Unit 9 Canal Regulators: Structure
Unit 9 Canal Regulators: Structure
Unit 9 Canal Regulators: Structure
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Canal Head Regulators
9.3 Distributary Head Regulators
9.4 Cross Regulator
9.5 Design Criteria for Cross Regulator and Distributary Head Regulator
9.5.1 Design of Cross Regulator
9.5.2 Design of Distributary Head Regulator
9.6 Simple Distributary Head Regulator
9.7 Venturi Head (Regulator)
9.8 Summary
9.9 Key Words
9.10 Answers to SAQs
The discharge released from a barrage into an irrigation canal has to be regulated
according to the demand and the available supply. The regulation of supplies as available
from the parent canal, to the different distributary canals has to be made as per the
rotation that is set out for the equitable distribution of water to the cultivators. For
effecting control, for this purpose, on the irrigation system some structures are required to
be constructed at the barrage and also on the offtaking distributary canals.
By the end of this unit you should be able to know about the basic composition, and
fundamental design parameters of the following hydraulic structures :
canal head regulators,
distributary head regulators, and
cross regulators.
where, Q = discharge(cumec),
C = a coefficient that depends on various factors like, head over the crest, shape
and size of the crest, height of the crest over the upstream floor and the
roughness of the crest surface. Model studies are suggested to determine
the value of C. Bul in the absence of such studies, it may be taken as 1.71.
L = overall (i.e, gross) waterway (m),
K = a coefficient ranging from 0.01 to 0.10 depending on the shape of the
abutment and the pier nose, and
n = number of end contractions.
The difference between the p m H e v e M the crest level of the regulator is taken as the
height of the gates. But during periods of high floods, the water level in the river would
rise to a level much higher than the pond level in which case the flood water may spill
over the gates. Providing gates up to the HFL would obviously be uneconomical besides
the cost of the heavier gates and the machinery required to operate them under high water
pressures would also be more expensive. Such spilling of the flood water into the canal is
prevented by providing an RCC breast wall (Figure 9.2) between the pond level and the
HFL. The breast wall spans between adjacent piers. With this arrangement, the gate
opening between the crest level and the pond level is fully open when the gate is raised
up fully, i.e., to the pond level. When the gate is lowered to the crest of the regulator, the
opening is fully closed.
n y
The distributary head regulator is distinguished from a canal head regulator in that the
former is located in a main canal for feeding the water into a distributary canal while the
latter is located at the barrage at the head of the offtaking canal. The location of a
clistributary head regulator is at the entry point of the distributary where it takes off from
the main carnal (Figure 9.3).
The purpose of the distributary head regulator is to :
(a) divert (and control the supplies offtaking from the main canal and entering the
(b) restrict the silt entering the distributary canal from the main canal, and
(c) measure the discharge being carried by the distributary.
Figure 9.4 r SectSon at B-Bthrough Mshibotary Head Regulator (See Figurr 9.3)
The distributary can be used as a metering structure for which suitable head on crest
versus discharge relationship can be determined for use by the field staff. This
relationship will help in monitoring and regulating the discharge in the distributary.
It is a control structure constructed across a canal (Figure 9.3) to regulate the level of the
water upstream of the cross regulator (while the required discharge is allowed to pass
downstream) for any of the following purposes :
(a) To allow the desired discharge in the offtaking canal that is situated upstream
of the cross regulator,
(b) To release water from the canals by operating along with escapes,
(c) To maintain the water surface slopes in appropriate conjunction with the flow
control over falls so the canals may attain thelr regime slopes and cross
(d) To control the discharge released by one canal into another canal or lake.
What is a cross regulalor and what 'w: its fur~clions'!Give one f~eldexample
:dong with a sketch.
(a) Whal are the deb;pn iritc!i,k IOC dist.ribut:ary liead regulators') Ciivt
i b ) I ) ~ Y L T ~tl~e
\ P design
~ criteria for cross re&!l.~lators
givinlg the reasons Lor cac1.r
Figure 9.6 :Simple Distributary Head Regalator
The venturi head regulator consists of a flumed throat with suitable wings to attain the
normal bed width of the offtake downstream (Figure 9.7). Theoretically, the maximum
discharge passing through an open venturi flume occurs when critical flow is obtained;
this flow is given by the expression :
- .- ... -
Example 9.1
Design a venturi head (regulator) given that:
(i) Discharge in parent canal = 12 cumec,
Bed width = 15 m,
Water depth = 1.5 m, and
Bed level = 100.00 m
(ii) Discharge in offtaking canal = 1 cumec,
Bed width = 3 m, and
Water depth = 0.6 m
FSL of parent canal = 100.00 + 1.5 = 101.5 m
Allowing for a drop in head equal to 0.2 m, and thus, keep the FSL of the
offtaking distributary at an RL of 101.5 - 0.2 = 101.3 m.
Bed level of offtaking canal = 101.3 - 0.6 = 100.7 m.
The width of the throat should at least not be less than the least of the following
values ;
($1 (1/3)rd bed width of offtake, i.e., 1 m.
[b) As determined by
Regulation The following values of d corresponding to various values of Ware obtained as
shown below :
Any one of the above combination may be adopted. Say, the first one is adopted,
that is a throat width of 1.4 m and a head over the sill as 0.707 m. The sill level
will be 100.793 - 100.7 = 0.093 m above the bed of the offtake.
Set back of throat = 1.4 W + 0.6 = 1.4 x 1.4 + 0.6 = 2.56 m from FSL line of the
parent canal.
Length of the throat = 2.5 d = 2.5 x 0.707 = 1.768 m.
The floor should be designed by Bligh's theory with FSL acting in the main
canal, and with the offtake closed.
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;I .?~;~~i!,~lii ~ ~ ~ I ~ I . : v JcI ~I -)I~~ ~ d i l i:o ~ l s
P ; ~ l c ~ii;rr i ~ ; : i .<? :1 1 1 ~ctu!nc<:,
; h c i i wiilill = ! 2 in slid water ilc.pt11= E.2 m,
!>c{lj($\:c>l := ; ( ) ( I ::i,
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Canal head regulators situated at the barrage or weir site regulate the water entering the
main canal. The cross regulator assists in raising the water level in the parent channel to
feed the distributary canal when the supplies are low in the parent canal. The distributary
head regulator controls the discharge entering the offtaking canal from the parent canal.
Besides controlling the djscharge, these regulators also control the sediment entering the
main canal and the distributary canal.