16 Supriya Sinha
16 Supriya Sinha
16 Supriya Sinha
Surveys shows that Mandawa has a potential for
[1]. Fridgen, J., 1996. Dimension Of Tourism. East
tourism but we should not ignore the role of Lansing. Educational Institute Of American Hotel And
internal factor such as lack of attention of the Motel Association.
government lack of human resource, lack of [2]. Ast Lansing. Educational Institute Of A Gee, C.Y. And
planning strategies, weak promotional effort and E. Fayos-Sola, 1997. International Tourism:A Global
all of above the barriers between community and Perspective.Madrid:World Tourism Organization.
tourist and also the negative attitude of [3]. Hall, C.Michael, 1998.Tourism Development,
authorities. So, for speeding up the cultural Dimension And Issues. South Melbourne:Addision Wesley
tourism in Mandawa we have to do some Longman.
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correction and reformation of plans and preparing
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comprehensive strategies. Improving the services [5]. Suthar Pinku, Sharma B.B.L, 2015. The Adventure
and providing the high quality cultural products Tourism: As Recreational Activities Of Rajasthan. The
attracting the tourists. Reinforcing and conserving Rajasthan Geography Association.
ethnic and cultural richness and variety, [6]. Singh Nirupma, Living Space Are Transforming Into
handicraft art and renovating historically and Tourist Hotels In Jhunjhunu District.Jaipur iis University.
culturally valuable monuments are other affective [7]. Collection Of Domestic Tourism Statisticsfor The State
practices in cultural tourism. Of RajasthannReference Period : April 2005 To March
We can also reinforce local communities by 2006,Submitted To,Ministry Of Tourism
[8]. (Market Research Division)Government Of India
teaching principles of management of cultural
,Byacnielsen ORG-MARG Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi
attraction and good interaction with cultural [9].
tourist and also by reorganization, conservation, https://www.lonelyplanet.com/india/rajasthan/mandawa.
protection, reinforcement, and developing cultural 26-01-2017
attraction we can achieve determined targets in [10]. http://www.tourism-of-india.com/rajasthan/things-to-
cultural tourism. do/mandawa.html. 26-01-2017
[11]. http://www.shekhawati.in/mandawa . 28-01-2017