Improving The Mechanical Properties of Composite Rocket Propellants
Improving The Mechanical Properties of Composite Rocket Propellants
Improving The Mechanical Properties of Composite Rocket Propellants
Niklas Wingborg
1. “Increasing the tensile strength of HTPB with different isocyanates and chain extenders”,
Wingborg N., Polymer Testing, 2002, 21, p. 283-287
The tensile strength of HTPB was studied by increasing the hard segment content, 1,4-
butanediol and 1,4-cyclohexane dimethanol being used as chain extenders. The materials were
crosslinked with either isophorone diisocyanate, 1,6-hexamethylene diisocyanate or
dicyclohexylmethane 4,4'-diisocyanate. The results show that the tensile strength increase
strongly with the addition of up to two moles of diol per mole HTPB. The highest tensile
strength was obtained by using dicyclohexylmethane 4,4'-diisocyanate and 1,4-butanediol.
The depression of the glass transition temperature of PolyNIMMO was studied by using a
new energetic plasticizer, 2,2-dinitro-1,3-bis-nitrooxy-propane. Two commercial energetic
plasticizers, namely bis(2,2-dinitropropyl) acetal/formal and N-N-butyl-N-(2-nitroxy-
etyl)nitramine were used for comparison. 2,2-Dinitro-1,3-bis-nitrooxy-propane and N-N-
butyl-N-(2-nitroxy-etyl)nitramine were found to interact strongly with PolyNIMMO and they
were thus very effective in lowering the glass transition temperature. Bis(2,2-dinitropropyl)
acetal/formal on the other hand was not effective, and the depression of the glass transition
temperature in this case was due only to dilution of the sample.
Table of Contents
1. List of symbols and abbreviations of chemicals
f Functionality, number of functional groups per molecule (-)
I Interaction parameter used in equation 3 (°C)
Isp Specific impulse (Ns/kg)
M Molecular weight (g/mol)
m Mass (kg)
pc, pe Pressure in combustion chamber and nozzle exit (MPa)
s Standard deviation (°C)
Tg Glass transition temperature. In this work Tg = Tg midpoint (°C)
Tm Melting point (°C)
w Weight fraction (-)
∆Hf Enthalpy of formation (kJ/mol)
η Viscosity (Pa·s)
ρ Density (g/cm3)
φ2 Volume fraction solid (-)
φm Theoretical maximum volume fraction (-)
Ω Oxygen balance (%)
1 Polymer or binder
2 Plasticizer or filler
NCO Diisocyanate
OH Diol
AP Ammonium perchlorate
BDNPA Bis(2,2-dinitropropyl)acetal
BDNPF Bis(2,2-dinitropropyl)formal
BDO 1,4-Butane diol
BHEB 1,4-Bis(2-hydroxyethoxy)benzene
BKF 2,2´-Methylenebis(4-methyl-6-tertiary-butylphenol)
Butyl-NENA N-N-butyl-N-(2-nitroxy-ethyl)nitramine
CHDI trans-1,4-cyclohexane diisocyanate
CHDM 1,4-Cyclohexane dimethanol
DDI Dimeryl diisocyanate
Desmodur-W Dicyclohexylmethane 4,4'-diisocyanate
DOA Dioctyl adipate
DOS Doctyl sebacate
H12MDI See Desmodur-W
HDI 1,6-Hexamethylene diisocyanate
HTPB Hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene
IPDI Isophorone diisocyanate
MDI 4,4'-Diphenylmethane diisocyanate
NPN 2,2-Dinitro-1,3-bis-nitrooxy-propane
PolyNIMMO Poly(3-nitratomethyl-3-methyl oxetane
TDI Toluene diisocyanate
2. Introduction
The purpose of this work is to improve the knowledge in the field of polymer technology by
studying how the tensile strength of HTPB can be increased without decreasing the ultimate
elongation, and how the glass transition temperature of PolyNIMMO can be decreased
without reducing the performance of the propellant.
The most well-known polymer used in composite propellants is liquid hydroxyl-terminated
polybutadiene, HTPB, cured with diisocyanate [2,3]. Propellants based on AP and HTPB
have a number of desirable properties, such as a low glass transition temperature, sufficient
mechanical properties and high performance.
In the manufacture of a propellant, the solid ingredients (mainly AP) are mixed into the liquid
prepolymer. The mixture is then cast in a mold and cured at an elevated temperature. In this
way, a solid and elastic propellant with the desired shape is formed. The viscosity of the
uncured propellant, η, must be low enough to allow casting and the pot life must be long to
achieve good mixing. If the volume fraction of the solid, φ2, is increased, the viscosity
increases as seen in Figure 1, based on the modified Roscoe equation [4], where η1 is the
viscosity of the uncured liquid binder and φm is the theoretical maximum volume fraction of
randomly close-packed monomodal spheres and is equal to 0.63 [4]. When φ2 approaches φm,
the viscosity increases dramatically and a solid loading of 0.63 cannot be obtained with
monomodal spheres.
5000 n
η φ2
= 1 −
η1 φm
Relative viscosity, η/η1, (-)
50 n = -2.5
20 n = -2.0
2 φm= 0.63
0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7
The specific impulse, Isp, is a measure of the performance of a rocket propellant and is
expressed in Ns/kg. If the chemical composition and heats of formation of the ingredients in
the propellant are known, Isp can be calculated. By using the data in Table 1 and the Cheetah
2.0 thermochemical computer code [5], Isp values for AP/HTPB-based propellants with
different amounts of AP were calculated. The results are shown in Figure 2.
pc= 7.0 MPa
pe= 0.1 MPa
Specific impulse (Ns/kg)
50 60 70 80 90 100
Amount AP (vol.%)
Figure 2 shows that the maximum specific impulse for an AP/HTPB-propellant is obtained at
80 volume % AP. Such a high solid loading cannot be achieved with a monomodal particle
size, as is shown in Figure 1. Bimodal or trimodal particle sizes are thus often used but it is
still very difficult to achieve a volume solid loading of 80%. Experience at FOI has shown
that a reasonable maximum solid loading in a bimodal AP/HTPB-propellant is 70 volume %
of AP. This is shown as a broken line in Figure 2. At higher amounts of AP, the processing of
the propellant becomes very difficult. Using energetic polymers, such as poly(3-
nitratomethyl-3-methyl oxetane) (PolyNIMMO) [7,8], it is possible to increase the specific
impulse of a solid rocket propellant since the optimum composition in this case is found at a
solids loading below 70 volume %, as seen in Figure 2. Note that the peak value of the
specific impulse is about the same for the HTPB- and PolyNIMMO-based propellants. The
difference between using energetic and non-energetic polymers is that the peak in Figure 2 is
shifted along the abscissa. Figure 3 shows the structure of PolyNIMMO, and it can be seen
that it contains one nitro ester group per repeating unit. The oxygen balance for PolyNIMMO
is thus much higher than for HTPB, as shown in Table 1, and for this reason PolyNIMMO
requires less solid oxidizer to reach its maximum specific impulse.
2.3 Tensile properties
It is not unusual to require an ultimate elongation of 50% from the propellant, especially when
the propellant is case-bonded [1,9]. This means that the elongation of the binder itself must be
about 500% [1]. In some applications, as in very high accelerating, or gun-launched rockets,
propellants with a high tensile strength are needed. HTPB has a zig-zag molecular
arrangement due to its the cis-trans-morphology. This makes close packing of the molecules
difficult, and the polymer is amorphous and transparent. The interchain forces are weak since
the repeating unit contains only hydrogen and carbon atoms. As a result, the tensile strength
of cured HTPB is very low. Increasing the tensile strength should preferably not be done at
the expense of the ultimate elongation, as occurs when the crosslink density in HTPB is
increased using trifunctional alcohols such as trimethylol propane [9,10] or triethanol amine
[11], or by increasing the isocyanate/hydroxyl (NCO/OH) equivalent ratio [11-14].
The tensile properties can be altered to some extent by curing HTPB with different
isocyanates such as DDI, HDI, H12MDI, IPDI, MDI and TDI, but the tensile strength is in
general poor and of the order of 1 MPa or below [12-17]. One exception is CHDI which,
when used to cure HTPB, yields a polyurethane with a tensile strength of 2 MPa and an
ultimate elongation of 190% [15].
Polyurethane elastomers contain soft and rigid segments. The soft segments consist of the
flexible non-crystalline polymer chains, in this case polybutadiene, and the rigid or hard
segments consist of diisocyanate residues, chain extenders and urethane groups. Segregation
and phase separation of the soft and rigid segments in HTPB has been studied [18-20]. The
tensile strength of curable polyurethanes can be increased by increasing the number of
urethane bonds and by using symmetrical and rigid molecules in the hard segments [4,18,21-
24]. With increasing number of urethane bonds, the interchain forces increase due to larger
amount of hydrogen bonds between the polymer chains. The amount of urethane bonds can be
increased by adding low molecular weight diols to the polymer and by increasing the amount
of diisocyanate. These types of diols are often called chain extenders. The most common
aliphatic diol for this purpose is 1,4-butanediol, BDO [23]. Diamines are also widely used as
chain extenders in liquid polyurethanes [4,22]. Their high reactivity gives a short pot life and
for this reason they have not found any applications in the production of propellants.
The more symmetric the diisocyanates and the chain extenders molecules are, the easier will
the hard segments crystallize [22]. If the hard segments contain bulky aromatic or cyclo-
aliphatic groups, the rigidity will increase and lead to interchain steric hindrance. If the
interchain forces are increased, the crystallinity and rigidity of the hard segments and the
potential for macromolecular slippage will decrease. This will influence the mechanical
properties mainly by increasing the modulus of elasticity and the tear and tensile strengths
HTPB mixed with BDO and cured with the diisocyanates CHDI, DDI, HDI, MDI and TDI
has been studied [13,15,17,18]. Aliphatic diisocyanates are generally less reactive than
aromatic [22], and aliphatic diisocyanates are thus preferred in the production of rocket
propellants when a long pot life is desired. A common diisocyanate to cure HTPB-based
propellants is isophorone diisocyanate, IPDI. In this work, the mechanical properties of
HTPB/IPDI/BDO mixtures were examined. IPDI is a non-symmetrical cycloaliphatic
isocyanate. Since symmetrical diisocyanates gives higher strength, mixtures with a
symmetrical cycloaliphatic diisocyanate, dicyclohexylmethane diisocyanate, H12MDI or
Desmodur W, were also studied.
In the work of Minoura et al. [26,27], several different aromatic and cycloaliphatic diols with
high melting point (105-170°C) were used as chain extenders in combination with HTPB. The
materials were cured with MDI, yielding materials with a tensile strength in the range of 5 to
6 MPa. Low melting point diols are however preferred in order to make the processing easier.
In this work, a low melting point cyclo-aliphatic diol, 1,4-cyclohexane dimethanol, CHDM,
(Tm= 31.5°C) has also been used.
Figure 4 shows a stress-strain curve for PolyNIMMO. Both the tensile strength and the
ultimate elongation are rather high. The mechanical properties are however strongly altered
by the introduction of a plasticizer [28]. Thus before an attempt can be made to improve the
tensile properties of PolyNIMMO, a suitable plasticizer must first be identified.
Stress (MPa)
0 200 400 600 800
Strain (%)
Figure 4. Stress-strain curve of cured PolyNIMMO. From reference [28].
A propellant must maintain its elastic properties within the intended operational temperature
range. This means that the glass transition temperature of the binder must be lower than the
minimum service temperature (usually –40 to –54°C depending on the application) [2,29] in
order to avoid failure of the motor during firing at low temperatures. Cured HTPB has a glass
transition temperature of approximately -70°C [15] and its glass transition temperature is not
therefore a matter of concern. Nevertheless, plasticizers such as DOS and DOA are sometimes
used in HTPB-propellants to lower the viscosity of the uncured propellant. This improves the
processing and thus the specific impulse as shown in Figures 1 and 2. Increasing the tensile
strength by increasing the amount of hard segments in HTPB will not, fortunately, alter the
glass transition to any great extent. This is probably because of almost complete phase
separation between the hard and the soft segments [19,30].
Uncured difunctional PolyNIMMO has a glass transition temperature ranging from -15°C
[29,31] to -25°C [8,32,33] and -30°C [34]. In some of the reports, it was not clear whether the
polymer was cured or not and since, in general, the glass transition increases by 10°C when
the polymer is cured [29], this or batch variations might explain the large variations. The glass
transition temperature of PolyNIMMO is in all cases higher than the minimum service
temperature and it must therefore be lowered to meet the requirements. This can be done by
using a suitable plasticizer. Using non-energetic plasticizers such as DOS and DOA will
however shift the maximum specific impulse in Figure 2 to a higher AP content and the
benefit of using PolyNIMMO is thus decreased. To obtain a high specific impulse it is
desirable to use energetic plasticizers in combination with PolyNIMMO. The difference
between a non-energetic and an energetic plasticizer is that the energetic ones contain e.g.
nitro, nitro esters, nitramine or azide functional groups. The presence of these functional
groups makes the energetic plasticizers polar and in general they thus have a poor physical
compatibility with non-polar polymers like HTPB.
A good plasticizer should have a low glass transition temperature, a low viscosity and a low
tendency to migrate [29,35]. An energetic plasticizer should also have a high oxygen balance,
a low impact sensitivity and a high thermal stability. These demands are in many cases
contradictory and it is not easy to find the ultimate energetic plasticizer. Several energetic
plasticizers such as nitratoethyl nitramines (NENAs) [29,32,35-37], nitrate esters (e.g.
nitroglycerine, butanetriol trinitrate (BTTN) and trimethylolethane trinitrate (TMETN)) [31],
azido compounds [31,38,39], bis(2,2-dinitropropyl)acetal/bis(2,2-dinitropropyl)formal
(BDNPA/F) [29,32,35,40], nitroaromatic compounds (e.g. 2,4-/2,6-dinitroethylbenzene/2,4,6-
trinitroethylbenzene) [29,35] and nitrato oligomers (glycidyl nitrate and NIMMO oligomers)
[33], have been developed worldwide for use in solid propellants and plastic-bonded
explosives. 2,2-dinitro-1,3-bis-nitrooxy-propane (NPN) has been proposed as a plasticizer for
double-base propellants, but no experimental data have been published [41]. This work shows
how the energetic plasticizers NPN, butyl-NENA and BDNPA/F alter the glass transition
temperature of PolyNIMMO. Since NPN is a new energetic plasticizer, some of its properties
have also been characterized.
3. Experimental
3.1 Materials
The chemicals used in this study can be divided into five different groups, namely polymers,
antioxidants, diisocyanates, chain extenders and plasticizers. They were all used as received
without any further purification.
● Hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene, HTPB, R-45HT (ARCO, USA) [24];
● PolyNIMMO BX PP880 , poly(3-nitratomethyl-3-methyl oxetane), 2-functional, (Nobel
Enterprises, UK) [42].
● 2,2´-Methylene-bis-(4-methyl-6-tertiary-butylphenol), BKF, from Bayer AG, Germany.
● Isophorone diisocyanate, IPDI, (Hüls AG, Germany);
● Dicyclohexylmethane 4,4´-diisocyanate, H12MDI or Desmodur W, (Bayer AG,
● 1,6-Hexamethylene diisocyanate, HDI, (Ventron GMBH, Germany).
Chain extenders
● 1,4-Butanediol, BDO, (Janssen Chimica, Belgium);
● 1,4-Cyclohexane dimethanol, CHDM, (Janssen Chimica, Belgium).
Table 2 shows data for the materials used to improve the tensile properties of HTPB. The
functionality, f, is defined as the number of reactive groups per molecule that participate in the
reaction to form urethane bonds.
● Butyl-NENA, N-n-butyl-N-(2-nitroxy-ethyl)nitramine, (DYNO Industrier ASA,
● BDNPA/F, bis(2,2-dinitropropyl)acetal/bis(2,2-dinitropropyl)formal (50/50), (Aerojet,
● NPN, 2,2-dinitro-1,3-bis-nitrooxy-propane, (FOI, Sweden).
3.2 Methods
All the mixtures based on HTPB, diisocyanate and diol, were mixed by hand in a beaker. The
total weight of each batch was 30 g. Since HTPB is easily subjected to oxidative degradation
2 % of BKF was added as antioxidant. The antioxidative effect of BKF is reported elsewhere
[43]. After mixing vigorously for 5 minutes, the beaker was put into a vacuum vessel and the
mixtures were degassed until no bubbles were left. The mixture was then cast between
Teflon-coated metal plates to form a 2 mm thick sheet and the sheet was cured for one week
at 70°C.
In all the mixtures, a stoichiometric quantity of diisocyanate was used, i.e. the NCO/OH ratio
was equal to unity. The amount of diisocyanate to be added was calculated from the following
f NCO f f
mNCO = mHTPB HTPB + mOH OH (1)
where f is the functionality, M the molecular weight and m is the mass. The subscripts OH
refer to diol and NCO to diisocyanate. The hard segment content was calculated as the mass
fraction of diol and diisocyanate in the material.
The tensile strength, the ultimate elongation and the modulus were measured on an Instron
Universal Testing Machine, model 5565, according to ISO/R 37-1968, i.e. at room
temperature and at a constant strain rate of 500 mm/minute. No extensiometer was used, but
the initial length of the test samples was set to 30 mm and the elongation was then calculated.
The initial modulus of elasticity was defined as the secant modulus between 10 and 20% of
The tensile test samples were of type 2, ISO/R 37-1968, and were cut from the cast film with
a cutter. The width of the samples was set to 4 mm, which is the width of the cutter tool, and
the thickness was measured. Prior to the tensile testing, the samples were stored for more than
one week at room temperature. All reported results for the tensile strength, ultimate
elongation and initial modulus are averages of six measured values. The standard deviations
are presented in the figures by error bars. In some cases, the standard deviation is small and
the error bars are thus not seen since they are hidden under the symbols (●○▼▽).
The glass transition temperature was measured using a Mettler DSC 30, differential scanning
calorimeter, equipped with a ceramic sensor. All tests and the calibration were performed in a
nitrogen atmosphere (50 ml/min) at a heating rate of 10 K/min. The samples were put in 40 µl
aluminium cups with a pierced lid. The sample weight was between 10 and 20 mg.
Calibration was made with indium (Mettler-Toledo, Sweden) (Tm= 156.6°C) and anhydrous
n-octane (Sigma-Aldrich, Sweden) (Tm= -57°C). All tests were performed in duplicate. All
reported experimental glass transition temperatures in this study are the temperature in the
middle of the transition i.e. Tg = Tg, midpoint = ½ (Tg, onset + Tg, endset).
4. Results and discussion
The hard segment content in the materials varied from approximately 10%, without any diol,
to approximately 40%, with 4 moles of diols per mol HTPB. Figures 7 and 8 show typical
tensile test curves for HTPB/H12MDI/BDO- and HTPB/IPDI/BDO-based materials. The
tensile test curves for the materials containing CHDM were very similar and are thus not
4 3
Stress (MPa)
0 100 200 300 400 500
Strain (%)
Figure 7. Tensile test curves for HTPB/H12MDI/BDO-based materials. The numbers indicate
the number of mole diols per mole HTPB.
The initial stress values in Figures 7 and 8 are due to the fixation of the samples in the testing
machine and increased with increasing stiffness of the sample tested.
Stress (MPa)
3 1
1 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Strain (%)
Figure 8. Tensile test curves for HTPB/IPDI/BDO-based materials. The numbers indicate the
number of mole diols per mole HTPB.
To obtain a better view of the influence of the different types and amounts of diols and
diisocyanates on the mechanical properties, the results are presented in Figures 9 to 11 to
show the influence on the tensile strength, ultimate elongation and initial modulus
Without any diol, the tensile strength is independent of whether H12MDI or IPDI is used, as is
clearly shown in Figure 9. When HTPB was cured with HDI, a somewhat lower tensile
strength was obtained (0.9 MPa). The poor tensile strength, close to 1 MPa, independent of
the diisocyanate used was in good agreement with other studies [12-17].
The number of urethane bonds is not affected by the choice of diisocyanate and the hard
segment content is altered to only a slight extent (9.9%, 8.5% and 6.6% for H12MDI, IPDI and
HDI respectively). This may explain why the tensile strength is hardly influenced.
Tensile Strength (MPa)
0 1 2 3 4
When the amount of hard segment was increased, more polyurethane bonds were formed and
the interchain forces increased, leading to a higher tensile strength as shown in Figure 9.
Increasing the amount of hard segments also leads to a higher content of crystalline material.
When a chain extender is used, the choice of diisocyanate obviously has a strong effect on the
mechanical properties. It is evident in Figure 9 that materials containing H12MDI have a
higher tensile strength. This is probably because the more rigid molecular structure of
H12MDI prevents chain slippage, while its molecular symmetry promotes crystallization.
When HTPB/BDO was cured with HDI using two moles BDO per mole of HTPB, a stiff and
opaque material was formed. Its tensile strength was 5.0 MPa but the ultimate elongation was
only 220% which is low compared to that of the other materials as seen in Figure 10. The
linear structure and the flexibility of HDI and BDO probably promote a high degree of
crystallization in the hard segment. Since, in this case, high ultimate elongation is preferred,
no further experiments were made using HDI. All the other combinations of diisocyanates and
diols in HTPB yielded materials which were transparent.
550 H12MDI/BDO
Ultimate Elongation (%)
0 1 2 3 4
Figure 10 shows the ultimate elongation of the materials. The influence of the different
diisocyanates and diols on the ultimate elongation is less than on the tensile strength. All
materials have a maximum elongation with between one and two moles of diol per mole of
HTPB. The most elastic material is obtained with IPDI and one mole of diol per mole HTPB.
With a larger amount of hard segment in the materials, the tensile strength increases and the
materials will not rupture as easily, and they can thus survive being stretched to a higher
degree. The modulus increases with increasing amount of diisocyanate and diol, as shown in
Figure 11. This is of course also due to the increase in the hard segment content. With larger
amounts of hard segment the increase in modulus is more pronounced then the increase in
tensile strength. This leads to a decrease in the elasticity of the materials, as shown in Figure
At diol concentrations above one mole per mole of HTPB, all the materials formed strain-
induced crystals, which was clearly observed as an increase in opaqueness of the samples. To
strain crystallize, the materials must have a tensile strength high enough to survive being
stretched to the point at which strain-induced crystals can be formed. In this case, this limit
seems to be in the region of 1-2 MPa. When chain extenders are used, the modulus increases
linearly with increasing molar content, Figure 11. The stiffest materials were those containing
H12MDI and BDO. When IPDI was used, CHDM gave a more rigid material than BDO. This
behavior is in agreement with the influence of diol on the tensile strength.
Initial Modulus (MPa)
0 1 2 3 4
Rigid and bulky diols and diisocyanates increase the tensile strength by hindering molecular
slippage. The ability to crystallize decreases, however, with increasing rigidity of the hard
segments. The maximum tensile strength is thus obtained using hard segments that have a
rigidity intermediate the values favoring each of the two physical processes. This may be the
reason why CHDM with H12MDI has a lower tensile strength than BDO with H12MDI. IPDI
is less bulky than H12MDI and, in combination with CHDM, the tensile strength increases
more than if BDO is used.
In order of decreasing modulus and decreasing tensile strength the materials are:
Several studies have been made on HTPB and different diisocyanates, using BDO as chain
extender [13,15,17]. As can be seen in Table 3, H12MDI gives the highest tensile strength. It is
somewhat surprising that diisocyanates of rather similar structure, such as H12MDI and MDI,
and IPDI, CHDI and TDI, yield materials with such a large difference in strength. From these
studies it seems that an aliphatic diisocyanate gives a higher tensile strength than an aromatic
Table 3. Tensile strength of HTPB with one mole BDO per mole HTPB.
It is possible to further increase the tensile strength of HTPB-based polyurethanes by using a
more rigid chain extender. The highest tensile strength of materials of the
HTPB/diisocyanate/diol type found in the literature are listed in Table 4.
The highest tensile strength is obtained using MDI and hydroquinone, bisphenol-A or BHEB
as chain extender. Unfortunately from a processing point of view, hydroquinone, bisphenol-A
and BHEB all have a very high melting point, which makes the processing more complicated.
They also give materials with rather low ultimate elongation. In this comparison, materials
with H12MDI and BDO or CHDM seem very attractive, yielding materials with a fairly high
tensile strength and a very high ultimate elongation.
Bisphenol A (2,2-Bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)propane)
4.2 Altering the glass transition temperature of PolyNIMMO
%C %H %N %O
NPN is a liquid at room temperature and some of its properties are presented in Table 6.
Butyl-NENA and BDNPA/F are used as comparison.
In order to study the plasticizing effect of NPN on uncured PolyNIMMO, the glass transitions
of each substance and of the mixtures of the two containing 25, 33 and 50wt% NPN were
measured. The results are presented in Figure 13 and in Table 7.
To calculate the glass transition temperature for a binary (single phase) mixture of polymer
and plasticizer, many empirical equations have been proposed [4,45]. One of those more
commonly used is the Fox equation [46]:
1 w w
= 1 + 2 (2)
Tg T g1 Tg 2
where w is the weight fraction and the index 1 is for the polymer and 2 is for the plasticizer
( w1 + w2 = 1 ) and T is the temperature in Kelvin. The equation is very useful when only the
glass transition temperature for each pure substance is known. The interaction between
polymer and plasticizer is not, however, taken into account. To obtain a better fit to the
experimental data in this study, the following equation has been used:
Equation 3 was introduced by Jenckel and Heusch [47] and has been successfully used by Chi
and Lesikar to describe uncured and cured mixtures of polymers and energetic plasticizers
[48] and organic solvent mixtures [49] respectively. I is an interaction parameter that relates
to chain stiffness, free volume and molar cohesive energy [48], and it is thus a measure of the
ability of the plasticizer to lower the glass transition temperature. If I is equal to zero,
equation 3 describes a straight line in a Tg versus w2 plot.
Figure 13 shows the experimental Tg (midpoint) data for the PolyNIMMO/NPN mixtures. An
interaction parameter was calculated for each binary composition. Since all tests were
performed in duplicate, six values were obtained. The interaction parameter for
PolyNIMMO/NPN was then calculated by taking the mean value of the six and was found to
be –28.3°C with a standard deviation of 3.3°C. A standard deviation of 3.3°C may seem large
but, the maximum influence in equation 3 will be only 0.8°C when w1 = w2 = 0.5 . The curve
described by equation 3 is plotted in Figure 13 using the calculated interaction parameter. The
linear correlation (I=0) and the Fox equation are used for comparison.
Linear: I=0
Tg (oC)
Fox equation
I= -28.3
0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1,0
Figure 13. Glass transition temperature of uncured PolyNIMMO plasticized with NPN.
To compare the plasticizing effect of NPN in PolyNIMMO with that of other energetic
plasticizers, the same procedure was repeated with butyl-NENA and BDNPA/F in
combination with PolyNIMMO. The results are shown in Table 7 and Figure 14.
Table 7. Measured glass transition temperatures of the pure materials and of 50/50
PolyNIMMO/plasticizer mixtures and their calculated interaction parameters.
The measured glass transition temperatures are in good agreement with literature data for pure
PolyNIMMO (-30°C [34]), butyl-NENA (-84°C [32], -82.0°C [29]) and BDNPA/F (-65°C
[32], -62.5°C [29]).
Tg (oC)
0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1,0
Figure 14. Glass transition temperature of uncured PolyNIMMO with different plasticizers.
When large amounts of plasticizers are mixed into a polymer, phase separation may occur
[50]. The mixture will then transform into a two-phase system, one phase consisting of
polymer/plasticizer and the other of plasticizer alone. At low levels of plasticizers, a much
smaller depression of the glass transition temperature than expected can sometimes be
observed, followed by an increase in the modulus at temperatures below the glass transition.
This phenomenon is referred to as anti-plasticization [45,51]. In neither of these two cases
will equation 3 correctly describe the glass transition temperature of the mixture. In this work,
the validity of equation 3 at high (>50%) or low (<25%) levels of plasticizers in PolyNIMMO
was not studied, since the main interested is in the intermediate range.
To improve the mixing and casting of composite propellants, a low viscosity of the uncured
propellant is desired. Thus the ability of the plasticizer to lower the viscosity of the pre-
polymer was measured on 50/50 mixtures of PolyNIMMO and plasticizer. It was found that
NPN was almost equally as effective in lowering the viscosity of PolyNIMMO as butyl-
NENA, Table 8, and this is considered to be very effective in this respect [29]. Literature data
for HTPB are included for comparison.
Table 8. The viscosity of uncured 50/50 mixtures of PolyNIMMO and different plasticizers at
30 and 60°C. Measured at a constant shear rate of 1.0 s-1.
It is interesting to note that the influence of each plasticizer on lowering the viscosity follows
the same trend as lowering the glass transition temperature. This is perhaps not surprising,
since both physical processes will be favored by the plasticizer that increases the molecular
mobility the most.
5. Conclusions
The tensile strength of HTPB-based polyurethane can be increased by a factor of almost ten
by increasing the content of hard segments. Among the materials tested in this study, the
highest tensile strength was obtained using H12MDI and BDO. Improving the tensile strength
by this method will not decrease the ultimate elongation and it will not alter the glass
transition temperature to any great extent. This method thus seems very attractive for use in
binders for propellants, where a large ultimate elongation and a low glass transition
temperature are required. Other studies have shown that the tensile strength of HTPB can be
further increased by using more bulky chain extenders and MDI [26,27]. This will, however,
strongly decrease the ultimate elongation. The high melting point of the more bulky chain
extenders will also make the processing more complicated. Without any chain extender,
HTPB cured with IPDI or H12MDI gave materials with the same mechanical properties.
6. Suggestions for future work
This work has shown that the tensile strength of HTPB-based polyurethane binder can be
increased by a factor of almost ten without decreasing the ultimate elongation. It is not
however known how, in the end, this will alter the mechanical properties of an AP/HTPB-
based propellant. Increasing the hard segment content may also influence the burning rate, the
density and the specific impulse. It would thus be interesting to manufacture an AP propellant
with a binder based on HTPB, H12MDI and BDO, and to examine its properties and compare
them with those of a traditional AP/HTPB-propellant.
When new energetic materials such as the plasticizer NPN are studied, it is necessary to keep
in mind properties such as its sensitivity and thermal stability. NPN is very attractive as an
energetic plasticizer due to its good ability to lower the glass transition of PolyNIMMO and
due to its high oxygen balance. A drawback of NPN is however its poor thermal stability.
Attempts to stabilize NPN with conventional nitrocellulose/nitroglycerine stabilizers have
been made, but none of these substances was able to stabilize NPN for more than 2 to 4 days
at 65°C [53]. Further work should thus be focused on finding a suitable stabilizer for NPN or
on synthesizing new energetic plasticizers with greater stability.
7. Acknowledgements
The author would like to thank Prof. Bengt Stenberg at the Royal Institute of Technology and
Dr. Carina Eldsäter at the Swedish Defence Research Agency for their encouragement and
suggestions on how to improve this thesis. The author also thanks the Swedish Defence
Forces and the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration for financial support.
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