Be A Certified IoT Specialist in Malaysia
Be A Certified IoT Specialist in Malaysia
Be A Certified IoT Specialist in Malaysia
my | 03-2166 1879
Course objective
In collaboration with
Introduction and description of core concepts of IoT, role and scope of
smart sensors for insuring convergence of technologies and
multidisciplinary engineering practices, wireless sensor networks,
machine learning/data analytic and cloud computing
Understand on IoT Open innovation platform and hardware platforms
and operating systems commonly used in IoT systems.
Big data predictive analytics and transformation from IT to IOT.
Awareness of IoT security and opportunities.
Learning outcome
Certified IoT Specialist (CIoTS) At the end of this course, the students will be able to
RM3,500 (SBL AND SBL KHAS CLAIMABLE) Explain what is the Internet of Things
Understand how Internet of Things devices interact together & with
Duration : 3 days users
Learn about the protocols used by Internet of Things devices
Course description
Discover the different platforms that are available to develop
Internet of Things (IoTs) as a buzzword has caught the attention of all of us. applications
This course will help you gain adequate knowledge on the Internet of Things. Learn about commercially available devices that are already using the
You will be able to understand the potential of the Internet of Things for our Internet of Things
society, in terms of impact on the lives of billions of people and on the world Understand the current challenges of the Internet of Things
economy. You will also understand the underlying technology that powers Visual Analytics, predictive analytics with IoT
the Internet of Things, as well as the challenges that comes with such
technologies. We will explore many real-life examples of IoT devices that are
commercially available, and you will have a glimpse of the future of the
Internet of Things.
iTrain (M) Sdn Bhd | | 03-2166 1879
Course Outline o Available IoT alliances details and the standards that are getting
Day 1: IoT Fundamental and Ecosystem o Multiple IoT applications and solutions available in market
o Multiple IoT platform ( hardware) example ARM Mbed, Intel, Free
Introduction to IoT scale etc., comparison and usage
o What is IoT - In-depth explanation o Multiple IoT software and cloud platform, Components of a
o IoT Applications in different domain Platform, Usage, comparison. IoT eco systems build around these
o How large is the IoT Market in different domains? platforms.
IoT Architecture o Mi-MIST IoT Platform- platform and our experience about IoT
o Architecture. platform building
o Tech Stack. o Details about your Mi-MIST IoT Platform
o Protocols. End2End Cold Chain IoT Middleware Demo – Mi-MIST IoT Platform
o What is Sensor & Actuator?
o What is good sensor?
o Sensor properties.
o Types of sensors
o Sensor Demo - Proximity and IR sensors
IoT World
o Latest updates in the IoT industry.
o Available IoT alliances details and the standards that are getting
o Multiple IoT applications and solutions available in market
o Multiple IoT platform ( hardware) example ARM Mbed, Intel, Free
scale etc., comparison and usage
o Multiple IoT software and cloud platform, Components of a
Platform, Usage, comparison. IoT eco systems build around these
platforms. OSMOSIS platform and our experience about IoT
platform building
o Details about your OSMOSIS IoT platform
o Latest updates in the IoT industry.
iTrain (M) Sdn Bhd | | 03-2166 1879