This checklist provides guidance for pilots on procedures before starting, during starting, after starting, normal takeoff, climb, cruise, descent, pre-landing, post-landing, and shutdown of a Tropic Air Cessna Caravan aircraft. Key steps include checking controls, securing seat belts, setting parking brakes, ensuring proper fuel, ignition, and switch selections, verifying instrument readings, and briefing passengers. Takeoff speeds vary based on aircraft weight and flap configuration.
This checklist provides guidance for pilots on procedures before starting, during starting, after starting, normal takeoff, climb, cruise, descent, pre-landing, post-landing, and shutdown of a Tropic Air Cessna Caravan aircraft. Key steps include checking controls, securing seat belts, setting parking brakes, ensuring proper fuel, ignition, and switch selections, verifying instrument readings, and briefing passengers. Takeoff speeds vary based on aircraft weight and flap configuration.
This checklist provides guidance for pilots on procedures before starting, during starting, after starting, normal takeoff, climb, cruise, descent, pre-landing, post-landing, and shutdown of a Tropic Air Cessna Caravan aircraft. Key steps include checking controls, securing seat belts, setting parking brakes, ensuring proper fuel, ignition, and switch selections, verifying instrument readings, and briefing passengers. Takeoff speeds vary based on aircraft weight and flap configuration.
This checklist provides guidance for pilots on procedures before starting, during starting, after starting, normal takeoff, climb, cruise, descent, pre-landing, post-landing, and shutdown of a Tropic Air Cessna Caravan aircraft. Key steps include checking controls, securing seat belts, setting parking brakes, ensuring proper fuel, ignition, and switch selections, verifying instrument readings, and briefing passengers. Takeoff speeds vary based on aircraft weight and flap configuration.
Control Lock + Control check --------------------------- Remove/Check Remove Flaps--------------------------- Up Seat Belt & Harness --------------- Lock Lock & & On On *** = First Flight of the Day Ignition------------------------- Off External Power /Battery ----------------------- On On Condition Lever-------- Low Idle Avionic Switches --------------------- As Req. Propeller ---------------- 1850 RPM Circuit Breakers ---------------------- InIn Torque -------------------17 to 1800 TQ Parking Brakes ----------------------- On On Climb speed ----------- 110kts-120kts Lights ------------------------------------OffOff CRUISE Power Lever ----------------------------IdleIdle Torque --------------------1500TQ Propeller Lever ------------------------Forward Forward Propeller -----------------1750 RPM Condition Lever -----------------------Off Off Condition Lever ------- Low Idle *** Bleed Air Knob & Switch ---------OffOff Engine Inst. ------------ Check *** Fuel Shut off Valve ON Blowers ------------------OFF >125Kts Fuel Selectors ------------------------ BothBothOn On DECENT Inertial Separator ---------------------IN Top Of Descent Breifing STARTING W/GPU Decent -------------------500ft or less External Power Switch ------------ On Torque --------------------1000 to 1400 TQ Bus Volts ------------------------------- 2424Volts Volts Propeller -----------------1750 RPM Battery Switch ------------------------ On On (20 volts min) PRE LANDING Fuel Pump Switch ------------------ On On STARTING LIMITS Pax Pre Landing PA Starter Switch ------------------------ Start Start BATTERY Fuel Selectors -------- Both On NG. ---------------------------------------STB STB 30 Sec - On 60 sec Off Blowers Switches ---- On < 125Kts Condition Lever -----------------------low Idle Idle 30 Sec - On 60 sec Off Ignition -------------------as Required I.T.T. --------------------------------------Max. Max 1090* 1090 30 Sec - On On 30 30Min MinOff Off Torque --------------------As Req. STARTING W/BATTERY EXTERNAL POWER Propeller -----------------Forward Battery Switch ------------------------ On On 20 Sec - On 120 Sec Off Flaps ----------------------30 degrees Bus Volts ------------------------------- 24 24Volts Voltsmin. 20 Sec - On 120 Sec Off Radar ---------------------Standby Fuel Pump Switch ------------------- On On 20 Sec- On 60 Min Off Lights ---------------------As Req. Starter Switch ------------------------ Start Start Brakes--------------------Check/pump NG. ---------------------------------------STB STB Air Conditioner--------- ON Condition Lever -----------------------low Idle Idle POST LANDING I.T.T. --------------------------------------Max. Max 1090* 1090 Flaps ---------------------As Req. AFTER START Air Conditioner ----- OFF Starter Switch ------------------------- Off Off MAX. TEMPS IN DEG. Ignition -------------------Off Condition lever ------------------------Low Idle Start*---------------------- 1090 Enertial Separator --- By Pass External Power ----------------------- Off Idle------------------------- 685 Lights ---------------------As Req. Fuel Boost Pump -------------------- Normal Climb-out----------------- 765 Fuel Selector ---------- One Off Stby Power -----------------------------On On Climb-out**-------------- 805 SHUTDOWN Avionics Switches -------------------- As OnReq. Cruise--------------------- 740 Brakes------------------------ On Engine Intruments --------------------Check Check Max Reverse---------- 805 Power lever--------------Idle Air Conditioner -------------------------On-54ng-685ITT * 2 second limit Propeller---------------------- Feathered Lights -------------------------------------AsAs Required Req, ** for abnormal operations Fuel Boost Pump---------- Off Volt/Ammeter --------------------------Max Max28V28 V. Stby Power-------------- Off *** Annunciator Panel ------------------ TestTest Fuel Cond. Lvr-------------- Cutoff *** Fire Alarm ------------------------------ Test Test Avionics Switches---- Off *** Overspeed Governor ---------------- 1750 +/-60 1750+/-60 Non-G1000 Aircraft Battery Switch--------- Off Manual Electric Pitch Trim Check And Set Suction Gauge --- Green Control Lock------------ On Auto Pilot Automatic self test Audio Confirm. Avionics and Radar Set For Depart. NORMAL TAKEOFF Pre Take Off Breifing 3 Trims ------------------------------------Set for T/O Air Conditioner ------------------------On Wing Flaps -----------------------------3020Deg Deg. Fuel Condition Lever ---------------- low IdleIdle Propeller ---------------------------------Forward Forward RPM --------------------------------------Max Max1900 1900 Torque ------------------------------------ MaxMax1865 1865 Ignition------------------------------------Off/As Required Rotate ---------------------------------70 KTS CESSNA CARAVAN OPERATING DATA TAKE OFF AND CLIMB DATA MNVRNG SPDS Va WEIGHT 9062* 8750 8300 7800 8750lbs ***143KIAS FLAPS 30 Vr 71 70 69 67 7500lbs 137KIAS FLAPS 20 Vr 71 69 69 67 6250lbs 125KIAS FLAP 0/10 Vr 79 79 76 73 5000lbs 112KIAS NORMAL CLIMB 110-120KIAS - FLAPS UP ***=143KIAS for APES STOL only,normal 148KIAS DESCENT TIME TO SEAFUEL LEVEL DIST FLAP OPERATING SPEEDS ALT. MIN. LBS NM 10º 125Kts 12,000 15 72 43 20º full 110Kts 8,000 10 48 28 30 full 100Kts 4,000 5 25 14 S.L. 0 0 9 SPEEDS FOR NORMAL OPERATION LANDING DATA TAKE OFF Normal , Flaps 20 73Kts WEIGHT 8500 8000 7500 7000 CLIMB @ 50ft Vx Short Field, Flaps 30 72Kts FLAPS 30 78 75 73 71 Cruise Climb 110-120Kts 0 93 90 88 83 ENROUTE CLIMB Flaps Best Angle Up 72Kts TAKE-OFF TORQUE PRESSURE Best Rate 104Kts PALT 16C 21C 27C 32C 38C Normal, Flaps Up 104-115Kts 3500 1847 1767 LANDING AND Normal, Flaps Up 80-85Kts 4000 TP = 1865 1817 1740 APPROACH Short Field, Flaps 30 78Kts 4500 1861 1787 1712 MAX X-WIND T/O & LANDING 20Kts APES STOL A/C 30 FLAPS All TAKEOFFS *=APES STOL Modification Takeoff Weight only