Chapter 6-Spillways

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Chapter 6: Spillways
6.1 General
Spillway is the most important component of the dam which serves to release excess flood from a
reservoir efficiently and safely. It is the most expensive of all the appurtenances structure. Its
capacity is determined from the hydrological studies over the drainage area.
Spillway components include;
a. Entrance channel: to minimize head loss and to obtain uniform distribution of flow over
the spillway crest
b. Control structure: to regulate and control the outflow. It may consist of a sill, weir,
orifice, tube, or pipe.
c. Discharge channel: to convey the discharge from the control structure to the terminal
structure/stream bed. The conveyance structure may be the downstream face of a
concrete dam, an open channel excavated along the ground surface, a closed cut-and-
cover conduit placed through or under a dam, or a tunnel excavated through an abutment.
d. Terminal structure: to dissipate excess energy of the flow in order to avoid scouring of
the stream bed
e. Outlet channel: to safely convey the flow from the terminal structure to the river channel.
Types of spillway taking the hydraulic as criteria are broadly
a. Controlled (Gated) spillway: a spillway having a certain means to control the outflow
from the reservoir.
b. Uncontrolled (Ungated) spillway: is a spillway, the crest of which permits water to
escape automatically, as the water level in the reservoir rises above the crest.
Taking the most prominent feature as criteria, spillway types are
a. Free overfall (straight drop) spillway
b. Ogee (overflow) spillway
c. Side channel spillway
d. Siphon spillway
e. Chute (open channel or trough) spillway
f. Drop inlet (shaft or morning glory) spillway
6.2 Types of Spillway
6.2.1 Free overfall (straight drop) spillway
A free overfall spillway has a low height narrow crested weir as control structure and a vertical or
nearly vertical downstream face. The overflowing water may be discharged as in the case of a
sharp crested weir or it may be supported along the narrow section of the crest. However, in
either case the water flowing over the crest of this spillway drops as a free jet clearly away from
the downstream face of the spillway. Occasionally the crest of free overfall spillway is extended
in the form of an overhanging lip to direct small discharges away from the downstream face of
the overfall section. The underside of the nappe is ventilated sufficiently to prevent pulsating
fluctuating jet.
If no artificial protection is provided on the downstream side of the overflow section, the falling
jet usually cause the scouring of the streambed and will form a deep plunge pool. To protect the
stream bed from scouring, an artificial pond may be created by constructing a low auxiliary dam
downstream of the main structure or by excavating a basin which is then provided with a concrete

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apron. However, if tailwater depths are sufficient, a hydraulic jump will form when the jet falls
freely from the crest, in which case a sufficiently long flat apron may be provided. In addition,
floor blocks and an end sill may be provided in this case to help in the establishment of the jump
and thus reduce the downstream scour.
The free overfall spillway is used:
i. most commonly for low earth dams (or earthen bunds),
ii. for thin arch dams,
iii. or other dams having nearly vertical downstream face and would permit free fall of
water, and
iv. where, in general, the hydraulic drops from head pool to tailwater are not in excess of
about 6m.
However, free overfall spillways are not suitable for high drops on yielding foundations, because
the apron will be subjected to large impact forces at the point of impingement. The impact force
causes vibrations which may crack or displace the apron and may result in failure by piping or
6.2.2 Ogee (overflow) spillway
The ogee spillway has a control weir which is ogee or S-shaped in profile. The profile is derived
from the lower envelop of the overall nappe flowing over a high vertical rectangular notch with
an approach velocity Vo≈ 0 and a fully aerated space beneath the nappe (P = Po).
The following crest profile has been found to give good agreement with the prototype
measurement by U.S. Waterways Experimental Station (WES). Such shapes are known as WES
Standard Spillway Shapes as shown in Fig 6-1.

Fig 6-1 WES Standard Spillway Shapes

Table 6-1 Values of a, b, R1, R2,K and n for different U/S slope
U/S slope a/Hd b/Hd R1/Hd R2/Hd K n
0H:3V 0.175 0.282 0.50 0.20 -0.5 1.85
1H:3V 0.139 0.237 0.68 0.21 -0.516 1.836
2H:3V 0.115 0.214 0.48 0.27 -0.515 1.81
3H:3V 0 0.199 0.45 ∞ -0.534 1.776

The spillway discharge is given by:

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Q  CL e  H  H v 

Where: Q- discharge
C- Coefficient which depends on u/s and d/s flow condition (1.65-2.5)
Le- effective crest length
H- head on the crest
Hv- approach velocity head
Where crest priers and abutments are shaped to cause side contractions of the overflow, the
effective length, Le, will be less than the net length of the crest. The effect of the end contraction
may be taken into account by reducing the crest length as follows:
L e  L  2  NK  K a ( H  H V )

Where: L’- net length of the crest

N- Number of piers
Kp- piers contraction coefficient
Ka- abutment contraction coefficient
The pier contraction coefficient, Kp, is affected by the shape and location of the pier nose, the
thickness of the pier, the head in relation to the design head, and the approach velocity. The
average pier contraction coefficient may be assumed as follows:

Pier condition Kp
Square nosed pier with corners rounded on a radius equal to about 0.1 of the pier
Rounded nosed piers 0.01
Pointed nose piers 0

The abutment contraction coefficient is affected by the shape of the abutment, the angle between
the upstream approach wall and the axis of flow, and the head in relation to the design head, and
the approach velocity. The average abutment contraction coefficient may be assumed as follows:
Abutment condition Ka
Square abutments with head wall at 90o to direction of flow 0.20
Rounded abutments with head wall at 90o to the direction flow 0.10
Rounded abutments with head wall placed at not more than 45o to the direction of
6.2.3 Side channel spillway
Side channel spillways (Fig 6-2) are mainly used when it is not possible or advisable to use a
direct overfall spillway as, e.g., at earth and rock fill dams.

(a) (b)
Fig 6-2 Side channel spillway: (a)Plan (b) section A-A, side view

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They are placed on the side of the dam and have a spillway proper, the flume (channel)
downstream of the spillway, followed by the chute or tunnel. The spillway proper is usually
designed as a normal overfall spillway. The depth, width, and bed slope of the flume must be
designed in such a way that even the maximum flood discharge passes with a free overfall over
the entire horizontal spillway crest, so that the reservoir level is not influenced by the flow in the
channel. The width of the flume may therefore increases in the direction of the flow. From the
energy dissipation point of view, the deeper the channel and the steeper the side facing the
spillway, the better; on the other hand , this shape is in most cases more expensive to construct
than a shallow wide channel with a gently sloping side.
6.2.4 Siphon spillway
Siphon spillways (Fig 6-3) are closed conduits in the form of an inverted U with an inlet, short
upper leg, throat (control section), lower leg, and outlet.

Fig 6-3 siphon pipe installed within the gravity dam

For very low flows a siphon spillway operates as a weir; as the flow increases, the upstream water
level rises, the velocity in the siphon increases, and the flow in the lower leg begins to exhaust air
from the top of the siphon until this primes and begins to flow full as a pipe, with the discharge
given by
Q  C d A  2 gH 1 / 2
Where: A is the (throat) cross-section of the siphon, H is the difference between the upstream
water level and siphon outlet or downstream water level if the outlet is submerged and
C d  1 /( K 1  K 2  K 3  K 4 )
1/ 2

Where: K1, K2, K3, and K4 are head loss coefficients for the entry, bend, exit, and friction losses
in the siphon.
6.2.5 Chute spillway
A chute spillway is a steep channel conveying the discharge from a low overfall, side channel, or
special shape spillway over the valley side into the river downstream.
For earthen and rock fill dams, a separate spillway is generally constructed in a flank or a saddle,
away from the main valley. Sometimes, even for gravity dams, a separate spillway is required
because of the narrowness of the main valley. In all such circumstances, a separate spillway like
chute could be provided.
A chute spillway essentially consists of a steeply sloping open channel, placed along a dam
abutment or through a flank or a saddle. It leads the water from the reservoir to the downstream
channel below.
The entire channel spillway can hence be divided into the following parts:
I. Entrance channel
II. Control structure (Low Ogee weir)

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III. Chute channel or discharge carrier

IV. Energy dissipation arrangements at the bottom in the form of the stilling basin
6.2.6 Shaft spillway
A shaft („morning glory‟) spillway consists of a funnel-shaped spillway, usually circular in plan, a
vertical (sometimes sloping) shaft, a bend, and a tunnel terminating in an outflow as shown in Fig

Fig 6-4 Shaft spillway

The shape of the shaft spillway is derived in a similar manner to the overfall spillway from the
shape of the nappe flowing over a sharp-edged circular weir. Clearly, in this case the shape for
atmospheric pressure on the spillway is a function of Hs/Ds, where Hs is the head above the notch
crest of the diameter Ds. For ratios Hs/Ds < 0.225 the spillway is free-flowing and for Hs/Ds > 0.5
the overflow is completely drowned. For the free overfall the discharge is given by
Q  C d D c
2g H
And for the drowned (submerged) regime, the discharge is given by
Q  C d 1 D [ 2 g ( H  Z )]
2 1/ 2

Where: D is the shaft diameter, Dc is the crest diameter (Dc<Ds), H is the head of the reservoir
level above the crest (H<Hs), Z is the height of the crest above the outflow from the shaft bend,
Cd and Cd1 are discharge coefficients.
6.3 Spillway Crest Gates
Various types of gates have been evolved to control the flow of water over the spillway when the
reservoir is full. The common types of gates are:
i. Flashboards
 Temporary
 permanent
ii. Stop logs & needles
iii. Rectangular lift gates
iv. Radial (Tainter) gates
v. drum gates
vi. Rolling (roller) gate
vii. Tilting (Flap) gate

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Flash boards, Stop logs and needle are the simplest and oldest types of movable gates used for
small heads. The rest are used for major works.
Flashboards: A temporary arrangement of flash boards for heads of 1.20 to 1.50m consists of
individual wooden panels supported by vertical pins that are expected to carry a certain
predetermined head of water and bend and fail when that head is exceeded (Fig 5.5(b)). A
permanent arrangement may be a hinged flash board made up of panels which can be raised or
lowered from an overhead cable way without damage to it (Fig 5.5(a)). The panels are supported
by wooden struts.

(a) (b)
Fig 6-5 Flashboards

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Flash boards have the advantage that an unobstructed crest is provided when they and their supports are
removed. However, they have the following disadvantages.
i. They present a hazard if not removed in time to pass floods, especially where the reservoir is
small and the stream is subject flash boards
ii. They require the attendance of operator or crew to remove them, unless they are designed to fail
iii. If they are designed to fail when the water reaches certain stages their operation is uncertain, and
when they fail they release sudden and undesirable large outflows
iv. Ordinarily they cannot be restored to position while the flow is passing over the crest
v. If the spillway function frequently, the repeated replacement of flashboards may be costly

Stop logs: they are timber planks spanning horizontally between vertical grooves in adjacent piers (Fig
5.6). They are built up one on another, a vertical bulkhead formed from the crest of the spillway to the
headwater level. The timber planks may vary in size from short , which can be handled by one man to
sizes limited by the span and the capacity of a power which to raise them. These gates are used for small
Stop logs must be removed before the floods occur, or they must be arranged so that they can remove
while being overtopped.

Fig 6-6 Stop logs

Needles are timber planks set on end side by side to close an opening (Fig 5.7). They are supported from
top by a runway (bridge), from which they are handled, and at the bottom they are resting in a key way on
the spillway crest. Needles are difficult to place in swift waters of considerable depth, but they are easier
to remove than stop logs. The arrangement may present a hazard to the safety of the dam if the stop logs
are not removed in time to pass floods, especially where the reservoir is small and the stream is subject to
flash floods.

Fig 6-7 Needles

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Rectangular lift gate: it is a simple timber or steel gate on the crest of a dam which span horizontally
between the guide grooves in the supporting piers. The guides may be placed either vertically or inclined
slightly downstream. The gate is raised or lowered by a host mounted on a bridge overhead. It consists of
a framework to which a skin plate is attached, normally on the upstream face. The high friction on the
guides limits its size since a relatively large hoisting capacity is required to operate the gate. Sliding
friction is reduced by means of rollers. Depending on the method of providing the rollers, lift gates are
classified into fixed wheel gates and Stoney gates.
Fixed wheel gate: In this type the roller are mounted on the downstream face of the gate. Axle friction as
well as roller friction exists in this case.
Stoney gate: In this type a train of roller is placed between the side walls of grooves on the piers and the
downstream face of the gate (Fig 6.8). The train of rollers is neither attached to the gate nor the side walls
of the grooves. It is supported in the space in between the two by means of chain which passes over a
pulley. One end of the chain is attached to the counter weight and the other to the gate. An advantage of
the arrangement is that the frictional forces are nearly eliminated except at a negligible amount of roller
Forces to be considered in a lift gate are hydrostatic force on the gate, the hoisting force, the weight of the
gate and the roller friction.

Fig 6-8 Stoney gate

Radial (Tainter) gate: It is a steel frame work with a circular (cylindrical) segmental plate for its face
which is attached to supporting bearings by radial arms. It rotates about its center of curvature. All the
hydrostatic forces are radial, i.e., pass through the center of curvature (trunion bearing) of the gate.

Fig 6-9 Radial gate

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The housing load consists of the weight of the gate, the friction between the side seals and piers and the
frictional resistance at the pins. The gate is often counter weighted to partially counter balance the effect
of its weight, which further reduces the capacity of of the hoist. The small hoisting effort needed to
operate the gate makes hand operation practical on small installation which otherwise might require
power. The small hoisting forces involved also make the radial gate more adaptable to operation by
relatively simple automatic control apparatus.
Sizes of radial gates vary from 1 to 10m in height and 2 to 20m in length.
Rolling (Roller) gate: it is a steel cylinder spanning between spillway crest piers. It is opened by rolling
up an inclined toothed rack on the piers. A cylindrical segment is commonly attached to the lower limbs
of the roller to give greater height of the gate.

Fig 6-10 Rolling gate

Drum gate: this is an acute circular sector in cross-section, formed by skin plates attached to internal
bracing. It is hinged at the center of curvature which may be either upstream or downstream. In the
lowered portion, it fits in the shape of the crest.
Its crest is lowered automatically by rising headwater. The plates are so proportioned the headwater in the
recess supports the movable structure against the headwater pressure above the sill at low water. When
the water surfaces rises, the head water pressure becomes relatively grate on the upper skin and the crest
is depressed. As the water level falls to the low water level, the crest returns to that level.
Drum gate is not adapted to small dams because of the large recess required.
Tilting (Flap) gate: It consists of a flat frame hinged at the lower edge. The upper edge can be moved
with the help of chains or rods about the lower hinge to pass the flood over the crest of the gate. It is
normally suitable for small sizes of openings.
Weight of gate:
W  KL H
m n

Where L – gate opening (ft)

H- depth of water against the gate (ft)
K, m, n - constants
Type of gate m n Range of K Mean K
Rectangular lift 1.5 1.75 0.80-2.00 1.2
Radial 1.9 1.35 0.85-1.45 1.16
Rolling 1.5 1.67 2.40-3.40 2.85
Drum 1.33 1.33 26.00-35.00 31.00

Addis Ababa University Hydraulic Structures I

6.4 Spillway design

6.4.1 Background
A multi-purpose medium dam is planned to be constructed on the selected location. The dam is intended
to serve for irrigation, power generation and control of flood which has been destroying property worth
millions of birr whenever it occurs.
The overall construction of the project and its future implementation is well accepted by the society living
in the surrounding and the catchment. The socioeconomic importance of the structure is deeply
understood by the people and the cooperation of them is granted before hand by the assessment done for
this particular purpose. This is done because there were structures built with huge amount of investment
and couldn‟t be functional just because of the community unawareness.
A site, which is ideal for the construction of any type of dam, is obtained in a narrow gorge. Then the
contour map of the site is properly prepared and the different spillway options are considered. A
preliminary cost analysis is done for the various types. The preference of each option is justified based on
the site and social condition prevailed in the surrounding and the fund available for the construction of the
The pertinent dimensions of the dam are decided considering different parameters and conditions. For
instance the dam height is selected based on the following conditions.
iv. The fetch of the dam upstream will be prone to flooding and nearby villages will be submerged if
the specified height is exceeded.
v. The amount of storage obtained at this elevation is comparable with the demand projected.
vi. The budget allocated for the project could not go beyond this limit.
vii. The available spilling options function optimally in the elevation already selected.
Therefore, after the appropriate dam height and site is selected the type of dam needs to be decided upon.
For the ogee spillway a gravity dam is proposed along the dam. For the rest cases of spillways an earth
dam can be constructed for it is quite easy to obtain construction material from queries around the dam.
These make the earth dam much economical as compared to the former.
Much of the design procedure is based on the USBR Design of Small Dams and on the experimental
results of the Waterways Experiment Station. Various tables and charts were used from these references.

General description of the dam site and the available data.

Elevation m.a.s.l
Bottom of the dam 1390.0
Top of the dam crest 1428.0
Ogee spillway crest 1420.0
Ogee spillway design water level 1425.0
Chute spillway design water level 1425.0
Normal reservoir water level 1419.0
Dam and spillway
Type: Gravity for the case of ogee spillway and arch or Earth and rock fill (Zoned) with side channel,
siphon spillway or chute spillway.
Length of dam 96.0 m
Design discharge (1000 years return period) 1410 m3/s
Height of dam 35.0 m
Mean annual temperature 250C
Vapour pressure of water 3.595kpa

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Alternative I
Free overflow ogee spillway.
For the free overflow ogee a sound rock foundation is assumed to exist for the construction of the gravity
dam and a ski jump is found to be satisfactory at the toe of the ogee for the dissipation of energy. From
the topography it is observed that there is no need for the construction of an approach channel.
Design data
Design discharge (Q) = 1410 m3/s
River bed elevation = 1390 m
The design head is 6m, but a negative pressure head of 1.0 m is assumed to develop in the crest of the
spillway for economic reasons and the workmanship is assumed to be good enough not to create rough
surface for this negative head to result in cavitation problem. The vapor pressure of water for the spillway
site is 3.595m
Therefore, from the negative pressure head (hu) specified the corresponding design head (hdes) is
hu = h(1-h/hdes)
-1. = 6(1- 6/hdes)
hdes = 5.14 m
P/h = 6
This value (P/h = 6) hence the effect of approach velocity is too small and can be neglected. But a case
where the dam is filled by sediment is considered and P is decreased. Therefore P is assumed to be 2m.
P/h = 2/6
= 0.333
The respective value of Co (coefficient of discharge) from chart is
Co = 2.175
qo = CoH1.5
= 2.175 * 6 1.5
= 32 m3/s/m
vo = q/(P + h)
= 32/(2+6)
= 4 m/sec

Velocity head (ha)

ha = vo2/2*g
= 16/19.62
= 0.81 m
adding 10% of ha for entrance and other losses
ha = 0.9 m
Therefore, He = 6.9 m

Correction for the coefficient of discharge

P/He = 0.29
Co = 2.18 hence, no appreciable change from the previous value.

For an upstream slope of 2:3

Ci/Co = 1.026

Submergence effect is not considered here because the downstream apron is much below the crest level
for any submergence to occur for the design discharge. For similar reason the correction for downstream
apron is not carried out.

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Therefore, the final corrected value of the coefficient of discharge for the ogee is
C = 2.18 *1.026
= 2.23
From the discharge equation by Polini
Q = CL‟He1.5
1410 = 2.23 *L‟* 6.91.5
L‟ = 35.00m

For the provision of round nosed piers (kp = 0.01) at every 8m interval along the ogee
Number of piers required = 4
Pier thickness is 2m
Rounded abutments with headwalls at 900 to the direction of flow are used (ka = 0.1)
The effective length of the crest will then be

L= L‟ + 2(nkp + ka)H
= 35.0 +2(4*0.01 +0.1) * 6.9
= 36.93  37.0m

Adding the pier width the total width of the crest will be
B = 37.0 + 8
= 45.0 m
The profile of the nape is determined based on the charts available on USBR design of small dams.
Ha/He = 0.9/6.9
= 0.13
For an upstream slope of 1:1
crest position

Xc/He = 0.195
Xc = 1.35m
Yc/He = 0.07
Yc = 0.49m
Profile upstream of the crest
R1/He = 0.465
R1 = 3.21m
R2/He = 0.367
R2 = 2.53m

Down stream of the crest

Y/He = -k(X./He)n
values of the constants are found(from charts on USBR) to be
K = 0.52
n = 1.763

y = -0.119 x1.763
Tabulating values for the above equation,
The point of tangency in the downstream for a slope of m= 0.6
The value of a is obtained from table (a = 1.80)

YT = -HeK(mkn)n/(1-a)
= -9.4m
The coordinate values obtained so far for the ogee nape profile are tabulated and plotted as follows.

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Table 1.1 Computation of ogee profile.

X Elevation
-30 1390
-20.5 1390
-20 1390
-1.35 1419.5 S p illw a y p ro file
-1 1419.7
0 1420 1425
1.3 1419.8
2 1419.6 1420
2.5 1419.4
3 1419.2 1415
3.5 1418.9
4 1418.6 1410
4.5 1418.3
E levat io n

5 1418 1405
5.5 1417.6
6 1417.2
6.5 1416.8
7 1416.3
7.5 1415.8
8 1415.3
8.5 1414.8
9 1414.3
9.5 1413.7
10 1413.1 -4 0 -3 0 -2 0 -1 0 0 10 20 30 40
10.5 1412.5 D istan fro m crest
11 1411.8
11.5 1411.2
12 1410.5
13 1409.1
24.28 1390
25 1390
30 1390

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Alternative II
Siphon spillway
Siphon spillway is a bit complicated to construct and the low elevation difference between the upstream
and downstream water level makes it unsuitable for most dams..
For this particular case a site is selected which is suitable for its construction and a tail water elevation
necessary for the proper functioning of the spillway is maintained by taking advantage of the topography
and building an additional structure.

Design procedure
Siphon cross section at the throat
width (b) 5m
depth (a) 4m
normal water surface elevation is the crest elevation 1420m
design head is as used in the case of the ogee 6m
Pv = 3.595m
The minimum and maximum pressures at the crest elevation

Pomin = 88kpa
Pomax = 108 kpa
Hs = 1420 m
(  Hs / 6956 )
P ' o min  P o min e
 71.75kpa
(  Hs / 6956 )
P ' o max  P o max e
 88.06kpa
The possible negative head to avoid capitation in the siphon is

P ' o min  P v
h cp 

71 . 75  3 . 56
h cp 
9 . 81
h cp  6 . 95 m
Hence the design head for the siphon discharge is taken to be 6.9m
for a concrete hood the roughness coefficient () is taken to be 1.5
the total length of the hood is assumed to be 25m
the hydraulic diameter (D) will be
D = 4A/P
= (4*20)/18
= 4.44 m
/D = 0.00034
from Moody‟s chart for the corresponding value of /D, the friction factor(f) for a rough flow
behavior (since the Reynolds number is supposed to be very large),
f = 0.0145
Now siphon coefficient () will be determined

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 
1  fL / D H   
where   is the intake exit and bend loss
 
1  0 . 0145 * 25 / 4 . 44  0 . 4
  0 . 82
the discharge capacity of the siphon will be
Q = ab(2gh)1/2
= 4*5*0.82 * (2 * 9.81 * 6.9)1/2
= 190.8 m3/s
For a siphon hood of crest profile radius 3m and trough radius of 7m the maximum possible discharge
will be
Qmaxi = b ri ln(1+a/ri) [2g(hcp+h)]1/2
= 5*3*ln(1 + 4/3) [19.62 (6.9 + 3)]1/2
= 177.1 m3/s

Qmaxo = b(ri +a)ln(1+a/ri) [2g(hcp+ h - a)]1/2

= 5(3 + 4) ln(1 +4/3) [19.62 (6.9 + 4 – 4)]1/2
= 345 m3/s

The smaller of the two is used for design purposes, hence Q = 177.1 is taken. The respective maximum
head will be
Q max
H max 
2 g ( ab  )

177 . 1
H max  2
19 . 62 (16 . 4 )
H max  5 . 94 m

Hence, the head to be used for the design of the siphon is 5.94m.

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Alternative III
Side channel spillway
The topography of the dam site reveals that there is a possibility to construct a side channel spillway. An
iterative approach is followed to determine the water surface profile as well as the critical section.The bed
slope is the optimum slope obtained after a minimum adjustment is carried out.
Available data
Length 70.00
Design head 6.00
Discharge per length 20.14
Side slope m 0.50
Bottom width 10.00
Manning‟s n 0.02
Alpha 1.00
Bed slope 0.30
Crest elevation 1420.00
Critical profile for the given channel condition is simulated for fictious flow depth to be used in obtaining
the actual profile through interpolation
Table 3.1. Critical flow depth computation.
Y A T D/2 Vc Qc P Rc
1.00 10.50 11.00 0.48 3.07 32.24 12.24 0.86
1.50 16.13 11.50 0.70 3.71 59.82 13.35 1.21
3.00 34.50 13.00 1.33 5.11 176.30 16.71 2.06
4.00 48.00 14.00 1.71 5.79 277.92 18.94 2.53
5.00 62.50 15.00 2.08 6.39 399.38 21.18 2.95
6.00 78.00 16.00 2.44 6.92 539.76 23.42 3.33
7.00 94.50 17.00 2.78 7.39 698.36 25.65 3.68
8.00 112.00 18.00 3.11 7.81 874.72 27.89 4.02
9.00 130.50 19.00 3.43 8.20 1070.10 30.12 4.33
10.00 150.00 20.00 3.75 8.58 1287.00 32.36 4.64
11.00 170.50 21.00 4.06 8.93 1522.57 34.60 4.93
12.00 192.00 22.00 4.36 9.25 1776.00 36.83 5.21
13.00 214.50 23.00 4.66 9.56 2050.62 39.07 5.49
14.00 238.00 24.00 4.96 9.86 2346.68 41.30 5.76
15.00 262.50 25.00 5.25 10.15 2664.38 43.54 6.03
16.00 288.00 26.00 5.54 10.43 3003.84 45.78 6.29
17.00 314.50 27.00 5.82 10.69 3362.01 48.01 6.55
18.00 342.00 28.00 6.11 10.95 3744.90 50.25 6.81
19.00 370.50 29.00 6.39 11.20 4149.60 52.49 7.06
20.00 400.00 30.00 6.67 11.44 4576.00 54.72 7.31
21.00 430.50 31.00 6.94 11.67 5023.94 56.96 7.56

The critical water surface profile with respect to the critical bed is calculated in Table 2 then the critical
depth is transferred to the actual bed slope. An arbitrary elevation (1470 m) is selected and the water
surface profile at critical flow is plotted in fig 1.The lowest point of tangency of the actual channel bed
with the critical bed profile is taken as the control section. The actual flow profile is then determined by
going upstream and downstream from the critical section for subcritical and supercritical flow conditions
respectively as shown in Table 3.1.

Addis Ababa University Hydraulic Structures I

Table 3.2. Critical flow profile for the given side channel.
X x Q1 Q1+Q2 Yc Vc V1+V2 Q V Y'm Rc hf Y' Y'
5.00 5.00 100.71 100.71 2.07 4.20 4.20 100.71 4.20 0.00 1.51 0.02 0.00 0.00
10.00 5.00 201.43 302.14 3.31 5.28 9.48 100.72 1.08 2.05 2.18 0.02 2.07 2.07
15.00 5.00 302.14 503.57 4.26 5.91 11.19 100.71 0.63 1.64 2.61 0.02 1.66 3.73
20.00 5.00 402.86 705.00 5.03 6.40 12.31 100.72 0.49 1.41 2.96 0.02 1.43 5.16
25.00 5.00 503.57 906.43 6.03 6.79 13.19 100.71 0.39 1.25 3.23 0.02 1.27 6.43
30.00 5.00 604.29 1107.86 6.58 7.36 14.15 100.72 0.57 1.34 3.68 0.02 1.36 7.79
35.00 5.00 705.00 1309.29 6.06 7.54 14.90 100.71 0.18 1.01 3.82 0.02 1.03 8.82
40.00 5.00 805.71 1510.71 6.89 7.72 15.26 100.71 0.18 0.93 3.96 0.02 0.95 9.77
45.00 5.00 906.43 1712.14 8.24 7.91 15.63 100.72 0.19 0.88 4.10 0.02 0.90 10.67
50.00 5.00 1007.14 1913.57 9.02 8.09 16.00 100.71 0.18 0.83 4.24 0.02 0.85 11.52
55.00 5.00 1107.86 2115.00 9.27 8.27 16.36 100.72 0.18 0.80 4.38 0.02 0.82 12.34
60.00 5.00 1208.57 2316.43 10.00 8.45 16.72 100.71 0.18 0.77 4.52 0.02 0.79 13.13
65.00 5.00 1309.29 2517.86 10.15 8.61 17.06 100.72 0.16 0.73 4.67 0.02 0.75 13.88
70.00 5.00 1410.00 2719.29 10.82 8.76 17.37 100.71 0.15 0.70 4.79 0.02 0.72 14.60

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Table 3.3. Flow profile computation.

X x Zo y Z Y A Q V Q1+Q2 V1+V2 Q V Ym' R hf Y'
subcritical flow profile
30.00 0.00 1411.00 1418.36 7.36 100.68 604.29 6.00
25.00 5.00 1412.50 0.86 1419.22 6.72 89.78 503.57 5.61 1107.86 11.61 100.72 0.39 0.86 3.59 0.010 0.87
20.00 5.00 1414.00 0.99 1420.21 6.21 81.38 402.86 4.95 906.43 10.56 100.71 0.66 0.99 3.41 0.009 1.00
15.00 5.00 1415.50 0.99 1421.20 5.70 73.25 302.14 4.12 705.00 9.07 100.72 0.83 0.98 3.22 0.006 0.99
10.00 5.00 1417.00 0.90 1422.10 5.10 64.00 201.43 3.15 503.57 7.27 100.71 0.97 0.90 2.99 0.004 0.90
5.00 5.00 1418.50 0.76 1422.86 4.36 53.10 100.71 1.90 302.14 5.05 100.72 1.25 0.76 2.69 0.002 0.76
0.00 5.00 1420.00 0.37 1423.23 3.23 37.52 0.00 0.00 100.71 1.90 100.71 1.90 0.37 2.18 0.000 0.37
Super critical flow
30.00 0.00 1411.00 1418.36 7.36 100.68 604.29 6.00
35.00 5.00 1409.50 0.59 1417.77 8.27 116.90 705.00 6.03 1309.29 12.03 100.71 0.03 0.59 4.10 0.010 0.60
40.00 5.00 1408.00 0.35 1417.42 9.42 138.57 805.71 5.81 1510.71 11.85 100.71 -0.22 0.35 4.46 0.008 0.35
45.00 5.00 1406.50 0.22 1417.20 10.70 164.25 906.43 5.52 1712.14 11.33 100.71 -0.30 0.21 4.84 0.007 0.22
50.00 5.00 1405.00 0.15 1417.05 12.05 193.10 1007.14 5.22 1913.57 10.73 100.71 -0.30 0.14 5.23 0.005 0.15
55.00 5.00 1403.50 0.10 1416.95 13.45 224.95 1107.86 4.92 2115.00 10.14 100.71 -0.29 0.10 5.61 0.004 0.10
60.00 5.00 1402.00 0.08 1416.87 14.87 259.26 1208.57 4.66 2316.43 9.59 100.71 -0.26 0.08 5.99 0.004 0.08
65.00 5.00 1400.50 0.06 1416.81 16.31 296.11 1309.29 4.42 2517.86 9.08 100.71 -0.24 0.06 6.37 0.003 0.06
70.00 5.00 1399.00 0.00 1416.81 17.81 336.70 1410.00 4.19 2719.29 8.61 100.71 -0.23 0.04 6.76 0.002 0.04

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Table 3. 4. Flow profile for

Drop from Cr. water Cr. Bed Actual
X EGL level Bed level profile profile
0.00 1470.00 1420.00 1420.00 1470.00 1423.23
5.00 1470.00 1420.57 1418.50 1467.93 1422.86
10.00 1467.93 1420.31 1417.00 1464.62 1422.10
15.00 1466.27 1419.76 1415.50 1462.01 1421.20
20.00 1464.84 1419.03 1414.00 1459.81 1420.21
25.00 1463.57 1418.53 1412.50 1457.54 1419.22
30.00 1462.21 1417.58 1411.00 1455.63 1417.58
35.00 1461.18 1415.56 1409.50 1455.12 1417.77
40.00 1460.23 1414.89 1408.00 1453.34 1417.42
45.00 1459.33 1414.74 1406.50 1451.09 1417.20
50.00 1458.48 1414.02 1405.00 1449.46 1417.05
55.00 1457.66 1412.77 1403.50 1448.39 1416.95
60.00 1456.87 1412.00 1402.00 1446.87 1416.87
65.00 1456.12 1410.65 1400.50 1445.97 1416.81
70.00 1455.40 1409.82 1399.00 1444.58 1416.81

1470.00 EGL d ro p
Cr.w a t. Su rf. Pro f
Be d e le v
1460.00 Cr.b e d p ro f.
A c tu a l flo w p ro file

Elevat io n (m .a.s.l )


Control section




0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00

Dis t an ce alo n g t h e ch an n e l( m )

Fig . 1. C o m p u t at io n o f f lo w p r o f ile f o r s id e ch an n e l

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Alternative IV
Chute spillway
For the design of the chute spillway three components are considered
1. Design of the approach channel.
2. Design of the control structure.
3. Design of the chute channel.
Spillway crest length is optimized to be 40m.
Round nosed piers of 2m thickness will be used to at every 9m along the spillway.
An approach channel of side slopes 1:1 is suggested to be used to guide the channel to the control
The height of the control ogee is 6m.
Elevation of bottom of the control structure is 1414m.
Approach channel
For the design of the approach channel first the head over the control structure/ogee/ need to be
determined. From the equation of discharge
Q = CLeHe3/2
Assume the value of the discharge coefficient C = 2.13.
The design head hdes is equal to the total head.
1410 = 2.13 * 32 *h1.5
h = 7.54
Upstream water surface level = crest elevation + h
= 1420 + 7.54
= 1427.54
bed level of the ogee = 1414m
water depth upstream of ogee = 13.54 m
channel width is = 40m
area of the channel = (40 + 13.54) * 13.54
= 724.9 m2
wetted perimeter P = 40 + 2*1.414* 13.54
= 78.3
hydraulic radius R = A/P
= 9.26 m
v = Q/A
= 1.94
ha = v2/ 2g
Correction for the coefficient of discharge
P/He = 0.78
Co = 2.128
For an upstream slope of 1:1
Ci/Co = 1.004

To remove any submergence effect at the downstream apron position

hd+d/He = 1.777 > 1.7
and to maintain supercritical flow
hd/He = 1.34

Therefore, the final corrected value of the coefficient of discharge for the ogee is
C = 2.128 *1.004
= 2.13

Addis Ababa University Hydraulic Structures I

Design of crest profile

P/He = 0.78
hd/He = 0.025
The upstream profile of the crest is ,therefore, obtained by interpolating for ha/He = 0.025

Table 4.1 coordinates of upstream profile for low ogee weir

X/He 0 0.08 0.12 x Elevation
0 0 0 0 0.00 1220.00
-0.02 0.0004 0.0004 0.0004 -0.15 1420.00
-0.06 0.0036 0.0035 0.0035 -0.46 1420.00
-0.1 0.0103 0.01 0.0099 -0.77 1419.99
-0.12 0.015 0.015 0.0147 -0.93 1419.99
-0.14 0.0207 0.0208 0.0149 -1.08 1419.98
-0.15 0.0239 0.0235 0.0231 -1.16 1419.98
-0.16 0.0275 0.027 0.0265 -1.24 1419.97
-0.175 0.0333 0.0328 0.0325 -1.35 1419.97
-0.19 0.0399 0.0395 0.039 -1.47 1419.96
-0.195 0.0424 0.042 -1.51 1419.96
-0.2 0.045 -1.54 1419.96

The optimum position of the downstream apron is taken as 1414.0m because it is sufficient to maintain
critical flow and avoid submergence effects. From the specific energy at the upstream and downstream of
the control structure the depth of flow at the toe of the ogee is obtained
U/s E = 6.0 + 7.54 + 0.19
= 13.73m
velocity at the d/s
= q/d
d/s E = d + (q/d)2/2g
equating and solving by trial and error the water depth is 2.3m
For the downstream profile of the ogee the equation obtained from table is
Y = -0.115x1.75
And the values are calculated for the elevation range of 1420m and 1414m as shown in the following

Table 4.2 Downstream profile of ogee

x Elevation
0 1420.00
0.50 1419.97
1.00 1419.89
2.00 1419.61
3.00 1419.21
4.00 1418.70
5.00 1418.08
6.00 1417.35
7.00 1416.54
8.00 1415.62
9.00 1414.00

Addis Ababa University Hydraulic Structures I

Design of the chute.

Critical depth yc = (q2/g)1/3
= 5.02m

The critical depth is much higher than the calculated depth, hence the flow is supercritical. The chute
channel should now be given a milder slop for a little distance from toe, keeping the flow in supercritical
Critical velocity = q/yc = 7.02
From Manning‟s equation

V = 1/n R2/3s1/2
Inserting the values and calculating for slope
Hence a slope of 1/400 is provided in 40m distance from the toe of the spillway. The bed level at the end
of this slope is 1414-0.1 = 1413.9m.
For the reverse curve at the toe a concave curve of radius 2He is provided.

For the remaining reaches of the channel a slope is given based on the prevailing topography formation of
white water and keeping the flow supercritical. The calculation is shown in the following table.

Addis Ababa University Hydraulic Structures I

Table 4.3 Calculation of water depth on chute channel.

Distance Length Drop in Bed level Depth Velocity vel head Sp. energy
S.N from start (L) bed(Ym) (Zo) (d) (v) (ha) (E) Zo +E Area (A) R hf Act TEL Froud no
Slop 1:6
1 0 1413.90 2.36 14.94 11.37 13.73 1427.63 23.60 1.60 3.10
2 20 20 3.32 1410.58 2.06 17.11 14.92 16.98 1427.56 20.60 1.46 1.28 1426.35 3.81
40 20 3.32 1407.26 1.85 19.05 18.50 20.35 1427.61 18.50 1.35 1.76 1425.81 4.47
Slop 1:3
3 60 20 6.66 1400.60 1.66 21.23 22.98 24.64 1425.24 16.60 1.25 2.43 1425.19 5.26
80 20 6.66 1393.94 1.54 22.89 26.70 28.24 1422.18 15.40 1.18 3.04 1422.20 5.89
Slop 1:2
4 100 20 10 1383.94 1.39 25.36 32.78 34.17 1418.11 13.90 1.09 4.15 1418.03 6.87
120 20 10 1373.94 1.30 27.22 37.76 39.06 1413.00 12.95 1.03 5.15 1412.96 7.64

Addis Ababa University Hydraulic Structures I

Convex curves joining the different slopes were then designed as follows.
i. joining slope 1:400 and 1:6
ii. joining 1:6and 1:3
iii. joining slope 1:3 and 1:2
The design is based on the equation
y   x tan  
1 . 5[ 4 ( d  h v ) cos  ]

where tan = the upstream slope(dy/dx)

cos  = 1
d + hv = the u/s specific energy
the value of x(the limit of the curve) is obtained by differentiating y with respect to x and
equating with the upstream slope. Additional points will be obtained by evaluating y at
intermediate points.
The detail is shown for the case of curve i.
y   x / 400 
1 . 5[ 4 (13 . 73 ) * 1]
dy / dx   tan  
1 . 5[ 4 ( d  hv ) cos  ]

dy / dx   1 / 400   1/ 6
1 . 5[ 4 (13 . 73 )]
x  26 . 94
y   4 . 56 m
Table 4.4. Curve terminal points
curves u/s slope d/s sloe u/s E x Y
1 0.0025 0.166 13.73 0.00 0.00
5.00 -0.85
10.00 -1.69
15.00 -2.54
20.00 -3.38
25.00 -4.23
26.94 -4.56
2 0.17 0.333 18.50 0.00 0.00
5.00 -1.67
10.00 -3.33
15.00 -5.00
20.00 -6.67
25.00 -8.33
30.00 -10.00
36.93 -12.31
3 0.333 0.5 28.24 0 0.00
8 -4.00
16 -7.99
24 -11.99
32 -15.99
40 -19.99
48 -23.98
56.60 -28.28

Addis Ababa University Hydraulic Structures I



E le v a tio n (m )




-5 0 0 50 100 150 200
D is ta nc e fro m the o g e e c re s t(m )

P ro file o f th e c h u te s p illw a y

6.4.2 Stilling Basin

A stilling basin is a channel structure of mild slope, placed at the outlet of a spillway, chute or
other high velocity flow channel, whose purpose is to confine all or part of the hydraulic jump or
other energy reducing action and dissipate some of the high kinetic energy of the flow. It is a
structure which is necessary to prevent bed scour and undermining of the structure in situation
where high velocity flow is discharged into the downstream channel.
Usually flow entering a stilling basin is at super critical velocity. The stilling basin on the mild
slope supports only sub critical flow. The transition from super critical to sub critical flow takes
place in the form of a hydraulic jump. The stilling basin is designed to insure that the jump occurs
always at such a location that the flow velocities entering the erodible downstream channel are
incapable of causing harmful scour.
The design of a particular stilling basin will depend on the magnitude and other characteristics of
the flow to be handled, and particularly the Froud number of the approaching flow. Consider the
simplest and most common stilling basin, a horizontal rectangular channel as shown in Fig 5-11,
Hydraulic jump equation:
y2 1
 ( 8 F1  1  1)

y1 2
Jump head loss equation:
 1)
E j y1 ( 8 F1  1  3 )
2 3

 
y1 4 y 2 / y1 16 ( 8 F1  1  1

Energy dissipation efficiency:

E j  E j / y1 ( 8 F1  1  3 )
2 3

 
E1 E 1 / y1 8 ( 8 F1  1  1)( 2  F1
2 2

Jump height:

Addis Ababa University Hydraulic Structures I

y 2  y1 1 3
 8 F1  1 

y1 2 2
The length of jump is a very important factor in stilling basin design. It can be obtained from the
curve by USBR.
The longitudinal position of the jump on the apron must be such that the upstream and
downstream depth satisfies the jump equation. For more precise jump location a trial-and-error
procedure using the flow profiles is necessary.

Fig 6-11 Simple Stilling basin

Hence, for a given discharge intensity and given height of spillway, Y1 is fixed and the thus Y2 is
also fixed. But the availability of a depth equal to Y2 in the channel on the d/s cannot be
guaranteed as it depends upon the tail water level, which depends upon the hydraulic dimensions
and slope of the river channel below. For different discharges, the tail water depth is found by
actual gauge discharge observations and by hydraulic computation. The post jump depths for all
those discharges are also computed from hydraulic jump equation. If a graph is now plotted
between q and tail water depth, the curve obtained is known as the Tail water curve. Similarly, if
a curve is plotted on the same graph, between q and Y2, the curve obtained is known as the jump
height curve.
If the tail water depth Yt = Y2, the jump would always form at the toe of the spillway and a short
concrete apron would give adequate protection. However, the situation doesn‟t always exist in
reality. The following are usually possible due to the variation of discharge:
Y2 always lower than Yt
Y2 always higher than Yt
Y2 partly lower and partly higher than Yt
Depending upon the relative position of Tail water curve and Y2 curve, the energy dissipation
arrangements can be provided below the spillway. The more common provision of which have
been used singly or in combination to modify the jump characteristics in stilling basins are:
Sloping apron
Sill, or small dam, at end of apron
Hydraulic drop
Chute blocks and baffle blocks
Bucket dissipater
Stilling pool

Addis Ababa University Hydraulic Structures I

For example, the following energy dissipation mechanism can be provided in cases other than Y2
= Yt,
When Y2 is always lower than Yt, the jump will be submerged and energy dissipation is
very low. To obtain a free hydraulic jump and obtain considerable energy dissipation, Y2
has to be equal to Yt. This can be achieved by providing a sloping apron above the
stream bed level.
In the case of Y2 higher than Yt, lowering of the apron below the stream bed level is
In the case of Y2 partly lower and partly higher than Yt, provide a sloping apron partly
above and partly below the stream bed level so that the jump can form where the sequent
depth is available.


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