Compaction and CBR: Soil Testing
Compaction and CBR: Soil Testing
Compaction and CBR: Soil Testing
Compaction Test 2.5 kg This test method utilises a 4.5 kg hand rammer resulting in a
heavier compactive effort than the 2.5 kg test method.
BS 1377-4, 1924-2, EN DD ENV 1997-2 Compactive energy some 4.5 times greater is applied to the
sample using the heavier rammer.
This test method utilises a 2.5 kg hand compaction hammer
and a one litre capacity compaction mould. The method is often specified where higher levels of
compaction are necessary in a structure, e.g. an airfield sub-
Often referred to as the 'Proctor' test it is suitable for soils base material.
containing particles no larger than 20mm.
Manufactured from corrosion protected steel components
The mould and hammer is manufactured from corrosion the 4.5 kg rammer is designed to withstand heavy usage
protected steel components to withstand the heavy usage involved in the test method.
involved in the test.
Specification Specification
Mould volume 1 litre Rammer 50 mm dia, 4.5 kg
Construction All steel, threaded studs with wing nuts, plated Drop 450 mm
Weight 5.5 kg Guide sleeve Machined steel tubing with air pressure
release holes
Ordering Information Finish Corrosion resistant
EL24-9000 Weight 7.5 kg
Standard Compaction Mould BS
Ordering Information
Compaction Rammer, 2.5 kg BS EL24-9004
Compaction Rammer 4.5 kg BS
Rammer 50 mm dia, 2.5 kg Accessories
Drop 300 mm EL24-9010 Straightedge, 300 mm Weight 600 g
Guide sleeve Machined steel tubing with air pressure EL24-9025 Tamping Foot 146 mm dia and
release holes 300 mm long Shank
Finish Corrosion resistant
Weight 4.2 kg
Dry Density
Moisture Content Relationship for
Ordering Information Soils
Compaction Rammer 2.5 kg BS
Soil Testing
Compaction and CBR 24
Dry Density/Moisture Relationship ASTM Compaction Mould
ASTM ASTM D698, D1557; AASHTO T99,T180
Proctor Compaction Mould 1
ASTM D558, D559, D560, D698, D1557; Mould volume /13.33 ft3
AASHTO T99,T134,T135,T136,T180 Construction All steel, threaded studs with wing nuts, plated
Weight 8.2 kg
Mould volume 1
/30 ft3 Ordering Information
Construction All steel, threaded studs with wing nuts, plated EL24-9066
Weight 5.4 kg ASTM Compaction Mould
Ordering Information
ASTM Compaction Rammer
EL24-9060 ASTM D1557; AASHTO T180
Proctor Compaction Mould
Proctor Compaction Rammer Rammer 2 in diameter, 10 lb
ASTM D558, D559, D560, D698; AASHTO T99, Drop 18 in
T134,T135,T136 Guide sleeve Machined steel tubing with air pressure
Specification release holes
Finish Corrosion resistant
Rammer 2 in dia, 5.5 lb
Weight 6.3 kg
Drop 12 in
Guide sleeve Machined steel tubing with air pressure Ordering Information
release holes
Finish Corrosion resistant EL24-9070
ASTM Compaction Rammer
Weight 4.1 kg
Ordering Information
Proctor Compaction Rammer EL24-9066 ASTM Compaction Mould
Straightedge, 300 mm
see EL24-9010
24 Soil Testing
Compaction and CBR
Automatic Compactor
BS1377, EN DD ENV 1997-2, 1924; ASTM D558, D560,
D698, D1557; AASHTO T99,T134,T135,T136,T180
Dimensions (l x w x h) 430 x 250 x 1400 mm EL24-9090 series Automatic Soil Compactor with accessory Mould
Standard Compaction Mould
see EL24-9000
BS CBR Mould Body
see EL24-9198
BS CBR Extension Collar
see EL24-9200
BS CBR Solid Base see EL24-9204
Soil Testing
Compaction and CBR 24
Moisture Condition Value (MCV) and
Chalk Crushing Value (CCV)
Both these tests incorporate a Moisture Condition
Apparatus.The MCV is a measure of the minimum
compactive effort required to produce near full compaction
of a soil.The CCV measures the rate at which a sample of
chalk lumps are crushed. Used with the saturated moisture
content of chalk, CCV can be used to classify chalk as a fill
■ TRL approved
■ Improved design
■ Simple portable apparatus
■ Automatic blow count
The original Moisture Condition Apparatus was developed by the
Transport Research Laboratory, England. ELE has redesigned the
equipment to give improvements in terms of strength and
reliability, particularly under site conditions.The ELE model is TRL
approved and is used in construction control to assess the
suitability of earthwork material in relation to the specified upper
limits of moisture content. In a second mode of operation, it
determines a ‘chalk crushing value’ for use in classification of chalk
as a fill material.
Ordering Information
ELE-Moisture Condition Apparatus
The apparatus is supplied complete with vernier caliper, mould, 6
fibre discs, operating instructions and standard forms for
determining Moisture Condition Value and Chalk Crushing Value.
Dimensions 300 x 630 x 950 mm (l x w x h).
Weight 60 kg
24 Soil Testing
Compaction and CBR
The California Bearing Ratio test, or CBR test as it is usually A number of options are available to to collect and analyse
termed, is an empirical test first developed in California, data with the ELE CBR-Test 50.
USA, for estimating the bearing value of highway sub-bases
and subgrades.The test follows a standardised procedure 1 Mechanical, using standard Load Rings and Penetration
and there is little difference between BS/EN and ASTM Dial Gauges.
tests. However, there are numerous ways of preparing
samples and in this respect American practice differs in 2 Electronic, Load Transducers and Displacement
detail from British practice. Transducers in conjunction with the ELE Electronic
Control and Readout Unit supplied with download
This test can be performed in the laboratory on prepared samples software.
or in-situ on location. It is important to appreciate that this test,
being of an empirical nature, is valid only for the application for 3 Electronic, using Electronic measuring devices as above
which it was developed, i.e. the design of highway base thicknesses. in conjunction with the ELE DataSystem that provides
full analysis of CBR Test data.
CBR-Test 50 Machine
BS 1377, 1924; EN 13286-47;ASTM D1883; AASHTO T193
Dimensions (l x w x h) 550 x 400 x 1 220 mm
Maximum vertical clearance 800 mm
Horizontal clearance 255 mm
Platen diameter 133 mm
Platen travel 105 mm
Weight 80 kg
Ordering Information
EL24-9150 series
CBR-Test 50. A 50 kN Load frame complete with stabilising bar
EL24-9150/01 for 220 V AC, 50 Hz, 1ph
EL24-9150/02 for 110 V AC, 60 Hz, 1ph
EL24-9170 Stabilising Bar
Mechanism of Failure
Soil Testing
Compaction and CBR 24
MultiPlex 50 Machines
BS598, 1377, 1924; EN 12697-23, 24, 13286-47;
Ordering Information
MultiPlex 50 see EL25-3700
Electronic Control and Readout Unit see EL27-1200/09
EL25-3700 series MultiPlex 50 with Accessories
Ordering Information
Penetration Piston with 1.935 mm2 (3 in2) area foot of case-
hardened steel. Designed to fit all ELE load rings. Weight 3.7 kg
Penetration Piston as EL24-9182 but with a coarse stem
adjustment.This piston is particularly useful for in-situ testing.
Weight 4.0 kg
Force Measurement EL24-9184
Penetration/Swell Dial Gauge, ASTM 1 in travel x 0.0005 in
A range of load rings will be required depending upon the type of divisions. Complete with rack extensions and chisel edge anvil.
material being tested. Weight 220 g
Detailed below is a selected range of load rings which are suitable EL24-9186
for differing values of CBR. Penetration Dial Gauge BS 25 mm travel x 0.01 mm divisions.
Complete with rack extensions and chisel edge anvil. Weight 220 g
Model no. Capacity Value of CBR
EL78-0060 2 kN Up to 8% EL24-9188
EL78-0460 10 kN 8% to 40% Bracket and Adaptor dual purpose mounting bracket for CBR
EL78-0760 28 kN Average range of CBR penetration dial gauges. Allows gauge to be fixed to penetration
EL78-0860 50 kN Above 40% piston or load ring. Weight 300 g
Full details on the range of available load rings are in Section 78,
Load Measurement.
24 Soil Testing
Compaction and CBR
CBR Mould
CBR Moulds and Accessories ASTM D1883; AASHTO T193
A range of moulds and accessories specifically designed to Specification
meet the requirements of the relevant standards.The Mould 152.4 x 177.8 mm (inside diameter x height)
equipment is manufactured from high quality, long-lasting
Collar 50.8 mm height, fits both ends of mould
material and with regular maintenance will give years of
satisfactory performance. Base plate Perforated
Construction All steel, plated
CBR Mould Weight 9 kg
BS 1377, 1924; EN 13286-4, EN DD ENV 1997-2
Specification Ordering Information
Mould 152 x 127 mm (inside diameter x height)
ASTM CBR Mould with collar and perforated baseplate
Collar 51 mm height, fits both ends of mould
Base plate Solid, fits both ends of mould Accessories
Construction All steel, plated EL24-9236 ASTM CBR Cutting Collar to fit ASTM
Weight 7.3 kg CBR mould body, manufactured with a
cutting edge to enable undisturbed samples
to be taken in the field. Weight 1.5 kg
Ordering Information
EL24-9238 ASTM CBR Spacing Disc
EL24-9198 150.8 mm diameter x 61.4 mm deep.
BS/EN CBR Mould Body Weight 6.8 kg
EL24-9200 EL24-9240 Filter Screen 150 mm dia, 150 µm mesh.
BS/EN CBR Extension Collar For use with ASTM mould
EL24-9243 4.5 kg Annular Surcharge Weight,
EL24-9204 ASTM
BS/EN CBR Solid Base/Top Plate
EL24-9244 5 lb Split Surcharge Weight, ASTM
Accessories EL24-9245 5 lb Annular Surcharge Weight,ASTM
EL24-9202 BS/EN CBR Perforated Base Plate. EL24-9250 Filter Papers, 150 mm dia. Box of 100.
To fit mould body. Weight 1.8 kg
EL24-9206 CBR Cutting Collar to fit BS/EN mould
body. Weight 1.4 kg
EL24-9208 C-spanner to fit BS/EN CBR moulds and
collars.Two required. Weight 1.7 kg each
EL24-9210 Base Plate Tool to fit into base plate to
assist removal from mould body.
Weight 700 g
EL24-9212 Static Compaction Plug
Steel, 150 mm dia x 51 mm thick.
Complete with removable handle. Weight
7.3 kg
EL24-9214 2 kg Annular Surcharge Weight, BS/EN
ASTM Mould and Accessories
EL24-9216 2 kg Split Surcharge Weight, BS/EN
Tamping Rod see EL34-0130 Expansion (swell) Test Equipment
EL24-9220 Filter Papers, 150 mm diameter.
Box of 100 Ordering Information
BS/EN Mould and Accessories EL24-9260
Swell Plate. With adjustable stem. Weight 540 g
Swell Tripod for mounting Swell Dial Gauge in position on CBR
mould collar. Weight 700 g
Soaking Tank galvanised steel, 610 x 610 x 380 mm deep.
Complete with removable perforated tray and tank stand.
Weight 37 kg
Swell Dial Gauge, BS/EN. 25 mm travel x 0.01 mm
Soil Testing
Compaction and CBR 24
Conversion of In-situ to
In-situ CBR Laboratory CBR
The use of in-situ CBR apparatus on road construction The In-situ CBR jack assembly can be mounted in a simple
contracts enables the bearing capacity of soils to be conversion frame to measure CBR values in the laboratory.The
determined quickly and efficiently with minimum delay to frame is used with the jack, a suitable load ring, CBR mould and
contracting plant. BS 1377, BS 1924 and ASTM D4429 penetration piston.
describe in-situ test procedures.
Ordering Information
50 kN Conversion Frame to adapt the mechanical jack for
laboratory CBR tests.The frame is of a two-column
construction with an overhead beam to accept the mechanical
jack EL24-9290 and is supplied complete with stabilising bar.
Weight 53 kg
EL24-9290 45 kN capacity Mechanical Jack
28 kN Load Ring see EL78-0760
Penetration Piston see EL24-9183
Bracket and Adaptor
see EL24-9188
In-situ CBR test in progress Penetration Dial Gauge ASTM
see EL24-9184
Ordering Information
Penetration Dial Gauge BS
EL24-9290 see EL24-9186
45 kN Capacity Mechanical Jack. The body is corrosion
protected and houses an enclosed worm and wheel gear.The gear EL24-9290 45 kN
ratio has been carefully selected to provide a handwheel speed Mechanical Jack
EL24-9341 Conversion Frame
that can be comfortably maintained, particularly with soils of high for Laboratory CBR Test, with Accessories
CBR value. A quick-release device in the screwjack allows the
plunger to be rapidly adjusted prior to the test. Weight 8.2 kg
Land Rover Bracket
Fits all models in Land Rover series 90 and 110
Ball Seating Attachment for fitting between the mechanical
jack and reaction point.The ball seating is used when testing over
undulating ground to ensure that the jack, load measuring ring and
penetration piston are truly vertical. Non-axial loading of the load
ring will give false results and will eventually damage the ring itself.
Weight 1.8 kg
Set of Extension Rods made from high-quality steel with large-
section thread for quick assembly
Datum Bar Assembly comprising 2 tripod stands and a datum
bar. Weight 5.7 kg
4.5 kg Annular Surcharge Weight
4.5 kg Slotted Surcharge Weight
9.1 kg Slotted Surcharge Weight