Ifm WS 1
Ifm WS 1
Ifm WS 1
The word "system", in the term "financial system", implies a set of complex and closely
connected or interlined institutions, agents, practices, markets, transactions, claims, and liabilities
in the economy. The financial system is concerned about money, credit and finance-the three
terms are intimately related yet are somewhat different from each other. Indian financial system
consists of financial market, financial instruments and financial intermediation. These are briefly
discussed below;
A Financial Market can be defined as the market in which financial assets are created or
transferred. As against a real transaction that involves exchange of money for real goods or
services, a financial transaction involves creation or transfer of a financial asset. Financial Assets
or Financial Instruments represents a claim to the payment of a sum of money sometime in the
future and /or periodic payment in the form of interest or dividend.
Here securities are traded for future delivery and payment.
Forward contracts are personalized between parties and therefore not frequently traded on
exchanges. The forward market is a general term used to refer to the informal market in which
these contracts are entered and exited.
Forward contracts are personalized between parties and therefore not frequently traded on
exchanges. The forward market is a general term used to refer to the informal market in which
these contracts are entered and exited.
Forward Market has further two components –
Standardized forward contracts are called futures contracts and traded on a futures exchange.
A future contract, or simply called futures, is a contract to buy or sell a stated quantity of a
commodity or a financial claim at a specified price at a future specified date.
Futures are traded on the exchanges and the terms of the futures contracts are standardized by the
exchange with reference to quantity, date ,units of price quotation, minimum change in price etc.
2. ________ Market is where subsequent sale and purchase of securities takes place.(9)
4. ________ Market can be defined as a market for short-term money and financial assets that are
near substitutes for money. (5)
6. contracts are personalized between parties and therefore not frequently traded on exchanges. (7)
9. Contracts bought and sold on these markets are immediately effective. (4)
12. NCDEX _________ is an example of ____________ Market. (11)
13. ________ Market provides channel for sale of new securities.(7)
15. Minimum seven members are required to form such company. (6)
16. __________ option provides to the holder a right to buy specified assets at specified price on
or before a specified date. (4)
17. __________ value is derived from one or more basic variable, called bases. (11)
1. First Stock Exchange of India (19)
3. ________ are traded on Stock Exchange. (10)
5. ________ Companies are not registered in India but doing business in India. (6)
1. Diagrammatically explain Indian Financial System.
2. What are the reforms made in financial markets in 1991 to improve the functioning?
3. How Stock market begin in India.
4. Write a short note on Style of operating in Stock Exchanges.
5. Explain the products and participants of Derivative Markets.
6. Name any five instruments of Debt market.
7. What are the functions of Derivative market.
8. Differentiate Commodity and Derivative market.
9. Differentiate Private and Public Company.
10. What are the steps in formation of a Public company and Private company.