Lenovo Intelligent Computing Orchestration (Lico) : Product Guide

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Lenovo Intelligent Computing Orchestration (LiCO)

Product Guide

Lenovo Intelligent Computing Orchestration (LiCO) is a software solution that simplifies the use of clustered
computing resources for Artificial Intelligence (AI) model development and training. LiCO interfaces with an
open source software orchestration stack, enabling the convergence of AI onto an HPC or Kubernetes-
based cluster.
The unified platform simplifies interaction with the underlying compute resources, enabling customers to
take advantage of popular open source cluster tools while reducing the effort and complexity of using it for

Did You Know?

LiCO enables a single cluster to be used for multiple AI workloads simultaneously, with multiple users
accessing the available cluster resources at the same time. Running more workloads can increase utilization
of cluster resources, driving more user productivity and value from the environment.

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Lenovo Intelligent Computing Orchestration (LiCO) 1

What's new in LiCO 6.0
Lenovo recently announced LiCO Version 6.0, improving the functionality for both AI users and HPC
administrators of LiCO, including:
Workflow feature to pre-define multiple job steps
Infiniband Monitoring for administrators (HPC/AI version)
Estimated job start times (HPC/AI version)
Support for ThinkSystem SR850, SR635, SR645, SR665
Support for NVIDIA RTX 8000

Part numbers
The following table lists the ordering information for LiCO.

Table 1. LiCO HPC/AI version ordering information

Description LFO Software CTO Feature code
Lenovo HPC AI LiCO Software 90 Day Evaluation License 7S090004WW 7S09CTO2WW B1YC
Lenovo HPC AI LiCO Software w/1 yr S&S 7S090001WW 7S09CTO1WW B1Y9
Lenovo HPC AI LiCO Software w/3 yr S&S 7S090002WW 7S09CTO1WW B1YA
Lenovo HPC AI LiCO Software w/5 yr S&S 7S090003WW 7S09CTO1WW B1YB

Table 2. LiCO K8S/AI ordering information (Kubernetes)

Description LFO Software CTO Feature code
Lenovo K8S AI LiCO Software Evaluation License (90 days) 7S090006WW 7S09CTO3WW S21M
Lenovo K8S AI LiCO Software 4GPU w/1Yr S&S 7S090007WW 7S09CTO4WW S21N
Lenovo K8S AI LiCO Software 4GPU w/3Yr S&S 7S090008WW 7S09CTO4WW S21P
Lenovo K8S AI LiCO Software 4GPU w/5Yr S&S 7S090009WW 7S09CTO4WW S21Q
Lenovo K8S AI LiCO Software 16GPU upgrade w/1Yr S&S 7S09000AWW 7S09CTO4WW S21R
Lenovo K8S AI LiCO Software 16GPU upgrade w/3Yr S&S 7S09000BWW 7S09CTO4WW S21S
Lenovo K8S AI LiCO Software 16GPU upgrade w/5Yr S&S 7S09000CWW 7S09CTO4WW S21T
Lenovo K8S AI LiCO Software 64GPU upgrade w/1Yr S&S 7S09000DWW 7S09CTO4WW S21U
Lenovo K8S AI LiCO Software 64GPU upgrade w/3Yr S&S 7S09000EWW 7S09CTO4WW S21V
Lenovo K8S AI LiCO Software 64GPU upgrade w/5Yr S&S 7S09000FWW 7S09CTO4WW S21W

Lenovo Intelligent Computing Orchestration (LiCO) 2

Features for LiCO users
Note: There are two distinct versions of LiCO, LiCO HPC/AI and LiCO K8S/AI, to allow clients a choice for
the underlying orchestration stack, particularly when converging AI workloads onto an existing cluster. The
user functionality is common across both versions, with minor environmental differences associated with
the underlying orchestration being used.
A summary of the differences for user access is as follows:
LiCO K8S/AI version :
AI framework containers are docker-based and managed outside LiCO in the customer’s docker
Custom job submission templates are defined with YAML
Does not include HPC standard job submission templates
LiCO HPC/AI version:
AI framework containers are Singularity-based and managed inside the LiCO interface
Custom job submission templates are defined as SLURM batch scripts
Includes HPC standard job submission templates
LiCO provides users the following benefits:
A web-based portal to deploy, monitor and manage AI development and training jobs on a
distributed cluster
Container-based deployment of supported AI frameworks for easy software stack configuration
Direct browser access to Jupyter notebook instances running on the cluster
Standard and customized job templates to provide an intuitive starting point for less experienced
Lenovo Accelerated AI pre-defined training and inference templates for many common AI use cases
Ability to define multiple job submissions as an automated workflow to deploy as a single action
TensorBoard visualization tools integrated into the interface (TensorFlow-based)
Management of private space on shared storage through the GUI
Monitoring of job progress and log access
Those designated as LiCO users have access to dashboards related primarily to AI development and
training tasks. Users can submit jobs to the cluster, and monitor their results through the dashboards. The
following menus are available to users:

Lenovo Intelligent Computing Orchestration (LiCO) 3

Home menu for users – provides an overview of the resources available in the cluster. Jobs and job
status are also given, indicating the runtime for the current job, and the order of jobs deployed. Users
may click on jobs to access the associated logs and job files. The figure below displays the home

Figure 1. User Home Menu

Submit job menu – allows users to set up a job and submit it to the cluster. The user first picks a
job template. After selecting the template, the user gives the job a name and inputs the relevant
parameters, chooses the resources to be requested on the cluster and submits it.
Users can take advantage of Lenovo Accelerated AI templates, industry-standard AI templates,
submit generic jobs via the Common Job template, as well as create their own templates requesting
specified parameters.
The figure below displays a job template for training with TensorFlow on a single node.

Figure 2. AI Job Template

LiCO also provides TensorBoard monitoring when running certain TensorFlow workloads, as shown
in the following figure.

Lenovo Intelligent Computing Orchestration (LiCO) 4

Figure 3. LiCO and TensorBoard monitoring
Jobs menu – displays a dashboard listing jobs and their statuses. In addition, you can select the job
and see results and logs pertaining to the job in progress (or after completion.)
AI Studio menu – provides users the ability to label data, optimize hyperparameters, as well as test
and publish trained models from within an end-to-end workflow in LiCO. AI Studio supports Image
Classification, Object Detection, and Instance Segmentation workflows.
Dev Tools menu – enables users to create, run and view Jupyter notebook instances on the cluster
from LiCO for model experimentation and development.
Workflow menu – allows users to create multi-step jobs that execute as a single action. Workflows
can contain serially-executed steps as well as multiple jobs to execute in parallel within a step to
take full advantage of cluster resources.
Admin menu – allows users to access a number of capabilities not directly associated with
deploying workloads to the cluster, including access to shared storage space on the cluster through
a drag-and-drop interface and access to provision API and git interfaces for integration into a
DevOps environment.

Lenovo Accelerated AI
Lenovo Accelerated AI provides a set of templates that aim to make AI training and inference simpler, more
accessible, and faster to implement. The Accelerated AI templates differ from the other templates in LiCO in
that they do not require the user to input a program; rather, they simply require a workspace (with
associated directories) and a labelled dataset.
The following use cases are supported with Lenovo Accelerated AI templates:
Image Classification
Object Detection
Instance Segmentation
Medical Image Segmentation
Memory Network
Image GAN
The following figure displays the Lenovo Accelerated AI templates.

Lenovo Intelligent Computing Orchestration (LiCO) 5

Figure 4. Lenovo Accelerated AI templates
Each Lenovo Accelerated AI use-case is supported by both a training and inference template. The training
templates provide parameter inputs such as batch size and learning rate. These parameter fields are pre-
populated with default values, but are fully tunable by those with data science knowledge. The templates
also provide visual analytics with TensorBoard; the TensorBoard graphs continually update in-flight as the
job runs, and the final statistics are available after the job has completed.
The following figure displays the embedded TensorBoard interface for a job. TensorBoard provides
visualizations for TensorFlow jobs running in LiCO, whether through Lenovo Accelerated AI templates or the
standard TensorFlow AI templates.

Figure 5: TensorBoard in LiCO

LiCO also provides inference templates which allow users to predict with new data based on models that
have been trained with Lenovo Accelerated AI templates. For the inference templates, users only need to
provide a workspace, an input directory (the location of the data on which inference will be performed), an
output directory, and the location of the trained model. The job will run, and upon completion, the output
directory will contain the analyzed data. For visual templates such as Object Detection, images can be
previewed directly from within LiCO’s Manage Files interface.

Lenovo Intelligent Computing Orchestration (LiCO) 6

The following two figures display an input file to the Object Detection inference template, as well as the
corresponding output.

Figure 6: JPG file containing image of cat for input into inference job

Figure 7: LiCO output displaying the section of the JPG containing the cat image

Favorites tab

Lenovo Intelligent Computing Orchestration (LiCO) 7

Favorites tab
LiCO allows the user to select frequently used job submission templates as “favorites” to simplify user
access. Selecting the star in a template box will add the template to the Favorites tab at the top of the
Submit Job screen, which is the default view to the Submit Job tab. If no favorites have been selected, the
Favorites tab will not appear. Users may add standard templates, Lenovo Accelerated AI templates, and
custom-defined templates to this tab.

Figure 8. LiCO Favorites tab

AI Studio
LiCO AI Studio provides an end-to-end workflow for Image Classification, Object Detection, and Instance
Segmentation, with training based on Lenovo Accelerated AI pre-defined models. A user can import an
unprocessed, unlabeled data set of images, label them, train multiple instances with a grid of parameter
values, test the output models for validation, and publish to a git repository for use in an application
environment. Additionally, users can initiate the steps in AI Studio from a REST API call to take advantage
of LiCO as part of a DevOps toolchain.

Figure 9. LiCO dataset file with labeled image

Lenovo Intelligent Computing Orchestration (LiCO) 8

Figure 10. LiCO AI Studio model tuning

Figure 11. Trained model repository displaying published model location

Dev Tools
LiCO includes the capability to create and deploy instances of Jupyter on the cluster. Users may create
multiple instances, to customize for different software environments as well as for different compute
resource requirements to better optimize cluster use.
Once a Jupyter instance is created, the user can deploy it to the cluster and use the environment directly
from their browser in a new tab. The user can leverage the Jupyter interface directly to upload, download
and run code as they normally would, utilizing the shared storage space used for LiCO.

Lenovo Intelligent Computing Orchestration (LiCO) 9

Figure 12. Accessing a running Jupyter instance through the action menu

Figure 13. Jupyter instance accessible in new browser tab

LiCO 6.0 introduces the ability to define multiple job submissions into a single execution action. Steps are
created to execute job submissions in serial, and within each step multiple job submissions may be
executed in parallel. Workflow uses LiCO job submission templates to define the jobs for each step, and
any template available including custom templates can be used in a workflow.

Lenovo Intelligent Computing Orchestration (LiCO) 10

Figure 14. Defining a workflow in LiCO

Figure 15. Adding a template to a workflow in LiCO

LiCO workflows allow users to automate the deployment of multiple jobs that may be required for a project,
so the user can execute and monitor as a single action. Workflows can be easily copied and edited,
allowing users to quickly customize existing workflows for multiple projects.

Lenovo Intelligent Computing Orchestration (LiCO) 11

Additional features for LiCO HPC/AI Users
In addition to the user features above, the LiCO HPC/AI version provides additional user capabilities suited
to an HPC-based cluster environment.

HPC Runtime Module Management

LiCO HPC/AI version allows the user to pre-define modules and environmental variables to load at the time
of job execution through Job submission templates. These user-defined modules eliminate the step of
needing to manually load required modules before job submission, further simplifying the process of
running HPC workloads on the cluster. Through the Runtime interface, users can choose from the modules
available on the system, define their loading order, and specify environmental variables for repeatable,
reliable job deployment.

Figure 16. HPC runtime module list

Lenovo Intelligent Computing Orchestration (LiCO) 12

Figure 17. MPI job template with custom module setup

Container Image Management

LiCO HPC/AI version provides both users and administrators with the ability to upload and manage
application environment images through Singularity containers. These images can support users with AI
frameworks and HPC workloads, as well as others. Singularity containers may be built from Docker
containers, imported from NVIDIA GPU Cloud (NGC), or other image repositories. Containers created by
administrators are available to all users, and users can create container images for their individual use as
well. Users looking to deploy a custom image can also create a custom template that will deploy the
container and run workloads in that environment.

Lenovo Intelligent Computing Orchestration (LiCO) 13

Figure 18. Container management through the Administrator portal

Expert mode
LiCO HPC/AI version provides more experienced cluster users console access to the user space in the
LiCO management node, to execute Linux and SLURM commands directly. Expert mode enables users
familiar with the underlying cluster orchestration choice in how they work, using either the command line,
GUI or both in concert to facilitate their workflow.

Figure 19. LiCO Expert mode console access

LiCO HPC/AI version provides expanded billing capabilities and provides the user access to monitor
charges incurred for a date range via the Expense Reports subtab. Users can also download daily or
monthly billing reports as a .xlsx file from the Admin tab.

Lenovo Intelligent Computing Orchestration (LiCO) 14

Figure 20. LiCO User view of Expense Reports

Features for LiCO Administrators

Features for LiCO K8S/AI version Administrators

For administrators of a Kubernetes-based LiCO environment, LiCO provides the ability to monitor activity,
create and manage users, monitor LiCO-initiated activity, generate job and operational reports, enable
container access for LiCO users, and view the software license currently installed in LiCO. LiCO K8S/AI
version does not provide resource monitoring for the administrator, resources can be monitored at the
Kubernetes level with a tool such as Kubernetes Dashboard.The following menus are available to
administrators in LiCO K8S/AI:
Home menu for Administrators – provides an at-a-glance view of LiCO jobs running and
operational messages.For monitoring and managing cluster resources, the administrator can use a
tool such as Kubernetes dashboard.
User Management menu – provides dashboards to create, import and export LiCO users, and
includes administrative actions to edit, suspend, or delete
Monitor menu – provides a view of LiCO jobs running, allocating to the Kubernetes cluster, and
completed jobs.This menu also allows the administrator to query and filter operational logs.
Reports menu – allows administrators the ability to generate reports on jobs, for a given time
interval. Administrators may export these reports as a spreadsheet, in a PDF, or in HTML. The
reports menu also allows the administrator to view cluster utilization for a given date range.
Admin menu – Provides the administrator to map container images for use in job submission
templates, and download operations and web logs for LiCO.
Settings menu – allows the administrator to view the currently active license for LiCO, including the
license key, license tier and expiration date of the license.

Lenovo Intelligent Computing Orchestration (LiCO) 15

Figure 21. LiCO K8S/AI Administrator Home Menu

Features for LiCO HPC/AI version Administrators

For cluster administrators, LiCO provides a sophisticated monitoring solution, built on OpenHPC tooling.
The following menus are available to administrators:
Home menu for administrators – provides dashboards giving a global overview of the health of the
cluster. Utilization is given for the CPUs, GPUs, memory, storage, and network. Node status is
given, indicating which nodes are being used for I/O, compute, login, and management. Job status
is also given, indicating runtime for the current job, and the order of jobs in the queue. The Home
menu is shown in the following figure.

Figure 22. LiCO HPC/AI Administrator Home Menu

User Management menu – provides dashboards to control user groups and users, determining
permissions and access levels (based on LDAP) for the organization. Administrators can also control
and provision billing groups for accurate accounting.
Monitor menu – provides dashboards for interactive monitoring and reporting on cluster nodes,
including a list of the nodes, or a physical look at the node topology. Administrators may also use the

Lenovo Intelligent Computing Orchestration (LiCO) 16

Monitor menu to drill down to the component level, examining statistics on cluster CPUs, GPUs,
networking, jobs, and operations. Administrators can access alerts that indicate when these
statistics reach unwanted values (for instance, GPU temperature reaching critical levels.) These
alerts are created using the Setting menu. The figures below display the component and alert

Figure 23. LiCO HPC/AI Administrator Component dashboard

Lenovo Intelligent Computing Orchestration (LiCO) 17

Figure 24. LiCO HPC/AI Administrator Alert dashboard

Figure 25. LiCO HPC/AI GPU View dashboard

Reports menu – allows administrators the ability to generate reports on jobs, alerts, or act LiCO and
TensorBoard monitoring ions for a given time interval, as well as view current charges and cluster
utilization. Administrators may export these reports as a spreadsheet, in a PDF, or in HTML.
Admin menu – Provides the administrator with the capability to create Singularity images for use by
all users, examine processes and assets, monitor VNC sessions, and download web logs.
Settings menu – allows administrators to set up automated notifications and alerts, and view the
software license active in LiCO including the number of licensed processing entitlements and the
expiration date of the license. Administrators may enable the notifications to reach users and
interested parties via email, SMS, and WeChat. Administrators may also enable notifications and
alerts via uploaded scripts.
The Settings menu also allows administrators to create and modify queues. These queues allow
administrators to subdivide hardware based on different types or needs. For example, one queue
may contain systems that are exclusively machines with GPUs, while another queue may contain
systems that only contain CPUs. This allows the user running the job to select the queue that is
more applicable to their requirement. Within the Settings menu, administrators can also set the
status of queues, bringing them up or down, draining them, or marking them inactive.

Features for LiCO Operators

Lenovo Intelligent Computing Orchestration (LiCO) 18

Features for LiCO Operators
For the purpose of monitoring clusters but not overseeing user access, LiCO provides the Operator
designation. LiCO Operators have access to a subset of the dashboards provided to Administrators;
namely, the dashboards contained in the Home, Monitor, and Reports menus:
Home menu for operators – provides dashboards giving a global overview of the health of the
cluster. Utilization is given for the CPUs, GPUs, memory, storage, and network. Node status is
given, indicating which nodes are being used for I/O, compute, login, and management. Job status
is also given, indicating runtime for the current job, and the order of jobs in the queue.
Monitor menu – Dashboard that enables interactive monitoring and reporting on cluster nodes,
including a list of the nodes, or a physical look at the node topology. Operators may also use the
Monitor menu to drill down to the component level, examining statistics on cluster CPUs, GPUs,
jobs, and operations. Operators can access alarms that indicate when these statistics reach
unwanted values (for instance, GPU temperature reaching critical levels.) These alarms are created
by Administrators using the Setting menu (for more information on the Setting menu, see the LiCO
Administrator Features section.)
Reports menu – allows operators the ability to generate reports on jobs, alerts, or actions for a
given time interval. Operators may export these reports as a spreadsheet, in a PDF, or in HTML.

Subscription & support

LiCO HPC/AI is enabled through a per-CPU and per-GPU subscription and support entitlement model,
which once entitled for the all the processors contained within the cluster, gives the customer access to
LiCO package updates and Lenovo support for the length of the acquired term.
LiCO K8S/AI is enabled through tiered subscription and support entitlement licensing based on the number
of GPU accelerators being accessed by workloads (tiers are up to 4 GPU in use, up to 16 GPU in use, and
up to 64 GPU in use). Additional licensing beyond 64 GPUs can be provided by contacting your Lenovo
sales representative.
Lenovo will provide interoperability support for all software tools defined as validated with LiCO, and
development support (Level 3) for specific Lenovo-supported tools only. Open source and supported-
vendor bugs/issues will be logged and tracked with their respective communities or companies if desired,
with no guarantee from Lenovo for bug fixes. Full support details are provided at the support links below for
each respective version of LiCO. Additional support options may be available; please contact your Lenovo
sales representative for more information.
LiCO can be acquired as part of a Lenovo Scalable Infrastructure (LeSI) solution or for “roll your own” (RYO)
solutions outside of the LeSI framework, and LiCO software package updates are provided directly through
the Lenovo Electronic Delivery system. More information on LeSI is available in the LeSI product guide,
available from https://lenovopress.com/lp0900.

Validated software components

Lenovo Intelligent Computing Orchestration (LiCO) 19
Validated software components
LiCO’s software packages are dependent on a number of software components that need to be installed
prior to LiCO in order to function properly. Each LiCO software release is validated against a defined
configuration of software tools and Lenovo systems, to make deployment more straightforward and enable
support. Other management tools, hardware systems and configurations outside the defined stack may be
compatible with LiCO, though not formally supported; to determine compatibility with other solutions,
please check with your Lenovo sales representative.
The following software components are validated by Lenovo as part of the overall LiCO software solution

LiCO HPC/AI version support

Lenovo Development Support (L1-L3)
Graphical User Interface: LiCO
System Management & Provisioning: xCAT/Confluent
Lenovo LiCO HPC/AI Configuration Support (L1 only)
Job Scheduling & Orchestration: SLURM; Torque/Maui (HPC only)
System Monitoring: Nagios
Application Monitoring: Ganglia
Container Support (AI): Singularity
AI Frameworks (AI): Caffe, Intel-Caffe, TensorFlow, MxNet, Neon, Chainer, Pytorch, Scikit-
The following software components are validated for compatibility with LiCO HPC/AI:
Supported by their respective software provider
Operating System: CentOS/RHEL 8.1, SUSE SLES 15.1
File Systems: IBM Spectrum Scale, Lustre
Job Scheduling & Orchestration: IBM Spectrum LSF v10
Development Tools: GNU compilers, Intel Cluster Toolkit

LiCO K8S/AI version support

Lenovo Development Support (L1-L3)
Graphical User Interface: LiCO
Lenovo LiCO K8S/AI Configuration Support (L1 only)
AI Frameworks (AI): Caffe, Intel-Caffe, TensorFlow, MxNet, Neon, Chainer, Pytorch, Scikit-

Supported servers (LiCO HPC/AI version)

The following Lenovo servers are supported to run with LiCO HPC/AI. This server must run one of the
supported operating systems as well as the validated software stack, as described in the Validated
Software Components section.
ThinkSystem SD530 – The Lenovo ThinkSystem SD530 is an ultra-dense and economical two-
socket server in a 0.5U rack form factor. With up to four SD530 server nodes installed in the
ThinkSystem D2 enclosure, and the ability to cable and manage up to four D2 enclosures as one
asset, you have an ideal high-density 2U four-node (2U4N) platform for enterprise and cloud
workloads. The SD530 also supports a number of high-end GPU options with the optional GPU tray
installed, making it an ideal solution for AI Training workloads. For more information, see the product
guide at https://lenovopress.com/lp1041-thinksystem-sd530-server-xeon-sp-gen-2.
ThinkSystem SD650 – The Lenovo ThinkSystem SD650 direct water cooled server is an open,
flexible and simple data center solution for users of technical computing, grid deployments, analytics
workloads, and large-scale cloud and virtualization infrastructures. The direct water cooled solution

Lenovo Intelligent Computing Orchestration (LiCO) 20

is designed to operate by using warm water, up to 50°C (122°F). Chillers are not needed for most
customers, meaning even greater savings and a lower total cost of ownership. The ThinkSystem
SD650 is designed to optimize density and performance within typical data center infrastructure
limits, being available in a 6U rack mount unit that fits in a standard 19-inch rack and houses up to
12 water-cooled servers in 6 trays. For more information, see the product guide at
ThinkSystem SR630 – Lenovo ThinkSystem SR630 is an ideal 2-socket 1U rack server for small
businesses up to large enterprises that need industry-leading reliability, management, and security,
as well as maximizing performance and flexibility for future growth. The SR630 server is designed to
handle a wide range of workloads, such as databases, virtualization and cloud computing, virtual
desktop infrastructure (VDI), infrastructure security, systems management, enterprise applications,
collaboration/email, streaming media, web, and HPC. For more information, see the product guide at
ThinkSystem SR650 – The Lenovo ThinkSystem SR650 is an ideal 2-socket 2U rack server for small
businesses up to large enterprises that need industry-leading reliability, management, and security,
as well as maximizing performance and flexibility for future growth. The SR650 server is designed to
handle a wide range of workloads, such as databases, virtualization and cloud computing, virtual
desktop infrastructure (VDI), enterprise applications, collaboration/email, and& business analytics
and big data. For more information, see the product guide at https://lenovopress.com/lp1050-
ThinkSystem SR670 – The Lenovo ThinkSystem SR670 is a purpose-built 2 socket 2U accelerated
server, supporting up to 8 single-wide or 4 double-wide GPUs and designed for optimal
performance required by both Artificial Intelligence and High Performance Computing workloads.
Supporting the latest NVIDIA GPUs and Intel Xeon Scalable processors, the SR670 supports hybrid
clusters for organizations that may want to consolidate infrastructure, improving performance and
compute power, while maintaining optimal TCO. For more information, see the product guide at
ThinkSystem SR950 – The Lenovo ThinkSystem SR950 is Lenovo’s flagship server, suitable for
mission-critical applications that need the most processing power possible in a single server. The
powerful 4U ThinkSystem SR950 can expand from two to as many as eight Intel Xeon Scalable
Family processors. The modular design of SR950 speeds upgrades and servicing with easy front or
rear access to all major subsystems that ensures maximum performance and maximum server
uptime. For more information, see the product guide at https://lenovopress.com/lp1054-
ThinkSystem SR655 – The Lenovo ThinkSystem SR655 is a 1-socket 2U server that features the
AMD EPYC 7002 "Rome" family of processors. With up to 64 cores per processor and support for
the new PCIe 4.0 standard for I/O, the SR655 offers the ultimate in single-socket server
performance. ThinkSystem SR655 is a multi-GPU optimized rack server, providing support for up to
6 low-profile GPUs or 3 double-wide GPUs. For more information, see the product guide at
ThinkSystem SR635 – The Lenovo ThinkSystem SR635 is a 1-socket 1U server that features the
AMD EPYC 7002 "Rome" family of processors. With up to 64 cores per processor and support for
the new PCIe 4.0 standard for I/O, the SR635 offers the ultimate in single-socket server
performance. For more information, see the product guide at https://lenovopress.com/lp1160-
ThinkSystem SR645 – The Lenovo ThinkSystem SR645 is a 2-socket 1U server that features the
AMD EPYC 7002 "Rome" family of processors. With up to 64 cores per processor and support for
the new PCIe 4.0 standard for I/O, the SR645 offers the ultimate in two-socket server performance
in a space-saving 1U form factor. For more information, see the product guide at
ThinkSystem SR665 – The Lenovo ThinkSystem SR665 is a 2-socket 2U server that features the
AMD EPYC 7002 "Rome" family of processors. With support for up to 8 single-wide or 3 double-
wide GPUs, up to 64 cores per processor and support for the new PCIe 4.0 standard for I/O, the
SR665 offers the ultimate in two-socket server performance in a 2U form factor. ThinkSystem SR665

Lenovo Intelligent Computing Orchestration (LiCO) 21

is a multi-GPU optimized rack server, providing support for up to 8 low-profile GPUs or 3 double-
wide GPUs. For more information, see the product guide at https://lenovopress.com/lp1269-
ThinkSystem SR850 – The Lenovo ThinkSystem SR850 is a 4-socket server that features a
streamlined 2U rack design that is optimized for price and performance, with best-in-class flexibility
and expandability. The SR850 now supports second-generation Intel Xeon Scalable Family
processors, up to a total of four, each with up to 28 cores. The ThinkSystem SR850’s agile design
provides rapid upgrades for processors and memory, and its large, flexible storage capacity helps to
keep pace with data growth. For more information, see the product guide at
Additional Lenovo ThinkSystem and System x servers may be compatible with LiCO. Contact your Lenovo
sales representative for more information.

LiCO Implementation services

Customers who do not have the cluster management software stack required to run with LiCO may engage
Lenovo Professional Services to install LiCO and the necessary open-source software. Lenovo Professional
Services can provide comprehensive installation and configuration of the software stack, including
operation verification, as well as post-installation documentation for reference. Contact your Lenovo sales
representative for more information.

Client PC requirements
A web browser is used to access LiCO's monitoring dashboards. To fully utilize LiCO’s monitoring and
visualization capabilities, the client PC should meet the following specifications:
Hardware: CPU of 2.0 GHz or above and 1 GB or more of RAM
Display resolution: 1280 x 800 or higher
Browser: Chrome or Firefox is recommended

Related links
For more information, see the following resources:
LiCO website:
LiCO HPC/AI (Host) Support website:
LiCO K8S/AI (Kubernetes) Support website:
Lenovo DSCS configurator:
Lenovo AI website:
Lenovo HPC website:
LeSI website:

Related product families

Lenovo Intelligent Computing Orchestration (LiCO) 22
Related product families
Product families related to this document are the following:
Artificial Intelligence
High Performance Computing

Lenovo Intelligent Computing Orchestration (LiCO) 23

Lenovo may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in all countries. Consult your
local Lenovo representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. Any
reference to a Lenovo product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that Lenovo product,
program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any
Lenovo intellectual property right may be used instead. However, it is the user's responsibility to evaluate and verify
the operation of any other product, program, or service. Lenovo may have patents or pending patent applications
covering subject matter described in this document. The furnishing of this document does not give you any license
to these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to:

Lenovo (United States), Inc.

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© Copyright Lenovo 2020. All rights reserved.

This document, LP0858, was created or updated on August 4, 2020.

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