STP For Indian Premium Cigar
STP For Indian Premium Cigar
STP For Indian Premium Cigar
Segmentation is dividing the customers into groups with common needs and interests. It can be done
using following approaches-
i. Demographic- by personal attributes such as age, gender, marital status, education, occupation,
ii. Geographic- by country, city, state, region, neighborhood.
iii. Psychographic- by personality, risk aversion, values, lifestyle.
iv. Behavioral- by use, benefits and loyalty of customers towards the product.
Keeping the brand in my mind, the demand is based upon homogenous preference arising from
the urge of smoking tobacco in the form of cigars.
We used Demographic approach to segment the market. Our target group is of age group 40-
65years, corporates.
People with high level of income who are loyal in other words prefer the experience which they
get from smoking cigars.
Second basis is geographical- Urban areas- Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Kolkata.
Third basis of segmentation is psychographic where we are targeting people who crave for