The General Clauses Act, 1897
The General Clauses Act, 1897
The General Clauses Act, 1897
1. Short title
2. [Repealed]
3. Definitions
4. Application of foregoing definitions to previous
4A. Application of certain definitions to all Bangladesh
5. Coming into operation of enactments.
5A. [Omitted]
6. Effect of repeal
6A. Repeal of Act making textual amendment in Act or
7. Revival of repealed enactments
8. Construction of references to repealed enactments
9. Commencement and termination of time
10. Computation of time
11. Measurement of distances
12. Duty to be taken pro rata in enactments
13. Gender and number
13A. [Omitted]
General Clauses Act, 1897 413
The words "other Acts of Parliament" were substituted, for the words "Central Acts"
by Article 4 of the General Clauses (Amendment) Order, 1972 (President's Order
No. 147 of 1972).
The word "Pakistan" was omitted by Article 4 of the General Clauses (Amendment)
Order, 1972 (President's Order No. 147 of 1972).
Clause (1a) was substituted, for clause (1a) by Article 4 of the General Clauses
(Amendment) Order, 1972 (President's Order No. 147 of 1972).
General Clauses Act, 1897 415
Clause (2a) was inserted, by Article 4 of the General Clauses (Amendment) Order,
1972 (President's Order No. 147 of 1972).
Clause (3a) was substituted, for clause (3a) by Article 4 of the General Clauses
(Amendment) Order, 1972 (President's Order No. 147 of 1972).
Clauses (3b), (3c), (3d), (4), (5), (6), (7) and (8) were omitted by Article 4 of the
General Clauses (Amendment) Order, 1972 (President's Order No. 147 of 1972).
Clause (8a) was repealed by section 3 and Schedule II of the Federal Laws (Revision
and Declaration) Act, 1951 (Act No. XXVI of 1951).
Clause (8aa) was substituted, for Clause (8aa) by Article 4 of the General Clauses
(Amendment) Order, 1972 (President's Order No. 147 of 1972).
Clauses (8ab) and (8ac) were omitted by Article 4 of the General Clauses
(Amendment) Order, 1972 (President's Order No. 147 of 1972).
416 General Clauses Act, 1897
"Chief Revenue [(9a) "Chief Revenue Authority" shall mean the National
Authority" Board of Revenue constituted under the National
Board of Revenue Order, 1972 (P. O. No. 76 of 1972:]
"Chittagong [(9aa) "Chittagong Metropolitan Area" means the Chittagong
Metropolitan Metropolitan Area as defined in the Chittagong
Area" Metropolitan Police Ordinance, 1978 (Ord. XLVIII of
Clause (9a) was substituted, for clause (9a) by Article 4 of the General Clauses
(Amendment) Order, 1972 (President's Order No. 147 of 1972).
Clause (9aa) was inserted by Schedule III of the Chittagong Metropolitan Police
Ordinance, 1978 (Ordinance No. XLVIII of 1978).
Clause (11) was omitted by Article 4 of the General Clauses (Amendment) Order,
1972 (President's Order No. 147 of 1972).
Clause (13a) was substituted, for clause (13a) by Article 4 of the General Clauses
(Amendment) Order, 1972 (President's Order No. 147 of 1972).
General Clauses Act, 1897 417
[(14a) "Dhaka Metropolitan Area" means the Dacca "Dhaka
Metropolitan Area as defined in the Dacca Metropolitan
Metropolitan Police Ordinance, 1976 (Ord. III of Area"
(18) "father", in the case of any one whose personal law "Father"
permits adoption, shall include an adoptive father:
[(19) "financial year" shall mean the year commencing "Financial
on the first day of July and ending on the 30th day of year"
Clause (14a) was inserted by Schedule of the Dacca Metropolitan Police
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1976 (Ordinance No. LXIX of 1976).
The words "the High Court Division" were substituted, for the words "a High Court"
by Article 4(l) of the General Clauses (Amendment) Order, 1972 (President's Order
No. 147 of 1972).
Clauses (16a), (16b) and (16c) were omitted by Article 4(m) of the General Clauses
(Amendment) Order, 1972 (President's Order No. 147 of 1972).
The words "and any Regulation of the Bengal, or Bombay Code" were omitted by
Article 4(n) of the General Clauses (Amendment) Order, 1972 (President's Order No.
147 of 1972).
Clause (19) was substituted, for clause (19), by Article 4(o) of the General Clauses
(Amendment) Order, 1972 (President's Order No. 147 of 1972).
418 General Clauses Act, 1897
Clause (21) was substituted, for clause (21) by Article 4 of the General Clauses
(Amendment) Order, 1972 (President's Order No. 147 of 1972).
Clauses (21a), (21b), (21c), (21d), (21e) and (22) were substituted, for clauses (21a),
(21b), (21c), (21d), (21e) and (22) by Article 4 of the General Clauses (Amendment)
Order, 1972 (President's Order No. 147 of 1972).
General Clauses Act, 1897 419
Clause (24) was substituted, for clause (24) by Article 4 of the General Clauses
(Amendment) Order, 1972 (President's Order No. 147 of 1972).
Clause (24a) was inserted by Article 4 of the General Clauses (Amendment) Order,
1972 (President's Order No. 147 of 1972).
The word "Pakistan" was omitted by Article 4 of the General Clauses (Amendment)
Order, 1972 (President's Order No. 147 of 1972).
Clause (26a) was inserted by Schedule II of the Khulna Metropolitan Police
Ordinance, 1985 (Ordinance No. LII of 1985).
420 General Clauses Act, 1897
[* * *]
"Local [(28) "Local authority" shall mean and include a Paura
authority" Shava, Zilla Board, Union Panchayet, Board of
Trustees of a port or other authority legally entitled to,
or entrusted by the Government with, the control or
management of a municipal or local fund, or any
corporation or other body or authority constituted or
established by the Government under any law:]
"Magistrate" (31) "Magistrate" shall include every person exercising all
or any of the powers of a Magistrate under the Code of
Criminal Procedure for the time being in force:
"Master" (32) "master", used with reference to a ship, shall mean any
(of a ship) person (except a pilot or harbour-master) having for the
time being control or charge of the ship:
"Metropolitan [(32a) "Metropolitan Area" means the Chittagong
Area" Metropolitan Area or the 4[Dhaka Metropolitan Area or
the Khulna Metropolitan Area], 5[or ivRkvnx gnvbMix cywjk
AvBb, 1992 (1992 m‡bi 23bs AvBb) Gi cÖ_g Zdwm‡j ewY©Z
GjvKv], 6[or wm‡jU gnvbMix cywjk AvBb, 2009 (2009 m‡bi
23bs AvBb) Gi cÖ_g Zdwm‡j ewY©Z GjvKv] 7[or ewikvj gnvbMix
cywjk AvBb, 2009 (2009 m‡bi 24bs AvBb) Gi cÖ_g Zdwm‡j
ewY©Z GjvKv]:]
"Month" (33) "month" shall mean a month reckoned according to the
British calendar:
"Moveable (34) "moveable property" shall mean property of every
property" description, except immoveable property:
[* * *]
Clauses (27), (27b) and (27c) was omitted by Article 4(u) of the General Clauses (Amendment) Order,
1972 (President's Order No. 147 of 1972).
Clause (28) was substituted, for clause (28) by Article 4(v) of the General Clauses (Amendment) Order,
1972 (President's Order No. 147 of 1972).
Clause (32a) was inserted by Schedule III of the Chittagong Metropolitan Police Ordinance, 1978
(Ordinance No. XLVIII of 1978).
The words "Dhaka Metropolitan Area or the Khulna Metropolitan Area" were substituted, for the words
"Dhaka Metropolitan Area" by Schedule III of the Khulna Metropolitan Police Ordinance, 1985 (Ordinance
No. LII of 1985).
ivRkvnx gnvbMix cywjk AvBb, 1992 (1992 m‡bi 23bs AvBb) Gi Zdwmj 3 e‡j the words, comma, figures and brackets
"or ivRkvnx gnvbMix cywjk AvBb, 1992 (1992 m‡bi 23bs AvBb) Gi cÖ_g Zdwm‡j ewY©Z GjvKv" mwbœ‡ewkZ|
wm‡jU gnvbMix cywjk AvBb, 2009 (2009 m‡bi 23bs AvBb) Gi aviv 115 Gi `dv (K) e‡j the words, comma, figures and
brackets "or wm‡jU gnvbMix cywjk AvBb, 2009 (2009 m‡bi 23bs AvBb) Gi cÖ_g Zdwm‡j ewY©Z GjvKv" mwbœ‡ewkZ|
ewikvj gnvbMix cywjk AvBb, 2009 (2009 m‡bi 24bs AvBb) Gi aviv 115 Gi `dv (K) e‡j the words, comma, figures
and brackets "or ewikvj gnvbMix cywjk AvBb, 2009 (2009 m‡bi 24bs AvBb) Gi cÖ_g Zdwm‡j ewY©Z GjvKv" mwbœ‡ewkZ|
Clauses (34a1) and (34a) were omitted by Article 4(w) of the General clauses (Amendment) Order, 1972
(President's Order No. 147 of 1972).
General Clauses Act, 1897 421
(36) "oath" shall include affirmation and declaration in the case of "Oath"
persons by law allowed to affirm or declare instead of swearing:
(37) "offence" shall mean any act or omission made punishable by "Offence"
any law for the time being in force:
[(37a) "Official Gazette" or "Gazette" shall mean the Bangladesh "Official Gazette"
(37b) "Parliament" shall mean the Parliament for Bangladesh, known "Parliament"
as the House of the Nation:]
(38) "Part" shall mean a Part of the Act or Regulation in which the "Part"
word occurs:
(39) "person" shall include any company or association or body of "Person"
individuals, whether incorporated or not:
[(39a) "Police Commissioner" means the Police Commissioner appointed "Police
appointed under the Dacca Metropolitan Police Ordinance, Commissioner"
1976 (Ord. III of 1976), or the Chittagong Metropolitan Police
Ordinance, 1978 (Ord. XLVIII of 1978), 3[or the Khulna
Metropolitan Police Ordinance, 1985 (LII of 1985),] and
includes an Additional Police Commissioner, a Deputy Police
Commissioner and an Assistant Police Commissioner appointed
under any of those Ordinances, 4[orivRkvnx gnvbMix cywjk AvBb,
1992 (1992 m‡bi 23bs AvBb) Gi Aaxb wbhy³ cywjk Kwgkbvi Ges D³
AvB‡bi Aaxb wbhy³ AwZwi³ cywjk Kwgkbvi, Dc-cywjk Kwgkbvi I mnKvix
cywjk Kwgkbvi Bnvi AšÍf©y³ nB‡e,] 5[or wm‡jU gnvbMix cywjk AvBb, 2009
(2009 m‡bi 23bs AvBb) Gi Aaxb wbhy³ cywjk Kwgkbvi Ges D³ AvB‡bi
Aaxb wbhy³ AwZwi³ cywjk Kwgkbvi, hyM¥-cywjk Kwgkbvi, Dc-cywjk Kwgkbvi,
AwZwi³ Dc-cywjk Kwgkbvi, wmwbqi mnKvix cywjk Kwgkbvi I mnKvix cywjk
Kwgkbvi Bnvi AšÍfz©³ Bn‡e], 6[ or ewikvj gnvbMxi cywjk AvBb, 2009
(2009 m‡bi 24bs AvBb) Gi Aaxb wbhy³ cywjk Kwgkbvi Ges D³ AvB‡bi
Aaxb wbhy³ AwZwi³ cywjk Kwgkbvi, hyM¥-cywjk Kwgkbvi, Dc-cywjk Kwgkbvi,
AwZwi³ Dc-cywjk Kwgkbvi, wmwbqi mnKvix cywjk Kwgkbvi I mnKvix cywjk
Kwgkbvi Bnvi AšÍfz©³ nB‡e]:]
Clauses (37a) and (37b) were substituted, for clauses (37a) and (37b) by Article 4(x) of the General Clauses
(Amendment) Order, 1972 (President's Order No. 147 of 1972).
Clause (39a) was substituted, for clause (39a) by Schedule III of the Chittagong Metropolitan Police
Ordinance, 1978 (Ordinance No. XLVIII of 1978).
The words, commas, figures and brackets "or the Khulna Metropolitan Police Ordinance, 1985 (Ordinance
No. LII of 1985)," were inserted by Schedule III of the Khulna Metropolitan Police Ordinance (Ordinance
No. LII of 1985).
ivRkvnx gnvbMix cywjk AvBb, 1992 (1992 m‡bi 23bs AvBb) Gi Zdwmj 3 e‡j the words, commas, figures and
brackets "or ivRkvnx gnvbMix cywjk AvBb, 1992 (1992 m‡bi 23bs AvBb) Gi Aaxb wbhy³ cywjk Kwgkbvi Ges D³ AvB‡bi
Aaxb wbhy³ AwZwi³ cywjk Kwgkbvi, Dc-cywjk Kwgkbvi I mnKvix cywjk Kwgkbvi Bnvi AšÍfy©³ nB‡e" mwbœ‡ewkZ nBqv‡Q|
wm‡jU gnvbMix cywjk AvBb, 2009 (2009 m‡bi 23bs AvBb) Gi aviv 115 Gi `dv (L) e‡j the words, commas, figures and
brackets "or wm‡jU gnvbMix cywjk AvBb, 2009 (2009 m‡bi 23bs AvBb) Gi Aaxb wbhy³ cywjk Kwgkbvi Ges D³ AvB‡bi
Aaxb wbhy³ AwZwi³ cywjk Kwgkbvi, hyM¥-cywjk Kwgkbvi, Dc-cywjk Kwgkbvi, AwZwi³ Dc-cywjk Kwgkbvi, wmwbqi mnKvix cywjk
Kwgkbvi I mnKvix cywjk Kwgkbvi Bnvi AšÍfz©³ Bn‡e" mwbœ‡ewkZ nBqv‡Q|
ewikvj gnvbMxi cywjk AvBb, 2009 (2009 m‡bi 24bs AvBb) Gi aviv 115 Gi `dv (L) e‡j the words, commas,
figures and brackets "or ewikvj gnvbMxi cywjk AvBb, 2009 (2009 m‡bi 24bs AvBb) Gi Aaxb wbhy³ cywjk Kwgkbvi
Ges D³ AvB‡bi Aaxb wbhy³ AwZwi³ cywjk Kwgkbvi, hyM¥-cywjk Kwgkbvi, Dc-cywjk Kwgkbvi, AwZwi³ Dc-cywjk
Kwgkbvi, wmwbqi mnKvix cywjk Kwgkbvi I mnKvix cywjk Kwgkbvi Bnvi AšÍfz©³ nB‡e" mwbœ‡ewkZ nBqv‡Q|
422 General Clauses Act, 1897
[* * *]
(44) "Public nuisance" shall mean a public nuisance as
defined in the 2[* * *] Penal Code:
[* * *]
"President" 4
[(44b) "the President" means the President of Bangladesh
elected under the Constitution or any person for the
time being acting in that office: ]
(45) "registered", used with reference to a document, shall
mean registered in 5[* * *] under the law for the time
being in force for the registration of documents:
"Regulation" 6
[(46) "Regulation" shall mean a Regulation made by any
person or authority empowered under any constitutional
instrument and in force in Bangladesh:]
"Republic" 7
[(46a) "the Republic" means the People's Republic of
(47) "rule" shall mean a rule made in exercise of a power
conferred by any enactment, and shall include a
regulation made as a rule under any enactment:
(48) "schedule" shall mean a schedule to the Act or
Regulation in which the word occurs:
Clauses (40), (42), (43) (43ai) and (43a) were omitted by Article 4 of the General
Clauses (Amendment) Order, 1972 (President's Order No. 147 of 1972).
The word "Pakistan" was omitted by Article 4 of the General Clauses (Amendment)
Order, 1972 (President's Order No. 147 of 1972).
Clauses (44a1) and (44a) were omitted by Article 4 of the General Clauses
(Amendment) Order, 1972 (President's Order No. 147 of 1972).
Clause (44b) was inserted by section 3 and 2nd Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws
(Revision and Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973).
The words "a Province" were omitted by Article 4 of the General Clauses
(Amendment) Order, 1972 (President's Order No. 147 of 1972).
Clause (46) was substituted, for clause (46), by Article 4 of the General Clauses
(Amendment) Order, 1972 (President's Order No. 147 of 1972).
Clause (46a) was inserted by section 3 and 2nd Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws
(Revision and Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973).
General Clauses Act, 1897 423
[* * *]
(50) "section" shall mean a section of the Act or Regulation
in which the word occurs:
2 "Service of the
[(50a) "the service of the Republic" means any service, post
or office whether in a civil or military capacity, in
respect of the Government of Bangladesh, and any
other service declared by law to be a service of the
(51) "ship" shall include every description of vessel used in
navigation not exclusively propelled by oars:
(52) "sign", with its grammatical variations and cognate
expressions, shall, with reference to a person who is
unable to write his name, include "mark", with its
grammatical variations and cognate expressions:
[* * *]
(53) "son" in the case of any one whose personal law
permits adoption, shall include an adopted son:
(54) "sub-section" shall mean a sub-section of the section in
which the word occurs:
4 "Suits by or
[(54a) "suits by or against the Government" and equivalent
expressions shall include suits by or against Government"
(55) "swear", with its grammatical variations and cognate
expressions, shall include affirming and declaring in
the case of persons by law allowed to affirm or declare
instead of swearing:
Clause (49) was omitted by Article 4 of the General Clauses (Amendment) Order,
1972 (President's Order No. 147 of 1972).
Clause (50a) was inserted by section 3 and 2nd Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws
(Revision and Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973).
Clauses (52a1) and (52a) were omitted by Article 4 of the General Clauses
(Amendment) Order, 1972 (President's Order No. 147 of 1972).
Clause (54a) was substituted, for clause (54a) by Article 4 of the General Clauses
(Amendment) Order, 1972 (President's Order No. 147 of 1972).
424 General Clauses Act, 1897
[* * *]:
"Vessel" (56) "vessel" shall include any ship or boat or any other
description of vessel used in navigation:
"Will" (57) "will" shall include a codicil and every writing making a
voluntary posthumous disposition of property:
"Writing" (58) expressions referring to "writing" shall be construed as
including references to printing, lithography,
photography and other modes of representing or
reproducing words in a visible form: and
"Year" (59) "year" shall mean a year reckoned according to the
British calendar.
Application of 4. (1) The definitions in section 3 of the following words
foregoing and expressions, that is to say, "affidavit", 2[advocate], "District
definitions to
previous Judge", "father", "immoveable property", "imprisonment",
enactments "Magistrate", "month", "moveable property", "oath", "person",
"section", "son", "swear", "will" and "year" apply also, unless
there is anything repugnant in the subject or context, to all
[Acts of Parliament] made after the third day of January, 1868,
and to all Regulations made on or after the fourteenth day of
January, 1887.
(2) The definitions in the said section of the following
words and expressions, that is to say, "abet", "Chapter",
"commencement", "financial year", "local authority", "master",
"offence", "part", "public nuisance", "registered", "schedule",
"ship", "sign", "sub-section" and "writing" apply also, unless
there is anything repugnant in the subject or context, to all
[Acts of Parliament] and Regulations made on or after the
fourteenth day of January, 1887.
Clauses (55a), (56a) and (56aa) were omitted by Article 4 of the General Clauses
(Amendment) Order, 1972 (President's Order No. 147 of 1972).
The word "advocate" was substituted, for the word "barrister", by Article 5 of the
General Clauses (Amendment) Order, 1972 (President's Order No. 147 of 1972).
The words "Acts of Parliament" were substituted, for the words "Central Acts" by
Article 5 of the General Clauses (Amendment) Order, 1972 (President's Order No.
147 of 1972).
General Clauses Act, 1897 425
[4A. (1) The definitions in section 3 of the expressions Application of
[* * *] 3[Act of Parliament] 2[* * *] "Chief Revenue certain
Authority", "Gazette", "Government", "Government contracts", definitions to
"Government debts", "Government grants", "Government all Bangladesh
liabilities", "Government property", "Government securities", laws
"High Court", 4[High Court Division"] 5[* * *], "official
Gazette", 6[Bangladesh laws] 5[* * *] and "suits by or against
Government" apply also, unless there is anything repugnant in
the subject or context, to all 6[Bangladesh laws].
(2) In any 7[Bangladesh law], references to the
[Government] in any provision conferring power to make
appointments to the civil services of, or civil posts under, the
[Government] include references to such person as the
[Government] may direct, and in any provision conferring
power to make rules prescribing the conditions of service of
persons serving the 9[Government] in a civil capacity include
references to any person authorized by the 10[Government] to
make rules for the purpose.
Article 4A was inserted by the Government of India (Adaptation of Indian Laws) Order,
The words "British India", "Central Government", "Central Legislature" were omitted by
Article 6 of the General Clauses (Amendment) Order, 1972 (President's Order No. 147 of
The words "Act of Parliament" were substituted, for the words "Central Act" by Article 6
of the General Clauses (Amendment) Order, 1972 (President's Order No. 147 of 1972).
The words "High Court Division" were inserted by Article 6 of the General Clauses
(Amendment) Order, 1972 (President's Order No. 147 of 1972).
The words "India", "Indian State", and Provincial Government" were omitted by Article
6(a) of the General Clauses (Amendment) Order, 1972 (President's Order No. 147 of
The words "Bangladesh Laws" were substituted, for the words "Pakistan laws" by Article
6 of the General Clauses (Amendment) Order, 1972 (President's Order No. 147 of 1972).
The words "Bangladesh Law" were substituted, for the words "Pakistan law" by Article 6
of the General Clauses (Amendment) Order, 1972 (President's Order No. 147 of 1972).
The word "Government" was substituted, for the words "Provincial Government or the
Central Government" by Article 6 of the General Clauses (Amendment) Order, 1972
(President's Order No. 147 of 1972).
The word "Government" was substituted, for the word "State" by Article 6 of the General
Clauses (Amendment) Order, 1972 (President's Order No. 147 of 1972).
The word "Government" was substituted, for the words and commas "Provincial
Government or the Central Government, as the case may be," by Article 6 of the General
Clauses (Amendment) Order, 1972 (President's Order No. 147 of 1972).
426 General Clauses Act, 1897
The words "Bangladesh Law" were substituted, for the words "Pakistan Law" by
Article 6 of the General Clauses (Amendment) Order, 1972 (President's Order No.
147 of 1972).
The words "the Government" were substituted, for the words "a Government or a
Province" by Article 6 of the General Clauses (Amendment) Order, 1972 (President's
Order No. 147 of 1972).
The word "Government" was substituted, for the words "Secretary of State in
Council or a Government or a Province" by Article 6 of the General Clauses
(Amendment) Order, 1972 (President's Order No. 147 of 1972).
The word "Government" was substituted, for the word "State" by article 6 of the
General Clauses (Amendment) Order, 1972 (President's Order No. 147 of 1972).
Sub-section (1) was substituted, for sub-section (1) by Article 7 of the General
Clauses (Amendment) Order, 1972 (President's Order No. 147 of 1972).
The words "an Act of Parliament" were substituted, for the words "a Central Act" by
Article 7 of the General Clauses (Amendment) Order, 1972 (President's Order No.
147 of 1972).
General Clauses Act, 1897 427
The words "Act of Parliament" were substituted, for the words "Central Act" by
Article 8 of the General Clauses (Amendment) Order, 1972 (President's Order No.
147 of 1972).
428 General Clauses Act, 1897
The words "Act of Parliament" were substituted, for the words "Central Act" by
Article 8 of the General Clauses (Amendment) Order, 1972 (President's Order No.
147 of 1972).
The words "Acts of Parliament" were substituted, for the words "Central Acts" by
Article 8 of the General Clauses (Amendment) Order, 1972 (President's Order No.
147 of 1972).
General Clauses Act, 1897 429
The words "Act of Parliament" were substituted, for the words "Central Act" by
Article 8 of the General Clauses (Amendment) Order, 1972 (President's Order No.
147 of 1972).
The word "Indian" was omitted by Article 10 of the General Clauses (Amendment)
Order, 1972 (President's Order No. 147 of 1972).
The words "Acts of Parliament" were substituted, for the words "Central Acts" by
Article 8 of the General Clauses (Amendment) Order, 1972 (President's Order No.
147 of 1972).
430 General Clauses Act, 1897
(2) words in the singular shall include the plural, and vice
The words "Act of Parliament" were substituted, for the words "Central Act" by
Article 8 of the General Clauses (Amendment) Order, 1972 (President's Order No.
147 of 1972).
The words "Acts of Parliament" were substituted, for the words "Central Acts" by
Article 8 of the General Clauses (Amendment) Order, 1972 (President's Order No.
147 of 1972).
General Clauses Act, 1897 431
The words "Act of Parliament" were substituted, for the words "Central Act" by
Article 8 of the General Clauses (Amendment) Order, 1972 (President's Order No.
147 of 1972).
The words "Acts of Parliament" were substituted, for the words "Central Acts" by
Article 8 of the General Clauses (Amendment) Order, 1972 (President's Order No.
147 of 1972).
432 General Clauses Act, 1897
The words "Act of Parliament" were substituted, for the words "Central Act" by
the General Clauses (Amendment) Order, 1972 (President's Order No. 147 of 1972)
Article 8.
General Clauses Act, 1897 433
subject to the condition of the rules or bye-laws being made making of rules
or bye-laws
after previous publication, then the following provisions shall after previous
apply, namely: publication
The word "Government" was substituted, for the words "Central Government or the
Provincial Government" by Article 11 of the General Clauses (Amendment) Order,
1972 (President's Order No. 147 of 1972).
434 General Clauses Act, 1897
The words "Act of Parliament" were substituted, for the words "Central Act" by
Article 8 of the General Clauses (Amendment) Order, 1972 (President's Order No.
147 of 1972).
The words, commas, letters and figures "and when any Central Act or Regulation,
which, by a notification under section 5 or 5A or the Scheduled Districts Act, 1874,
or any like law, has been extended to any local area, has, by a subsequent
notification, been withdrawn from and re-extended to such area or any part thereof,
the provisions of such Act or Regulation shall be deemed to have been repealed and
re-enacted in such area or part within the meaning of this section" were omitted by
Article 12 of the General Clauses (Amendment) Order, 1972 (President's Order No.
147 of 1972),.
The word "Pakistan" was omitted by Article 13 of the General Clauses (Amendment)
Order, 1972 (President's Order No. 147 of 1972).
General Clauses Act, 1897 435
The words "Act of Parliament" were substituted, for the words "Central Act" by
Article 8 of the General Clauses (Amendment) Order, 1972 (President's Order No.
147 of 1972),.
The words "short title or Bengali translation thereof" were substituted, for the words
"title or short title (if any)" by Article 14 of the General Clauses (Amendment)
Order, 1972 (President's Order No. 147 of 1972).
436 General Clauses Act, 1897
The words "Act of Parliament" were substituted, for the words "Central Act" by
Article 8 of the General Clauses (Amendment) Order, 1972 (President's Order No.
147 of 1972).
The words "any person having authority to legislate under any constitutional
provision or by the President of Bangladesh under the Constitution" were substituted,
for the words, commas and figures "the Governor-General under section 23 of the
Indian Councils Act, 1861 or section 72 of the Government of India Act, 1915 or
section 42 of the Government of India Act, 1935 or an Ordinance made and
Promulgated by the President on or after the twenty-third day of March, 1956" by
Article 15(b) of the General Clauses (Amendment) Order, 1972 (President's Order
No. 147 of 1972).
Section 31 was substituted, for section 31 by Article 16 of the General Clauses
(Amendment) Order, 1972 (President's Order No. 147 of 1972).