MTS DP - DP Asset Reactivation Guidance - Rep003-C (8049)
MTS DP - DP Asset Reactivation Guidance - Rep003-C (8049)
MTS DP - DP Asset Reactivation Guidance - Rep003-C (8049)
The information included in this document is for guidance and is intended to reflect recommended industry
practice. Neither the Marine Technology Society, nor any of its Technical Committees or Sub-Committees, or
their members, accepts any legal liability for errors, omissions or changes to the accepted state-of-the-art, nor
for any consequences thereof.
The principal goal of the DP Equipment Testing Subcommittee is to develop and maintain
comprehensive guidelines for the testing of DP systems throughout the lifecycle of a DP capable
asset. These guidelines will assist in outlining the critical issues to be considered when
conducting the thorough testing of DP equipment and related systems. This sharing of knowledge
is expected to help improve the reliability and performance of DP assets.
It is with this same goal in mind that the Subcommittee has embarked on a mission to develop
guidance on the reactivation of DP capable assets, to improve the safety and efficiency of the
reactivation process.
This document represents a practical compendium of recommended practices that includes
existing guidance from various industry sources. Additionally, it relies heavily on the knowledge
and expertise of members of the Subcommittee and participants in Subcommittee proceedings.
It is recognized and intended that industry stakeholders responsible for the lifecycle operations of
DP assets research and select items from this guidance with the goal of compiling a suitable
strategy for their equipment package and specific industrial mission.
NOTE: It is the intent of this document to focus primarily on DP related systems and equipment.
Therefore, it is not comprehensive. Other marine systems and industrial mission equipment may
also be subject to lay-up and reactivation requirements. Every asset should be addressed bearing
in mind its specific industrial mission and installed systems and equipment.
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................... 3
CONTENTS.............................................................................................................................................. 4
1. OVERVIEW .................................................................................................................................... 6
1.1 Objective............................................................................................................................................ 6
1.2 Background ....................................................................................................................................... 6
1.3 Scope of Report ................................................................................................................................. 6
1.4 Applicable Rules and Guidelines ....................................................................................................... 8
1.5 Assumptions and Limitations ............................................................................................................. 8
1.6 Maintenance of Guidance .................................................................................................................. 8
2. DESCRIPTIONS AND DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................... 9
2.1 General .............................................................................................................................................. 9
2.2 Terms ................................................................................................................................................ 9
2.3 Abbreviations and Acronyms ........................................................................................................... 10
3. REACTIVATION ASSESSMENT TABLE ................................................................................... 12
3.1 General ............................................................................................................................................ 12
3.2 Definitions ........................................................................................................................................ 12
3.3 Application of Table and Guidance Document ................................................................................. 13
3.4 Scheduling ....................................................................................................................................... 14
4. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS .................................................................................................. 16
4.1 General ............................................................................................................................................ 16
4.2 Communications Equipment ............................................................................................................ 16
4.3 Software Management..................................................................................................................... 16
4.4 Reactivation ..................................................................................................................................... 17
4.5 DP Documentation .......................................................................................................................... 18
4.6 Documenting and Reporting Lessons Learned ................................................................................ 19
5. PERSONNEL ............................................................................................................................... 20
5.1 General ............................................................................................................................................ 20
5.2 Competence .................................................................................................................................... 20
5.3 Testing and Reactivation ................................................................................................................. 20
5.4 Critical Personnel Considerations .................................................................................................... 21
6. CLASS AND REGULATORY CONSIDERATIONS .................................................................... 23
6.1 General ............................................................................................................................................ 23
6.2 Reactivation ..................................................................................................................................... 23
6.3 Maritime Requirements.................................................................................................................... 23
6.4 Exemptions ...................................................................................................................................... 24
7. DP CONTROL AND MONITORING SYSTEMS ......................................................................... 25
7.1 General ............................................................................................................................................ 25
7.2 Reactivation ..................................................................................................................................... 27
8. POWER GENERATION AND DISTRIBUTION ........................................................................... 28
8.1 General ............................................................................................................................................ 28
8.2 Reactivation ..................................................................................................................................... 28
9. MAIN AND AUXILIARY ENGINES ............................................................................................. 29
1.1 Objective
1.1.1 The DP Asset Reactivation Guidance is designed to facilitate the return of DP assets to
service and re-build confidence in systems critical to station keeping. It has been
created to provide a clear path toward the safe and reliable reactivation of DP capable
assets, emphasizing the positive influence of adequate preparation on safety,
environment, and operational reliability.
1.2 Background
1.2.1 The offshore sector is subject to cyclical phases that result in varying degrees of
demand for DP assets. Market trends may lower demand, resulting in a significant
number of assets being deactivated for periods that range from weeks to months to
years. As the cycle reverses demand increases for these same assets.
1.2.2 The safe and effective lay-up and maintenance of assets serve as critical means of
achieving efficient reactivation. Efficient reactivation, however, must take place
irrespective of the planning and activities that may or may not have taken place
1.2.3 Upon reactivation, clients and charterers look to owners / operators for assurance that
an asset and its equipment will continue to operate safely and reliably in the same
manner as prior to lay-up. Likewise, Class societies and regulatory agencies seek
verification that asset reactivation has been addressed in a suitable manner so as to
reasonably assure continued safe and reliable operation.
1.2.4 The DP Asset Reactivation Guidance, therefore, is designed to support the return of DP
assets to service safely, reliably, and efficiently regardless of the type of lay-up or level
of preparation and maintenance. It documents the critical issues considered when
undertaking reactivation with the objective of providing better guidance to stakeholders
and re-build confidence in systems critical to station keeping following lay-up.
1.2.5 The industry wide sharing of knowledge represented by this guidance is intended to
support the industry in improving reactivation safety and to further advance the reliability
and performance of DP capable assets and the efficiency of overall DP operations.
2.1 General
2.1.1 These guidelines do not take precedence over rules and requirements established by
Class Societies, Flag State agencies, and other regulatory bodies.
2.1.2 While effort has been taken to establish consistency of terms and language throughout
this document, there will be differences. Any inconsistencies that may lead to confusion
or conflict within the guidelines provided herein should be brought to the attention of the
MTS DP Committee and the DP Equipment Testing Subcommittee.
2.2 Terms
2.2.1 Terms such as “can,” “could,” “will,” “would,” “should,” etc. are used throughout these
guidelines and are included to emphasize importance or likelihood. They are not
intended to imply the imperative, or to reflect requirements or regulations unless
attached to a specific reference.
2.2.2 Throughout these guidelines reference is made to asset “operator(s).” In this context
the term “operator” is referring to the asset owner or operator, whichever is applicable,
and refers to the party carrying principal responsibility over the asset.
2.2.3 Within the context of these guidelines, “lay-up” or “laid up” is used as a general term
and refers to the inactive or out-of-service status of a vessel or asset. For the purposes
of this guidance the use of either term bears no implication regarding the length of time
the asset is out of service except as noted in Section 3. Nor does this terminology imply
anything with regard to the reason behind this status for any specific asset.
2.2.4 References to High Voltage (HV) and Low Voltage (LV) systems and equipment are
used within this guidance. Definition of each category may vary but adequate personnel
and equipment safety measures should be considered and implemented regardless of
designation. Unless otherwise specified, references herein consider HV systems to be
operating at 1000 Volts or higher and LV systems to be operating at less than 1000
2.2.5 Within the context of these guidelines, terms such as “Authorized Person,” or
“Competent Person” refer to those individuals that are trained and certified to the
appropriate level as per applicable Class, regional, or company requirements.
2.2.6 This guidance contains a number of references to Original Equipment Manufacturers
(OEM). This term refers to the company or organization that manufactured any of the
equipment, system, component, software, etc. installed on board an asset. It is noted
that in some cases the vendor who supplied the equipment initially may not be the OEM,
or that the equipment provided by the OEM is part of a larger system installation that
may be better serviced by the vendor providing that part. When requesting assistance
with specific equipment it will be determined on a case by case basis which is the
appropriate company to contact. Throughout this document the terms OEM and vendor
are used interchangeably and are not intended to imply any specific requirements.
Acronym / Acronym /
Definition Definition
Abbreviation Abbreviation
Standards of Training,
IJS Independent Joystick STCW Certification, and
International Maritime
IMCA TAM Task Appropriate Mode
Contractors Association
International Maritime
IMO UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply
Inertial Navigation System
INS / IMU / Inertial Measurement USCG United States Coast Guard
LO Lube Oil VCI Vapor Corrosion Inhibitor
LOTO Lock Out / Tag Out VRU Vertical Reference Unit
LR Lloyd’s Register WCF Worst Case Failure
Worst Case Failure Design
LT Low Temperature WCFDI
Lightweight Taut Wire / Well Specific Operating
Taut Wire Guidelines
3.1 General
3.1.1 The main lay-up categories are commonly referred to as “hot,” “warm,’’ and “cold.”
These categories may be defined based on numerous factors and can vary greatly
between Class societies, regulatory bodies, and other industry groups. Due to the
various interpretations, reliance on these terms is avoided within this document.
Instead, this guidance focuses on the diverse factors to be considered when reactivating
an asset from lay-up.
3.1.2 The Reactivation Assessment Table included below illustrates the four core categories
to consider when planning and undertaking reactivation activities and lists the factors
that may affect the determination of where an asset falls within those categories.
3.1.3 The Reactivation Assessment Table can be applied at the asset level or at the level of
individual vessel systems or equipment units. Taken together, focused assessments at
the system and equipment levels will provide a more robust determination of the overall
status of the full asset (see also Section 3.4).
3.1.4 This guidance provides assistance in defining these categories and factors but final
designation of an asset’s status is left to the owner / operator, the applicable Class
society and regulator, and the asset’s charterer / client (if applicable).
3.2 Definitions
3.2.1 The categories of Planned Maintenance and Lay-Up Duration represent the two
primary, quantifiable categories while Environmental Conditions and Lay-Up
Preparation are more subjective.
3.2.2 The table further breaks down Planned Maintenance and Lay-Up Preparation
categories into specific factors that further define these two core categories. Categories
are further detailed below.
3.2.3 Lay-Up Duration is broken into five (5) time intervals listed across the top of the table.
Intervals are broken down based on general maintenance periods frequently found
within equipment maintenance programs. These intervals are used as guidance only
and should be used in conjunction with the remaining three categories before a final
determination of an asset’s status is made.
3.2.4 Planned Maintenance makes up the left side of the table and considers the level of
planned maintenance activities applied to installed systems and equipment on a specific
asset. Activities are recorded in maintenance systems providing evidence of actions
carried out, parts replaced, etc. Further definition is provided as follows:
• Prescriptive – All normal maintenance activities take place as outlined within the
applicable PMS. Activities are executed in a scheduled manner and adhere to
OEM and industry recommendations.
• Routine – Most normal maintenance activities take place as scheduled within the
applicable PMS. Maintenance based on running hours may not take place on
unused equipment.
• Basic – Critical maintenance activities take place as scheduled within the applicable
• Minimal – Periodic checks are made on equipment to ensure no damage or
potential major maintenance issues.
3.3.5 Following consideration of the primary analysis and any potential positive or negative
effects of the secondary factors, an asset’s status can be determined. This status
should be discussed and a consensus reached between all commercial and regulatory
stakeholders. Once finalized, this status can be used to assist in guiding an approach
to reactivation using the guidance provided herein.
3.3.6 Status categorizations are briefly defined in the lower portion of the table and further
described below. These definitions are intended only to support the decision-making
process. Final designation of an asset’s status is left to the owner / operator, in
agreement with other concerned stakeholders.
3.3.7 Green – Active: The asset has been maintained in working status and is ready for
immediate service.
3.3.8 Blue – Ready: The asset has been maintained in a reduced working status and is
ready for service following review of maintenance tasks and minor operational checks.
3.3.9 Yellow – Idle: The asset has been laid-up for an extended period and/or has had
reduced maintenance performed. A full review of planned maintenance should be
considered and necessary operational checks carried out prior to service.
3.3.10 Red – Inactive: The asset and its installed equipment and systems have been static
with little or no planned maintenance performed. A full critical maintenance review and
operational testing regimen is recommended.
3.3.11 The reactivation procedures outlined in this guidance are general in scope and can be
applied regardless of the agreed status. However, the extent to which the procedures
are applied should be at the discretion of the asset operator in conjunction with OEM
recommendations. Further stringent interpretations of guidelines may be deemed
necessary by Class / regulators or following discussion and agreement with clients and
3.4 Scheduling
3.4.1 To assist in reactivation planning and budgeting, it can be assumed that both time
commitment and cost generally increase when reactivating an asset from each of the
Active, Ready, Idle, and Inactive categories, respectively. Estimates may only be
inferred through interpretation of the Reactivation Guidance Table; exact costs can only
be determined on an individual, case-by-case basis.
3.4.2 The Reactivation Guidance Table can be used as a tool to generate estimated time
commitments based on the final, agreed status of the asset. More robust estimates
may be generated by applying the focused assessments at the system or individual
equipment levels.
3.4.3 OEMs, shipyard managers, third party consultants, etc. may be consulted to provide
expertise during the assessment process based on the factors outlined on the table for
an asset, a given system, or individual piece of equipment. Additional insight based on
newbuild or refit commissioning experience may assist in generating scheduling
estimates based on final assessment category.
<30 Days <90 Days <180 Days <365 Days >1 Year
Prescriptive Prescriptive
Routine Preserve
Basic Protect
Minimal Isolate
READY Asset is ready for operation following maintenance review and operational checks.
Asset may not be ready for immediate operation; full maintenance review and operational
checks/testing should be considered before operations resume.
INACTIVE Asset is not operational; critical maintenance review and operational testing recommended.
4.1 General
4.1.1 Activities involved in the reactivation of DP capable assets are largely comprised of non-
routine tasks that may not be addressed in established safe working protocols such as
Permit to Work (PTW). As a result, these tasks pose significant safety risks to operating
personnel as well as a potentially significant number of third party personnel and should
be risk-assessed in accordance with the appropriate Safety Management System
(SMS) or equivalent.
4.1.2 All non-routine tasks and the personnel required for their safe completion should be
managed with due consideration of the unique risks involved. It should be noted that
additional risk is inherent in reactivation activities by nature of the shortened timelines
that may be applied.
4.1.3 It should be noted that many spaces will have been closed during lay-up, potentially
with poor or no ventilation, for a significant length of time. Re-entry to these spaces
should be undertaken following confined space entry procedures until the atmosphere
can be proven to be safe. Greater care will need to be taken when entering machinery
spaces or holds where there is a greater possibility of oxygen depletion.
4.1.4 In all cases, consult directly with equipment manufacturers, specialists, Class Societies
and regulatory agencies to ensure that all requirements and proper safety protocols are
in place and sound practices are followed.
4.3.4 Consider that the applicable software version may not necessarily be the most recent
version; rather it may be dependent on the interfaced systems and equipment, length
of lay-up period, etc. Similarly, software and / or firmware versions may need to be
updated in stepwise fashion to ensure that all updates are compatible. Equipment
manufacturers should be contacted directly regarding the most suitable course of
4.3.5 With the assistance of the OEM or vendor, asset operators should ensure that they have
the software update(s) most applicable to the systems and equipment as suggested by
the OEM. Document the software and firmware versions in the equipment to be tested
and confirm that software is updated to the most appropriate version and that all affected
systems and equipment are tested for compatibility.
4.3.6 Upon reactivation all computers (Automation, DP, PRS, etc.) should have the time
verified in the Basic Input / Output System (BIOS).
4.3.7 If equipment is disconnected I/O and data communications should be verified post
4.3.8 Depending on the type of equipment control system in focus, there may be a need to
reinstall software to PLCs and / or system controllers. A back up of the PLC “PROM”
program should be stored as part of software management protocol and in accordance
with OEM recommendations. This will allow for a program restore in the event of loss.
4.4 Reactivation
4.4.1 Ensure that proper reactivation protocols for all equipment are developed and properly
implemented. This may vary from thruster type and thruster manufacturer – refer to
specific manufacturer’s guidance, as appropriate.
4.4.2 Create a checklist identifying the support and materials required for reactivation.
Request supplies and support well in advance of reactivation. These may include:
• Technical support.
• Manufacturer / Vendor support.
• Third party surveyor/auditor support.
• Class and Flag State regulatory support.
• Consumables (lubricating oil, hydraulic oil, additives, flushing fluids, etc.).
• Tools and equipment.
4.4.3 The reactivation timeline would depend on several factors, such as:
• Length of lay-up
• Conditions during lay-up
• Extent of lay-up preservation (i.e. corrosion inhibiters, desiccants, etc.)
• Cleaning, preparation, maintenance, and reactivation requirements for specific
equipment and systems
• Quality and extent of applied maintenance routines (focusing on state of
mechanical equipment, rotating devices, electrical circuits / equipment, electronics,
• Quality and extent of condition surveys
• Recommissioning requirements for key equipment and systems
• Class required surveys, testing, sea trials, etc.
• Client / contract obligations including modifications required
4.5 DP Documentation
4.5.1 Regardless of type or duration of lay-up DP documentation should remain relevant at
time of reactivation unless exceeding prescribed time limits. The requirement for a
periodical survey at intervals not exceeding five years in IMO MSC 1580 generally
aligns with Class survey requirements. This would indicate that as long as reactivation
occurs within the five-year testing cycle (per the date of the most recent FMEA /
FMECA) all DP related documentation should still be considered applicable and not in
need of revision.
4.5.2 If the asset has undergone upgrades, modifications, software/firmware updates, or
equipment changes significant enough to warrant Class review, these changes should
be recorded and DP documentation (FMEA, Trials, checklists, CAM / ASOG, etc.)
updated accordingly. Updates should consider the effects of system and equipment
modifications to the asset’s redundancy philosophy and DP capabilities.
4.5.3 If changes have not been applied to the relevant DP documentation, additional testing
should be considered at the time of reactivation. Results of testing or analysis that
indicate system or equipment changes have impacted an asset’s redundancy
philosophy or DP capabilities should be recorded and highlighted for inclusion in future
analysis and testing.
4.6.5 The value generated by lessons learned is exponential to the amount of circulation to
which they are subject. Conscious efforts should be made to distribute learnings to as
broad an audience as achievable.
4.6.7 NOTE: There is currently no official, industry-wide mechanism for distributing lessons
learned during reactivation activities. MTS DP Committee welcomes the submission of
lessons learned and, where necessary, will commit to respecting anonymity of
submitters. The MTS DP committee will consider and discuss distribution methods with
industry stakeholders and incorporate lessons into future guidance, as applicable.
5.1 General
5.1.1 Depending on the stage of reactivation, various specialist personnel will need to be
involved in the operation. These may include specialized technicians, Class and third-
party surveyors, local port control, and government agencies. Coordination and
communication between all parties should be effectively managed, with a single Point
of Contact (POC) designated.
5.1.2 Where applicable, all personnel should be covered under the appropriate overarching
Safety and Environmental Management System (SEMS) and/or specific Safety
Management System (SMS) or equivalent. Work performed during reactivation should
be conducted per the requirements of the SMS.
5.1.3 All work undertaken throughout the reactivation process should be completed using an
appropriate PTW system, typically managed under a single authorizing authority or
responsible person in accordance with the asset’s SMS, or equivalent. This person will
control the system and ensure that simultaneous operations can be performed safely,
as well as ensuring area safety, compliance with permit requirements, liaising with
shore-based personnel, etc.
5.2 Competence
5.2.1 Regardless of job description or function, all personnel should be adequately trained for
their given responsibilities and for the safe execution of their assigned duties. Typically,
this will be managed through existing guidance for training and certification of
personnel, or qualification requirements of contractor companies.
5.2.2 In the case of marine crews involved in the project, existing regulations for competency
and training will apply, for example the Standards of Training, Certification, and
Watchkeeping (STCW) for marine licenses on assets over 200 gross registered tons,
or relevant marine endorsement as required by the Flag State. Dynamic Positioning
specific endorsements from a recognized training provider should be held by relevant
personnel as required. Technical marine staff should have training that is OEM specific
to the systems installed onboard, including type specific DP system maintenance
certification and HV training as required.
5.2.3 Third party technicians will typically be vetted by their employers but will likely not carry
a standardized certificate of competency for their field, as this is often determined by on
the job training. In these cases, it is the responsibility of the person in charge (PIC) of
the operation to suitably vet the service providers. In practice, there should be an
existing relationship in place and, where possible, the use of contractors already familiar
with the asset is preferred.
5.4.1 Note that the following list is by no means exhaustive and does not imply that all listed
personnel will be required for every reactivation activity. It serves to demonstrate the
various personnel that may need to be involved in the reactivation process. Personnel
actually required will be dependent on circumstances and will need to be evaluated on
a case-by-case basis.
5.4.2 Personnel that are critical through various phases of the project include:
• Asset crew
• Owners / Operators representative
• Technical Superintendent or PIC
• Classification Society
• Flag State Authorities
• Coastal State Authorities
5.4.3 Wherever possible, OEMs should be included as part of the reactivation team to verify
the integrity of their specific equipment and ensure that all appropriate maintenance is
5.4.5 Good communication is required throughout and lines of communication should be well
established and utilized by all attending parties. Continuity of personnel should be
maintained whenever possible.
6.1 General
6.1.1 This guidance has been generated as an assistance to asset operators and is not to be
interpreted as required by any regulatory agency.
6.1.2 Due to the variation of applicable regulatory frameworks which may be in place, Class
and Regulatory concerns are to be considered on a case-by-case basis, prior to
commencement of reactivation activities. For example, each asset could have any
combination of the following key stakeholders to be consulted:
• Flag State
• Classification Society (Recognized Organization)
• Coastal State
• Marine Warranty Surveyor
• Client/Charterer Representative
6.1.3 The approximate length of the lay-up period will be the first consideration made by Class
and may determine the level of testing and assurance required during the reactivation
process. In addition, each organization may have a very different set of requirements
which must be followed when reactivating a DP capable asset. It is therefore important
that requirements of each stakeholder are carefully considered and prioritized during
reactivation. In many cases, multiple bodies may share the same requirements.
Varying regional requirements may also apply.
6.2 Reactivation
6.2.1 Depending on the length of the lay-up period, the asset may be required to undergo a
full special survey in order to have its Class notation reinstated. Proper guidance and
Class involvement throughout the lay-up cycle will ensure that the final reactivation
process is completed as smoothly as possible. By adhering to Class requirements from
the outset it may be possible to reduce the amount of verification required during the
reactivation process.
6.2.2 Reactivation of an asset following lay-up can require an extensive survey by the
Classification Society. To ensure that this process runs smoothly, the pre-approved
lay-up plan should be precisely followed throughout the lay-up period.
6.2.3 Additional consideration and planning should be made to allow for performance testing
requirements. Such requirements will vary depending on the unit’s regulatory
compliance framework, in particular its DP notation. Examples of such requirements
may include testing of power distribution systems and verification of position keeping
6.2.4 Further discussion is provided in Section 12.
6.4 Exemptions
6.4.1 All applicable exemptions from Class or Statutory requirements should be adequately
prepared, applied for and approved in advance of such code or rule being contravened.
6.4.2 For the asset design rules in effect after lay-up refer to applicable Class rules.
6.4.3 For changes in Class status (Laid Up, Inactive, Suspended, etc. versus “active”) as a
result of lay-up, deactivation, or other stated period of inactivity, local attending Class
Surveyor should be contacted for any ‘Alternative Procedures” before a planned lay-up.
6.4.4 Likewise, local attending Class Surveyor should be contacted regarding required
Surveys and testing upon reactivation.
7.1 General
7.1.1 Differences in the nomenclature used within this section may differ from one
manufacturer to another. Further, the equipment list covers commonly installed
equipment but should not be considered exhaustive.
7.1.2 In all cases, refer to the equipment manufacturer for specific instructions.
7.1.3 DP Control and Monitoring System components may include:
• DP Sensors
- Wind sensors (Mechanical/Analogue/Ultrasonic)
- Gyrocompasses (Mechanical/Digital/Fiber Optic)
- Motion or Vertical Reference Units (MRU or VRU)
- Draught Sensors
• DP Position References Systems
- Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) with Differential corrections on
Global Positioning System (GPS), GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou, etc.
- Hydro-Acoustics (Hydrophones, Beacons, Transponders and Transceivers)
- Riser Angle Monitoring (Electronic (ERA) or Acoustics (ARA))
- Taut Wire (TW)
- Laser-Based Position Reference Systems
▪ Fanbeam
▪ CyScan
▪ Spot Track
- RADAR-Based Position Reference System
▪ RADius
▪ RadaScan
▪ Artemis
- Differential, Absolute, and Relative Positioning System (DARPS)
- Inertial Navigation System (INS) or Inertial Measuring Units (IMU)
• DP Alert and Communication Functions
• DP Data Loggers / History Station
• Printers
• Stand Alone Simulators
• Independent Joystick System (IJS) or DP Backup System
• Thruster Control System
- Field Stations
▪ Processors (PLC/Controllers)
▪ Remote Input/Outputs (I/O)
▪ Power Supplies
• Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS)
- Battery Cabinet
• DP Consoles
- Monitors
- Marine Computers
- Power Supplies
- Keyboard / Control panel with trackball, joystick, and heading knob
- Main DP Processors / Controllers
• Communication (refer also to Sect. 4, Communications)
• Control Networks
- Network Distribution Units (Network Switches)
- Network Patch Panels (copper/fiber)
- Emergency Shutdown Systems
- Gateway connections
- Malware barriers
- Cyber security tools and protocols
• Non-DP, Interfaced Equipment (Mission Specific)
- Diving
▪ Dive status lights (Diving Bell)
- Gangway (flotel)
- Dredging system
- Heavy lift / Crane
- Offloading (Shuttle Tankers & FPSOs)
- Anchor Handling
- Drilling
▪ Electronic Riser Angle (ERA) sensors
▪ Acoustic Riser Angle (ARA) sensors
▪ Riser tensioner stroke-out meter
▪ Top tension gage
- Pipe / Cable Laying
▪ Pipe or cable tension gage(s)
• Non-DP, Interfaced Equipment (General)
- External force compensation
- Draught sensors
- Emergency Shutdown Systems (ESD)
- Fire and Gas Systems (F&G)
- Power control interfaces for industrial equipment
- Power and circuit breaker status for DP control system
- Power distribution for industrial consumers
- Power distribution for life support consumers
- Fixed firefighting systems – water mist – CO2
- Communications equipment
- Navigation equipment
- Roll compensation
- Anti-heeling systems
7.1.4 In all cases, refer to the equipment manufacturer for specific instructions.
7.2 Reactivation
7.2.1 Prior to commencing reactivation, ensure that supporting documentation is available
including specific guidance and procedures provided by the OEM.
7.2.2 All DP systems and associated / interfaced equipment should be thoroughly inspected.
If units have been stored appropriately, check all storage materials and media for
indications of physical damage due to dropping, moisture intrusion, corrosion, or other
7.2.3 If the units carry no physical damage, check condition and state of desiccants for
indication of excessive moisture. Make note of any potential indications of moisture
7.2.4 If an electronics cabinet shows indications of salt exposure while it was in lay-up, it
should be thoroughly cleaned both internally and externally (refer to manufacturer
documentation and instructions). Damaged or suspect areas should be cleaned,
prepared and preserved using the correct preservation media for the unit. The
recommended media will usually be defined in the unit’s maintenance manual.
7.2.5 If a mechanical unit shows indications of salt exposure while it was in lay-up, it should
be thoroughly cleaned both internally and externally to prevent corrosion (refer to
manufacturer documentation and instructions).
7.2.6 If equipment has been removed, units should be installed in their intended operating
position as soon as possible after unpacking. No power should be provided to the
equipment until all necessary pre-checks are completed.
7.2.7 If disconnected during the lay-up phase, batteries will be reconnected during the
reactivation procedure. Batteries should be recharged and checked regularly ensuring
proper charge storage and general operating parameters.
7.2.8 Take all necessary precautions in handling units with energy storage capabilities or
equipment that is susceptible to electro-static discharge. Energy discharge may harm
personnel and damage equipment.
7.2.9 When reactivating sensitive electronic equipment, suitable precautions must be taken
(refer to manufacturer documentation and instructions as well as industry recommended
practices such as those provided by IEEE).
7.2.10 As part of the reactivation process and subsequent testing, battery endurance tests
should be carried out for a minimum of 30 minutes with the system on load in
accordance with Class requirements and industry recommended practice.
7.2.11 Any performance issues with any equipment should be well documented to ensure that
on reactivation, any pre-existing problems with equipment are understood to be present
prior to preservation rather than as a consequence of it.
7.2.12 NOTE: Once all pre-checks are complete and the DP system powered up satisfactorily,
the testing method required for the applicable DP notation should be discussed and
established. Refer to Section 12, Testing for Reactivation.
8.1 General
8.1.1 In all cases, refer to the equipment manufacturer for specific instructions.
8.1.2 The primary electrical components include, but are not limited to:
• Generators
• Motors, pumps, coolers, RCVs, starters
• Propulsion (diesel electric)
• DP Control System
8.1.3 Only personnel deemed competent will perform work on electrical equipment once a
risk assessment has been completed and under the direction of an Authorized Person,
in accordance with applicable requirements. Opening the protective barriers and / or
covers of electrical equipment should be done only by a Competent Person in
accordance with proper risk assessment procedures and after an Authorized Person
has issued a PTW.
8.1.4 Detailed procedures should be made available for:
• Reactivation of each item of HV electrical equipment
• Switching plan for reactivation
8.2 Reactivation
8.2.1 Before power is applied to each item of equipment at reactivation, checks/procedures
to be completed as part of reactivation in accordance with manufacturer documentation
and instructions.
8.2.2 General considerations before and during reactivation of power generation and
distribution equipment include, but are not limited to:
• Verification of crew familiarity with systems and equipment operations,
maintenance, etc.
• Inspection of maintenance and operational history of the equipment; perform
overdue and/or recommended maintenance as per OEM specifications and PMS
• General, visual inspection of cleanliness and overall condition
• Clean the devices and surrounding areas
• Check of safety interlocks
• Verification of all functions
• Carrying out verification of closing / opening operations of contacts, breakers, etc.
• Condition / integrity check of connectors and contacts
• Conduct insulation / Megger testing
• Visual inspection and integrity checks of Protection Relays
• Function test including verification of inputs/outputs from protection relays and
check of software revisions
• Battery survey and testing
• Remove additional heaters, thermostats, desiccant materials, etc. (as applicable);
restore space heater control to original functionality (as applicable)
• Visual inspection of general system and equipment condition
• Spare parts recommendations
9.1 General
9.1.1 In all cases, refer to the equipment manufacturer for specific instructions.
9.1.2 When reactivating marine engines, due consideration must be given to related, critical
auxiliary systems such as fuel oil, lubricating oil, and cooling systems. During
reactivation, delays or equipment damage may occur if related systems are not returned
to a fully operational state.
9.1.3 Refer also to Section 11, Marine and Auxiliary Systems.
9.2 Reactivation
9.2.1 Reactivation from any state of inactivity generally follows reversal of initial preservation
techniques. In all cases, refer to the builder, equipment manufacturer, or vendor for
specific instructions.
9.2.2 Considerations during reactivation should include OEM recommendations on the
• Running engines with preservative oils in the lubrication oil or whether a complete
oil change is recommended
• Confirm condition/cleanliness of all filters and strainers
• Inspect spaces on, in, and around engine including crankcase
• Ensure all clearances (i.e. valve tappets, bearings, etc.) are confirmed
• Confirm condition of all fittings, bolts, etc. to include proper status of critical
fasteners related to cylinder heads, main bearings, foundation, etc.
• Verify start up sequence to ensure all systems are ready. For example:
- Pre-lubrication time
- Rotate engine on turning gear (number of turns and frequency as prescribed
by manufacturer)
- Run fuel oil boost pump; Bleed air from the system
- Ensure all control and protection systems are powered up
- Mechanical fuel racks are free
- Cooling water systems vented
- First start protocols such as run times between initial crankcase and bearing
temperature inspections
9.2.3 Consideration should be given to flexible hose connections to engine auxiliary system
(inspection or replacement).
• Fuel oil supply and return lines
• Cooling water (freshwater and seawater)
9.2.4 Sea strainers and through hull fittings should be considered for inspection and review
9.2.5 Ensure water treatment levels are correct concentrations, cooling water loops are free
to circulate, and there are no leaks.
10.1 General
10.1.1 In all cases, refer to the equipment manufacturer for specific instructions.
10.1.2 This section reflects all types of thrusters and thruster equipment as listed below:
• Azimuth thrusters
• Tunnel thrusters
• Cyclonical thrusters
• Water jets
• Propeller / Rudder combination
• Controllable pitch propellers
• Fixed pitch propellers
• Remote manual thruster controls
• Thruster / machinery emergency stops
10.2 Reactivation
10.2.1 In preparation for reactivation it is recommended to follow the manufacturers’
instructions and procedures.
10.2.2 As a minimum the crew should follow the instructions within thruster documentation.
Within these documents the asset operator should have documentation and/or
checklists covering shipyard testing, harbor acceptance testing, and sea trial
acceptance testing.
10.2.3 Prior to commencing reactivation all units should be thoroughly inspected. If units have
been stored or preserved in place, check all storage and preservation materials and
media for indications of any physical damage due to impact, moisture intrusion,
corrosion, etc.
10.2.4 In the event that damage is discovered, an inspection report should be written and
submitted in accordance with Company procedures, including appropriate SMS and any
Lock Out / Tag Out (LOTO) protocols. Report should state the condition of the unit and
actions taken. Describe the damage and collect documentary and/or photographic
evidence if possible. The damaged equipment should be removed from service and
10.2.5 Hydraulic and lubricating oil should be addressed according to OEM recommendations,
to include possible replacement at reactivation. Oil samples should be taken and
provided for analysis after a specific run time as prescribed by the equipment
10.2.6 All cabinet (thruster control, drives etc.) is to be inspected for condensation or other
damages incurred during lay-up. As necessary, they should be thoroughly cleaned prior
to be energized (refer also to Sections 7 and 8).
10.2.7 Associated transformers, drives and motors should follow the guidance notes set forth
in applicable guidance for transformers, drives, and motors (refer to Section 8, above).
10.2.8 Any batteries removed should be reinstalled and charged prior to use. Where batteries
have not been removed or replaced a discharge test should be performed ensuring can
maintain the minimum required capacity.
10.2.9 Batteries for PLC power within Thruster / Propulsion cabinets should be installed. In
this case, PLCs should be uploaded with the correct programming (a copy of the
software should be part of the software management plan). Batteries should be
recharged and checked regularly ensuring proper charge storage and general operating
10.2.10 A visual inspection of all systems should be carried out including cabinets, electrical
wiring, piping, valves, coolers, tanks etc. to ensure that all systems are ready for startup.
It is very important to ensure that valves on the thruster unit are open / closed as per
intent. A closed valve can cause pressure build up or an open will cause a leakage,
both cases can cause damage to the thruster or propulsion unit. An example is a
wrongfully closed valve causing pressure build resulting in damaging of the lip seals,
thus leakage of oil into the environment.
10.2.11 Immediately prior to start up, ensure that all accumulated moisture or dust is removed
from the system. Typical procedures for this are normally covered in OEM
11.1 General
11.1.1 In all cases, refer to the equipment manufacturer for specific instructions.
11.1.2 Systems include:
• Fuel
• Ventilation and Combustion Air
• Compressed Air
• Seawater Cooling
- Sea chests
- Through hull fittings
• Freshwater Cooling
• Lubrication
• Hydraulic
• Emergency shut down systems
• Fire and gas
11.1.3 It is recommended to document the normal operational state of all valves and the state
at which they were left during lay-up. When the asset is brought back into operation,
delays or equipment damage may occur if cooling systems or lubrication systems are
not returned to a fully operational state.
11.2 Reactivation
11.2.1 Systems consisting of primarily static components such as piping and valves are subject
to considerable issues stemming from corrosion and general deterioration. The longer
the lay-up period and greater this risk becomes.
11.2.2 From any sate of lay-up, certain checks and procedures should be considered in order
to verify that all marine and auxiliary systems are ready for full operation. In a normal
state of operation, checks are normally covered in routine maintenance, checklists, and
other established procedures. Additional checks and protocols may be applicable
following significant maintenance periods or following a prolonged lay-up period and
dependent on preservation techniques applied.
11.2.3 Reactivation from any state of inactivity generally follows reversal of initial preservation
techniques. In all cases, refer to the builder, equipment manufacturer, or vendor for
specific instructions.
12.1 General
12.1.1 The narrative below provides guidance for the testing that is to be considered when
reactivating a stacked asset. The approach to testing will be dependent upon several
factors to include the time that the asset has been stacked, the maintenance program
applied, the lay-up conditions, and the degree of preparation undertaken prior to lay-up.
12.1.2 In preparation for reactivation it is recommended to follow the manufacturers’
instructions and procedures.
12.4.2 The operator should ensure that a suitably qualified and experienced person, group or
third party executes this task (personnel are addressed in Section 5).
12.4.3 The time the asset spends in lay-up will influence the testing to be carried out. If the
lay-up period is lengthy, technology and operating practices may change significantly
during that time and may require additional due diligence and / or testing to incorporate
the necessary changes.
12.4.4 Likewise, if equipment is disconnected I/O and data communications should be verified
post reconnection. The level of verification necessary should be considered during the
development of the test program.
12.4.5 Performance – By requirement, DP assets of equipment Classes 2 and 3 must have at
least two redundant equipment groups each capable of developing surge, sway, and
yaw forces. In dual redundant systems, each redundant group must have sufficient
performance to independently maintain the asset’s position and heading at its
predetermined limits. In redundant systems of three or more equipment groups, the
failure of any one group will likewise not result in a loss position and heading at the
predetermined limits of the remaining equipment groups.
12.4.6 Tests coming under the heading of performance may include:
• Generator full power tests – To prove the full load capability and load acceptance
of the generators. Generators should be loaded to 100% until temperatures
• Thruster full power tests – This test will prove the full power capability of the
thrusters. Thrusters will be loaded to 100% until temperatures stabilize.
• Group redundancy tests – This test should prove the asset can maintain position
and heading with the loss of a redundant group of propulsion machinery. The asset
needs to be able to hold position and heading after the loss of each redundant
group identified by the FMEA. Loss of one group is likely to represent the Worst-
Case Failure (WCF).
• Transferable, dual fed and standby equipment tests – These tests are intended to
prove the effectiveness of switchable redundancy such as transferable generators
or thrusters with dual supplies but also auto changeovers for UPSs. Tests should
be created to exercise the changeover function or dual supply.
• Functional testing – Functional testing of the DP control system comes under the
performance category. This will include but not limited to, testing of various DP
- Independent Joystick (IJS) and DP joystick
- automatic positioning (including auto sway, surge, and yaw) capabilities
- changeover of operator stations and DP control computers
- testing of essential communications including DP alert system
- testing of manual thruster controls
- testing of consequence analysis function
- testing of mathematic model / dead reckoning function
- specific functions, operating modes, and equipment related to the asset’s
industrial mission
12.4.7 Protection – Each redundant group will also have a range of protective functions
designed to prevent fault propagation from one redundant group to the other by way of
common points in the design and a range of alarms or other detection methods intended
to help reveal hidden failures that could defeat the redundancy concept.
12.4.8 Testing should be designed to prove the operation of all protective functions upon which
the redundancy concept depends. A review of the FMEA should identify all protective
functions which need to operate effectively to isolate faults or prevent cascade failures.
Tests should be carried out in all relevant power plant configurations. Tests coming
under the heading of protection may include but not be limited to:
• Load dependent starting of standby generators
• Alarm starting of stand-by generators in response to alarm on running generator
• Load shedding – thruster phase back (via DP control system, PMS, and Drives)
• Load shedding – preferential trips of non-critical equipment
• Advanced generator and bus tie protection
• Thruster emergency stops
• Protective functions intended to reject faulty DP control sensors
• Protective function intended to reject faulty DP control reference systems
12.4.9 It is important that all protective functions upon which the redundancy concept depends
are proven with a high degree of confidence and that they will operate successfully on
12.4.10 Detection – These tests are designed to prove the effectiveness of alarm and indications
intended to alert the operator to potential hidden failures or that some part of the
redundancy concept is not functioning correctly and may require operator intervention.
Tests falling under this category include but not limited to:
• Thruster speed and azimuth command/feedback prediction errors
• Alarms and indications for thrusters ready, running and enabled
• Alarms for unscheduled stop of machinery
• Alarms for start of a standby pump or other service
• Control loop failure alarms (input errors)
• Alarms to indicate that a UPS or 24Vdc battery system is on battery power
• Alarms to indicate that a backup supply has failed
• Alarms related to pressure/temperature in cooling water systems
• Indication that a standby generator is no longer available
• Alarms to indicate network failure
12.4.11 In all cases, refer to the equipment manufacturer for specific instructions.
12.4.12 Ensure that proper reactivation protocols for all equipment are developed and properly
implemented as outlined within this document or applicable industry guidance.
12.4.13 Create a checklist identifying the support and materials required for reactivation testing.
Request support well in advance of reactivation. These may include:
• Technical support
• Manufacturer or vendor support
• Third party surveyor/auditor support
• Class and Flag State regulatory support
12.4.14 Acceptance Testing should include the verification of as much functionality as is
practical for the given state of the asset. Testing should include all equipment and
related auxiliary systems supplied by, or deemed the responsibility of, the manufacturer
and / or vendor. Additionally, all interfaces to other equipment and systems should be
confirmed. Where possible the procedure should show pass / fail criteria or desired
results for each item.
12.7.4 All testing procedure and results should be recorded. Testing documentation should
include functionality testing and any Class and regulatory testing. As above, any
deviation from expectations should be accurately recorded and documentation
maintained for later reference. This may include reason for deviation, what (if any)
follow up actions were taken, and any resolutions reached.
12.7.5 Ad hoc testing may be required to define and address any major non-conformities
revealed during testing.
13.1.2 The following guidelines and requirements were used for the development of this
• ABB; ABB Stacking Care – Maintenance routines in each phase; ABB Marine and
ports, November 2016
• ABB Combustion Engineering Systems; Marine Boiler Operating Guide; Columbus,
OH; Grade A Notes
• Alternate Compliance Program (ACP) Supplements – ABS, DNV GL, Lloyds, etc.
• American Bureau of Shipping; Guide for Lay-up and Reactivation of Mobile
Offshore Drilling Units; Houston, TX; May 2016
• Bureau Veritas, Guidance Note NI545 DNS R00 E – Guidance for Lay-Up of Ships;
April 2009
• DNV GL; Lay-up of Vessels; March 2012
• DNV GL; Procedure for the lay-up of Mobile Offshore Units; April 2015
• GAC Ship Lay-Up Solutions (GLUS), Bibby Ship Management & DehuTech;
Guidelines for Lay-Up of Ships
• Hunt, Everett C. 1999/2002; Modern Marine Engineer’s Manual, Volumes I & II,
Third Edition; Centreville, Maryland: Cornell Maritime Press, Inc.
• IMCA C010 – High Voltage Training
• IMCA C002 – Guidance on Competence Assurance and Assessment
• IMCA M166 – Guidance of Failure Modes & Effects Analyses (FMEAs)
• IMCA M190 – Conducting Annual DP Trials Programmes for DP Vessels
• IMCA M191 – Annual DP Trials MODUs
• IMCA M117 – The Training and Experience of Key DP Personnel
• IMCA M212 – Format of the Annual DP Trials Program
• IMCA M219 – Example Specification for a DP FMEA for a New DP Vessel
• IMO MSC 1580 (formerly MSC 645) – Guidelines for Vessels with Dynamic
Positioning Systems
• The International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification, and
Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW)
• Marine Safety Manual Vol. II Section B, COMDTINST MI6000.7B Ch.1.
• MTS DP Committee; Technical and Operational Guidance (TECHOP) –
TECHOP_ODP_09_(D) – A Method for Proving the Fault Ride-Through Capability
of DP Vessels with HV Power Plant, May 2015
• MTS DP Committee; Technical and Operational Guidance (TECHOP) –
TECHOP_ODP_01_(D)_(FMEA TESTING), October 2013
• MTS DP Committee; Technical and Operational Guidance (TECHOP) –
September 2012
A.1.1 Overview
A.1.1.1 This section provides a general example of the application of the Reactivation
Assessment Table (from Section 3) as a rubric. This serves only as an example and can
be modified or revised based on the needs of individual stakeholders.
System or Equipment Specific Assessment / Full Asset Assessment - Combined & Weighted
<30 Days <90 Days <180 Days <365 Days >1 Year
Prescriptive Prescriptive
25 24 20 18 9
Routine 23 22 13 11 8 Preserve
Basic 21 17 12 10 7 Protect
Minimal 19 16 6 5 3 Isolate
Primary Score: 0
Secondary Score: 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
A.1.2 Instructions
(1) Each system is scored, first considering the Primary categories of Lay-Up Duration
and Planned Maintenance. The score is then inserted into the appropriate cell.
(3) Each system then receives a Total Weighted Score as calculated using the Primary
and Secondary assessment score. The weighting can be determined on a case-
by-case basis. As example only, a weighting formula is shown below using a
simple average of the Primary and Secondary assessments:
(4) Each system undergoes a similar process and receives a Total Weighted Score
calculated as above.
(1) Using the Total Weighted Score of the individual system assessments, the full
asset may then be assessed as demonstrated below (example only):
(2) The asset’s overall status is then determined based on the same rubric as used for
the individual system assessment with the colored categories defined according to
the original table and definitions provided in Section 3 and assessed according to
the same table as provided for individual systems.
A.1.3.1 This Sample Rubric is provided as an example only. Numbers are assigned based solely
on a general interpretation of the four categories and their impact on equipment operating
condition and status.
A.1.3.2 Numbers can be interpreted as needed but for this example provide a general overview
of condition and operating status.
A.1.3.3 Numbers assigned to each cell may be replaced by general monetary amounts or time
scales that better reflect the specific considerations of an asset’s owner / operator or
other stakeholder.
B.1.1 Overview
B.1.1.1 In this section, a worked example is provided to demonstrate the application of the
Assessment Table using the Sample Rubric provided in Appendix A.
B.1.1.2 This serves only as an example. The rubric may be laid out and the asset scored based
on the specific requirements of the vessel owner / operator or on those requirements
deemed appropriate by the assessing stakeholder.
B.1.2.1 Asset details, lay-up conditions, and other considerations are as follows:
DPS-2 Active System- System- Subtropical
200 days
(Classed) shipyard specific specific Internal:
B.1.3 Assessment
B.1.3.1 Each system is scored, first considering the Primary categories of Lay-Up Duration and
Planned Maintenance. A follow up assessment is performed using the Secondary
categories of Environmental Conditions and Lay-Up Preparation with scores assigned
independently of the Primary categories.
• Similar to other electronic control systems, batteries in the system were removed.
Conditions at the lay-up location were humid and dirty and no air conditioning was
provided to any machinery spaces. However, heating elements and other
measures were taken to assist in protecting and preserving generators and
distribution panels. In addition, all sources of potential power were isolated
B.1.4 Scoring
B.1.4.1 Each system’s score is then inserted into the appropriate cell with calculations (for this
example) made based on the weighing calculations outlined above.
11.5 8 8.5 3.5 18 9.9
B.1.5.1 Each system is provided with an individual, weighted score based on the sample rubric
and formulas provided in Appendix A. The conditional status of each system is
determined based strictly on the number assigned. Asset owners can use this number
to determine the amount of resources – in terms of time, personnel, or financial
requirements – to assign to each aspect of reactivation.
B.1.5.2 In this specific example, it is clear that category of Propulsion & Thrusters will require the
largest investment of resources during the reactivation process. The combined impact
of the given environment and levels of maintenance and preparation over the period of
lay-up negatively impacted the overall score.
B.1.5.3 The category of Power Generation & Distribution will require the next greatest amount of
resources. However, it is noted that despite the low Primary Score assigned during the
assessment, the relatively higher score assigned during the Secondary Assessment as
a result of the level of Lay-Up Preparation reduced the impact of time and environment
and improved the overall score.
B.1.5.4 The categories of DP Control & Monitoring Systems and Main & Auxiliary Engines will
require somewhat less resources due to increased levels of Planned Maintenance as well
as the relatively higher amount of Lay-Up Preparation.
B.1.5.5 Of the five categories, Marine & Auxiliary Systems will require the least amount of
resources as a result of the application of prescriptive levels of Planned Maintenance and
Lay-Up Preparation.
B.1.6.1 The Total Asset Score, in this example, serves as an overall evaluation of the asset and
provides a general determination of the amount of resources needed for reactivation.
B.1.6.2 Reference the Sample Rubric in Appendix A, it would be of interest to note that the
minimum score that could reasonably be expected – based on Duration of Lay-Up –
would be in the vicinity of 10 to 11. The actual overall score of 9.9, however, is slightly
lower. As a result of lower levels of Planned Maintenance and Lay-Up Preparation, the
actual score reflects that of an asset that was laid up for a year or more instead of 200
B.1.7.1 Similar to the Sample Rubric provided in Appendix A, this Example Assessment is
provided as an example only. Numbers can be interpreted as needed but for this example
provide a general overview of condition and operating status.
B.1.7.2 Numbers assigned to each cell may be replaced by approximate monetary amounts or
time scales that better reflect the specific resources under consideration by the
appropriate stakeholder.