Caedmons Hymn
Caedmons Hymn
Caedmons Hymn
5. Master Almighty
for men earth, Master almighty.
7. Mind-plans – thoughts
the Measurer’s might and his mind-plans,
Bide – to stay
- And bade him bide with his battle-equipments.
Scyldings – a member of the royal family of Danes and sometimes their people
- The friend of the Scyldings, every affliction,
Woful - grievous
- The long-worthy atheling, sat very woful,
1. Bairn – child
For her son to take vengeance, her one only bairn.
2. Burnie – armor
His body unscathed: the burnie out-guarded
5. Doughty – courageous
Doughty of spirit, rejoiced in his sea-gift
8. Putrid – rotten
We’re speedily loosened: the ocean was putrid
1. Adder - any of various other venomous or harmless snakes resembling the viper
> Right soon came an adder out of a little heath bush, and it stung a knight on the foot.
>…,he looked down and saw the adder,…
>…, and then he drew his sword to slay the adder, and thought of none other harm.
2. Devoir - something for which a person is responsible
>…; and Sir Mordred that day put him in devoir,
3. Everych - each one
>…, and everych of them should bring fourteen persons;…
4. Fathom - a unit of length equal to six feet
>…, with a foin of his spear, throughout the body, more than a fathom.
5. Foining - thrusting with a pointed weapon
>…; for there was but rushing and riding, foining and striking, and many a grim word was there spoken
either to other, and many a deadly stroke.
6. Grovelling/Groveling - crawling with the face downward
>…, he saw where lay an hermit groveling on all four, there fast by a tomb was new graven.
7. Haft - the handle of a knife
>So Sir Bedivere departed, and by the way he beheld that noble sword, that the pommel and the haft was
all of the precious stones;…
8. Interred - burried
>Sir, said Bedivere, what man is there interred that ye pray so fast for?
9. Jesu - Jesus
>Jesu mercy, said the king, where are all my noble knights become?
10. Pillers - ones who take booties, same as robbers
>…, he saw and hearkened by the moonlight, how that pillers and robbers were come into the field,…
11. Pommel - the knob at the hilt of the sword
> So Sir Bedivere departed, and by the way he beheld that noble sword, that the pommel and the
haft was all of the precious stones;…
12. Rede - advice
>Therefore by my rede, said Sir Lucan, it is best that we bring you to some town.
13. Swoon - faint
>…; and the noble Arthur fell in a swoon to the earth, and there he swooned ofttimes.
14. Tapers - candle
>…, and brought hither a dead corpse, and prayed me to bury him; and here they offered a hundred
tapers, and they gave me a hundred besants.
15. Wan - pale and gloomy
>Sir, he said, I saw nothing but the waters wap and waves wan.
16. Wap - hit, blow
>Sir, he said, I saw nothing but the waters wap and waves wan.
17. Weened - supposed, thought
>Who would have weened that, thou that hast been to me so lief and dear?
18. Yede - simple past tense of go
>And so as he yede, he saw and hearkened by the moonlight,…