Bridging Leadership For SK I. Background and Rationale: Practice
Bridging Leadership For SK I. Background and Rationale: Practice
Bridging Leadership For SK I. Background and Rationale: Practice
SK Reform Act Implementing Rules and Regulation (IRR) states that the SK, during their incumbency, “must attend
the continuing training programs to be undertaken by the Commission in coordination with DILG” and “deliberate
failure to attend said training programs shall constitute sufficient ground to disqualify said SK officials or LYDC
member or subject them to disciplinary actions.”
Hence, the National Youth Commission through the Regional Youth Development Division (RYDD) developed a
Leadership Training module to capacitate the SK and LYDC members in enhancing their knowledge and skills in
decision making and project preparation that are essential for them to deliver efficient and effective services for the
Katipunan ng Kabataan in their localities.
The three-day training is designed for the Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) Chairperson, Members, Secretary and
Treasurer, and Local Youth Development Council (LYDC) Members who will be responsible for creating and
delivering youth development programs in their community.
The course will cover the importance of bridging leadership principles. The relevance of Leaders’ ownership, co-
ownership and co-creation.
Learning sessions will be highly interactive and practical. Interactive discussion on Bridging Leadership Principles
such as SK roles as a youth leader, building partnership and co–creation of new projects that are beneficial to their
community are few of the key principles that are included in the course.
Participants will be provided with opportunities to work in small groups to apply their learning and immediately
develop useful outputs that follows the Bridging Leadership Principles.
Terminal Objective: At the end of the program, participants will be able to practice the bridging leadership
Enabling Objectives:
Recognize the importance of self –awareness as a vital part of becoming an effective leader;
Explain and demonstrate interpersonal skills as an essential tool for partnership formation; and
Group exercise
mapping and
world café)
Day 3 Create Discuss multi- Multi-sector Co-creation Lecture Laptop
9AM- strategies for sector approach LCD
10AM project approach on
10-11AM preparation, project Multi-sector Lecture Laptop
implementati preparation, approach and LCD
on and implementatio PYDP
management n and
11AM- Discuss new Transformed Transformed Lecture Laptop
12NN strategies in Institutional Institutional LCD
project System System
12NN- Lunch
1-3PM Provide Action Action Planning Brain Storming Laptop
template for Planning LCD
action Action Plan
planning Template
3-4PM Closing
V. Evaluation Plan