By Anthea Shane Sermonia: Volume 1, Issue 1 June - December 2019
By Anthea Shane Sermonia: Volume 1, Issue 1 June - December 2019
By Anthea Shane Sermonia: Volume 1, Issue 1 June - December 2019
eachers, students and par- Eskwela is the
ents of Balbino Seron Ele- annual program
mentary School were all set of the DepEd
early Monday ready to be a part of wherein teach-
the nationwide launching of Brigada ers, students,
Eskwela 2019 last May 20. parents, and oth-
A motorcade departed at 7:00 in the er interested
morning from the school passing parties join hands
through the nearby feeder barangays in p r ep a r ing
and finally coming back to the school classrooms in
grounds. public schools for
An opening program was held to use in the coming
formally welcome teachers, parents, school year.
students, and other stakeholders Classrooms and
who wanted to show their support school buildings
to the school by helping it get ready were also ex-
for the opening of classes. amined to Parents in action as they help the school get ready for the
opening of classes.
the program, the Balbino Seron Ele- National Nutrition Month aims to
mentary School held a short pro- promote healthy diets that would
gram to promote healthy living and contribute to the reduction of the
By Samantha Louise Menor practices. incidence of overweight, obesity and
Each grade level prepared an inter- non-communicable diseases among
o you know that aside agement efforts in
from Nutrition Month, July the country.
is also when we observe Disasters are hard to
National Disaster Consciousness overcome no matter
Month? how prepared peo-
Yes. That is by virtue of Executive ple may be. For the
Order No. 137 signed on Aug. 10, poor and middle-
1999 by then President Joseph Estra- class families, it's
da, In 1988, the first week of July never easy to recov-
was declared National Disaster Con- er from such devas-
sciousness Week but the observance tation. The vehicles,
of the occasion was extended to a the appliances, the
month to include man-made disas- home furniture, and
ters and other emergencies. the houses them-
Recently, the world was blown by a selves are lifetime
series of disasters from destructive savings. Anyone who
typhoons to devastating earth- loses all these will
By Dystar Egalin
albino Seron Elementary School
went home triumphant as they Ang Bungyod Editorial Staff during the 1st CD Presscon
bagged five awards in the re- Writing (Filipino) - Colleviand Klien Sayson
cently held First Congressional District’s Anthea Shane Sermonia 15th Place in Editorial Cartooning
Press Conference and Contest held at 5th Place in Editorial Cartooning (English) - Raff Vincent Amihan
Guimbal National High School last Oc- (English) - Charice Dawn Sandig The winners will advance to the Divi-
tober 18, 2019 conducted by the 6th Place in Copyreading and Headline sion Press Conference and Contest to
Schools Division of Iloilo. Writing (Filipino) - be held at Dingle National High School
Awards bagged by the school include: Jesmine May Sermonia on November 11, 2019.
3rd Place in Copyreading & Headline 7th Place in Editorial Writing(Filipino) -