Advances Ces in Environmental Biology
Advances Ces in Environmental Biology
Advances Ces in Environmental Biology
AENSI Journals
ces in Environmental Biology
ISSN-1995-0756 EISSN-1998-1066
The World Economic Forum (WEF) published the World Tourism Competitiveness Index, that in 2015
placed Indonesia ranks 50 and ranked 4th in the Asia Pacific region [1]. The high response of the public to visit
touristt objects in Indonesia is one source of foreign exchange assets. it needs to be maintained and developed to
support the development of based structure tourism that is integrated and sustainable. Furthermore the
development of tourism activity is also directly
directly affects the economic and social sectors of the local community
and environmental conditions.
One of potential tourism in JawaTimur is Prigenarea that have natural and cultural tourism resources. This
area plan as a destination tourism integrated. And also as a center for mass tourism at SurabayaMalang axis
Tourism development includes of attraction, accessibility, service facilities, infrastructure etc. This
development also influenced by geographic factors i.n. physical and non physical(environment,
physical(envir social,
economic and culture). Both have mutual interaction [1].
Therefore planning of tourism Prigenarea has done by resources for successful development. But it also
needs development strategic as a guidelines for next tourism programs[2].
Tourism objects hierarchical arranged by structural analysis at tourism Prigen area. This is as first step for
identification tourism objects that need for changing tourist paradigm. Next, tourist will visit this area as
natural and family tourism destination[3].
One of structural analysis development include internal and external factors. This process as a basic for
tourism development strategy with data compilation[4].Hopefully tourism activity in Prigen will increase
community income that affected by tourism
tourism industry, tourism management, and tourism proponent like public
and green open space.
Corresponding Author: Tarranita Kusumadewi, FakultasSainsdanTeknologi UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
474 Tarranita Kusumadewi et al, 2015
Advances in Environmental Biology, 9(27) December 2015, Pages: 473-477
3.0 Methodology:
Research methodology as a technical way to collect and analyzing the data. Data should be relevant with
the issues and the goal. There are four techniques to collect data, i.n. field observation, literature review,
questionnaire interview and zoning mapping.
4.2Structure Analysis:
Tourism development structural concept includes seven analysis i.e. natural resources, man made
resources, cultural resources, attraction destination tourism object , SWOT, Location Quotient, and T&T
Competitiveness index. This is the result from analyzing. Figure 3 shows the potential object tourist attraction at
Prigen Tourism area.
From the graphic above we see 71,4% object tourist destination possible to be developed. Thereafter, we
had mapping zone for specify into main and support zones. The main zone, located at KecamatanPrigen and
supporting zone located at three Kecamatan, namely Purwosari, Pandaan and Sukorejo.
The main zone planned as a counter magnet area that equipped by integrated and sustainable open space.
We also planned a sub station to make linkages with other object tourism destination.
The support zone planned as receiver area that function as main gate to enter this tourism area. In In this
zone, the improvement of facilities and infrastructure should be improved. Especially the addition of the rest
area, the plaza as open place for tourists stop, food court, an information and souvenir center. Figure 4 shows
the analysis of development model Prigen Tourism area.
Tourism Prigen area have potential natural and cultural resources, but not yet developed optimally.
Therefore it needs environmental friendly develop-ment to increase environment quality and environ-ment
conservation. Figure 5 shows the zone structure and hierarchy of Prigentourism development.
476 Tarranita Kusumadewi et al, 2015
Advances in Environmental Biology, 9(27) December 2015, Pages: 473-477
Base on data analyzing of LQ, Prigen took first value (>1), that it can developed as main zone. And other
had value less from one, that they developed as supporting zones. Kecamatan Prigen had more tourism facilities
and infrastructure, so it can be promoting tourism activity.
Figure 6 showing main zone of Prigen Tourism Development. Kecamatan Prigen have many tourism
destination, naturally, man made and cultural ,like Taman Safari Indonesia II, Air Terjun Kakek Bodho, Air
Terjun Putuk Truno, Air Terjun Alap-alap, Air Terjun Kebo Glundung, Candi Laras, Candi Satrio Manggung,
Candi Jawi, Taman Candra Wilwatika.The tourism destinations are feasible to improved. But they're also need
some intensive repair.And it need a good managerial to improve tourism supporting facilities. Figure 7 shows
the visualization of supporting zone at Prigen tourism development.
Support Zone include three areas, i.e. KecamatanPandaan, KecamatanSukorejo and KecamatanPurwosari.
This three Kecamatan also have many tourism destination like KecamatanPrigen. But, there are less tourism
supporting facilities. There are some tourism object destination existing and improving :
1. Kecamatan Purwosari have object destinations of tourism like Taman Wisata Gunung Baung and Desa
Wisata Kertosari, and Saygon Waterpark. Desa Kertosari is a potential tourism destination to improved as
cultural village tourism. It has potential natural and culturalresources.
2. Kecamatan Sukorejo have obeject destinations of tourism like popular man made resources, Wisata Tas
Rajut Kaboki.
3. Kecamatan Pandaan will be designed as main anchor of supporting zone. It has catchment center like Masjid
Cheng Ho, Taman Dayu, Finna Golf Country Club Resort, Wisata Panci and International Cultural Centre
(ICC). It also has potential accessibility that surrounding Kecamatan Pandaan to other Kabupaten like
Probolinggo and Malang. And new toll road, Gempol-Pandaan, will be a new acces for tourist from other cities.
477 Tarranita Kusumadewi et al, 2015
Advances in Environmental Biology, 9(27) December 2015, Pages: 473-477
Structural development concepts of Tourism Prigen area, divided into two zones, main zone and supporting
zone. The main zone located at KecamatanPrigen that have more potential natural, man made and cultural
resources. Next, this main zone will be planned as counter magnet of tourism Prigen area. Meanwhile, support
zone will be designed as catchment center. It will plan to design a gate for tourist from other cities. But we have
to repair some tourist facilities and improve the other function like rest area, public open space, suttle bus and
souvenir center.
The authors would like to thank the funding bodies (HibahPenelitianKerjasamaTahun 2015) of this research:
BappedaPasuruan through Bidang Ekonomi dan Sosial Budaya.
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