Letter From CSPDCL
Letter From CSPDCL
Letter From CSPDCL
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{A 60'IERNME NE-r # F c fi H $ -r T=€+riff _di$.eg[I-4}ig[{gj
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crN - rJ4G3 SSCTa**356,.:$3 5Ee4
Oi{fiee of tl're €xeeutrve €rrginegr ffit'f bn.} E,sst, C9F'Se'u B&ti5ai
E Aee.[l_EE€u]iE,hilei a*st @ e€eb.gov.jg
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v ir,ils ilr'ii;ri 3'*+eI PIant(5Arl-],
S',:i,B=--ti:, Fle ffi i FBant
KPiasn* Nc'. 5631'tr, 563/2, 552
Viiiage * Furalna
[iii r i;: l. ilistt- ffi urg{(}G} 't" ''
;i,;':i Ap1;!ir;iiion ror new l-iT cor:i'lectir:n tc'ih.; e,:ir:r-,.) in -first lh;.rse l;.ji.l KV"i: ,:r:,-. ::ill
therse i30C KVA. {after.-r2 month terria.ii're ii } ln 33 K'u, fo;li-s; Ei-rii;,li "Steei r- I -- i r':, .l- -
in response io your appiication for new [-'iT ccnnection to the exterici irr firs: pi;a]-
8il0 KVA and second plrase 1300 KVA (atter 12 nnoi"lth tentativeiy) on 33 KV,\,{/s *i;;r;.
Steel piai'rt (SAIL), for B$P, PCts Flani at vill" Furaina, tshilai has b,een scrutir::z*.j *iii'l
icllotving onserr,'ation/remarks have i:eerr raised i:y the commeielit autirority .-
i-leirce, ir is r-equestecl tc sul-,itrte the ;ilcve d*,:unrents il: irrlircarte t,: r:iri-s ,.:fi'ii;* ijl,i
eaiiy' as i:ossibie, so that the sanre carn "be subrnittec te hi,ghur. a'ffices lor n*c,*t,*:,ri,;
s[i[iicu,: i.
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: 1:-!'
1 ]-he .qcjdi Chief Engineer iC;if Qi,rte)- C.S F^.[J C.r-, DurE, fqr !nfr,.intatts,]-pi*as*
ref+:'rrnce to the ietl*r cit,+d Lrlr-^Jer reiei+nc*.
[:.:iei,iit,iiiel Er-.itilr:;,.
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