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IgA nephropathy frequently leads to progressive CKD. Although interest surrounds use of immunosuppressive
agents added to standard therapy, several recent studies have questioned efficacy of these agents. Depleting
antibody–producing B cells potentially offers a new therapy. In this open label, multicenter study conducted over
1-year follow-up, we randomized 34 adult patients with biopsy–proven IgA nephropathy and proteinuria .1 g/d,
maintained on angiotensin–converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers with well controlled BP
and eGFR,90 ml/min per 1.73 m2, to receive standard therapy or rituximab with standard therapy. Primary outcome
measures included change in proteinuria and change in eGFR. Median baseline serum creatinine level (range) was
1.4 (0.8–2.4) mg/dl, and proteinuria was 2.1 (0.6–5.3) g/d. Treatment with rituximab depleted B cells and was well
tolerated. eGFR did not change in either group. Rituximab did not alter the level of proteinuria compared with that at
baseline or in the control group; three patients in each group had $50% reduction in level of proteinuria. Serum
levels of galactose-deficient IgA1 or antibodies against galactose-deficient IgA1 did not change. In this trial,
rituximab therapy did not significantly improve renal function or proteinuria assessed over 1 year. Although rituximab
effectively depleted B cells, it failed to reduce serum levels of galactose-deficient IgA1 and antigalactose–deficient
IgA1 antibodies. Lack of efficacy of rituximab, at least at this stage and severity of IgA nephropathy, may reflect
a failure of rituximab to reduce levels of specific antibodies assigned salient pathogenetic roles in IgA nephropathy.
IgA nephropathy (IgAN) is the most common pri- presence of immune complexes in the kidney suggest
mary glomerular disease in the world.1,2 Among that immunosuppression would be beneficial in this
patients with reduced renal function and proteinuria disease. Indeed, many small studies have suggested
.1 g/24 h, outcomes remain poor. Up to 50% of such
patients will progress to ESRD over 10 years.3,4 Trials
have established the benefit of agents that antagonize Received June 13, 2016. Accepted September 11, 2016.
the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) in Published online ahead of print. Publication date available at
reducing or delaying progression,5,6 but even patients www.jasn.org.
treated with RAAS blockade still face deterioration of Correspondence: Dr. Fernando C. Fervenza, Mayo Clinic, Division
their kidney function over time. of Nephrology and Hypertension, 200 First Street SW, Rochester,
MN 55905. Email: fervenza.fernando@mayo.edu
The presence of inflammation on histologic ex-
amination of the kidney in IgAN along with the Copyright © 2017 by the American Society of Nephrology
Figure 1. Trial organization. Patients were randomly assigned, in a 1:1 ratio, to rituximab and control groups. No patient was withdrawn
from the study due to an adverse event.
1308 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology J Am Soc Nephrol 28: 1306–1313, 2017
Table 2. Disease markers and outcomes in control versus rituximab treatment groups
Baseline End of Study
Markers and Outcomes
Control, n=11 Rituximab, n=11 P Value Control, n=10 Rituximab, n=10 P Value
Biochemical markersa
IgA, mg/ml 4.762.0 5.061.8 0.68 4.661.9 4.461.4 0.77
Gd-IgA1, per 100 ng IgA, U 56.866.9 54.8610.0 0.58 58.965.6 60.5613.0 0.73
IgG autoantibodies, U/ml 858.46647.3 1492.561672.9 0.25 10756908.7 1751.362469.4 0.42
Outcomes, n
Patients with .50% reduction in proteinuria — — — 3 3 .0.99
Patients with .50% increase in proteinuria — — — 2 1 0.54
Patients with ,500 mg/d protein — — — 2 2 .0.99
—, not applicable.
Data presented as mean 6SD.
Figure 4. Adverse events in the control group and the rituximab group. Type of event and number of each of these events are depicted,
with the control group to the left of the red line and the rituximab group to the right of the red line.
group allows us to conclude that results were not different in proteinuria is an important determinant in outcome,30 if there
the rituximab group than in the standard care group. It is were signals of benefit in this population, we should have been
impossible to rule out individual responses, but if present, alerted by this trial. The implications of the numerical, not
they were the exception rather than the rule. Our experience statistically significant, fall in proteinuria in the rituximab-
is also limited in that our patients receiving rituximab had treated group merit comment. To achieve 80% power for any
significant proteinuria and abnormal kidney function, perhaps significant reduction in proteinuria to be possibly observed,
making it too late in their disease to respond to any immuno- our results show that a randomized study comparing the
therapy, including B cell depletion. Patients in the rituximab change in proteinuria for rituximab with control would re-
group were older and had lower eGFR at baseline (by quire 272 patients. The need to treat such a large number of
21 ml/min per 1.73 m2), more than expected by the age dif- patients for any statistical change in proteinuria to be evinced
ference. This finding suggests that the disease was of longer thus seriously questions whether any meaningful pathoge-
duration in the rituximab group, which may have biased the netic and/or therapeutic importance can be applied to this
outcomes, despite equal Oxford MEST scores at baseline. numerical reduction in proteinuria observed in the rituximab-
However, all patients had biopsies within 2 years before treat- treated group.
ment, and those with advanced glomerulosclerosis or inter- Finally, although the presence of circulatory Gd-IgA1 and
stitial fibrosis (.50%) were excluded. Two patients with IgG autoantibodies to this protein are thought to be central to
HSPN were included, but their outcomes did not influence the pathogenesis and progression of IgAN, our data strikingly
the results. The rituximab group was more racially and ethnically show no favorable effect of rituximab on these Igs (either Gd-
diverse, but an analysis, restricted to white patients only also IgA1 or autoantibodies to Gd-IgA1), supporting the lack of clin-
revealed an absence of an effect of rituximab on proteinuria ical evidence of benefit observed in the study. Because the serum
and eGFR (data not shown). Thus, because reduction in levels of Gd-IgA1 and anti–Gd-IgA1 autoantibodies predict
1310 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology J Am Soc Nephrol 28: 1306–1313, 2017
disease progression15,16 and disease recurrence,31 both Gd-IgA1 and diphenhydramine HCl (50 mg) by mouth from 30 to 60 minutes
and the corresponding autoantibodies may be valid candidate before the start of an infusion. Premedication with corticosteroids
biomarkers for assessment of responses to treatment.27 (10 mg dexamethasone intravenously) was also given 30 minutes before
In summary, in patients with IgAN and relatively high risk the first infusion of each series of rituximab. They received an identical
for progressive renal dysfunction, treatment with rituximab 2-g course of rituximab 6 months later. Subjects were assessed at least
resulted in statistically insignificant reductions in proteinuria every 3 months or as needed for clinical events. This assessment in-
or partial remissions that could not be distinguished from the cluded physical examination, a questionnaire for adverse events, and
response to supportive therapy alone. These data do not sup- measurement of routine hematology, serum chemistry, timed urine
port the use of rituximab for the treatment of IgAN, at least for protein excretion, and, for those assigned to rituximab, B cell subsets.
this stage and severity of the disease. Future studies could eGFR was calculated by the four–component MDRD formula using
consider examining earlier use of B cell depletion in IgAN or serum creatinine concentration measured in the central laboratory.
longer follow-up periods or focus on other approaches to re- Follow-up was considered complete at 12 months.
duce the progression of renal disease. Finally, if CD19+ cells of
B cell lineage, such as plasma cells, are confirmed as the source Outcomes
of autoantigen and autoantibody production in IgAN, it is The primary outcome measures were the change in proteinuria and
possible that rituximab may not be effective at any stage and the change in eGFR from baseline to 12 months. The secondary out-
severity for this disease. come was safety related, comparing overall adverse events and mon-
itoring for potential intervention–specific complications, such as
infusion-related reactions, hypogammaglobulinemia, and infections.
Determination of Serum Total IgA and Serum Levels of
The protocol was approved by the institutional review board of each Gd-IgA1
participating center. The study was registered with clinicaltrials.gov, pro- The concentration of serum total IgA was measured by ELISA.32
tocol NCT00498368. Informed consent was obtained before all study Briefly, 96-well plates were coated with goat F(ab9)2 anti–human
procedures, and the study adhered to the Declaration of Helsinki. IgA (Jackson ImmunoResearch Laboratories), blocked with 1%
BSA in PBS plus 0.05% Tween 20 (PBS-T), washed, and incubated
Subjects with serially diluted samples or standard serum with known concen-
Adults, ages 18–70 years old, with biopsy-proven IgAN shown within 2 tration of IgA. Bound IgA was detected by biotinylated goat F(ab9)2
years of enrollment were included. Patients were excluded if their biopsy anti–human IgA (GenWay Biotech Inc.) followed by incubation
showed .50% glomerular sclerosis or interstitial fibrosis or .10% with horseradish peroxidase–conjugated streptavidin (ExtrAvidin-
glomerular crescents. Baseline Oxford classification score22 was recorded Peroxidase; Sigma-Aldrich) and developed with the peroxidase chro-
in blinded fashion by an expert renal pathologist (S.S.). eGFR (by mogenic substrate o-phenylenediamine-H2O2. OD was measured at
Modification of Diet in Renal Disease [MDRD]) or measured creatinine 490 nm on an EL808 Microplate Reader, and the concentration of
clearance had to be ,90 and .30 ml/min per 1.73 m2. To establish IgA in the samples was calculated on the basis of a calibration curve
continued risk, baseline proteinuria needed to be .1000 mg/d while on of standard serum.
stable doses of angiotensin–converting enzyme inhibitor, angiotensin Gd-IgA1 was measured by lectin ELISA.26,33 Briefly, 96-well plates
receptor blocker, or renin inhibitor therapy for at least 2 months. How- coated with goat F(ab9)2 anti–human IgA were blocked with 1%
ever, patients who were on dual therapy with agents that inhibit angio- BSA in PBS-T, washed, and incubated with serum samples added at
tensin II required a lower proteinuria threshold of .500 mg/d. Baseline dilutions corresponding to 100 ng IgA per well overnight at 4°C.
BP was controlled to ,130/80 mmHg. Patients with secondary forms of Captured IgA was desialylated using neuraminidase.26 Gd-IgA1 was
IgAN, such as cirrhosis, were excluded, although subjects with HSPN detected using biotinylated lectin from Helix aspersa (HAA; Sigma-
could be included. Patients were excluded if they had previously received Aldrich) specific for terminal N-acetylgalactosamine and diluted to
rituximab, were receiving other immunosuppressive therapy, or had final concentration of 2 mg/ml in 1% BSA in PBS-T. HAA was de-
ever received .6 months of prednisone or other systemic corticosteroid tected by ExtrAvidin-Peroxidase and developed with the peroxidase
therapy in the past. There was no corticosteroid exposure within 3 chromogenic substrate o-phenylenediamine-H2O2. OD was mea-
months of study initiation. Randomization was done centrally by a ran- sured at 490 nm using an EL808 Microplate Reader. The serum
dom assignment by prefilled envelopes. The study was unblinded as to Gd-IgA1 concentration was expressed in units defined as the ratio
treatment arm. of OD determined for individual samples and a standard Gd-IgA1
(Ale) myeloma protein; 100 U Gd-IgA1 was defined as the OD of
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