Analysis of Plates
Analysis of Plates
Analysis of Plates
The post-buckling response of thin elastic plates is very important in engineering analysis. The reason is
that thin plates after buckling are still capable of carrying a much increased load without failure
provided that the stress is in the elastic range. Therefore, it is essential to consider the postbuckling
behavior of the plate in order to benefit from this additional strength. The precice analysis of the post-
buckling response proves to be quite difficult, because the governing equations are nonlinear. For this
reason very few analytical or approximate solutions are available in the literature.
where Kpre is the pre-buckling stiffness. For all practical purposes it can be assumed that
the plate is loosing half of its stiffness after buckling but is able to carry additional loads.
The aim of plate theory is to calculate the deformation and stresses in a plate subjected to loads. A flat
plate, like a straight beam carries lateral load by bending. The analyses of plates are categorized into
two types based on thickness to breadth ratio: thick plate and thin plate analysis. If the thickness to
width ratio of the plate is less than 0.1 and the maximum deflection is less than one tenth of thickness,
then the plate is classified as thin plate. The well known as Kirchhoff plate theory is used for the analysis
of such thin plates. On the other hand, Mindlin plate theory is used for thick plate where the effect of
shear deformation is included.
Classical thin plate theory is based upon assumptions initiated for beams by Bernoulli but first applied
to plates and shells by Love and Kirchhoff. This theory is known as Kirchhoff’s plate theory. Basically,
three assumptions are used to reduce the equations of three dimensional theory of elasticity to two
1. The line normal to the neutral axis before bending remains straight after bending.
2. The normal stress in thickness direction is neglected. i.e., 0 σ z = . This assumption converts the 3D
problem into a 2D problem.
3. The transverse shearing strains are assumed to be zero. i.e., shear strains γxz and γyz will be zero.
Thus, thickness of the plate does not change during bending.
Reissner–Mindlin plate theory is applied for analysis of thick plates, where the shear deformations are
considered, rotation and lateral deflections are decoupled. It does not require the cross-sections to be
perpendicular to the axial forces after deformation. It basically depends on following assumptions, 1.
The deflections of the plate are small. 2. Normal to the plate mid-surface before deformation remains
straight but is not necessarily normal to it after deformation. 3. Stresses normal to the mid-surface are
Steel plates are widely used in buildings, bridges, automobiles and ships. Unlike beams and columns,
which have lengths longer than the other two dimensions and so are modeled as linear members, steel
plates have widths comparable to their lengths and so are modeled as two-dimensional plane members.
Just as long slender columns undergo instability in the form of buckling, steel plates under membrane
compression also tend to buckle out of their plane. The buckled shape depends on the loading and
support conditions in both length and width directions.
However, unlike columns, plates continue to carry loads even after buckling in a stable manner. Their
post-buckling strengths, especially in the case of slender plates, can thus be substantially greater than
the corresponding buckling strengths. This property is of great interest to structural engineers as it can
be utilized to their advantage.