clinical biochemical diagnostics – algorithms and interpretation
L-1-301 Module1: Genetic basis of common diseases
L-1-302 Module2: Immune-mediated diseases
L-1-303 Module3: Malignant diseases
L-1-304 Module4: Pharmacogenomic diagnostics
J-1-400 Medical cell biology
J-1-401 Module1: Fundamentals of medical cell biology
J-1-402 Module2: Reproductive biology in vivo and in vitro
J-1-403 Module3: Cell biology and genetics
K-1-500 Research in clinical medicine
K-1-501 Module1: Methods in medical research
K-1-520 Module2: Basic science in clinical research
K-1-521 Topic 1 – Physiology of the cardiovascular system
K-1-522 Topic 2 - Physiology of the respiratory system
K-1-523 Topic 3 - Physiology and biomechanics of the locomotor system
K-1-524 Topic 4 - Pharmacology
K-1-525 Topic 5 - Neurophysiology
K-1-526 Topic 6 - Immunology
K-1-530 Module3: Achievements in clinical research
K-1-531 Topic 1 – Sceintific principles in cardiovascular medicine
K-1-532 Topic 2 – Scientific principles of surgical methods
K-1-533 Topic 3 – Clinical neurosceince
K-1-534 Topic 4 - Scientific principles in medical immunology and allergology
M-1-410 Microbiology
M-1-411 Module1: Basic medical microbiology
M-1-412 Module2: Clinical microbiology
M-1-613 Module3: Microbial diversification, identification, evolution and
M-1-614 Module4: Biochemistry, physiology and ecology of microorganisms

V-1-700 Regulation of processes in healthy and sick animals
V-1-701 Module1: Regulation of basic processes in animals
V-1-702 Module2: Regulation of processes in animals on the basis of diagnostic
V-1-710 The element of health suitability of food
S-1-420 Scientific aspects of public health
S-1-421 Module1: Determinants of health and disease
S-1-422 Module2: Methodology of public health measures
T-1-230 Toxicology
T-1-231 Module1: Relationship between structure and toxicity
T-1-232 Module2: Influence of toxic compounds on processes within cells
T-1-233 Module3: Influence of toxic compounds on environment and ecosystems


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