16 Supriya Sinha

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International Journal on Emerging Technologies (Special Issue-ICTOAD-2017) 8(1): 97-102(2017)

(Published by Research Trend, Website: www.researchtrend.net)
ISSN No. (Print) : 0975-8364
ISSN No. (Online) : 2249-3255

Cultural tourism in Rajasthan: a strategic planning approach for

Supriya Sinha* and Madhur Varshney**
*Assistant Professor, Bhagwan Mahavir School of Architecture Sonipat, India
** Assistant Professor, Bhagwan Mahavir School of Architecture Sonipat, India
(Corresponding author: Supriya Sinha)
(Received 22 March, 2017 Accepted 25 April, 2017)
(Published by Research Trend, Website: www.researchtrend.net)
ABSTRACT: Rajasthan is a main tourism state in India. Its wonderful legacy, customs, nature, lively
folk, heritage, cuisines and bright living traditions is very famous. The gargantuan tourism products of
the state offer a huge potential for development of the tourism industries. Improvement in the tourism
industry is a highly needed for the state particularly for some important towns like Mandawa, Fatehpur,
Dhunlod, Nawalgarh etc; in Jhunjhunu district. Lack of some important factors like education,
awareness and promotion, these cities are not able to attract the tourist. A complex concept of
encapsulation the main dimension of the urban tourism is quality, accessibility and image projection.
This concept is particularly relevant to assess whether investments in culture and hospitality genuinely
respond to the impulses coming from the market. This paper highlight how some specific soft elements of
tourism attract the national and international visitors and yet they are often overlooked by city
Keywords: Tourism, Mandawa. Cultural tourism, Heritage, Planning, Strategies.
Now a day’s tourism “with the aim of
For the research 2 type of method is applied- active
recreation” become a big industry and economic
method (information gathered directly) and passive
sector in India. Heritage is becoming a resource
method (information gathered from 2nd source).
not only for cultural promotion but also for social
and economic sustainable development and well-
being of populations specially through its uses as
one of the main attraction of cultural tourism
market.. It is also becoming a most important
employment sector and sector of money
exchange. Tourism industry as one of the
important and global pillars of the economy
becomes more important day by day. In India,
Rajasthan has the potential to become a top
destination Development and enhancing tourism
without guiding framework and pre-determined
strategies for achieving development goals and in
ad hoc manner is impossible’(Hall,1998).
Planning strategies for the development of
tourism is necessary because without planning
strategies, destinations affected by negative and
undesired effects of tourism development.
Sinha and Varshney 98
Mandawa - Mandawa is a town in Jhunjhunu immense tourism delights to the visitors in the State
district of Rajasthan in India. It is a part of (ministry of tourism Rajasthan) . Tourism is a
Shekhawati region. Mandawa is known for its most growing sector in India as well as all over
haveli’s and forts. Mandawa town had fortification the world. Through tourism any city or country
walls but now only few of them remain and only can enhance effectively their three major areas-
one gate survives. The town grew around the main economy, employment and infrastructure.
bazaar street with the fort located close to it on
raised ground forming the core. The town has many
beautiful haveli’s, shops and temples with a
collection of some of the most exquisite frescoes.
Location - Mandawa is situated 190 kilometer of
Jaipur in the north.

Cultural tourism-The concept of cultural tourism is

very complex and so there is a long debate among
scholars about its definition and conceptualization
(Michalko, 2004, Richards 2005) due to which we
find numerous definitions for this term. According
to (city tourism and culture- the European
Fig. 1. experience,2005) ‘there are a great number of
definitions being used in research studies related to
cultural tourism and in the field of cultural
tourism’. “Cultural tourism is tourism that focuses
on the culture of a destination – the lifestyle,
heritage, arts, industries and leisure pursuits of the
local population.” (Office of National Tourism 'Fact
Sheet No 10 Cultural Tourism', 1997).
Impact of tourism-When tourism develop in any
city or country it will have two types of impact
positive and negative.
Negative impact
• Effect of pollution
• Loss of natural landscape
• Degradation of landscape
• Congestion
Fig. 1. These are some important negative impacts of
tourism which we can deal easily with proper
planning strategies.
RESIDEN Positive impact. We believe tourism can be a very
COMMERTIAL positive environmental force. It can provide a
commercial rationale for conserving buildings and
CULTURAL AND environments which otherwise might be destroyed. For
PUBLIC example, the protection of monuments and natural
INSTITUTE AND OTHER areas and the conservation of historic buildings can be,
and often are justified on the basis that the long-term
interests of the tourist economy demand that these
Fig. 3. resources be maintained. Tourism can also lead to
increased knowledge and appreciation of other cultures
Importance of tourism-Tourism has been one of the and thus to greater understanding between peoples and
biggest revenue generators for the state since long cultures.
Owing to its rich and varied topography, vibrant culture
and captivating festivities, the State of Rajasthan offers
Sinha and Varshney 99
Facts and figures. Rajasthan is famous for its
cultural tourism but we can find the big
variation in tourist footfall in Mandawa and other • Delhi to Jhunjhunu- 230 km
cities of Rajasthan. • Jaipur to Jhunjhunu- 139 km
Table 1: Location wise domestic visitors per • Agra to Jhunjhunu- 343 km
year. • Jhunjhunu toMadawa- 23 km
By air- nearby airport is Jaipur airport Jhunjhunu
S.no Name of city Total visitor is having an air strip which is dedicated to
private planes.
By railway- Mandawa is not accessible by
1. Bikaner 848279 railway route, Jhunjhunu, Churu and Mukundgarh
2. Ajmer 614937 are the nearby stations.
3. Jaipur 1283603 Mandawa act as a nucleus in between the
shekhawati area.
4. Jodhpur 1015844 Accommodation-Havelies of Mandawa use for the
5. Pushkar 168565 tourist accommodation as well.
6. Jaiselmer 502797 Murmuria Haveli. The Murmuria Haveli dates
7. Shekhawati 128688 back to the 1930s. From the sandy courtyard out
front, you can get a good view of the southern
8. Udaipur 1263979 external wall of the adjacent
9. Mandawa 14071 Binsidhar Newatia Haveli. This 1920s haveli on the
northern side of the Fatehpur–Jhunjhunu road.
Chokhani Double Haveli. The grand Chokhani
Table 2: Location wise number of Foreign
Double Haveli, dating from 1910, is so called
Visitors per year.
because it was built in two adjoining wings for
S.no Name of city Total visitor
the families of two brothers.
1. Bikaner 22605 Hanuman Prasad Goenka Haveli. Several
Mandawa havelies belong to the wealthy Goenka
2. Ajmer 5564 family. There are some other havelies also-
3. Jaipur 332191 Mohan Lal Saraf Haveli
4. Jodhpur 75300 Harlalka Well
5. Pushkar 67290
Lakshminarayan Ladia Haveli
Historical cultural
6. Jaiselmer 105254 There are five domains in which the intangible
7. Shekhawati 14078 heritage and culture is manifested-
8. Udaipur 184538 Oral traditions and expressions, including
language as a vehicle of the intangible culture.
9. Mandawa 54813
1. Performing arts.
2. Social practices, rituals and festivals.
Factors that affect tourism- 3. Knowledge and practices.
4. Gangaur festival- the women folk of the
Socio economic factor- accessibility, city enjoy this festival with great
accommodation, amenities and ancillary interest. It is celebrated in the month of
Historical and cultural factor July and August.
Religious factor 5. The region is famous for its cotton and
Environmental factor- Good climate, Scene, silk.
Scenery etc. 6. Traditional craftsmanship .
Another factor- Education, Medical, etc; 7. Moharram and Holi is another pleasure
of Mandawa.
All above factors are affecting the tourism either 8. Regional cultural heritage-
positively or negatively. Here is the report on • Intricate carved doors
Mandawa on the basis of above first two factors- • Ornate windows
• Decorative beams and jalies
Socio economic factor- • Exquisite frescoes
Accessibility- • Delicate mirror work
• By road-
• Craft and craftsman
• Folk, traditions, festivals and cousin.

Sinha and Varshney 100

Challenges to heritage based expression
Poor implementation of regulatory and legislative infrastructure. There is a need to carry out studies to
framework. Guideline for signage in the historic are access the carrying capacity of popular tourist
need to be formulated. Implemented as excessive destinations with view to regular tourist traffic. The
display of advertisements due to commercialization conversion of a number of historic places and have
impacts the urban ambience on the main streets and lies into heritage hotels is a positive
chowks as well as the inner lanes. accomplishment. However, there is still an acute
Sustaining intangible Heritage-Traditional shortage of budget hotels during tourist season,
craftsmanship which has given life to the streets of quality of tourism facilities is much more desired.
Mandawa is under the threat of disappearance due The issue includes poor heritage interpretation,
to the poor living conditions. encroachment around the heritage buildings by cars
Community of brass craftsman works in difficult and informal shops, absence of planned pedestrian
condition with in the tiny home spaces in the walkways and insufficient basic infrastructure, in
walled area. addition to noise and pollution.
Management of stray animals. Open spaces meant Challenges to built heritage Urban growth- Changes
for recreational use, but encroached upon by stray from residential to commercial usage. Most of the
cattle. They also become a cause of traffic. front façade of heritage building are converted into
Insufficient tourist facilities. The uniflux of tourist shops addition of unsightly shutters on the façade
has brought pressure on the urban fabric and damaged beautiful fresco.
Table 3: Shekhawati circuit: evaluation of potential for tourism growth.
Category Current Potential for development
Short Mediu Long
term m term
Long Long term   
Accomm poor   
Midway adequate 
Tourist adequate 
Recreatio Not 
nal developed

• Tourism infrastructure-Accommodation • Amusement park, health resorts.

(hotel, heritage hotel, paying guest Issues and strategies-
facilities etc; On the basis of above study some issues are
• Midway facilities found and for the improvement of tourism it is
• Tourist offices important to make strategies which help to
• Tourist site enhancement enhance tourism in Mandawa national,
• Eco tourism international both.
Sinha and Varshney 101
Table 4. •Identification of Heritage
•Information about the
HERITAGE - areas and buildings hasbuilding when it was
Sign boards and information of heritage buildings become a difficult task in
built, who built it can
ISSUES STRATEGIES present scenario. increase the curiosity
•Identification of •Information about the and knowledge of the
Heritage areas and building when it was tourists.
buildings has become a built, who built it can •Inconvenience to •The proper place to
difficult task in present increase the curiosity and tourists and visitors. hang information Penal
scenario. knowledge of the tourists. for heritage building
•Inconvenience to •The proper place to must be enforced by
tourists and visitors. hang information penal local authority for the
for heritage building must convenience of tourist.
be enforced by local HERITAGE MAPPING- Tangible and Intangible
authority for the Heritage
convenience of tourist. ISSUES STRATEGIES
•Heritage area wells
chatris can be made
•Governance and •Large nos. of area can
landmarks or focal points.
management issues such as be earmarked for urban
•Water tanks decorated in
lack of development intervention.
heritage style can also
become source of
•People are loosing interest
•involvement of social
identification of different
in creating art and making stakeholders can bring
art and artifacts. in great socio
•People interested to see •Inherent urban nature
traditional monuments and of projects makes it
•Ancient building art •Institutional bodies art work only come to such ideal for tourism
forms are now on verge of such as department of place which Mandawa lag. generating activities
extinction. conservation must be such as HERITAGE
set up. WALK ETC.
•Adaptive re use of
•Heritage is losing its •Local craftsmen must
Havelis for tourist
identity and quality. be trained so that they
can conserve heritage
•Heritage is decaying. •Government bodies
must set up training •Newly constructed area •Building byelaw must
programs for local does not look a part of be strictly followed.
craftsmen. Mandawa.
•Chemical colors do not •City is losing its identity •Some heritage
have longer life. of heritage building and elements like ,
land of fresco. decorated beams,
•Imitation methods of arcaded decorated
frescos lead to inferior windows chattris can
quality of frescos. integrate this area with
heritage area of
SIGN BOARDS AND INFORMATION OF •Somewhere architectural •Government bodies
HERITAGE BUILDINGS elements are being cast in and development
ISSUES STRATEGIES modern material, which bodies must enforce
provides worst look. the use of architectural
elements in the modern
construction even
material must be

Sinha and Varshney 102

•Patches of work are found •Proper design of
•The issues include poor •There is a need to along with fresco facades, Electricity, Water
heritage interpretation, carry out studies to which give an untidy look Supply and Services in
encroachment around the assess the carrying to frescos. heritage buildings can
heritage buildings by cars capacity of popular enhance the beauty of
and informal shops, tourist destinations the town.
absence of planned with a view to regulate •Damage to fresco walls •Population density of
pedestrian walkways and tourist traffic. for installation of electrical the core is increasing
inadequate/insufficient cables. as well as local
basic infrastructures, in authority must limit the
addition to noise and development of a core
pollution. area.
•The conversion of a •Washrooms near
number of historic entrances of havelis has
palaces and havelis completely marred
into heritage hotels is a aesthetics of the haveli.
accomplishment so that
there should not be
shortage of budget
hotels during the
tourist season.

Surveys shows that Mandawa has a potential for
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